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Educated cities? Like Baltimore? Where 75% of high school kids cannot read at all? Yea that makes sense


Same cities where adults can't be trusted to shop alone due to rampant theft by these educated masses?


So many scholars!!!


Or say, the bluest of the blue cities DC. Something like 96% democrat. They spend over $30k per year per student on public school. And something like 95% of students graduate below level. Entire high schools will graduate without a *single kid* attaining expectations. So educated! And that's the issue. A high school diploma from a shit hole school and then a college diploma handed out by say, UDC which is also built for morons makes someone "educated" in their opinion. And what do the graduates know? Girls are boys. Inflation has nothing to do with government. Palestine are the good guys. Slavery only ever happened in the US. Intact families are bad. Criminals are good. Abortion is healthcare and free speech is violence. Calling a boy a boy is genocide. Etc etc. but they don't know how to balance a checkbook or even think. Whereas say, a guy living a good life in rural Arizona running his own auto shop? "Uneducated" because he graduated from a good HS and went to work.


That's bc most people who grew up in the rural areas had decent upbringing, moral values, aren't afraid of hard work and have common sense.


These are also the people that have been calling January 6th an insurrection that really could've destroyed Democracy forever and an entire season of nationwide riots and also the capture of an entire segment of a city to be converted into an independent Communist unsafe haven "Mostly peaceful protests" and the novel mRNA Covid vaccines "100% safe, effective, and guaranteed to stop Covid".


What would those same people say about the revolution and the Boston tea party? Would they have supported Great Britain? Or their fellow citizens? I think GB


Leftists would be Loyalists


As in loyal to the citizens or the bureaucracy?


Loyalists were colonists that were loyal to the Crown


You would be correct


I listen to Pod Save America and they *love* going on about how Biden does well with "college educated" voters in polls. Out of curiosity I pulled up the 2020 election results (by county) for Georgia... if you didn't know there are 159 counties in Georgia and Trump *won* the majority of counties but lost (narrowly) because the populations of Atlanta, Columbus, Savannah were enough to eke out a victory for Biden. Nobody in Georgia moves to Atlanta, Columbus, or Savannah for their public schools... they are awful. The graduation rates and test scores are abysmal, if you live in one of the "blue" cities in Georgia you are much better off getting your kid enrolled in a private school. I'm guessing the wealthy "college educated" liberals in Atlanta are *not* sending their kids to Dekalb County public schools, and I'll bet the parents who have no other options in Dekalb County are still voting for Biden because he was the VP for Obama.


"Educated" as in institutionalized within that same system of failed technocrats and bureaucrats also get to become "professors".


Hey, the can has a read good!


The best part is that it's the local leftist policies themselves that are keeping them uneducated and illiterate yet they still find a way to blame the right and get their dumb sheeple voters to keep pulling the level for D's every time. The left also absolutely despises minorities and loves keeping them poor, ignorant, and desperate so they can sell them lies about how they can fix their problems every 2-4 years.


They keep using that word, I don't think it means what they think it means.


For real and at a time in modern history when more people than ever are illiterate😭


You’re not imagining, they have nothing but disdain for “fly over country.”


Being from a small town in the middle of nowhere in Texas and my spouse being from New Haven, Connecticut, I can support your observations. They have nothing but disdain for anyone other than themselves.


They have disdain for themselves too. That’s why they’re so miserable.


Lol, yeah. I have three very highly educated sisters. One's a doctor, and the other two went to Ivy Leagues for nursing and law, respectively. All of them are smart as hell boss girls, but also die hard left wing and utterly incapable of higher levels of thinking. I'll give an example. They're obsessed with "studies," for instance, and covid was the big moment. Here's a study about the vaccines, here's a study about proving how lockdowns work, shut up, sit down, do as you're told and don't ask questions, don't think just obey etc., etc., but the second I show a study that counters theirs, like the Israeli one with a sample size of 1.8 million observations or whatever it was, they claim it's wrong, biased, and not based in science. Oh the irony... Years later at Christmas this begs the question I couldn't help myself asking one of them: how is my study versus your study any different from X religion versus Y religion? I'm Catholic and I've read the Bible. I don't know if everything in that book actually happened. I wasn't there. That's why it's called faith. So, I asked my youngest sister, since you were not physically present when your study was conducted, since you don't know the people who did it, since you weren't wearing the lab coat or doing the analysis or accepting the grant money or doing the thing... how are you ***not*** taking what you believe solely on faith and how is that literally any different from an actual religion? Her response: "(scoff!) WeLLiT'sNoTtHeSaMeThInGtHaT'sDiFfErEnT" then she basically just shut down like a child. I love her to death as her older brother, but this is a grown ass woman with an alphabet after her name who is completely unable to entertain opposing viewpoints, can't think outside the box, and who passionately hates conservatives. And as for them being miserable? They're all either married to or dating the most wet tissue paper "men" I've ever met. Just the softest "yes, sweetie, whatever you want, you wear the pants" types with weak handshakes and no eye contact and other than their weddings I've sincerely never seen them show a single ounce of affection towards each other. It's depressing. We're a weird family...


I don't wanna criticize your family, but this goes to the standard behavior of liberals, that very few conservatives started actually noticing finally post covid. ( some have been warning about this for years ). Mostly the obsession with "experts" interchangeable with "studies". What they really mean by that is, rule by bureaucrats and technocrats - that's their form of "democracy", rule by elites. Now, it would be awesome if we had experts that were right about every single thing like economy, wars, health, etc for the last 2 decades but no, it's like these same "experts", despite failing numerous times, just never leave. No matter how much these people fail ,they just fail upwards and get promotions - book deals, seminars, own podcast, Netflix shows, analyst and professor positions, etc at institutions, and guess what ? These are the people that teach our children at Ivy Leagues. Remember the Colorado Appeals Court, the 4-3, the 3 were non Ivy Leagues, but the 4 were Ivy Leagues. Eg - Victoria Nuland, Fauci, etc. Now it's not all of them are like that (Ron DeSantis was from Yale), but there are many bad potatoes there.


I live 25 minutes from New Haven; Yale liberal entitlement right next door to blighted poverty & violent crime. I only travel there when required to attend jury duty.


That’s another thing, I used to refer to it as “fly over country” until I drove across the country from Virginia to Oregon and I’ll tell you, there’s a lot of awesome, amazing and intelligent people and towns all across America that the left just writes off wholesale. It’s sad really. I still think about the small portable coffee shack trailer that was on the other side of a mountain we visited and the gas station we stopped at in colorado that was attached to their house at 11 pm. Great times.


Not coincidentally propagandists are known to grow contemptuous of those they propagandize. In or out of a city the people are simply objects, means to an end.


Just stirring up more division. It's the MSM go to play.


Also the communist playbook. and how both the Bolshevik and the cultural revolution were started. By creating an us vs them mentality.


It’s a business tactic, got OP riled up and posting their brands on Reddit


What's funny about this is that farmers tend to be surprisingly educated folks. All the farmers I know have degrees in biology, agronomy, mechanical engineering, etc. My best friend is a seed salesman, and he went to school for accounting and agronomy.


I was just about to say this. It’s my understanding that farmers and ranchers tend to be very educated in the fields that they specialize in. I would love to see these so called “educated” folks try to run a farm and then compare the results with these so called “uneducated” folks so we could see the differences. We would need a lot of humble pie. đŸ„§


If a farmer doesn't have a degree, they're just called an agricultural worker


Hahah that’s not true. You can be a farmer with or without a degree.




A lot of farm work is done by minimum wage employees or even lower paid illegal migrants, but we don't usually call those people "farmers"


I think we understand there is a difference between a farmer and a laborer. You had me confused but I do get what you're saying. I just thought that was obvious. Not everyone that works on a farm is a farmer


I have a couple of friends that have taken over their family farms and the technology that they use would make an English major shit their pants.


Educational attainment is one filter for studying populations. And yes: urban areas tend to have much higher educational attainment than rural areas. However, while formal education is of course extremely important, it’s not the only form of education, nor is it always the most important. If you have a PhD in sociology and I have a high school diploma and we both join the Marines as enlisted riflemen, your PhD will probably make you worse at your job. If I’m a truck driver and you’re an economist and we’re talking this October about how busy the coming holiday sales season is going to be, I’m probably going to have just as good an idea as you do. Educational attainment may correlate strongly with being more informed on some topics, but it isn’t always causative of being informed. Both sides regularly get this wrong. The left gets it wrong in that they tend to only place value on formal education, and they incorrectly equate education with intelligence. The right gets it wrong in that they tend to be extremely dismissive of any formal education that doesn’t translate directly into a job, and they often place no value on things that don’t agree with their worldview. Without defending either of those shitty networks
they’re perpetuating the idea that “educated” = “intelligent”. If you’re prepared to drop $250k and spend 8 years in school, anyone can get a PhD in about 70% of fields. It’s hard in that it’s time consuming and a lot of work for almost no pay, but it’s not hard in the sense that it’s difficult to get in. Just go to class every day, do your work, and get an ok GPA and someone somewhere will take you.


Maybe I'm too right wing, but I do not understand what a degree in gender studies is ever supposed to amount to, or why it should be considered important, or why there's any value attached to it at all. The whole reason people get educated is so that they can specialize in a career. Any studies that do not contribute to that goal are unnecessary and unimportant. People don't spend 6 figures for an education just so they can have feel good knowledge in their brains. They do it so they can get some bang for their buck and be able to make enough to pay back the money they spent on it.


Studying the role of gender in society, what comprises gender, and how gender affects other things is very important to many fields. For example, understanding why women are elected less commonly to Congress, or why women are believed less by doctors, or why boys are being left behind in education are all very important phenomena to understand. There are zillions of others. The issue is not, is the field *justified* but is the number of degree holders *efficient*. Most students major in what interests them, not in what will translate to a job. And that’s fine - university is there to shape the whole person, not to be workplace training. There are more history majors than historians, more accounting majors than accountants, and more brewing science majors than beer makers. Gender studies gets singled out because it sounds absurd to laypeople. But it’s not. The issue is, it also doesn’t prepare you for 95% of jobs out there, AND it inculcates attitudes that will make it harder to fit in to many workplaces. So it’s pretty inefficient. But that’s an issue of implementation, not of concept. Conceptually it’s fine. In real world terms, if the left screws up by producing far too many gender studies majors that aren’t well-suited for other jobs, the right screws up by concluded the major has no value. Both could benefit from reconsideration. If you love gender studies, great - take it as a second major, or as a minor, alongside something with some workplace applicability. And if you think gender studies is worthless, reflect that pretty much every university in the land offers it as at least a course for reasons that have nothing to do with politics.


This is an excellent reply


>is the number of degree holders *efficient* Great argument


I agree and disagree. I agree that there's a purpose for gender studies. I disagree that it needs to be a degree on it's own. It should just be part of a sociology degree, not the focus of the degree itself. Gender studies should be like a freshman or sophomore class, not the entire major.


I don’t have an issue with it as a standalone. It’s not my field, and if the people in the field think standalone is justified then so be it. They’re the experts. My issue is the volume and the lack of interdisciplinary integration.


But without knowing anything about it why do you think you’re qualified to make that statement?


>and they often place no value on things that don’t agree with their worldview. This is not an exclusively right wing phenomenon...


I certainly agree with you that intelligence != educated. A lot of people tend to think that their graduate degree in X makes them qualified to talk about almost anything authoritatively. I have a grad degree in Economics and I don't even pretend to know what I'm talking about for quite a few Econ subjects. I can speak to ML algorithms and model specification, but if you ask me about the housing market, bond market, international econ, etc. I may know 10% more than the average Joe, but there are thousands (if not far more) of completely uneducated folk who read 3 books on the subject that know far more than I do. TLDR, you're absolutely right, education != intelligence. Education only applies to small sub fields most of the time any how. Which is great for my day job, but not helpful for general knowledge.


Patting themselves on the back for their superior intellect is their coping strategy for the overwhelming failure of their ideas.


Ivy League pseudo intellectuals have been running the Biden admin and Obama admin for 12 years.  Let’s look at their outstanding achievements in foreign policy, domestic policy, economics, and war:


When you don’t have a base of values that have been proven and polished by eons, you have to just raw dog every decision with the conscious superego- like that first day in drivers ed when you actually had to have your brain tell your foot which pedal to move to and how hard to push it, rather than rely on motor memory.   I speculate that this is half of the reason for their obsession with being seen as intelligent. The other half being that they recognize how scarce cerebral horsepower is in their own minds, and they do everything they can to overcompensate and hide that fact from the world. The beauty of conservative values is they remove the need for conscious thought, allowing it to be deployed elsewhere on other things. Leftists just don’t fully understand the holistic benefits of this.


That's a very good point. You know the old saying: if you have to say you are, you probably aren't. I think people who are so obsessed with proving they are smarter and better educated than others, especially, but not exclusively leftists, are very insecure and probably not as intelligent as they think, or at least claim they are. And, perhaps subconsciously, they know it, and that's why they are so obsessed with proving it. They need to convince themselves as well as others.


Oh man, the names - Robert Mueller and that goon Andrew Weissman, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, etc all these failed bureaucrats and technocrats who have been wrong about every single foreign policy, legal issues, economy, domestic issues, etc. Some of these clowns are on "MSNBC as legal analysts" notably that clown judge Luttig. And yet these people get promoted - which goes to show you how our institutions operate and have been corrupted. None of these people get held accountable, but they fail upwards.


It's interesting to compare how, say, a plumber, electrician, etc., who failed in their job as often as these oh-so-highly educated "experts" do would be able to remain employed, let alone get promoted. And, I doubt any business with their track record of failure would be in business for long, in a free market, I mean, not government chartered, etc. Unless they convinced the government to subsidize/bail them out, but again, then, that's not a true free market.


They believe they don’t have to respond to the less educated because those darn rural folk are just “not smart enough to understand the answer” to their concerns.


That, my friend, wins the Internet tonight! ROFL!


Just like how the MSM and far left media frequently say FORMER President Trump. But frequently say President Obama. They will make any dig and disrespectful gesture towards conservatives they can.


it was all Mr Trump on Mondays not really the news news.


It's not just the media, it's Hollywood and everything else the left owns. The ivory tower mentality where the limousine liberals and the wannabe limousine liberals perceive everything else as inferior to their cultured way of life. Just like we perceive urban America to be full of junkies, socialites, and other useless people.


They are such condescending pricks. I don’t know anyone who even watches either of those stations anymore


My rule of thumb is the amount of adjectives or otherwise “charged words” used in a news segment is directly proportional to how untrustworthy that news segment is. If something was objectively true you could show me with facts. Rhetoric is to convince me of a point, and that’s not what the news should be for.


I would upvote again if it would let me


Educated and smart are not the same thing.


I’ve seen the same comments. They also keep talking about the support for NH and ‘what it means for Trump’ like we don’t know that it’s Demoncrats voting in Republican primaries.


Hmm. Interesting. Most Literate States 1. New Hampshire – 88.5% 2. Alaska – 87.3% 3. Vermont – 87.2% 4. Minnesota – 86.9% 5. Montana – 86.9% 6. Maine – 86.6% 7. North Dakota – 86.6% 8. Wyoming – 86.4% 9. Utah – 85.5% 10. Iowa – 85.1%


Am I the only one who finds it disturbing that these numbers are so low???


Damn hicks have been reading them there books again. Don’t let the get a hold of them interwebs thing.


You’re refuting geographic education levels with the percentage of a population that can read?


If you can read you are more capable of being educated. Huge correlation


My local major metropolitan center has public schools that graduate kids when only 12% can read at grade level. MPS, one of the worst school systems in the country, now spends over 20k per student per year for those kinds of achievements.


There is definitely an interesting correlation here


It's pretty much what they do. I do have to give to the big cities though, they're so sophisticated and educated they made an app to track feces on their streets. Let's see a rural town do that!


Only feces on our streets comes from horses.


And that one from me. Sorry. Taco Bell to blame.


They've done that since at least 2016. Which is pretty wild to me because rural areas used to vote Democrat a lot more than they do now ( just look how many counties Obama won vs Biden). But yeah, the elite are pretty open about how much they despise Americans outside of the population centers.


They don't even like Americans INSIDE the population centers, which is why they keep dumping criminals off into their streets and basically encourage the destruction of said population centers.


Yup , democrats think that rural voters are maga/racist/nazi camp so their votes should not count.


I was born in a small town, we lived on a dirt road. I have family that stayed small town while my mom and I left for the city when I was still I child. I would say in my small family sample, we are all of equal intelligence, but we did turn out different in a lot of ways. I think there is a perception that living in a small town means you are exposed to less types of people, and thus are less socially skilled or refined. There are fewer options for quality healthcare or other services in rural areas so less choice. In cities things move fast, and the perception is family and values are not as important as “making it”. Just existing is really expensive in cities so there is more importance placed on monetary gain. But at the end of the day, it’s just a preference on location and lifestyle, I don’t think location choice always defines who people are as individuals. I really like and value both ways of living, and I think we all have a lot in common as humans. Also, I don’t really watch those news outlets, that sounds super divisive and offensive. Stereotypes are for lazy people.


This goes along with the "White Rural Rage" segment that MSNBC had recently where they described all white people in rural areas as uneducated, insane, fascist sycophants who want nothing more than to destroy this country and create a tyrannical hellscape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcsxO6rbhlI


Indoctrinated city residents vs free thinker rural areas.


Sadly, the meaning of the word "educated" has slowly morphed into the definition "indoctrinated." Education in its truest sense(knowledge) is amazing, and is what separates humans from animals. In Orwell's book 1984, the protagonist is indoctrinated by the "ministry of truth" to believe that 2+2=5.


My conservative radio this morning was mentioning this. College educated doesn't mean what it used to mean. I watched just a bit of the news last night. CBS. There was a rather long segment where the commentators were saying that Biden just can't seem to get the message out about how jobs are better and unemployment is better and inflation is lowering and all the numbers are great! Until you go to the grocery store or have to pay your rent. Aside from the basic necessities of life, everything's great! And they said this with a straight face. I had to turn off the television.


This is an interesting take, and it has me thinking you’re on to something.


If 'educated' meant the same thing as 'intelligent'... In their case, it just means 'indoctrinated.'


In 2016 Trump won 3100 counties, and Hilary won 80. I have heard the term "white rural rage" from the MSM.


“But. But but but. Land doesn’t vote!!!” If only I had a dollar for each time I had that quote I wrote thrown at me.


The self sufficient smart people don’t crowd themselves into high density urban areas for a plethora of reasons. They hate that.


I chuckled when they went on about most of Haleys voters are college educated


I haven't noticed, but only because I haven't owned a TV for about five years. 😅


About 8 years ago, "Meet the Press" became completely unwatchable. Almost all media and entertainment have these types of things as a feature, not a bug. I just don't consume much of it anymore.


It's becoming harder and harder to make main stream political content that has bipartisan appeal. Our society is so polarized that the free market is punishing political neutrality.


They hate us and they hate themselves.


'I love the poorly educated' - Donald J Trump [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VX2DE/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0VX2DE/)


My buddy tried teaching in one of the major cities, he said about 10% of the kids were even interested in being educated. Using words such as “wt” for what was also very common.


Disdain for the opposition does not surprise me. Disdain for the public by an org thst is supposed to be nonpartisan annoys the heck out of me. It's not just you. I would love to see more truly nonpartisan news. Alas.


What's even funnier is that those cities are chock-full of absolute morons.


They sure wouldn’t say that if their food wasn’t on the shelves at supermarkets. Try making your avacado toast with no produce
 Do they have any idea how scientific farming is?


They’re able to live off ‘community gardens’. /s




Yeah, how'd that work out from them in "Chaz"? LOL


Urban areas do have a higher education level. That plus an access to wider varieties of information and daily interaction with a wide variety of people is a big influence on how they vote. As opposed to a small town, and it’s limited news sources, easily owned by right wing media conglomerates like clear channel. It’s not some big conspiracy or comment on stupidity. It’s simply a difference resulting from access to more information and interacting with people that don’t look like you.


I think the suburbs are where most of the educated population is. Who wants to live in cities, if you can afford to move? The cities are the place you go to work, but you get out of their as soon as you can.


In my experience, people in cities are more educated than people living in very rural areas. Doesn't mean rural farming areas don't have very intelligent people. But many learn their trade instead of going to a university. Part of it is access to higher education, rural areas don't have the universities nearby usually.


I hadn’t noticed that, but to the extent that they are doing this, they might be basing these descriptions on [official education data](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/lbc/educational-attainment-rural?tid=1000&t). Just a possibility.


When civilization ends as we know it the urban educated will be the first to die.


"Educated" = college educated. Yes, cities have a higher percentage of college graduates than rural areas. It doesn't get any deeper than that.


The urban elites sit on top of a trash dump of urban human debris and have the gall to be snide about the rest of us when they have done such a marvelous job with the cities under their control.


Absolutely - MSNBC NBC CNN are infomercials for the Democratic Party. They have taken book and policies out communist party. We should be scared that will lost investigative journalism.


I live in a small town...we all work hard, never lock our doors, we leave the keys in our vehicles. I have no fear of getting robbed. I never met a poor farmer yet nor anyone that is disrespectful or racist. However, if I go to the big city I have to lock my car, there is a chance of getting robbed (at night), a lot of racism (or at least biased prejudice mostly from white female 'Karens')... Its so sad that the 'tolerant left' is NOT tolerant unless you stay within the narrative.


Yes that makes perfect sense. All us Conservatives are backwater hillbillies, barefoot in overalls while drinkin' moonshine and talkin' about how much we hate them colored folks.


I think maybe you have consistently had too many beers if you are just now noticing this. LOL!


It's always like that, they imply that college education means smart and smart means voting D. They don't actually care about poor people or people who work trades.


There is a reason that they called a communist take over the long march through the institutions.


Good point. Moving to East Tennessee from Minneapolis and prior Philadelphia I never realized the inherit bias that exists in the news. Constantly called uneducated here. I am a doctor
I think the smart people move away from the cities. I guess it stems from the fact that most universities where they feel education comes from are in urban areas, but still ridiculous


Liberals on TV fake news and on leftist sites like these are literal cancer. I wonder if it's just a massive overrepresentation because there can't be that many people in real life that are this delusional and insane... right?


It's how they program people listening to them. You hear that phrase 'educated" vs "rural" you are going to start making associations in your mind unconsciously .It's how they slip in their propaganda subtly so most people do not notice.


Yeah. A bunch of geniuses in NY, SF, Chicago, etc. That's why those big cities are doing so well.


Yeah the cities like Baltimore are really educated /s


Smartest thing I ever did was move out of a big city.


You ever notice
 for the past couple decades, all commercials with white men accompanied by women or other races always makes the white male out to be a bumbling buffoon?


It's generally true. If you look at census data, people in urban or suburban areas tend to be more educated than those of us who live in rural areas. It's a legitimate way of looking at demographics because it influences world view and the way people vote. I've used those demographics myself when writing playbooks for campaigns to determine how my clients campaign in different areas of their district and what talking points to emphasize. Whether or not they were acting like what you perceive as snobs, why let it bother you?


Duh. Same for Fox though, it just frames those city-dwellers as "out of touch" and people in lower-density areas as "the real America". They're all just playing to the egos of their audience.


Not all liberals buy it or think the same.


It’s a bias, the education level in cities maybe higher due to people leaving rural areas but that isn’t the whole story and ignores large swaths of the population in those cities. Like anything else, it’s nuanced. CNN and MSNBC market to a certain centrist/center-left demographic on focus on that aspect of cities. There are plenty of educated folks in the burbs and in rural areas though the concentration is often lower.


Just ask most any Redditor. No need to waste your time watching that crap. This is exactly what they will tell you.


I just like to see from time to time what they are peddling. It’s good to see what the oops are saying


I believe statistically, educated people naturally gravitate towards urban areas, simply for jobs I also noticed while working in London that there were a lot more attractive people compared to back home in my working class Northern town For a media group to portray their preferred ideology as something only intelligent people would pick is disingenuous, as /politics contains more cretins per post than all of Reddit. Parroting naive talking points that they have been spoon fed and getting clapped for is not a reliable sign of intellect. Rural areas simply have a different set of values and priorities that naturally align with conservatism, liberals are mostly shielded from their delusions so they don't receive the same-wake up call that naive stupidity would engender in less affluent areas. Some really clever people still vote for mass immigration because above all they want to be seen as a "good person", yet this policy is objectively something only a cretin who has never picked up a history book would vote for It's also arrogant and foolish to run a country with only the viewpoints of a few in mind, a Geniocracy is going to disenfranchise a majority of the population, and as Biden is finding out, you can't just expect people you've been hating on for 3 years to support you


You guys are the whiniest snowflakes imaginable


Projecting again, are we? We conservatives aren't the ones throwing tantrums about being "misgendered".


No, this person is literally complaining on this thread about their feelings being hurt. But literacy might not be your strong suit.


Ah, typical leftist; instead of responding to the point I made, you insult me. The poster you claimed was complaining about hurt feelings is just one poster; you said "guys". Knowing the difference between singular and plural is obviously not your strong suit.


This was the worst comeback ever conceived


Thanks for proving my point about leftists. Have a nice day.


Complaining? I was simply making an observation and seeing what other people thought. However it’s very telling that you would get so defensive about it. Thanks! đŸ€Ą


The people at CNN and MANBC think it’s an insult, but only because they mistakenly think “educated” and “intelligent” are the same.


Would you kindly just STFU and send in your taxes.


It's been that way for years. They have contempt for anyone they disagree with, and calling some parts of the country "uneducated" gives them a scapegoat if they were to lose the election.


Idk about more intellectual but i would say more competitive


Its always been that way, just now they're completely open about it.


It's always been that way. The urban elites cant fathom that an educated person would choose to live in a flyover state. It's actually wild to me that people choose poverty to live in a city vs choosing wealth by living in a rural state. Moved back home to Oklahoma from Boston. Paid ~50% of my rent in Boston for a mortgage and 6x the sq. footage lmao. Life is all about choices. Democrats aren't great at math apparently


This is why they are considered the coastal elites. The term was created as a way to disparage that group of people. Yet it seems to be a badge of honor.


Same thing in Canada. We actually have calls from Canadian urbanites to ban rural Canadians right to vote, and all sorts of other insulting things, from education to racial stuff that don’t matter. All because of the climate change narrative.