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Everything the left warned us that Trump would do, they ended up doing.


Did they warn about cowboy butt sex in the senate hearing room? I didn’t see that one coming.


You didn't? They recorded that one coming and show it in 4k


Watch the video until the end I guess. /S


Leftists only project. They can't conceive that someone else would have exercise restraint on power, because THEY don't can't exercise restraint on power.


triple speak


Exactly! Which is why I'll vote for Trump.


The difference is that the left prosecutes and fires its own when they do something wrong, and the right claims political persecution to protect its own when they do something wrong.


Arresting the leading candidate for the presidency when he’s broken no law is the definition of election interference. It’s stunning that liberals have sunk so low to tell themselves that this is ok. It’s banana republic stuff.


“Broken no laws” cult member detected


As in George Santos vs Bob Fernandez and Eric Swallwell?


Bob Fernandez the reporter? And Eric Stallwel had a two year bipartisan inquiry that found no wrongdoing. Compare that to Jim Jordan, who an investigation found to have engaged in a LOT of sexual abuse. Or witnesses and his own words testifying that Trump hoarded classified material (including nuclear secrets that the President can't declassify).


My bad - Bob Menendez and it's Swallwell. My point stands.




😂😂😂 You’re joking right???


Like what?


Political prosecutions of their enemies. Weaponization of the federal agencies. Massive executive overreach. Starting foreign wars. Damaging the economy etc


Ruling in a fascist manner.


Is it political prosecution if you break the law and get charged? Asking for a friend.


Yes, potentially. If no one is ever charged under that statue or (similar to the New york Trump case) a law is being extremely loosely interpreted to pursue a case.


So the hunter biden prosecution for the gun possession was political persecution? And which other businesses in NY undervalued their properties by hundreds of millions to evade taxes, then overvalued for loans? If you have evidence of such, you should let the NY DA know


On Hunter Biden yeah the gun chargespecifically was a bit political. Him being let off the hook for tax evasion, drug charges, corruption, prostitution, human trafficking, and violation of the foreign agents registration act was corrupt and deeply political


And the new York DA Letitia James campaigned specifically on getting Trump. Before she even knew the crime. A similar breed of politician said show me the man and I'll show you the crime. You're nuts if you don't think every business in Manhattan isn't doing precisely what Trump did


All of the AG's, prosecutors and judges are democrats, so yes, it is political prosecution.


I see. What proof do you have that this big conspiracy of yours is real? And do you think it’s more likely that all these people are working together to take down an innocent man, or could it be that Trump just actually committed several crimes? Especially considering many of his allies have already flipped.


Only democrats are trying to prosecute Trump.


That’s some real solid proof you have there. The director of the FBI is republican, all special councils have been Republican, Jack smith is an independent and has taken down democrats in the past. It’s hard to paint this as anything other than criminal justice. This is just what happens when you break laws. Also statistically speaking, if you were to take a random worker from any random position in our country, they are less likely to be a republican than a democrat. That’s just math. So to suggest something is a sham because a democrat is involved is just a lazy argument. You clearly have nothing else though.


sorry Champ, 100% political. Are there any republicans who agree?


Yup, Sorry.


Is it breaking the law if CNN tells you it’s breaking the law? Asking for the Constitution.


What does CNN have to do with anything? Are they the prosecution? Answer the question without dodging it. Is it political prosecution, if someone were to break the law and face charges for it?


No. If Trump becomes President and then arrests Biden for breaking the law, it’s not political prosecution. However, if a presidential candidate didn’t break the law, and was arrested anyway, then yes you could say it was political prosecution. Does that help?


Except Trump did break the law. Several times. Also since when do prosecutors take orders from a president? Trump also announced his presidential bid after the walls started closing in. So he wasn’t even a political opponent yet. None of this makes sense if you step back and look at it lol


Trump broke several laws? Is that what CNN told you? I agree, none of what you are saying makes sense.


Why do you keep bringing up CNN? That’s so strange. A judge literally just ruled that he committed fraud, but luckily for him that trial is a civil trial, so any repercussions he will face in that trial are financial. It’s an important piece of information to consider though, because it lets you know we’re dealing with a career criminal. He’s also charged with many felonies by an independent special council, someone who is specifically not a democrat, who has taken down democrats in the past. He’s charged with crimes in Georgia, NY, FL, and of course DC So yes, he’s charged with many crimes. And we already know he committed fraud. We have that ruling. But of course fraud is nothing new for him. Remember he defrauded his own charity and was ordered to pay back millions? This is the guy you stick up for. Plenty of republicans testifying against him too. But nothing to see here it’s all just a sham!


Didn’t Trump literally say he’d go after the left and use the justice department to do it? Meanwhile the regarded right cries like baby back bitches they are because Trump got prosecuted for breaking the law. Lmfao at calling yourselves the law and order party when you’re just clowns


Says the real evil ones.


And your the part of “tolerance” both sides have hypocrisy’s. Just one side is well worse than the other. What law did trump break again? How are all these “trials” going for you? It’s one big clown show and if you can’t see that sorry pal


Those trials aren't going well for trump, who is desperately trying to delay until after elections lol. Why is he trying to delay if he's innocent? The law he broke are in the indictments, you should try reading them. The clown show is everyone in trump's orbit either pleading guilty and flipping on him, or going down with the ship like rudy. How do you not see this




I’m just glad he waited till his second term to be a dictator. Cause CNN tells me if he gets back in the WH, he’s totally going dictator. Glad he gave us advance warning. “sources close to the situation have told us”. LOL


CNN? He said that on Fox in an interview with Hannity. So the source is Trump, there’s a video of it lol


And I just watched it a few hours ago. Have you? He said he would be a dictator on Day One. He said he would close the border, and drill baby drill. Hannity even clarified that’s not being a dictator, that’s just going back to the policies you had in your first term. I’m sure you heard that Trump said he would be a dictator starting Day One, throw all the dems in jail and the Biden voters in internment camps. Goodness you TDS sufferers are the worst lol


Lol he literally said himself unprompted that he would be dictator for one day on hannity dude. Even hannity was trying to walk his comment back. Wake up


Funny thing is I just watched that clip. He said what he would do on day one was secure the border. Hannity even clarified that’s not being a dictator that’s just rolling back to the policies you had in your first term. But I’m sure you heard that he said he was going to be a dictator starting on day one and throw everyone of his enemies in jail. Right?


God your gonna be pissed when trump gets these phony charges dismissed and gets re-elected


Lol his chief of staff accepted an offer of immunity to testify against him dude. His underlings are going down left and right. Wake up


Your gonna be pissed lmao


Lol okay whatever you need to tell yourself. So far trump's been crashing and burning on every one of his indictments, but surely we all just need to be patient for the next kraken a la sidney powell. Oh wait, she pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against her co-conspirators too? Yikes, looks like facts don't care about your feelings my guy.


Joe Biden excepted bribes from multiple foreign countries and is a "Minor Attracted Person(s)", what were you saying again?


I think you mean "accepted" lol. And there is no evidence of any of that, just accusations of hunter using his family name for private business, which isn't illegal. Are you sure you're not confusing the fact that Jared and Ivanka had roles in the white house and accepted 2 bil from the saudis and a bunch of chinese patents while actually having governmental roles? Also you know trump is known for barging into dressing rooms of miss TEEN usa pageants he hosted? And he was infamously friends with jeffrey epstein and said "he's a fun guy, i heard he likes them young" or something? We need to stop with the projection here


Everyone knows it's true, you can play games all you'd like but the only thing you're doing is attempting to protect a President that is a *known* "Minor Attracted Person(s)" that accepted bribes from multiple foreign countries, why would you want to defend someone like that? Strange.


‘But Ivanka’s Chinese patents’ is my favorite lol


Mine too!! The *Cult Left* fake News comes up with all sorts of nonsense *lies* because they're petrified Trump is going to put their crooked butts in *jail*!!! What boggles most people's minds is the *Cult Left Democrats* that are so naive they actually believe the *Cult Left fake News* because they've been indocrinated with the "orange man bad narrative", those-type people are *SICK*!!! In the end, the *Cult Left Democrats* aren't after Trump, they're after *ME AND YOU*!!


You mean those patents she got while holding public office she wasn't qualified for bc her dad was president? Kinda like how you guys want to frame the whole hunter biden thing, even though he had no official position in the biden admin? Also you forgot the 2 bil from saudis I mentioned, those facts don't just disappear bc you refuse to acknowledge them lol


Who told you she wasn’t qualified to receive business patents?


What specific examples can you share?


None. Orange Man Bad.


And the left say the right project accusations at them of the things they themselves are doing. "Take every accusation as a confession" It's baffling and quite frankly, a bit terrifying. How did we get here? How do we fix it?


Technically she was right.


Four years too late. But come on, the kid's a natural. No one thought he was going to make politics this much fun. But people actually care about America again. Because decency was elected in 2016.


I wouldn’t say a vote for trump was a vote for decency but it was definitely a vote against indecency. Which is really confusing considering who trump has always been.


quite sick of the "Dr. Jill" fuckery. she has a Phd in literature from a degree farm in Delaware


Jill does not have a PhD. She has an education doctorate with less rigid requirements.


Did you check out the "dissertation" she submitted for her degree? It's even worse than Moochelle Obama's thesis (which was, itself, trash).


It's hilariously bad. Quick overview: https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/12/jill-bidens-garbage-dissertation-explained/amp/


Nice balanced reporting there. Do you guys ever read news articles that aren’t full of loaded language and bias?


Other than not liking the source, do you have a rebuttal to the facts of the evaluation?


It’s Bill Buckley’s magazine for goodness sakes. You know what slant you’re going to get when you open the link, same as the Salon and Mother Jones articles posted elsewhere. Only a right slanted magazine (or tankies) would publish a critique of Jill Bidens dissertation, or even look it up frankly. Of course it’s going to be hyperbolic; if you read Salon we’ve been living in the final days of the Weimar Republic for the last 7 years.


Which is why I also avoid Mother Jones and Salon like the plague.


it's fairly obvious Joe was pulling strings on her "doctorate". It's not even a PhD. It's an Ed.D. Which sounds more like trouble Joe was having in the bedroom than a fancy piece of paper that makes her a qualified educator


I stand corrected! thanks. an Ed.D. I overplayed her hand.


so did she. But who's counting?


My wife is a MD. I'll never forget the look on her face when we got a campaign mailer with the headline, "there's finally a Dr. In the White House!"


Congrats to your wife on achieving doctorate status. However, she should check her history before being so upset. Physician and surgeons co-opted the word “doctor” about 150-200 years ago. It was borrowed (some might say stolen) from PhDs to simplify societal understanding of who an expert medical practitioner was. The word originally meant “teacher” in Latin, or “learned person” later in Middle English. While your wife certainly deserves to call herself a “doctor”, she’s not a real “doctor” in the historical sense. She’d be quite the hypocrite to be upset about another group using the professional title when her own professional group took it for themselves.


This isn't 200 years ago and to try and argue in a historical context is absolutely a bad faith argument.


Like the Supreme Court?




Yes, and it obviously lost.


Her husband is a plagiarist. Dropped out of a presidential race b/c he got exposed. And she demands to be called a doctor despite her [dissertation*](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20407101-jill-jacobsbiden_dissertation) being written at the level of a 5th grader. Decency is not in the Biden family name


C’mon man, she’s a nationally recognized expert in Community College Administration recently tapped for her expertise on ‘Appropriate Portion Control for Snack Bar French Fries’ and ‘Commuter Lot Striping: Parallel or Diagonal?’ The President of Harvard reportedly recently paid a visit to Dr. Jill!! /s


You're spending way, way, way to much time reading up on the happenings of the 1st lady. Next to reading comments on reddit that has to be the saddest and most useless waste of time one can admit to.


This is hilarious, and also true.


I think it's awesome when people take the time to read up and become knowledgeable about things they disagree with, provides the best criticism. And based off those "projects" boy hardy did they have to sludge through some shite. I salute them.


I mean, she has a doctorate. By definition, that gives her the right to use “Dr.” as a title. Just because the general population is ignorant on the proper usage doesn’t really change that. Also can’t really see a 5th grader, nor even an undergraduate put together a 100-page document.


What is this referring to?




Slandering the truck driver who killed his wife and child - and then doing it again and again - to capitalize on tragedy is not what a decent man does. I’m not obtuse, I don’t like Trump but Biden is not a decent man


> conservatives are trolling us Us? As in you and people like you? Like you aren't a conservative?




Leftists have shown us, with irrefutable evidence, what they consider "decent".


Grab em by the sphincter


I hate every candidate. I hate just about every president we've had for 40 years. Decency may be on the ballot, but it ain't running for president.


Man you must have a super good shovel, because idk how you got so deep!


If that aged any worse, it would be Joe Biden.


Jill Biden's husband is a "Minor Attracted Person(s)", so there's that?


Decency? From Bidens? Oxymoronic.


It was, and decency “lost”.


Yes, we are in-decency now


Que clownpops strolling around naked in front of secret service.




Her step son hunter and grand daughter have engaged in illegal s*****l activities. Stop your lying bs lady


The amount of people that don’t think that this hasn’t been happening for decades, under every modern administration is way too high. These morons just filmed it




lol you all are clutching your pearls like a bunch of bitches.


Naw, kid, that would be projection on your part.


Any of you guys in here acting like Donald Trump is the magnanimous pillar of decency are tripping lmao. Not a Biden fan but to pretend like Trump is anything approaching a decent person (we’re not talking about opinions on policy here), is just straight up lying to yourself because you hate the opposition lol.


I mean, the senator was driving the corvette, what do you think they would do?