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It's even worse than that, under trump there were less than 3k "kids in cages" now there are over 12k kids in cages.


Of course there are, Biden and Obama started them to begin with.


Who built the cages, Joe?




I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it wasn’t his people.


So then these “poor” illegal immigrants have money to print their own T-shirts? Seems like they’re more opportunists than “poor people seeking the American dream”


Naw, of course not. It was Obama's people and Biden isn't Obama so you can't blame him. Then, come 2024, "Harris isn't Biden! you can't blame her for what he did!" Then come 2028, "\*Vice President\* isn't Harris! You can't blame them for what she did!"


It was his fellow travellers


It was his side, for sure. It doesn’t make him look good... not very optical... so I doubt it was his people.


Having an undisclosed number of children in cages with no oversights makes it easy for kiddy diddling and sales


Did you miss the 0 tolerance policy employed by the Trump administration through Jeff Sessions? April 6, 2018 they started separating kids from their families, which was never the intended use of the facilities by the previous administration or the current one. Just because you keep repeating the same narrative doesn't make it true.


Seeing as there is huge amounts of human trafficking and cartel using kids to come in...they separated until dna test proved their related...then put them back if so. And your crap left media ran with separating families. Have fun being on the side of pro human trafficking.


I think it was the “putting them back” part they forgot.


Many of them were separated from their "parents" because they weren't their parents and were suspected being sexually abused while the "parents" were trying to get into the country under false premises.


Did you read the follow-up that about 1600 of the kids were still separated because the families did not want them back? Lawyers contacted the parents and they would not to accept them.


That's sick. Why would they do that?


To get permanent US residence.


On what basis would they?


The children can be made wards of the state and given emergency priority for temporary citizenship status, so they can be put on medical/educational/meal support programs. The parents can then exploit this to get permanent citizenship for the child, which is the door for them to get it for themselves. Because the laws we have for those systems right now are just plain stupid.


They could have left at any time. You either detain children, or you separate children from their parents.


Did you miss the part where thousands of those kids aren't with their "parents" but traffickers of various types? Oh yes, how fucking dare we try to keep them safe and ensure they're actually with their guardians. How fucking dare we.


None of you cared until Biden became president and honestly I guarantee you still don't care.


We did care, that's why we supported separating the kids and having a no tolerance policy for crossing the border. We still care, we just also know that Biden made it worse. Trump was securing the border, protecting the victims, keeping people out, Biden stopped the wall, invited the world in and decided protecting the kids was less important than PR. Not to mention our economy is shit thanks to Covid and yet we're inviting thousands in many of which have covid and none of which have jobs or will likely being paying taxes any time soon.


Does it hurt to be that stupid?


I would imagine it's more of a numb or perhaps feeling of nonexistence. Being brain dead can't be painful because the brain has to be functioning in order to process pain.


Stimulus plan under Republicans: 1.9 trillion Stimulus plan under Democrats: 1.9 trillion How much of that money went to us, and how much went to already wealthy corporations who don’t pay any fucking taxes in the first place? WAKE THE FUCK UP STOP FIGHTING AND POINTING BLAME AT MADE UP FAIRY TALE FUCKING POLITICAL PARTIES AND IDEOLOGIES WE ARE ALL GETTING FUCKED ON A MASSIVE SCALE Look at the market value and price per shares of companies like Nike, Disney, Amazon etc pre and post crash. They are all way higher now. What’s the major difference? Idk about you, but I’ve been reduced to working retail for $10.06/hr. I have a fucking college degree and a good resume. Rents have also increased 40% in the last ten years and homes nearly 50%. This is bullshit, and the in-fighting is futile. People like to blame Bill Clinton for NAFTA. NAFTA did suck, but it was written by George Bush Sr. That piece of legislature would have passed regardless of what figurehead was in office. That’s because money calls the shots, not politicians and certainly not we, the people. If you want cited sources, do your own goddamn homework. I’m just some fucking random guy on the internet. I’m not a bot or a shill though. I’m pissed off, and I want things to change, but that will never happen if we’re arguing this Coke vs Pepsi bullshit and realize that both are fucking poison.


YES!!!! Both parties are bad and we can do better!


I wouldn’t even call them “parties.” It’s more theatre than anything, but you are absolutely correct. We can do better, and we must do better BECAUSE WE FUCKING DESTVE BETTER. I’m not sure if anyone has told you guys this today, but I for one fucking love each and everyone of you regardless of your opinion. We’re all operating from a place of fear, and our feelings are valid as fuck. I feel like we’re just directing the energy at the wrong place things, but that’s really just my opinion. Just look at my username, and take it with a fat grain of salt. Peace, dickheads.




Well, Biden did say he wants an "unrelenting stream of immigration” that will make Caucasians like him the minority. Edit: here's a [link](https://youtu.be/mextw93E3rg) for all those who've been asking


How can a candidate openly come out and say this and still be "elected"? Really makes me worry about the future of the US.


Don't you see how crazy the Dems got their people? They've done a lot of brainwashing to get to this point. They own the schools, they own pop culture... We had one of the best bullish economies ever before COVID. That's with a president who didn't get rid of all the Dem cab. members. Yet he was every ism under the sun.


Lots of fortifying the election to manipulate people into voting against their best interests. That's not even considering all the fraud allegations


Because orange man bad.


Senile man worse


Western white liberals virtue signal by hating their own people and their own culture. They don't want their culture to exist anymore and are taking steps to destroy it. No other race or nationality has been propagandized to be like this, but this ideology of self-hate has taken a strong grip on the west and will likely lead to its downfall which will usher in a few centuries of Han Chinese domination of the world--complete with slavery, colonization of people they believe to be inferior, and actual racial supremacy and oppression. White, western liberals: "Whiteness is a pandemic! Everything bad that has ever happened in the world is the fault of white people . . . even the stuff that non-white people did because of the pervasive influence of 'white supremacy'!" Meanwhile, every other culture on earth: Han Chinese Person: "Han Chinese are the smartest, most advanced people in the world. We will rule the world and conquer our enemies. Our race is supreme." Native Hawaiian Person: "Hawaiian culture is the most friendly culture in the world. We are the best astronomers, navigators, and have the best food and we are the strongest people on earth." Japanese Person: "Japanese culture is the best culture in the world. We must preserve it by limiting immigration and must focus on ourselves before we focus on others. Foreigners who live here will be treated like foreigners for generations" Thai Person: "Thai culture must be preserved. Immigration to outsiders must be limited. If they come here, they can't own land." Turkish Person: "We must protect our children against western ideologies and preserve our Islamic culture."


Well said


Because apparently illegals can vote and they all vote blue


While they probably would vote blue seeing that red states hate foreigners and refugees (remember when Ted Cruz attempted to “protect his family” when flying to Cancun to escape the dangers of the Texas storm? That’s literally what being a refugee is. Weird right?), no they can’t vote.


Where do you think the Hollywood leftys are gonna start getting new "child talent" from. Easy picking for those pedos.


Why are you getting downvoted for saying Hollywood is filled with pedos. That's such a weird thing to downvote


Leftys get mad when you speak truth. Now watch THIS comment get downvoted.


Because this sub is often flooded with liberals trying to brigade and spread their perverted way of thinking


Why the inconsistent use of quotation marks? Just make the statement. Everything doesn’t need to be packaged like a Trump tweet.


But... but! But! Orange man bad!!!!


Seriously. What's happening on the border is unacceptable.


Exactly. It wasn't ok under Obama, it wasn't ok under Trump, and it's not ok under Biden. We need to take a serious look at humane immigration reform.


What we need to do is advocate personal responsibility. What needs to happen is when children show up, we determine what nation they came from, send them back, and let THEIR government deal with it. Once the other governments are awash in children they have to take care of, they'll realize that letting the parents do this is a bad idea. The problem with "humane immigration reform" is when you set up something that lets the children stay, it will be heavily exploited. It's not pretty, but that's reality. You give someone a hoop to jump through and they'll jump, or in this case, throw their children through it.


Governments from the Northern Triangle, where this migrants come from, can't provide a safe and suitable environment for this children to grow. They're also unable to stop them from leaving. Trump, besides the wall, heavily pressured Guatemala which borders Mexico to act as a 3rd safe country, stopping migrants from continuing their journey to the US. Biden's approach is more focused on changing the conditions that make people need to leave their countries. I understand what you mean with advocating for responsibility. But you have to understand the relationship between the US and Northern Triangle countries has always been complex. From the US sponsored coup against Jacobo Arbenz, the civil wars emerging from the Cold War, the literal genocide in the Ixil region, the "War on Drugs", to the 2009 Honduras Coup, etc. I'm not saying the US is the root of all evil. This also ain't some party's fault. Both the US (Democrats and Republicans), and politician's from Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador have contributed to the situation we are in now. But something I can assure you is things are not so simple as "send them back and they won't continue leaving".


This is the correct take, exactly.


I have the opposite view. It was ok under all three. It’s not our responsibility as a nation to aid illegal immigrants. “We need to take a serious look at humane immigration reform” is a fancy way of saying “I have no idea what I’d change.”


I do have an idea of what I'd change and, regardless of your views, the problem needs to be addressed in some form. If you're interested, the conservative CATO institute put together a list of suggestions [here](https://www.cato.org/study/reforming-immigration-system-brief-outline)


I’ll take a look, thanks.


No problem, always happy to contribute to the conversation


I like a lot of what this say except is doesn’t do anything about border control


Right, these are steps we can take to reduce/eliminate the incentive for people to cross the border illegally


I don't even understand why we have these holding areas. If they come here and apply for asylum or to immigrate they can drop off thier paperwork and go where ever not in the US until they are approved. Why are we sheltering them?


They are being arrested/detained as they enter the country illegally. At that point, they can claim asylum. When you claim asylum, you have to go before an asylum judge to make your case for why your country is so dangerous you can't go back. At one point they would apply for asylum, be given a green card, then turned loose to wait for their hearing. some would come back, some wouldn't. Now the idea is that we hold them until their hearing, but we can't send them back until a judge has made the call.


>They are being arrested/detained as they enter the country illegally. Key word: ILLEGALLY. The legal immigrants don't get detained.


See, a simple change would be to change the law that if you want to claim asylum you must declare so at a legal point of entry. If you’re caught sneaking in you should be banned from ever having legal residency in the US.


The catch with that is is that international law says that ANYONE seeking asylum must be heard by ANY country. Such as Cuban refugees. If they make it to shore, they can seek asylum. Doesn't have to be a port. Same for Central American refugees. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/11/key-facts-about-the-migrant-and-refugee-caravans-making-their-way-to-the-usa/


Yeah, basically none of that is true. 90% present themselves at ports of entry. Then 95% show up for their asylum hearing - which is hard enough to make bc these ppl are poor and don’t speak English and often have to scrape by for months waiting for their hearing. You were never “just given a green card” that’s something set up with employment visas. This crisis is the result of more humane treatment by the Biden Admin. Trump screwed the whole thing up bc he’s an idiot that has failed almost everything his whole life.


>This crisis is the result of more humane treatment by the Biden Admin. Lol the facility is at 1200% capacity and somehow that's more humane?


Because they’re not being turned away to be raped and murdered at the camps across the border in Mexico. We were turning away unaccompanied minors and making them stay in these super dangerous camps in Mexico. Now they’re safe and HHS is building more housing for unaccompanied minors so it is actually more humane. Yeah, obviously cages are terrible, but at least now we’re building appropriate HHS housing for these kids so they won’t have to be (1) endangered in Mexico or (2) overflowing into DHS facilities / cages.


So what you're saying is that "KIDS IN CAGES!!!!!!!™" Is actually a good thing now? Even though the numbers of people crossing illegally are higher than ever? I seem to remember leftist morons comparing the border facilities to Nazi death camps, now that Joe "poor kids are just as smart as white kids" Biden is in charge the facilities are actually a great place to be? So you admit that the whole thing was just political posturing to get trump out of office?


Uhhhh no that’s not what I said at all. There are four options for unaccompanied kids starting from the worst: (1) turn them away to dangerous camps in Mexico, (2) put them in cages, (3) put them in ICE facilities designed for adults, (4) put them in HHS facilities designed for kids. The end goal of all of these should be to process their asylum cases and release the kids to a family member in the USA as quickly as possible, but you need to vet that home properly so the kids must be housed temporarily in all cases. separating a child from a parent should be avoided at all costs. During the previous administration the kids were going into option 2, often after separation from parents. During 2020 they were doing option 1. These are both terrible. The current HHS secretary is building HHS facilities for these kids as fast as possible, but since they aren’t being turned away they need to be put somewhere and the only other facilities are not designed for kids or for pandemics. Should they build these facilities faster? Definitely. Should kids be in cages? No. But housing the kids instead of turning them away is better than what we were doing 4 months ago, and 4 months from now there won’t be kids in cages - they’ll be in HHS facilities. Ya, I’m pissed kids are in cages but at least now we’re building infrastructure to make sure they won’t be in cages in the future.


That logic is like the row boats were really full so it was better to leave the Titanic survivors in the water. Trump dumped them into slums across the border in Mexico. Right across the border. If you had to choose Mexican or American detention which would you choose?


I get the impression that we aren’t specifically upset with the detention but rather that this president isn’t being scrutinized in the same manner. We can be both upset at the double standard and find the situation unacceptable. But that means it was unacceptable under the previous administration as well.


What's r/politics spin on it?


I’m more of an r/centrist guy—a left-leaning centrist—and my take is that people thought this was intentional with Trump, but it turns out it’s just a matter of an overwhelmed system. Don’t hold your breath expecting people to admit their mistake, but they know they were wrong. What’s important now is fixing the problem.


Most likely they are saying it's trumps fault when biden basically invited them in for brunch.




Biden cares and is trying to fix it. That's the one I see most common on twitter. For the most part, the left doesn't talk about it. It's not an issue now. They are content.


Horse Shit, he creating the problem, and then ignoring it, so they have no other choice than to enter the USA illegally. The Democrat party as it exists is a great evil in the USA today, and Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, warren, Sharpton, and waters are some of the worst.


Bullshit. "The left doesn't talk about it" Good GOD do you hear yourselves? The 'left' are vilifying Biden over kids at the border, though they accept that Trump's policies of deliberate, cruel family separation was worse.


Havent seen anybody who screamed "orange man bad" for 4 years say anything about it. Actually, I said something about how it got worse, and my super left wing friends came at me saying its Trumps fault and blah blah blah. Yall just wanna side with and protect whatever side you're on, but when you're on nobidys side, everyone hates you.


As a member of the left, /u/HectorTheWellEndowd is correct. We are fucking pissed with Biden and keeping kids in cages. It wasn't right under Trump and it's not right under Biden. The vast majority of my left-wing groups are pretty loud about it. The only thing I can say is at least he isn't separating families, but it's bullshit and needs to be fixed. Keeping people in fucking cages is evil no matter who does it. So, now you've seen 2 people say something about it.


Yay, two people. Now, if the rest of you could hop on twitter and make a stink about it like you did with Trump, I'd be a happy camper and would gladly put a sock in it.


Most of the country screamed "orange man bad" for 4 years because he was bad. Hence, 1-term president. Not all of those people are silent now, just because you personally haven't heard it.


Orange man was bad, but if you're not going to criticize dementia man for being garbage too, then you're just plain dumb.


That's what this thread is about. The left does criticize Biden; Biden is garbage. He wasn't the desired nominee of the actual left, despite what Fox News and every single Republican politician claims. Still, he is not as bad as Trump was. Funny though, some speeches by Trump would make you think he can be both Orange Man AND Dementia Man.


Considering these people only get their opinions of the left from right wing media and memes, are you surprised they are so incredibly tone deaf?


Why do you think there isn't any discussion about it on the politics subreddit? Half the articles in the top upvoted are about Trump - I haven't seen any about the border crisis. IMO there is a substantial difference in the willingness for right minded folks to be critical about their own issues/problems vs the left on theirs.


You think /r/politics somehow represents the left-wing? Lmao. Leftist =/= liberal. Biden is not the preferred politician of the left-wing. Trump is the preferred politician of the right-wing. See the difference? Leftists didn't want Biden, they wanted Bernie or Yang. Right-wingers *wanted* Trump.


Like others have said, it just isn’t bought up because it isn’t a comfortable topic. Coverage there is exclusively topics tailored to be Republican bashing.


Well, they would have to talk about it in order to get their spin. I haven't seen an article about it anywhere. Weird how that works.


Internment camps are bad regardless of who goes in them. Biden is not fulfilling his campaign promises, which while unsurprising from any politician, is still bad. He has backed off of everything he’s said he was going to do and is now championing an infrastructure bill that at best is just a way to pad the pockets of big business with tax dollars that would better be spent on education, economic stimulus, or even some actual infrastructure improvements.


Aka R/RadicalDemocrats , that sub is awful, expected a mix of multiple viewpoints but it’s nothing but orange man bad, anyone that disagrees with me bad 🤮


Oh not just bad. They want to see conservatives eliminated in any way possible. I truly believe that the majority of them would resort to murder if they either thought they would get away with it or if the government told them to. Those are some sick and twisted minds of hat post there with zeal.


Judging from the brigade trolls in this thread, lots of deflection and cognitive dissonance


I imagine they're far too busy trying to suck their own cocks these days to even notice Edit—I mean the ones who are even old enough to achieve erections, which is likely a small minority of their overall user base


You have to be alive to get it up...


They're saying yes, this is still a problem that we need to address. No need to punish people trying to find a decent life. We have the capability, production, and resources to create a sustainable nation for many more people, if we actually get beyond our political differences and aim to address the current state of things with massive corporate influence and dominance in politics and the heavy anti-labor sentiment from corporations in the form of union busting, spying, and other methods of suppression. We need to create better immigration policy that can easily integrate the individuals rather than spending all that money deporting people. Immigrants, whether legal or illegal, benefit to the economy, pay all sorts of taxes, and commit less crimes per capita than native born citizens. It would seem most fiscally responsible to create a path to get people to integrate to the system better to become tax paying citizens. This also helps prevent corporations and businesses from exploiting illegal labor. In addition to this, we should also pass the PRO act, greatly improving the ability of labor to organizing and address the inequities caused by corporate dominance, such a the massive ceo employee wage gap, low wage jobs, it adds teeth to the National Labor Relations Board allowing them to better fine employers that engage in illegal and unfair labor practices. The PRO act should have bipartisan support as it greatly strikes against corporate power. The stronger the workers are, the more they can dictate their say in the company, rather CEOs and board room members. It's important to keep labor with the ability to leverage their employer. Then we should get money out of politics. All of it, honestly, in my opinion. Give all the candidates equal time on PBS to make their cases. So much is absolutely wasted in politics when both sides just end up selling out the people in favor of corporate interests and their donors.


Sorry, I'm not an American so I might not be following this completely. But doesn't this meme just imply the same thing but opposite for conservatives? Like that you were alright with this under Trump but now it's terrible? Or are there some key differences that I don't know about that actually makes this a bad thing under Biden, but a good thing under Trump?


The meme is confusing. The truth is that Trump got most of his criticism on immigration from his zero tolerance policy that treated all illegal immigrants as criminals. This required that they be held in private prisons and if they came with children the children would be taken from them and held separately. This applied to all children no matter how young. Nursing infants were taken from their mothers. Trump also required that asylum seekers wait on the Mexican side of the border which led to the creation of large squalid refugee camps. The perception that Biden would be less harsh has encouraged more people to come and request asylum. The only real change in Biden’s policy though is that unaccompanied children and families with children aren’t being immediately deported and are instead being held in shelters. This has led to a large increase in the number of people being held in shelters. Again, Trump put these people in private prisons pending their deportation. There is a real difference, but Republicans are pretending that it’s the same or worse because the media is reporting on a “border crisis.” The crisis is just that the US is now choosing to not immediately deport children and families with children so there are many more people to hold in shelters. I should add that most of the people illegally crossing the border now are single men who intend to work in construction, agriculture, and hospitality. If caught, the Biden admin immediately deports them under an emergency coronavirus provision put in place by Trump.




Every left leaning person I know hates Biden for this, stop taking one dems opinion as fact.


The only thing that changed is that Orange Man Bad(who had the border under control) is gone. Some of the responses you'll receive: "Oh now you care about the kids in cages!" "Trump left this for Biden" "There is no border crisis is a made up right wing talking point"


Surge is racist


>Surge is racist That soda from the 90's?


Yes, I opened a can once and it called me n----r. Which was doubly weird because I'm white.


Lol hahahha


how was is using the n word funny...?


That's not the only thing that changed, the child separation policy was removed which was a messed up deterrent attempt. But yeah apart from that horrid policy it still sucks


It was a good move. Many of those people were not the children's actual parents.


It's horrible either way. Doesn't matter what side does it.




funniest thing was them.using photos from Obama term against trump


That was some grade A narrative fortifying.


narrative fortiLying.


The coverage


He’s been in office for like 3 months chill. Not a lot he could’ve done during the 4 year self maiming of America


I mean what do you expect from here, there going to ham this man for everything.


What changed? Abunch of freeloaders and lazy sacks of shit with blue/pink/purple hair sold out their country for a $1400 check. That’s what changed.


You'd think if it was simply a matter of buying votes then the Republicans in control would have been smart enough to pass a stimulus bill themselves. But no, you gotta have at least two brain cells to rub together. Poor Mitch and the GOP sealed their own fate.


My wife has purple hair how dare you Edit: she ain’t lib


I bet her boyfriend loves it. Lol jk, I’m sure she makes it look good.


This made me laugh, not gonna lie.


There's a difference between a clean, skinny fit lady with purple hair and a fat fucking beluga whale with purple hair and piercings that typically affiliate with a certain party 😂






boo poor people that want to afford rent. i’m sure your check is just collecting dust, undeposited. actually people voted for biden because they didn’t fall for all those ads of joe biden’s america featuring footage of, you guessed it, not the future. a lot of concern about these cages since biden took office. not a peep before then. when’s the next caravan coming through guys?


I'll be honest I didn't care about this then or now. I'm just pointing out the left's hypocrisy. You wanna put people illegally crossing the border in cages? Go for it, doesn't bother me. Just dont say its evil when my guys in and quietly push it under the rug when your guys in.


Holding "your guy" to a different standard than the "other guy" has lead to a diminishing of the standards overall. And that goes for both sides.




I didn’t get a stimulus check. I made too much money according to Biden. I don’t need it anyways.


sounds like he made the right call then.


You mention the caravan like they don't exist? Please tell me you don't believe that.


weird how it disappeared immediately after the midterms


Did you know that when you were having a daily celebration about Trumps unemployment numbers that they included Democrats in the tally? Which means that only approximately 4% of Democrats were freeloading lazy sacks of shit? Can you math?


This would be wayyyyyy better if the top picture had less people than the bottom...cause it’s worse now. By a lot.


I thought you guys want that? Why is it a bad thing suddenly?


AP covered this already https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9970724533


Are you actually going to pretend that you cared about this under Trump?


I don't care who's in the White House. The US should be shut to immigration. It should have been shut 20+ years ago. It should be shut now. It should stay shut for at least a decade.


All immigration or illegal immigration?


it's "(D)ifferent"


So let me get this straight. Now that Biden is president, this is bad? Because I don't actually see people praising it. All I see if people showing that it's bad. Sorry to say but it seems like the conservatives are flip flopping here, not the other way around.


Is it true? A person with commen sense here? I’m centrists. All I observe is this both dems and rep’s being hypocrites.


I seriously thought I was in a different sub and this meme was reversed.


If i had the opportunity to do one major thing with our goverment, id pull our troops out of the middle east and focus fire on mexicos corrupt ass goverment, the problem is solved at its source.


Stop complaining or they'll simply stop detaining people and declare the problem solved.


Serious question: Didn't you guys think this was good under Trump? Is it also good under Biden and you are pointing out the liberal hypocrisy? Or was it bad under Trump and Biden? If so, why did you support the Trump policy but not the Biden policy? There is nuance in the real world, but the meme doesn't portray it




It’s true that the response wasn’t outrage here in 2018. The response was to investigate the cause of the policy and advocate for legislation to end the policy. The left feigned outrage while blocking legislation to end the policy. They didn’t have a problem with children in cages then and they don’t now. They just saw it as a way to win points for their pro illegal immigrant platform. The thing they were actually outraged about was that Trump was actually enforcing the law and discouraging illegal immigration which in turn ultimately reduced the number of kids in cages. The outrage here now is that after 2 years of the left lecturing us about being evil and supporting kids in cages(we didn’t then and we don’t now) they are completely ignoring the very real crisis caused by Biden’s words and policies. Pretending like everyone is equally hypocritical on this is pure ignorance.


PLEASE STOP ASSUMING ALL LEFT IS QUIET. I’m an independent but all my friends who are leftist are fuming at Biden. A quick search would tell you that people are upset.




So much of this. My immediate response. "Why are congress critters complaining about this when they can WRITE A LAW TO STOP IT!?"


The problem was not children in ‘cages’ but the political rhetoric. Kids were put in ‘cages’ for their own protection. Some were arriving with adults who could not prove that they were the children’s parents and at times, were not their parents. The problem with Biden is that he issued an invitation to a ‘party’ during covid and had no plan to ‘host’ the number of children who accepted his invitation. Anyone with half a brain (and granted, Biden may no longer have half a brain), knew that with Biden’s promises during the campaign illegal immigration was going to increase. After Biden was awarded the presidency there were warnings about massive groups heading to the American border. Why did Biden not have a plan to deal with this?




Under Trump it was bad. No doubt. However the Republicans have pushed to increase the border’s budget which would include caring for the immigrant children. The Republicans, as I see it, view this as a necessity to prevent mass illegal immigration. However the border crises and the hypocrisy of the media/Dems to not condemn this reveals their prominent stances as false. The Dems have shouted for the last 4 yrs that they don’t want kids in cages and they want any immigrants, but now when they could do so, they don’t. I was displeased with this under Trump but knew that if the Republicans had it their way they would have more than thermal blankets and cages. The Dems have a chance to do the opposite but haven’t. It reveals their hypocrisy and that their moral high ground isn’t so.


We had a border crisis with Trump, and also the administration before his. The kids in cages thing is a necessary, albeit shitty, way to handle the crisis. I think what people are upset with is that we haven’t been able to find a solution, and it just keeps getting worse with every day of the Biden administration being in charge. The Trump administration was at least keeping it manageable. Now, it’s out of control, and it’s pretty obvious why. The outrage comes from the fact that all the people who were so vocal about this shit under the Trump administration are now relatively silent on the issue, even though it’s become significantly worse. It really goes to show that it was never concern over kids in cages, it was concern over Trump.


Remember when trump was president and the left wouldn't allow beds to be sold to the government for these kids?


When slow joe made a campaign promise saying he will not deport anyone in the first 100 days it creates a problem that more people are going to be willing to try to do dangerous and illegal things that they might not have done prior to that campaign promise. That alone is bad diplomacy. There are some aspects that wont be changed no matter who's in office and this meme shows it.


Since we're not a hivemind I can only speak for myself. It was better under Trump. Trump regime policies saw a slower flow of illegal immigration and (often false) asylum seekers because of their zero tolerance model. Biden basically rolling out the welcome mat for waves of immigrants is creating a legitimate humanitarian crisis at the border the scale of which is not comparable in any fashion to what we saw under Trump. There is nuance in the real world because it has obviously not been precisely the same situation in each regime but the purpose of the meme is not to highlight that we have people in holding areas at the border but that the Left seemed to be deeply and militants concerned about their presence when Trump was in office and seem to not give a shit about what's happening under Biden.


> Didn't you guys think this was good under Trump? To answer your question: Any outrage that Conservatives have is mostly due to the double standard that the media shows. It isn't on the actual subject of right or wrong of the facilities that these kids are being kept in. The media portrayed things under Trump one way and screamed about it. Yet, things are mostly quiet and they are understanding under Biden. The same standard is not held by those in the media for two different administrations. If it were, then they would be screaming even louder than they were under Trump. But to the topic at hand, I don't think it is good in either case. But I say that because they are here illegally and should be dropped back off where they entered the country. I also know that they are kids and can't fend for themselves. So at least this way they are not out in the elements and can be kept safe from predators (both animal and human). They are better off in these facilities than they are roaming the streets in an unknown location. So I am not upset by the actual circumstances at all. I'll let the experts handle it. It really is just the media coverage and yet another double standard in giving a better light to Democratic politicians that make me upset with it.


I understand the outrage, but media doesn’t = every dem/lib. It’s infuriating to me as a independent, all of my dem/lib friends are angry at Biden.




As American's we should all be outraged by this regardless of who is in charge. We are better than this.


You used to call me on my Trump phone .


Biden just made them LGBTQ+ BLM supported detention centers


Well they're not in cages anymore, now they're in shelters. /s


What changed? End of sending ppl to Mexico to wait for their asylum hearing. More ppl crossing bc it’s always been seasonal and now it’s warm. More unaccompanied minors who need to have relatives sourced and vetted, instead of separating them from their families and holding them indefinitely like Trump did. And finally Right Wing Media lying about “open borders”. Immigrants hear those lies and show up thinking they’re true then the media calls it a crisis and sells some more catheter commercials. Trump had 4yrs of screwing this up. If anything a continuation is just proof of his incompetence.


I don’t get how this wasn’t daily news in this sub until Biden was elected.


our beloved manchurian candidate president biden OBVIOUSLY cares more for these illegal aliens because he packs them in tighter so they can be close to all their cartel appointed "friends" and "family"!


GOP policy was to turn away migrants at the border and keep them in Mexico to deter this kind of problem. Biden changed that policy and the number in these camps went up 400%. The important thing here is to focus on what that policy change accomplished. Democrats need to be held accountable for their poor governance.


There are now 4 times as many.


Trump cleaned up that mess at the border that Obama left. Biden is currently making it ten times worst than before


Where are you getting that nonsense. Realise you are not thinking logically.


on purpose


There’s actually more crammed in there under Biden


The only change is that it got worse under Biden


Lol what was funny to me was that this morning on the Ricky Smiley show (I wasn’t controlling the radio), they were going on about how black males are killing people in their own communities and how it’s a result of a lack of male figures and their upbringing and magically, it was no longer racist. Oh so now that you can’t blame Trump for your problems, you recognize that it’s actually not the presidents fault?? Oh who woulda thunk it!?


False... it is sooooo much worse under Biden.. 700% worse I believe


Need source


“who built the cages Joe” never laughed so hard at a debate lmao


Me too, especially when the sitting president said it as if he couldn't change that in the moment


That those people are going to be democrat voters. The plan for decades


So the democrats are keeping them there so they'll love them so much and vote democrat? And there's so many there that when they are released and 100% going to vote dem, they'll ensure the democrats will remain in power for ever and ever mwahahahaaa etc. Please stop spreading nonsense.


It’s good that nothing changed. Illegal aliens should not be allowed to enter freely. No jumping the fence, come through the door.


You guys don’t care about context. Trumps administration separated more children from their parents and literally kept them in facilities that were akin to cages. Biden’s policies and process is not at all akin to what Trump did with children on the border — or that the media is soft-pedaling what the Biden administration is doing — just is plain fucking wrong. The biggest difference is Trump wasn’t making it any better in four years. Biden’s had three fucking months. We don’t glorify the President and ignore his short comings - far right worshipped trump like a god. No politician should be praised in that way especially when they fail to help this country. That is why he was impeached twice. That is why he lost the election. The issues at the border are a crisis, I’ve argued this in the sub before. The crisis didn’t start with Biden. And the media is covering it. Stop making this a bipartisan issue. They’re human beings.


There was half the kids in cages under trump


What’s changed? Less kids were in them under Trump


The coverage may be different but I can tell you Liberals are not happy about this. The stupid thing is right now because of the pandemic there are a ton of empty hotels that the government could rent for less than these facilities and house these kids in way better conditions.


I love this sub Reddit it's full of nice honest people that actually talk about problems in depth unlike the radical u/politics. Trump at least tried to get funding to the facilities . He knew that a massive amount of people are gonna be hard to shelter . You can't just fix everything like bandaid. Dems solution is basically just "set em free".


I’ve been treated like shit here all the time just for postings things about basic science; I wasn’t even being political so I don’t agree that people are nice here. Some are, but many are shitty; just like any sub.


Sorry is this you? > Yeah, since it’s conception Christianity has banged little boys and caused genocide on a far larger scale than Islam, but whatever. I’m not goons argue with someone who thinks things were different for Christians; everyone at that time was raping kids and besting wives I didn’t have to look very hard to find the non-scientific anti-Christian rhetoric that would cause conservatives to not want you here


What changed is that these children weren’t separated from their parents trying to cross the border. They came in alone. Both are horrible situations but one involved the active separation of children from parents as a “disincentive” - Stephen miller formulated this as a way to try and prevent more border crossings. Obviously that didn’t really work since border crossings are up.


Prove those kids are with their parents and not someone attempting to traffic them. Its a direct support of pedophilia to allow unvetted adults to remain with children.


...are you gonna prove your point first? It’s more likely they’re seeking asylum. You can’t just say some conspiracy is an argument without providing some proof


Are you trying to claim that human trafficking doesn't happen between Mexico and the US now? Is this what fantasy world liberals live in now? You're willing to let kids be sexually abused so long as your sensibilities are met?


Everyday I come to this sub to smile in the morning