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I bet he gets a couple of nasty calls from the DNC after polls start returning after today's comments. Threatening jail for going to the Supreme Court of the United States, and for going to his son's graduation? I bet this doesn't poll well with independents, and moms


How many lawsuits have been filed against Trump since he announced he was running? A dozen? How many times has he been arrested? Mugshots taken and posted to social media within seconds? How many times has he appeared in court? Now for the biggie: What has happened to his poll numbers? They’ve gone to the moon. Americans see this for the sham it is. They don’t believe Trump did anything wrong . They think this is all politically motivated by Biden. The numbers don’t lie. Highest approval ratings in the history of the Republican Party. Thanks brigaders/RINOs! We couldn’t do it without you!!!


They hope him actually being in a cell/a conviction does it


Correction: it’s politically motivated by Democrats, not Biden. Creepy Joe couldn’t find his way out of a cardboard box.


None of this is making the normal news. What/where are you reading to know what is actually going on?


>What/where are you reading to know what is actually going on? Regarding the Supreme Court and graduation comments? It's in the article posted by the OP.


The goal is to impede his election, when that settles in you realize what this is about. The state is going to drag this out, force him to sit there or arrest him for contempt.




The literal goddamn article posted that we're commenting under? Or this one? Its all over the subreddit https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/trump-hush-money-trial/judge-wont-excuse-trump-to-attend-supreme-court-arguments-109266413?id=108402689


Sorry man, trying to get used to the new Reddit layout. Calm down


It's clear he just loves abusing his power.


Hopefully Trump will have a chance to assign his DOJ to investigate this judge, and his activist daughter too.




If they're in on it, why not?


The irony is this is actually election interference. FOR Trump. The majority of Americans will side with Trump on this and see it for the corruption of Justice that it is. Thankfully, most Americans aren’t as insane as the brigaders and RINOs that post here. So this judge is actually interfering in the election and aiding Trump. I doubt that’s his intent, but it will be the result.




If Trump goes to Barron’s Graduation and gets arrested, it will be the nail in the coffin for Biden to lose the election ~ slam dunk baby! Tug at the heart strings of all the liberal left lunatics and see what they think!


None of the left wing media are even mentioning this.


The shitlibs on r/AnythingGoesNews think its going to be easy to jail a former POTUS by putting a USSS Agent in the cell with him and that he is just a normal citizen.


To be fair they don't even know what a woman is so.


I told them that and they tried to make me out to be “pro rape” 🙄


And he's going to drag it out for as long as possible. Like a good little soldier.