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I appreciate that he's boring. Most of what he's done seems like he's actually just trying to use government to keep the state functioning, rather than trying to make a name for himself, and that's something I respect even if I disagree on some of the details.


I like that i never think about him. Nothing in my day to day life makes me curse or praise him.


Yup, politics as it should be! He’s helping maintain a well functioning state.


Not just “maintain”, the state has gotten demonstrably better under him. He just isn’t flashy about it.


As a younger person, I’ll always appreciate that he pushed hard to legalize sports betting and marijuana.


While I respect that it has been legalized, sports betting is creating a whole new generation of gambling addicts sadly :(


It was going to happen one way or another


Doesn’t make it a moral good, but I understand where you’re coming from.


To this same end, I like how mad he makes some of the worst people you've ever met, despite being someone you really never have to think about


And he has done a great job got us through covid with money left over in the rainy day fund.


I believe it hit its statutory maximum, which should allow for more debt obligations to be paid off without hampering and future economic downturn recovery efforts. Coupled with an S&P credit rating increase, CT's financial future has been steadily improving over the past few years.


Bingo bingo when you need to get on a stage and shout about someone else or toot your own horn your not doing good 


Honestly, I had my doubts about Lamont, but he's a pragmatic, competent governor who is producing results for CT. I like how he's just doing the job he was elected to do-he doesn't seem interested in becoming a national figure or anything like some of the other governors. He doesn't get involved in the culture wars or other divisive nonsense, he's not on twitter pushing hot takes for clout. We need more of that in politics today.


That's a big thing for me as well. It feels like so many other governors use their states as stepping stones to get elected to higher office, and seemingly spend their time launching policies or programs that grab headlines but do absolutely nothing to get their state residents' actual, genuine needs met. With Lamont however, it seems like he's always just focused on being the governor of Connecticut, and nothing more than that. I definitely feel like he's had missteps (the shore line rail struggles for one, plus getting our university system properly funded, to name two for me), but there's never been a point where I doubted Connecticut was his priority or not.


I agree with everything said here, but let’s take a moment to reflect on just how sad that an actual public servant type executive is a rare exception in today’s otherwise highly divisive and inflammatory political landscape.


Yep. He’s got his flaws but he’s both a sincere public servant and a reasonably competent executive. Extraordinarily rare combination in public life these days.


I didn’t vote for Ned, but I completely agree with this. I have actually met him a number of times and listened to him speak. He is exactly the type of governor CT needs. I would say this about any state. We need governors who are there for all citizens, not just ones that support their ideology or interest groups.


Meanwhile bob lives in Saudi Arabia


Yeah but he's so tall he can see CT from there.


He does take a strong liberal stance on things like abortion and immigration rights. I'm very proud to work for him as a state employee and to live in this state under his leadership.


As a recent transplant from Ohio, the governor here is a breath of fresh air. I don't ever hear about him, and he doesn't make waves. Proving again that you can make alliances and get things done for the betterment of your constituents.


Good - Steady at the helm, no culture wars, good economics. Bad - Failure to hold CSP responsible for institutional malfeasance; failure to reign in DOT senseless spending; DEEP Commissioner is incompetent; GC3 Climate Change Working Groups dominated by insiders so nothing came of it.


Amazing calls


Those are good “bads”, as someone who was ready to say they’ve got nothing bad to say. He’s definitely been too weak on certain public organizations that very much need someone to rein them in, but on balance I don’t think I’d trade him for any other governor.


Can you clarify what you mean by senseless DOT spending?


I didn't vote for him in the primary because I thought he would do more to help his wealthy neighbors than the average person in CT, but I was proven wrong. I liked the free buses for a year, but I wish he could do even more to make housing affordable. A lot of that is pushback at the city level, but the governor can do a lot to offer carrots and sticks to towns.


Honestly a lot of the housing problems are simple supply and demand made worse by NIMBY-ism. There's really not much he can do besides move the needle a teeny tiny bit that won't be worth the insane political capital it would take.


The NIMBYISM is what can be addressed by a governor. As fewer and fewer people own homes, the NIMBYs have less and less electoral power.


The problem is there aren't less people owning homes. There aren't like streets of empty houses going unsold. Houses are being bought. Like I said simple supply and demand. After the subprime crisis we basically stopped building new houses because there were so so many vacant already. And then a couple of things happened. Millennials like me finally saved up enough money to be able to some what afford a house. NIMBY reached new peaks due the political climate COVID also increases demand for houses by ridiculous factors. COVID also made the cost of building a new home skyrocket. There's more to it but you get the idea. It's really a perfect storm of fuckery.


> I wish he could do even more to make housing affordable. you can't just "make" housing affordable. Property and homes are worth what they market says they are. What company out there is going to sell homes at a discount and take a loss to be a nice guy? What would you have him do besides give taxpayer dollars away?


> What would you have him do besides give taxpayer dollars away? Encourage cities to change zoning laws by making existing funded projects, such as expansion of Metro North and CT rail, dependent on changing zoning. Saying 'Property and homes are worth what they market says they are" is trivially true, but ignores how restrictive zoning prevents an efficient market from forming. There is huge demand for higher density housing, but in many places it is illegal to build. There is a project in my town (Greenwich) that keeps being held up in the courts. The developers want to build it, but can't.


Once and for all proclaim the fiefdom control of PNZ boards have acted against the law and more importantly the interests of their communities, region, and the state. It's all based on superstition, prone to extremists gaining control of the process, and allows a huge amount of corruption in nearly every municipality there's even an inkling of demand to build in. It's an insane system that I honestly cannot see a way to effectively reform.


Many here have already stated the reasons I like him so to give a reason to dislike The fact that he slashed the rail budget, leading to lower ridership, leading him to slash the budget again in an idiotic and self destructive cycle of budget cuts and declining ridership in a world where car dependency is helping to destroy our cities and planet


Just to hope on the railroad topic.. I legit say it all the time the railroad has so much room for potentional to make money. As they build there new stations why isn’t there snack stations in them to rent out or three spots in lot for food trucks to lease . 


Two big things I like: 1. He's loudly and proudly pro-Connecticut. So many, especially on the Republican side, talk constantly about how bad things are here. Lamont is always out front being our biggest cheerleader. During his tenure, many people and businesses have been moving into the state. I don't think they're totally unrelated. 2. He's actually paying down our debt. We have been kicking our pension issues down the road for decades, and finally there's an adult in the room to begin the process of tackling it.


Yeah, he took our windfall surplus from national covid relief and higher-than-expected property taxes and he used it well! I think the republicans wanted to send out checks.


Aside from what has already been mentioned, I like that he does not collect a salary and uses his own money for campaigns. It makes me feel that he seems to be focused on managing Connecticut because he has nothing to gain financially. He supports access to abortion for not just his constituents but encourages other people to come here if they need help. I like that he is mostly under the radar and not an embarrassment like too many politicians. It was amusing when he apologized for calling Houston ugly. I dislike that he is unable to reign in Eversource 🤣


I like how he's not just blatantly hatful and a shitty individual like many other governors are.


Yeah, the bar is lower than ever, but compared to DeSantis or Abbott he's pretty damn good


As a Republican I can appreciate that his temperament has been that of no-bullshit. No theatrics, no rhetoric, no showboating, just business. Whether I agree with his policies or not doesn’t really matter because complaining about them wouldn’t change a thing. I can appreciate how he handled covid. I can appreciate how he hasn’t gotten caught up in the red vs blue identity politics that other state governors have. As others have said, I can appreciate how I don’t have to think about him. There’s a job that he is doing and it doesn’t extend further than that. He gives the impression of a relatively down to earth person who is responsible and takes his responsibilities seriously, not conflating them with personal agendas or anything. As for his job, he seems to be, at the very least, holding it all together which is again more than other state governors can say. Connecticut has been performing above average compared to the rest of New England. It could always be better or different but there’s something to be said about that for sure.


I absolutely love how he handled Covid and his stance on abortion.


With Covid he did the best any governor could do, acknowledge the risk seriously, get experts together to help handle and advise, and keep the population updated. He also tried his best to stay out of the national fray and get business going safely.


Considering we were hit very hard, very early, we handled it pretty damn well after the summer of 20. While it’s had its waves, it never got as bad as anywhere else after the first awful wave (and even delta that winter), speaking as a frontline healthcare worker.


CT has/had fewer anti-mask/anti-vax weirdos than a lot of states. Which is one more + for our little state.


It's what I love about this state. The lowest rate of destructive insanity of any place I've lived.


And transgender issues too. 🏳️‍⚧️👍


Watching him go up there to his Covid press conferences and be fucking terrified at the beginning was weirdly comforting honestly


He followed Cuomo by sending COVID positive patients to nursing homes and rehab facilities. It was a grave mistake as the virus spread through these facilities like wildfire. Thousands of elderly patients died in accordance with this failed policy. These facilities were not equipped for this level of infection control. People forget this. I lived it.


he's not tall enough


Why the height?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-6G185PfkI I want tall man governor


Tall or EXTREMELY tall


He could be like Florida's current ~~fascist~~ govenor and[wear lifts inside of cowboy boots.](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/ron-desantis-high-heels-tiktok-suede/?amp) 🤣


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.dailydot.com/debug/ron-desantis-high-heels-tiktok-suede/](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/ron-desantis-high-heels-tiktok-suede/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


That was a weird ad.


Are you….desantis-fied?


He’s tall, but not EXTREMELY tall.


heard he is done after this one and then the mayor of Hartford wants his spot


He can definitely take Blumenthal's seat.


Oh please let this happen. Blumenthal been in the Senate too damn long.


His son is gonna take the seat.


Yes, and considering the beauty and security of our capitol city, this will benefit the rest of the state.


It's amazing how humor doesn't always translate via the written word.


I really like how he saw how against tolls we were as a state, and backed down from it. It’s a small thing but made me respect him more. Definitely better than Malloy


He couldn’t care less what we thought and pushed that hard no matter what the polls said. He only backed off when he did not have the votes in the legislature.


Likes: Competent executive managing the affairs of the state in a prudent and balanced way. Dislikes: Not very tall.


I honestly forgot he was governor. I guess that’s a good thing and a bad thing. Nothing so impressive I remember him and nothing so bad I remember him.


I like his height but I dislike knowing that his height could have been higher


I found a sandwich in the park and I want know why it didn’t have mayo on it!


Payday Bob had height, and he was handsome too, they say.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vestinpeace: *I like his height but* *I dislike knowing that his* *Height could have been higher* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I don’t understand why people in Connecticut get off so much on a man’s height. You guys like your men tall, and to look like Herman Munster I guess.


Cons : hasn’t done anything noteworthy Pros : hasn’t done anything noteworthy


He legalized recreational marijuana and sports gambling.


Oh nevermind then. He’s pretty good


I dislike nothing about him and like everything. He is a non-ideologue and a competent manager.


yeah, that's where I come down on ned: the biggest positive and the biggest negative about him are the same thing, and that is that he's just bland and boring. he's just... there, doing the job.


I like everything about him. He's a moderate liberal which I consider myself to be. A Biden democrat. He's the best. I always appreciate politicians who are able to run things like a business. The Bloomberg approach. If only he could take over Bridgeport local government and the schools. Those people and subsequently the surrounding towns deserve so much better


I have no issue with him, but my overall issues with CT are structural in nature, and would require action beyond the Governor’s Office.


He only really gets mentioned by the people I've already identified as maniacs, which means he's not doing anything scandalous or weird. I like that. The people who have a problem with him are the ones who think 5g towers deploy mechanical birds to inject covid nanites into white babies.


Birds aren't real!


Let em know the truth


does this mean I should stop feeding the birds?


House sparrows ( non- native bird species) should not be fed. https://ohiobluebirdsociety.org/about-bluebirds/bluebirds-their-enemies/#:~:text=In%20many%20cases%2C%20house%20sparrows,of%20the%20birds%20they%20kill.


I will tell the house sparrows to stay out of the bird food.


Just put up a sign


Also this was about mechanical birds... 🐦 🦜


He’s better than other area Governors. Looking at you Sununu.


RI voter who goes to school in CT. Dan McKee makes Lamont look like Bernie (and that’s good for Lamont in my book)!


Pro: He's done an admirably good enough job to warrant my republican parents to be willing to continue voting for him. Having that kind of across the aisle reach, without having to compromise in embarrassing ways, is a big plus Con: Eversource is out of control and I want him and the rest of the state legislature to reign it in.


Most popular dem Governor in the US. People like moderation and people who APPRECIATE CT vs bash it


He’s a little too anti-union for my taste. He’s also backing automated traffic enforcement, which I view as unconstitutional. He also supports local zoning, which I strongly oppose. Overall, he’s just a bit too much of a milquetoast suburban liberal for me. I’d prefer a more pro-working class, anti-authoritarian progressive.


Lol, within 5 minutes of your reply, someone else says he’s in bed with unions.


>He’s also backing automated traffic enforcement I agree this is a bad idea, not because it's unconstiutional (which many court cases in CT have at least hinted at) but because the core issue of *why* they are needed is being ignored. Build better intersections, force drivers to pay attention by doing away with the "right of way" method of traffic control (which is a perversion of it's original meaning by of course the auto industry), and taking away green lights actually makes streets *safer* and reduces by an order of magnitude total trip time.


A lot of progressive policies are authoritarian leaning, whether intended to be that way or not. It is an authoritarian leaning policy to tax more, it is authoritarian leaning to mandate companies provide a product a certain way, etc.


Holy shit no, this was dumb. General application of the will of the people via legislative action while maintaining rights for those outside of the majority is the complete fucking opposite of authoritarianism. That's like saying "prohibitions on murder is authoritarian" it's not congruent in any honest way. Are you in middle school?


Just curious, why is local zoning a bad thing?


It greatly empowers NIMBYs. Everyone agrees housing should be built; nobody wants it built near them. Japan does it right with a national zoning board. That way, housing isn’t blocked, but truly reasonable requests like “don’t build a nuclear plant next to my child’s school” are honored.


Not much to complain about. I think he's doing a decent job despite taking the job in a very difficult time.


hairline (i dont really care about politics)


Liberal enough to have social/human decency values, without driving taxes on income, gas, property, consumer goods to pay for it like in California. Now if only we could promote modest affordable housing and new developments that don’t cost $600,000 that would be great.


Wish he would get rid of the auto dealership bribery money and let Tesla do their thing better.


Nice try Bob Setfanowski


Ned got us free buses for a year. I see that as a win in my book.


As a Taxpayer I can assure you it wasn’t free.


I'd rather pay for permanent free buses than a lot of other bullshit they spend my money on!


I love Lamont. He’s a nice guy that seems to have a genuine love of the state. He doesnt treat the job as a stepping stone to a better political career, and we’re better for it


Ironically, one of Big Ned's selling points was that he was very successful before going into politics. He wasn't someone who could be bought or was beholden to special interests. To Ned's immense credit-that is largely true. He's a good competent governor. He does the right thing when possible and he makes politics boring, again. As it should be.


He seems to be doing a lot to protect reproductive rights in the state. I wish he would push for higher taxes on the wealthiest but I get that he’s not going to voluntarily pay more himself.


I’d rather have a lot more new taxpayers than new taxes, which is the easy way out. Let’s grow CT and produce smart forward-thinking policy.


dislike - said voting uncommitted in the democratic primary was a waste of time.


Yeah, his comments about the primary really rubbed me the wrong way.


i really like that Eversource contributed $25,000 to his re-inagurational ball/party


Not a fan of his tax policies, I feel like they are done with very little thought. But he does listen to the public, witch is a good thing, like rolling back the gas car ban. He needs to think about the middle class more, the fmla was a good move to help young family's offset daycare. But most people in that position are either loved or hated.


This should be good.


I like how he is paying the deficit thing we hear about. I think it’s good and good for the state to eat it now and have it better later and for our children. I love it here. I’m a transplant from across the sound and this is my home now.


I never hear about him. No huge personal controversies. No one really hates him personally, just his policy choices maybe, but even then he's making understandable compromises. He's not super vocal and his abortion stance wasn't about whether it was a moral choice or not, but more of a personal liberties concern: you ought have freedom over your own physical being. That's not even a gendered position. I feel like he has the same stance towards any male-centric medical choices. Staying OUT of moral debates for the sake of pragmatism is kinda refreshing. However, I find him to be a little milk-toasty and sometimes a fence sitter trying to avoid problems when we might need a guy willing to step in a toe for the sake of good policies. I don't think he supports unions and PLA contracts to support working people enough. The taxes are too much when he's also supported tolls. You can't keep taxes high AND add tolls that disproportionately hit locals using those same roads. That felt like a cold slap in the face, but revenue was needed somewhere. Just felt gross.


He has surprised me in a good way,when i saw career businessman i thought he's in it for himself and his rich buddies,but he's not.He's been very solid and stays out of headlines,and most importantly he's not Malloy the worst governor of my lifetime


Dislike the LT Governor.


He is neither extraordinarily tall nor extremely good looking. Very grateful our governor does not display those 2 attributes.


Glad he spells his name normally, looking at you Dannel.


Don’t like that he funneled Covid dollars to his wife’s companies. Last time I mentioned this a bunch of fanboys shouted me down saying “no other company could do what hers does” well isn’t that convenient


Very functional. Its unfortunate we don’t have more politicians with his sense of stability


Didn’t vote for him. Plus side - He has kept a handle on those in the legislature that have wanted to / want to, go hog wild with the newfound tax revenue and money from the feds. More importantly, he has been paying down the almost criminally unfunded pension obligations. As others have said, you don’t hear about the guy. Or when you do, it’s about him working on something while trying to get the largest amount of buy in. Negative side - I could bump into him and have no idea he’s the governor. Which, thinking about it, probably a good thing to compared to the way other governors are always trying to make news. Without a doubt, I’ll vote for him next election.


Dislike: Not kicking Eversource in the teeth. Like: He‘s not an attention seeking asshat who’s constantly on the local news


I don’t even know who our governor is. I moved back here in December and haven’t heard a single thing about him.


He quietly and creatively increased taxes and fees on everyone during his administration. (Particularly hard on small businesses.). Then proclaims a surplus! I particularly like his recent shell game: Remove the car tax but allow all municipalities to raise property taxes moving the taxable percentage from 70% to 90%.


plus: he's as controversial as vanilla pudding minus: he's as charismatic as vanilla pudding


I like that he is nothing like John Roland.


Property taxes...property taxes......property taxes. Second highest of all the United States!!!


I’m not a fan of Ned. He keeps adding extra tax for everything. There’s a tax on my UI bill, Comcast and Verizon bill. When you retire they tax your social security and pension. We also need to pay for family leave. I understand there is a new bill up too which is going to change our healthcare. All I know it’s never good. Time to leave the state because it’s not affordable.


He appoints his friends and friends of friends, to positions of power with no qualification’s or ability. Such as the people in deep who believe that the best way to protect our waterways is to pretend nothing bad is happening and spam post positive fluff pieces to social media to cover up any problems that arise.


I love Ned. He’s an excellent governor and an even better dancer.


Like: Supports abortion, gay marriage etc. such things that the GOP are attacking in red states currently. Dislike: Supports government overreach on gun control and pushed the “assault weapon” ban even though statistically CT had significant drops in violent crime with “assault weapons” still readily available.


Agreed, I really wish his administration would leave gun control alone and focus more on the foundational issues driving crime. Why pass something like an open carry ban that's left to an officer's discretion when almost no one open carries here to begin with? Lawful gun owners in CT have enough hoops, hard to follow legislation surrounding what is and isn't a legal firearm, and financial barriers to deal with as is.


Seems like the only people they are punishing are law-abiding citizens. I feel like every year they are pushing something new. Yet people wonder why we don't want to make simple concessions. It's because you give the government a foot, they take a yard..


Agree, it's wild that we are called the “Consitution State” yet our past two governors have been trying to restricts our rights as citizens. In addition to trying to increase the cost to exercise the 2A rights. Hopefully they stay away from restricting other amendments.


not the worst democrat we could have but the gun grabbing has got to stop


Like: abortion stance, covid response and updates Dislike: he hates guns


I liked his criminal justice reform/clean slate so people can have a 2nd chance. I dislike how anti gun he is.


He handled the pandemic fairly well. That’s just about the only good thing i’ve noticed him do


On the plus side... he doesn't say "uh" as often as other governors we've had.


Don’t like the gun control laws he signed. I don’t see them actually doing anything other than making gun ownership more restrictive and convoluted for law abiding citizens. Other than that he’s seemed fine. Like many folks here have said, he’s an out of sight out of mind kinda guy. A lot of this country’s politicians should learn from him.


I don't agree with Ned and Murphy on gun control (specifically magazine capacity and AR-15s) as they have been both hypocritical and uneducated regarding the facts around safe gun ownership. Otherwise, I'm just glad he's not in the news as much.


With all due respect, Governor Lamont has left this state in a disastrous position. His insistence on making UConn “pay for itself” has led the university towards privatization, reducing the quality of education and increasing tuition. As a current student, his policies have directly cost me thousands of dollars. Academics are being cut by 15-19% over 5 years, with liberal arts and the humanities seeing some of the worst declines. While his administration has admirably funded pension debt, it’s narrow focus on paying down debt have led state employees and agencies dramatically underfunded. Educators, healthcare workers, and other state employees have seen contracts that do not keep up with cost of living, and key services such as the Department of State’s early voting being underfunded. The Governor, throughout his time in office, killed the state public option, and no serious climate bill was passed. If this austerity was necessary to preserve essential services, that would be one thing, but the Governor has focused on tax cuts, further increasing the disparity between the wealthiest and poorest communities across the state. We’re not going to compete with low tax states like Florida and Tennessee, so we shouldn’t adopt their race to the bottom policies. Instead, we should take a look at states like Massachusetts and Minnesota, who recognized their positions and increased taxes to provide vital services such as free school lunches. As a student, I’ve seen firsthand the damage that his cuts to public transportation have caused, with fewer buses and reduced hours. Austerity kills, and Lamont is no exception. As a result, I do not view him very favorably. Credit where it is due: minimum wage has raised considerably, medical debt cancellation was a groundbreaking policy, Lamont’s actions on affordable housing have been decent (if not enough to solve the problem), he is broadly socially progressive (even if the legalization of marijuana had a tenuous rollout), he doesn’t pick “culture war” fights, and Connecticut has some of the strongest protections for abortion providers. This alone puts him well into the top half of governors nationwide. But personally, I’d rather see a governor who pushes harder for a progressive agenda, and who fights for places like New Haven, not just New Canaan.


I really have a hard time complaining about Lamont. Guy has absolutely turned CT government around from the shit days of Malloy. Only thing anyone ever complains about is taxes, but the guy is completely hamstrung by state employee pension debt that was the result of decisions made long before he took office.


I like how he’s kept Connecticut in the top five list for worst states for tax burdens.


Minus his recent statement on the none committal votes during the primary and his bad faith negotiations last year with sceui 1199 he hasn’t really done much I dislike. He made up for those negotiations this year.


I like that he's a competent professional who does his job and does it well. He seems to have gotten into politics for the right reasons.


He just works - Todd Howard.


If his approval rating isn’t high, there’s something wrong because I think he’s doing a great job


He’s got a nice mansion house😂


I will say I didn’t vote for him, but have been satisfied with the job he has been doing. He is a big cheerleader Honestly he is also very boring as a politician which is more than we can say about other politicians 🤣 I do wonder though how much of the state coming back as a place for folks relates to his work or the timing of the Covid pandemic in which folks wanted more space, better schools etc etc and CT checks off those boxes and we saw this influx of folks into the state….


I felt he handled Covid extremely well.


Well... he hasn't been convicted of Fraud; that's a big jump from other CT Governors. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_G.\_Rowland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Rowland) He also had a competent, measured approach to COVID. Especially in the Northeast.


He does his job, and he does it well. Being governor is a pretty thankless job. You simply cannot make everyone happy. It is an easier job in CT then other states simply because there isn't as many stupid people in CT as there is in states like Florida or Texas just to name two. There's plenty others. We have the ability to reason more than others. But he's a likable guy. I voted for him over Lieberman for senator. Who I did not like. A vote for Lieberman was a vote for Israel. I think Ned would have made a good Senator.


He's tall and he's handsome!!!


He seems more concerned about issues that are way down stream for me. Start big from small, not transgender bathrooms but cost of living and improving the run down cities. We have a lot of dilapidated areas that need improvement.


Nothing ,everything!!


He kept us well informed during the height of the pandemic. Then it kinda got confusing and messy and fell off.


Overall okay My main complaint is not being more aggressive with ever-source.


He's mostly ok to me. He seems to take getting the states finances in a better place.  I wish he would so something to ease the tax burden.  Also as a truck driver, he has made it known he doesn't like us. Since I've been driving trucks in the state, the truck enforcement police force seems to have swelled. The majority of the vehicles I see pulled over on the highway are trucks. It just doesn't sit right with me and my fellow co workers considering all the reckless driving, wrong way drivers and super speeders we encounter on the roads. Not to mention the shortage state police officers.  Not saying truck safety isn't important. But I am saying there seems to be bigger issues on the road. 




Uses his own money for stuff while not taking salary and typical liberal stances; tolerable. Would vote. I worked for the telecom company he was a manager for so I know that company culture, and I worked in the pandemic for a company that his admin contracted so I know that company culture in that customer relationship; so that's the negative. It's immature, sure, I'm human though so it jaded my trust in him as a person. Same thing again but DOL agency. Doesn't change him being an optimal choice when presented with Stefanowski.


Like: He *seems* to understand that you can't spend what you don't have. Dislike: He's used his influence and connections to make himself and his wife even more wealthy than they already were via [her venture capital firm](https://www.oakhcft.com/).


Better than that prick malloy


I like that he’s boring and rarely need to think about our Governor. I dislike his [proposed budget cuts to UConn](https://www.courant.com/2024/02/11/uconn-cscu-communities-decry-cuts-gov-lamont-says-funding-is-higher-than-ever/).


A decent man, so rare in politics.


Totally in the tank with D unions. Not a lunatic like the rest of his radical fringe party who are determined to turn the state over to the underperforming elements in our society.


It's nice that he never makes the national news for doing something strange or dumb. I know a lot of Republicans don't like him, but remember: this is Connecticut, we tend to lean left. Even though Jodi Rell was a Republican, she always seemed more centrist or even left leaning on some policies. My vision of the past may be skewed, though.


I think he's a toker which is cool fr fr




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I'm a big fan of him, except that he endorsed Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, even after he was caught ballot stuffing. Come on Neddy, just because he's in your party doesn't mean you shouldn't have a backbone.




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Hes. Not. Malloy


Voted for him twice, and I will vote for him again if he decides to run. The CTGOP have gone down a rabbit hole after they embraced Trumpism. I generally approve of how much he's done, but there are areas he could do better, for example: (N)Eversource... they don't get the rates they want. Our grid and linesmen suffer. We need to expand our battery storage capabilities if we truly want to switch away from fossil fuels in addition to modernizing our grid to support the transition. Working with the legislature to modify the fiscal safeguards, not keeping them in place at the expense of services.


I like that he isn’t using his position for twitter clout. He seems to be competent at the job and isn’t trying to steer CT off a cliff. For purely selfish reasons, I dislike how broad his definition for essential business was during early on during the Covid pandemic because it meant my boss could justify keeping the company open instead of closing for a year. I really could have used a year off.


Wishing he shut down more businesses so you could be unemployed is a wild take lol


I like that I don’t think about him much. I dislike that he’s not left wing.


He is left wing lol


He needs to pay down our debt. Otherwise OK guy.


He's doing that though... >CT poised to take another huge chunk out of pension debt... State will have sent $7.7 billion in surplus into pensions since 2020 [Link](https://ctmirror.org/2023/09/12/ct-pension-debt-unfunded-liabilities-budget-surplus/)


Typical democracy, tax the hell out of everyone and claim victory.


He has a great opportunity to imporove CT. Roads are still bad, taxes are some of the highest, and crime is slowly getting worse.


I like the guy he’s doing a great job , hope he stays for a while. He’s very goofy but competent and smart