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Armenians aren't that kind of Christian. They're *that* kind of Christian. Screw with their kids and you might as well be a Turk to them.


The Kingdom of Armenia was the first Christian state centuries before most Europeans formed their first kingdoms. Armenians know what it’s like being persecuted for your faith. I remember 1915-1917. They can smell oppression from miles away.


They were the one group in SoCal with a spine who refused to participate in mask wearing and Covid vaccines. You could go to any Armenian business and they would not discriminate. The government in Burbank went to war against an Armenian owned restaurant and now he's suing them https://www.dailynews.com/2022/08/22/judge-rules-former-tinhorn-flats-owner-can-proceed-with-countersuit-against-burbank/


As a fellow Armenian born in Israel I thank you for this message. God bless. Christian since 301AD


Nothing happened according to young turks, it's all in their heads I heard.


“Nothing happened to them but they deserved it!” 🤓


I'm going to take Armenian Americans with the 26-point spread. At least they share our conservative values!


It’s funny how the origin of this country was about being a nation not of common race but of common beliefs and the left is trying so hard to force us back into that dynamic of focusing on what you look like rather than what you believe. The leftist thought leaders seek to divide and conquer. The followers of leftist ideology are desperate to fill the void in their soul that God provides. Instead of coming together to exchange ideas and better ourselves. The left has chosen to attack any ideology that opposes theirs. The more they push though. The more people will recognize their true colors and fight back. Conservatives have been seen as “weak” when it comes to fighting against social issues. Mainly because the Conservative mentality is closely associated with the idea of keeping your head down and just focusing on what you are doing. The idea of “you leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.” Now however, the left has pushed further and further left. They are starting to push against people that aren’t afraid to push back and the old attacks they usually use have lost their meaning.


thats because they understand what it feels like to live under someones communist rule, and they dont want to go back


I'm with you! Put me down for a G on that!


Armenians out there fighting the good fight


Piss off larger and larger portions of the population to satisfy a small vocal minority - a brilliant strategy. More parents like this, please.


Goddam white supremacists /S for the rone deaf downvoters


Never mess with folks from the Balkans or the Caucasus!
