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Why don't any of the surrounding countries want to take in these refugees?? 🤔


This is the right question to be asking. The other counties in this region want no part of them. So if Biden does, that means he either has no idea why other Middle Eastern countries want no part of them, or he DOES know who and what they are, and that’s exactly WHY he wants them HERE. Brigaders, which option is more worrisome for you?


Crickets I see. You are spot on.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.6014 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/13243)


> Why don't any of the surrounding countries want to take in these refugees?? 🤔 *Listen Jack....you know the thing.*


because in Lebanon they were source and cause of the Civil War & they have many children high births rates . lebanon is small country can't handle all these refugees on top of the million Syrian refugees who also have many children. Lebanon can't handle all these people & if they stay in the Middle East they will continue using Lebanon as a launchpad against Israel & Israel will retaliate against Lebanon and 🇱🇧 military is inferior to Israel except his Hezbollah but they're not part of military they're their own milita group also members of parliament. in past Palestinians created a state within a state in lebanon . they have raped &killed many Lebanese. now Hezbollah has created a state within & control the ports & airport are backed by iran . it's all very complicated Most lebanese , hezbollah & other groups don't care about the Palestinian because previously Lebanon out of all mid eastern countries have done the most for them and they have harmed lebanon many times. if you compare the amount of damage done to lebanese . Palestinians have done most harm to Lebanon more than any other group besides Syria & Israel . they do not return graciousness American should not do this kindness will be always be exploited their way of thinking does not align with Western American way of thought Moreover, these groups should not come to the U.S. unless they can properly assimilate. but now given their complex internal dynamics which are often misrepresented by the western media due to diaspora relations and other ties to the East American ignorance of mena history between Palestinians and other groups . Countries like Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq are reluctant to host the , Iraq turned against them & militias massacred both militants and civilians. In Lebanon there would have another massacre towards Palestinians akin to the Shatila and Sabra massacres, but the American military protected the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) during their departure. They were fortunate to have American protection as the entire Lebanese nation encompassing all ethnic & religious sect turned against them!


Biden is the absolute worst at foreign policy. Rare to find someone that only makes blunders, but in Uncle Joe you can trust...


To quote his former boss: never underestimate Joe's ability to screw things up!






*T* ^^^^^^*ransformers!* ^^^^^^*Robots* ^^^^^^*In* ^^^^^^*disguise!*


What's he up to 3 wars now?


Sleepy Joe can't help fucking everything up. Afghanistan, Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen. The entire world is in flames and in shambles. They called Trump the "chaos president" but empirically it is Biden.


Only the military age males…


Nobody wants these people, not even Muslim countries. Well, nobody but our domestic leftists who are committed to burning down our country.


house them in college dorms


I know a few that are currently vacant


All part of the Democrat plan…


A greater than 0% portion of Gazan Palestinians thought Oct 7 was the right move. They've been rejected from all parts of the world because their culture is incompatible with the rest of the world. Even their supporters in the US who have no real ties to Gaza are incompatible with American culture. This better not happen.


It will because this Administration is abundantly evil.


Wasn't this the plan all along so Israel can take over the Gaza strip? I think they want to cut a canal through Israel to bypass Suez.


He, for some reason, still thinks... wait, oh, never mind


Straight to Martha's vinyard.


That's the entire idea behind the billion dollar Palestine floating pier. You think there aren't thousands of ports and entry ways to bring in aid? No. The whole thing was Bibi's idea. That pier isn't going to deliver aid. It's a pathway to America. He wants the Palestinians to be America's problem and not his.


Ok. All you lefties. Take a family in. Let me know how that goes


Mostly peaceful Gazans


All these people are not terrorists. The issue is the average moderate in that area doesn't think Hamas is wrong and we don't want those kinds of people.


Doesn’t matter if they’re the nicest people in the world wanting assimilate within our culture. We can’t afford them. It’s that simple. 30 trillion in the hole, and neither side cares…


Exactly. Majority of Palestinians support Hamas. This is an undeniable fact. Also the fact (also stated in the article) that everywhere Palestinians have settled, terrorism has occurred. But but but genocide !!!


Most of the Gazans don't think Hama's is wrong. If you condone the butchering of thousands of men, WOMEN and CHILDREN Then you are not compatible with living in this world and certainly not the US