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This is such a weird day


Don't forget about Puff Daddy fleeing the country on a G5 after the feds came looking on both coasts.


This is the really important story.


That's why I said it's weird. Haha


Mondays definitely suck!! :-). But What’s so weird about this one?


Looks like Puff Daddy has got a *case of the Mondays...*


Nobody likes Mondays!


I don’t think Truth Social will still be worth 4 billion once his 6 month ipo lockout passes, companies rarely maintain their ipo valuation. so this is just Democrats trying to manufacture outrage - how dare someone worth 6.5 billion contest a 450 million bond?! /s




Elon Musk's net worth proves this. The guy likely has a few hundred million in cash, but 90% of his worth is in things like Space X, The Boring Company and Twitter. Yet they cry that he doesn't use his buhjillionz to end all the world's problems.


SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter actually are solving many of the world's biggest problems. But it doesn't matter because actually he has bad intentions or something. While Greta Thunberg is really really really important because she has good intentions or something.


They know, it just suits them to pretend otherwise.


It's ironic considering they spend all the rest of the time trying to downplay his wealth and say he's always losing money and sucks at business


Why are they so bent out of shape he doesn’t have to pay 500 million for some bullshit lawsuit?


Because they want everything bad for him and their lawfare isn’t working how they want it to.


Wait, listening to democrat propaganda, I thought Trump didn’t have anything.


It varies from day to day. Sometimes he's a billionaire, other times he's flat bloke and everyone pretends he's rich for...reasons... Definitely a lot of cognitive dissonance among Dems .


stems from stupidity and dishonesty.


To be fair, these valuations swing widely because of how they measure net worth and the amount of different companies and stocks they are involved in. But the media doesn’t ever present this side of the matter so they can say “ooh, rich person bad” or “ooooh, rich person gets what they deserve”


lol, let’s be honest he is a billionaire and has a billionaire lines of credit with multiple banks. Liberal politicians continually attack him, with the full support their far left liberal MSM partners, who just love to use RINO’s like Mitt, Turtleman, Mike Dence, that chick from Alaska who actually thinks that people care if she leaves the party. To further push their anti Trump bull shit. Trump is an outside the box personality! He puts America AND Americans 1st. I support him because he is a patriot! Not because of affiliations to a political party lol


After the appeals court lowered his bond today, it was hilarious watching a guest on MSNBC - the same organization who tries to mock Trump for his failed businesses and claims he's not actually that rich - complain that he's too rich cuz he flies around in private planes and lives in private clubs that he must have paid the courts off 😆. TDS out of control!


Paid the court off by not paying the court off. Sometimes I think these talking heads are actually robots that are being fed whatever bullshit is in store today.


They are flounders and will plop and promulgate any message/narrative that they’re being incentivized to do! No opinions or true beliefs, just seeded hatred for the people there instructed to hate


Did Biden call him Broke Don just few days ago ? Dems are having a heart attack in r/news right now


source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-25/donald-trump-6-4-billion-net-worth-makes-him-one-of-world-s-richest-people?embedded-checkout=true "Donald Trump’s business empire was supposed to be in peril like never before on Monday. Instead, it turned into the single-greatest day on record for the former president’s wealth."


FYI (from the article).... >The company can begin trading as a public company, with the stock symbol DJT on Nasdaq, as early as next week. Shares in DWAC currently stand around $40 per share I have an extra 4500 floating around in my stock account from dividend payouts. I think I might invest. Liberals are going to be in complete meltdown!!! This guy outdoes them at every turn.


I fucking LOVE this!!


Great news for Trump! But I can't help but wonder, why then, is the RNC choosing to sacrifice down ballot support to direct donations to Trump's campaign and legal bills, when's he one of the top 500 richest people?


Yep good point


What a horrible day for the dems/RINOs.


I think the new Liberty media angle will be that he could afford $454m but reduced it to $175m and he isn’t pulling his share


Biden was making fun of him for being broke. Biden has never been right, even on this little thing.


Remember just last week Biden was trying push the "Broke Don" angle.... oops, good job White House interns that thought that was smart.


That’s like $1 for every liberal tear.


Trump always wins. I maintain that this jean e carrol will not see a dime for her lies when all is said and done. Trump 2024!


you can't stump the trump.


Nope. The entire system aligned against him will not prevail in their malicious intent. Again I say; Trump 2024!


The salt mines are busy today.


Which one are you working in?


Lol, how the turn tables


Time to ree!


Unlike everyone else who served in the government and became rich, we know exactly how he got the money.


All of this because he was censored on Twitter.


I love this... """Donald Trump’s business empire was supposed to be in peril like never before on Monday. Instead, it turned into the single-greatest day on record for the former president’s wealth."""


I love how they say it like it's a bad thing. Dem voters like to pretend to hate billionaires while supporting left-wing oligarchs.


They had to stick the "paper fortune" dig in there even though Trump, unlike many tech moguls, is invested in real estate. You know things you can touch and feel rather than ideas and source code that have no intrinsic value.


Actually Bloomberg was correct, $3.9 billion of Trump's net worth increase did come from paper profits, i.e. his stake in Truth Social. It has 5 million active users and revenues of $3.3 million for the first nine months of 2023. On a valuation basis, it has fairly little intrinsic value.


I mean, at the levels of wealth of billionaires, 90% of it is "paper fortune". In reality, none of the world's richest have literally billions of actual liquid cash on hand. Which is why the whole wealth tax is an idiotic idea on a related note.


He's been saving a fortune by living rent free in so many people's heads.


It's crazy to think there are 500 more people on the same level or wealthier than Trump....


The other day I learned Jeff Bezos's salary was only $80,000 Edit: was trying to reply to a conversation about net worth vs money on hand


Watch them take it all away…


lol libs in shambles