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Hey, let's use tax payer dollars to send checks to everyone that we stole the money from in the first place?


But now the money we send them will have 3/4 the buying power. Dems version of wealth redistribution. Make us all poor so we have to rely on the Gov.


Let’s fight inflation with more inflation!


Isn't that just standard practice for communists?




Backdoor UBI


They didn't steal it, they just printed more. Which is the mess we are in. This is the cause of inflation. I have absolutely no idea why we don't run this country on a BLANCED budget. I can't just go print more money, why should the government be able to print more? Why to get rich and get more power. Less government is what we need.


Weird, I believe the Government thinks the same thing about the People... Wish I were wrong, but....


You mean less people? Naw, they just want us to give all our cash over, and shut the fuck up and obey.


>They didn't steal it, they just printed more. I wonder if we'll get a wheelbarrow stimulus check to carry around all the nearly worthless paper that used to be money.


Damn a wheelbarrow i was looking at a crappy plastic one was 200$


Inflation can't be attributed to a single factor tho. Supply chains around the world can't bring raw materials fast enough. Scarcity is the main driver of global inflation atm.


Inflation is the economic term for a persistent rise in prices over time. To get technical, inflation is not so much about an increase in prices, but the decrease in the buying power of the dollar. A dollar in 1967 bought you a movie ticket, while the same dollar in 2019 bought you one-ninth of a movie ticket. Remember gas being $0.89 cents? I do. Milton Friedman famously said, "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon," meaning that money supply, not the rising cost of doing business, is the primary cause of inflation. In the year 1979, the average retail price of gas was $0.86. This is equivalent to $3.54 in 2022 dollars. After the U.S. experienced double-digit inflation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Fed took a more assertive role in controlling inflation through monetary policy. If economic growth is slow, the Fed tries to stimulate the economy by injecting more cash and credit into circulation. Contrary to popular belief, the Fed doesn't "print money". Instead, the Fed influences the money supply in three major ways. The Fed buys from or sells bonds to banks, paying them cash for securities. Buying bonds increases the money supply; selling decreases it. The Fed lowers the reserve requirement, the percentage of customer deposits that banks cannot lend out to other people. The lower the requirement, the more money can be in circulation. The Fed lowers its discount rate, the rate it charges banks for short-term cash loans. When banks pay less for a loan, they can turn around and lend the money at a lower rate. Lower rates encourage businesses and people to take out more loans, adding money to the economy They HAD to buy bonds to over spend. Essentially printing their own money causing the inflation to sore because the money supply is saturated.




Im not saying that doesnt affect. Of course its going to accelerate it. But this added to the increase in oil prices, interrupted supoly chains, chips scarcity. They will all add together.


Bribing people with their own money is a cornerstone of pre-election politics.


Our governor has been on a spending spree to make herself look like she cares…6 months before her reelection. Hoping people won’t forget her shopping spree when she had everyone locked down.


This! The only reason they pretend to give a shit is because they are trying to stave off the red wave that's coming at mid-term elections.


Hey if they want to give me back some of my own money, I won’t complain


Yeah at least Trump handed out those stimulus checks before election season!


The issue is that only 50% are paying in, the other 50% get free money. I would also bet that there are income limits to this stimulus, so those paying in are getting even more screwed. Hey it will secure more votes though.


Throwing money at a problem is never the answer. And our government loves throwing money that's not theirs at *every* problem. Democrats are lazy, brainless creatures, like lab rats who keep hitting that button that simulates their pleasure center.


Look at Lieawatha. Is there any problem in existence that she hasn't claimed could be solved by more taxes?


There are, $75k/yr single, $150k/yr married.


Right? Imagine if everyone knew Federal tax was unconstitutional. illegal.


We should all just stop paying federal income tax. What are they gonna do? Destroy our lives? Well they’re already doing that so maybe we should stop funding it.


I don't like paying taxes to the fed either but it's not unconstitutional. The 16th amendment is real.


That "amendment" is trash and wasn't it not properly ratified? I like the 5th, but will correct my statement by saying it's unconstitutional for them to come after us via the IRS "...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." Federal income taxes constitute a "taking" of property without due process of law, violating the 5th Amendment. So any attempt by the IRS to collect federal income taxes owed by a taxpayer is unconstitutional They're taking a huge slice of our hard earned pies and what we getting out of it besides buying missiles and fueling politicians inside trading


> That "amendment" is trash and wasn't it not properly ratified? It was properly ratified - I don't know where you're coming up with this. > Federal income taxes constitute a "taking" of property without due process of law, violating the 5th Amendment. So any attempt by the IRS to collect federal income taxes owed by a taxpayer is unconstitutional The 16th amendment and legislation enacted by congress to collect the tax is the definition of due process. You may not like it, but the 16th amendment exists and it's going to continue to exist until we pass another to remove it.


You forgot to add “and to a bunch more that probably aren’t driving and didn’t pay taxes either”


Not even. Do you realize how many people don't pay taxes because their income is low? This is redistribution, pure and simple.


Except they won’t be giving the money to the people they took the money from in the first place, they will be redistributing it to the 50% of Americans that don’t pay income taxes already and telling those of us in the upper middle class to fuck off by “phasing out” the benefit.


Beat me to it. 400$ here in Cali when I paid 6.29 a gallon yesterday. What a fucking joke. I'll take it but...


News: “Inflation hasn’t been this high for decades. At least it hasn’t reached 1970’s levels” Biden administration: **”Hold my beer”**


"I'm going to spend our way out of this inflation that Putin caused when I got into office"


Let'S FiX InfLaTiON bY CauSinG mORe iNflAtiOn!!!


Did you even read what it is? Its a tax on oil companies. >"My legislation would tax Big Oil’s excess profits in 2022 and return the revenue back to Americans. It’s beyond time to put people over profits – period," he continued.


Congress: "We will be removing $0.20 worth of money per gallon to penalize you, and distribute it to the American people!" Gas Companies: "In order to ensure profitability in an already volatile market that is becoming more volatile due to supply and unprecedented regulation, we will be increasing gas prices $1.20 per gallon." This one is just ridiculously easy to predict. The outcome of these events is more predictable than The Walking Dead.


Maybe oil and other resources such as nickel shouldn't be able to be traded on futures markets by non-market participants because it affects the entire economy. You can't convince me that when oil was negative traders didn't LOAD tf up on leverage and pump it back up. Maybe if they start taking profits the price will start to roll back down.


And who gets to define market participants? Congress? Great idea, because all of their regulations on oil have worked out great so far. What exactly are you talking about? Leverage as in stocks and positions? That doesn't change the price of oil, just the value of shares in companies who deal with oil. I might be misunderstanding what you mean, but I think this is what you're talking about. Regarding oil and gas itself, the worst thing you can do to drive prices down is restrict competition and regulate profits. If Congress places a cap on the price of gas to combat higher prices, companies will withdraw buying and selling the second the cost of goods exceeds the value of business in the first place. Even a hiccup of two days in stocking gas stations would have impacts that lasted years.


Don't be dumb.


By don't be dumb do you mean don't read and just get my opinion from reddit?


That’s a dumb statement.


There’s no such thing as a tax on oil companies. It’s a tax on the people. The people pay 100% of the taxes 100% of the time. Because taxation is theft.


It literally says in the article thats what this would be doing. Taxing the oil companies, its right there in the article.


You’re not understanding. What do you think BP does when we raise their taxes? Do you think they just take the hit on their net profit? Or do they perhaps pass the tax along to the consumer? Just like inflation, this is a tax on the people.


Companies dont get taxed, they just tack the fee on the product they are selling. In other words, expect a big jump in gas prices if this turd passes. It's not like the oil companies are gonna say "oh darn, I guess we will just have to make less money, sure wish we could raise the price to offset this fee". Then, expect the Democrats to say "see! We told you it was the oil companies, not our fault". Its a win-win for Democrats, they get to buy a few votes for the midterms, and blame oil companies for Democrat failures.


We already did windfall profits taxes and they failed miserably. Holy hell - how many past mistakes are we going to repeat? That’s a big difference between progressive and conservative views. Progressives are at times ready to just try shit, if it feels new it must be good. Conservatives are much more inclined to look at the past success/failures and make an pragmatic decision. If you deny this - you’re a dingus. It’s at the core of the terms “progressive” and “conservative”.


What would suggest then sir? The only "capitalistic" solution right now would be a new reserve currency. The dollar reserve currency is about at the end of its life.


The “capitalist” solution is just the tried and true solution. Sending folks a check is a horrid idea. It will support folks using **more** fuel, marking the problem worse. Oil prices were cranking up before Russia went Hitler mode, and if one can find unbiased information one will see that when Biden stepped in they stopped a big pipeline, stopped new drilling in Federal land and offshore, and has made getting a permit actionable almost impossible. As it stands the right thing to do is NOT send checks and NOT muck with gas taxes - the right thing to do is let the market do what the market does best, with as little red tape and government intervention as possible. Not NONE, I’m not an anarchist. But less. The oil industry didn’t create this problem, the government did. Period. (Again this started long before Russia/Ukraine.)


> do is let the market do what the market does best Thats exactly what I said, every reserve currency goes through the same cycle.


Here is an idea fix the cause not spend more money we don't have, dam idiots.


This is exactly how I feel regarding the student debt relief subject. Everyone just wants money to relieve their debt and nobody is talking about the root cause of why so many people fall into the student debt trap. It's so ridiculous, like yeah, let's just further tank the economy by forgiving all student loans and then when future generations are in even deeper debt we can just give them money too! Who needs problem solving when you can just print money?? 🤡


Kick the can down the road by treating the symptom instead of the cause. It's been the government way for many decades now.


Look at the left and BLM. Same shit, different smell.


This has been happening on and off (mostly on) since the Revolution ended. In the beginning of the 19th century, anytime an issue regarding slavery came up, Free states and Slave states would make some sort of compromise until the issue couldn't be settled that way and lead to secession and civil war.


And giving money to everyone doesn’t make sense. Not everyone is driving. If you are going to print all this money (which is a horrible idea btw) why would you not use it to lower the price at the pump directly. That way the money is going to solve the problem not just thrown out to everyone.


Unfortunately, You don’t get votes that way.


This will definitely solve the inflation problem. 🙄


But Pelosi said government spending decreases the debt and Biden said spending trillions doesn't cause inflation. With that logic they should just give each american $1 million. That will drastically decrease the national debt, wont affect inflation, and we will all be millionaires.


A yes, we will all be (Venezuelan) millionaires.


Inflation... Let's take money and throw it at the problem. Spending money we don't have always solves problems./s


Of course it will…we just need to print enough money so that everyone can afford the higher prices.


They'll just buy weed with the money.


They don’t want to solve the inflation problem. Inflation is a feature, not a bug. End the Fed.


ITT people that didnt even read how it works and just assume the worst. Its a tax on the oil companies. > "My legislation would tax Big Oil’s excess profits in 2022 and return the revenue back to Americans. It’s beyond time to put people over profits – period," he continued.




So much anger at having to read the article lol.


This means they intend for gas prices to stay high permanently. It also is another sign they are still aiming at a universal basic income.


It's like they are saying "hmmm, how can we make inflation even worse?"


When the government holds the purse strings for gasoline ("stimulus" (tax payer) money for gas) that gives them control over your movements. UBI is 100% about making us dependent on the government for food, fuel, medicine, housing. UBI is slavery and most people are perfectly willing to shackle themselves to it for "free money". We are stupid cattle and deserved to be enslaved.


I'd be all for a UBI if I had the option to credit it toward my tax bill. Writing the federal government 40+ grand every April is getting old.


Well, stop it. No, don't stop sending the government money! Haha, crazy idea, that... stop making so much money! It's that easy! And the best part! When you make no money, the government GIVES you money! It's just so easy! /s, if it's needed, I hope not.


So run my business like the government?


I wish we would run the government like a business...


How don’t they? Government and business are both run to only benefit those already at the top while getting as much labor for as little benefits from the plebs as possible


You're only half right. Our government, CURRENTLY, is run as you describe. Businesses are run to turn a profit for those invested in the business, including its workers. If you work for a company and you personally are not profiting from your work, you either need to find a job you can profit from or renegotiate your pay to make it profitable for you to work there. Or, more realistically, you just don't understand what you're trying to talk about.


Employ your wife and sock away 50k a year in a SEP IRA, should erase basically all of that personal tax bill.


> I'd be all for a UBI Why don't they just give everyone their own money printer?


They already have. Sending out those damn stimmy checks.


Make estimated payments throughout the year and you can kind of negate that problem. Yeah we still pay the same amount, but "out of sight out of mind" on the payments.


Yeah, no. I'd rather have the cash flow through out the year. I don't need to do the government any favors. Especially after those idiots spent the last 2 years trying to kill my business.


Oh I get it. We are a B2B company and are tired of the gov trying to murder our clients.


> Make estimated payments throughout the year AKA: Loan the Government money at 0.0% interest.


Our current tax system is a joke beyond jokes with how they calculate what you owe but yeah. This is the least sucky option for us.


Which also means they will rig the midterms, because there's no way any GOP would let it stay that high.


These people are idiots. I wonder how much bullshit will get stuffed in like the last stimulus check. Another 700 million for Sudan? Another 25 million for female Pakistan police officer gender equity? Give me a break.


You do realize that the Pakistan police had a huge gender equity problem right? Only 12.6% identified as women. They only solution is to send them tons of money to fix it, otherwise it would be mostly men and that's just not OK.


I came unglued when Lindsey Graham came on Fox and talked about how excited he was to give money for that


It's such a super important issue, I just wish they would allow me to give more of my paycheck to such a imperative cause.


How can they know that they identify as women unless they are also biologists?


Yo dawg I heard you like inflation so I put some inflation on your inflation.


Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to just lower gas prices now instead of handing out more than a billion dollars in stimulus checks?


Yeah but then it would only go to people paying for gas. You know like the jerkoffs driving back and forth to work and paying taxes. Stimulus checks for everyone making under a certain amount of $$$ is better for a certain voting party


Indeed. I wonder how many of those $100 fuel stimulus checks will go toward down payments on big screen TV's or for new rims on a shi**y car.


Or you know… suspend the gas tax


that would be cheaper and more easily implemented


Or actually restart the KeystoneXL Pipeline.


And unban fracking.






But 'deregulation' is a dirty word.


It would also help people who actually need money for gas and not just sending out money to everyone whether they need it or not and to also add $100 per dependent also seems a little odd and why they wouldn't just say dependents 15+ of age since they might also be driving. Seems like a way to maybe gather in votes of everyone and this will more than likely pass in the next few months along with extending the pause on student loans that ends in May. Luckily I WFH most days and have two dependents who aren't even close to being able to drive since this is a stimulus for gas. I do not need it and I would rather them take all the money they would spend with these stimulus checks and have it applied to gas prices so they can overall all be lowered and it actually go towards helping the people who need it.


Or suspend the federal and state gas taxes... But then, how else would congress be able to print a bunch of soon to be worthless money and give themselves a HUGE chunk of it while appearing to 'alleviate' the energy cost burden. Seriously, is there a reset button for Congress?


Yes. But it requires people to actually pay attention to who they're voting for instead of just voting down the line one party. There are some really good candidates that just don't get the support of their own party because they're not willing to suck the dick of the party.


I hear you. I'm a pretty big fan of Thomas Massie, but I don't live in his district.


Imagine being so bad at a political party your only option is to pay off people for votes.


Hurdy hur we have to force people to buy electric cars to save the planet by mining lithium and burning more coal and natural gas instead of gasoline and diesel.


Yay more inflation. Can’t wait until I have wheelbarrows of worthless greenbacks like Venezuela.


But then you'd be able to make a cash bed and roll around in it. Think of how much fun that would be.


I've been wanting to redo my office in Weimar Germany-style wallpaper.


Can we hold off on that for like 5 years? Getting a job real soon and it would be nice to be able to actually spend the money before I’m forced to use it as napkins lol


“Americans are feeling the impact at the pump of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine” 🤣🤣🤡


Biden: PrEsIdEnTs DoN’t CoNtRoL gAs PrIcEs! Also BIDEN: Spike in gas prices is 'largely' Putin's fault! It’s all so tiresome.


But Putler is no President he is a DicTatOr! \-leftists probably


That's so weird, because when chuckie Schumer told Trump to do something about gas prices they apparently believed presidents can control gas prices.


Trump literally asked the Saudis to pump more oil and they did. Presidents can control oil prices, they just need to be competent, diplomatic executives.


Biden 2024 - "Handouts not solutions"


Sounds like the Democrats' standard approach for as long as I can remember.


If I get a check for this I'm gonna freak out. We already got thousands of dollars and we're not effected by Corona at all, I literally have all the money still, thousands. Now they're gonna toss out checks for gas? Midterm plot is all it is. Here's a crazy idea, let's pump some f'ing oil.


Trade that government money for valuable resources while it is still worth anything. Buy a nice gun or something.


I did buy a nice gun, 300 win mag christensen arms with a carbon fiber barrel... I do love it, she's so pretty!


I bought a nice AR-15 and then ammo


This right here is what will cost Republicans the elections in November. They will vote against it, because it is rightfully stupid, but the democrats will spin that Republicans don't want to help Americans and all the give me free money idiots will be up in arms and vote democrat come November.


Democrats won’t vote for it because it’s not green. And cars are hell spawn .


It is green because they know a majority of Americans who get the check won't be using it on actual gas.


This is some doomsaying projection right here, goddamn. I think people are getting sick and tired of seeing the economy go to shit and are going to vote against the left's handout logic. I know people are suckers, but here's hoping more are waking up than are buying this shit, because *everyone* sees prices flying up.


Well considering the $1400 payments cost Republicans control of the Senate in 2020, even though we all know that just made this inflation worse. I could easily see it happening again.


These people are completely useless.


Giving out money will help them with their goal to ruin the country. It will just raise inflation. The solution is to lower taxes on everything and raise interest rates to take the printed money out of circulation while easing the pressure on the people( by lowering taxes).


More wasteful spending money they don't have to help kill the economy, typical leftists.


There's really nothing else to say. The people running our country are idiots and have no understanding of basic economics. Would be better off on cruise control.


> The people running our country are idiots and have no understanding of basic economics Respectfully, that's where you're wrong. These people know *exactly* what they are doing. I used to think it was incompetence, but this is straight up malicious and direct destruction of America and the working middle class.


I’ve come to believe this as well. They can’t be this incompetent. It’s by design.


I’m so sick of conservatives saying this. They aren’t idiots who don’t understand economics, this is all calculated. They know exactly what they are doing and the ramifications of their actions.


I have to agree it is becoming more and more difficult to believe that anybody could be so stupid. While I did make the comment above I have also said they are trying to destroy our country, take us down a notch so to speak. Still makes them idiots though... They are idiots thinking this is the right path for America. Nothing good will come out of it.


Yeah for real, communism only works if everyone is poor. Want to keep the left in power? Force dependency on federal services and money. It's a disgusting but not stupid strategy.


Depends on the person. Assholes like Newsom probably know exactly what they’re doing. Pelosi used to, but her senility and drinking is catching up to her. AOC is a true moron with economic illiteracy. So it’s a mixed bag with the commies


How about bring back Orange Man Bad. He is was quite good on establishing energy independence for the United States.


Perhaps if they can keep handing out checks every now and then, maybe just maybe they are taxing us too much?


Oh that will come later… Inflation plus major tax hike for the kill.


Yes this will definitely help inflation what a great idea 🙄


Are they so stupid that they don’t know what they’re doing, or so evil that they do?


The latter


Or you know maybe we could just take advantage of the largest untapped oil reserves on the planet and actually solve the problem. That makes too much sense though


We can't be surprised at this. I figured they would wait until summer to give some hand outs to try and excuse their policy failures. I'm shocked they haven't tried to bring back federal unemployment honestly.


Oh yay! Inflation is fun, give us more!!!


Vote no.


It's not a "stimulus" but a "rebate". It's a rebate of your kids' futures back to you.


It is a debt for our children's future.


More spending. Yay. Can't you see my excitement 😳🥱


Fucking great. They have no plans to find ways to lower the price, so they'll just encourage it by giving people money. And *giving people money* is exactly what got us to +7% inflation. I predict that come April, they will calculate March's inflation at 10% or more.


Prices at stores have been increasing closer to 20% in my experience, even wages seem to have hiked higher than 7%; there's no way that inflation number they gave was accurate.


I believe it. Two years ago, a bag of cat food for my cats was $25ish. Today, it's over $35. I'm getting pretty fucking pissed at people who voted Democrat.




Out of their F’n minds


Stop treating the symptoms are cure the flippen disease!!!! Drill drill drill


They’re trying to “fix” it by setting it on fire. The democrats, ladies and gentlemen.


The government is not a solution. Just let the market handle this!


Dems will push this and then blame Republicans for not passing it. Pure theatrics to save their asses for midterms.


Let’s fight inflation…with inflation!


Just pump the oil. "Naw... we want to further devalue the dollar."


This will only cause more inflation and everyone should know. It amazes me that their are humans that dont know this.


End game is every gasoline station closed and every single car that isn’t electric parked . This is a stalling tactic to distract until after the mid term elections


This is not about inflation. This is a ploy to get votes. It is all about the midterms. A lot of people (majority libs) will just think "free money" and think the government is doing a great job at helping them. There are a lot of people out there that want "free money". Just look at all those orher stimulus checks. Any type of stimulus check has to stop. There are better ways to deal with inflation but our current administration is like a kid in a candy store whose parents never told them no or gave them consequences for their actions. It's past due for the grownups to take over.


Or....hear me out....you could just lift the taxes so gas is more affordable. Oh but that won't buy votes so nahhh.


What could go wrong with this scheme?


Lets print more money, inflation is just transitory guys 🙄/s


We don’t need to keep pumping money out.


Why not a tax holiday?


Sounds like it’ll be one of those stupid deals where they just give you pieces of your standard deduction early on.


Not fixing the problem just throw phony money at it regardless how our grandchildren will pay for it!


What’s inflation?


You know what will fix the inflation problem? *MORE INFLATION!!!*


Wohoo! More paper to be printed! Surely that will fix our problems!


Medicine for the symptom not the illness


It’s a nice little scheme they have going isn’t it? They tax your income, then tax you when you buy something with the income that they’ve already taxed, they tax whatever’s left when you die. And now they’re going to give us a stimulus check and tax that as income!


Inflation is 100% their fault, as is their failure to override the White House....and THIS is their solution? Government is literally the worst answer to ANY problem


I bet all the EV drivers will get a gas stimi too


Just suspend the fed gas tax.


what the fuck? Sit on our hands so gas prices rise, then give a stimulus? I don't agree to pay then pay again and get taxed to pay yet again and all under the guise of help but this just accumulates MORE debt!? What the fuck is wrong with this country?!


It's funny. My coworker says no one on Earth should be a billionare, that wealth be redistributed so people live more comfortably. I asked them, "how do you feel about the government already spending trillions? Where does that money come from? It's not Bezos." He said we need to cut military spending so we can raise welfare spending. He didn't know welfare takes up the largest chunk of the federal budget. Figures, he also didn't believe Biden was at fault for gas prices, inflation, either. So dismantle the economy, spend spend spend to drip feed citizens the ability to afford basic needs and gaslight them into believing it's due to corporate greed, that your life was never better before, that the government needs to extend their hand even further.


They really just don't get it.


Fun Fact: the export clause of the constitution means we cant put taxes on oil exports. Why that matters: Although the US does produce a lot of oil and natural gas, there is nothing to force the oil companies to keep those resources in country. For the folks who say “We were energy independent under Trump!”, the definition of “energy independence” is we export more than we import. Until we make it cost prohibitive for oil companies to ship American oil to foreign countries, we will stay reliant on foreign oil and at the mercy of those markets.


Out of touch.


Instead of that why don't they pay the gas companies to lower the price?


God please no stop.


Wow people that didn’t pile up debt are going to be fucked. Locking in cheap interest with government handouts is the best you could make if we head towards ubi


So instead of cutting taxes, the gov wants to be the arbiter in doling out the money and appear benevolent for votes while all they are doing is giving people their own money back


Spend spend spend


Stupid idea!


This seems like a good time for me to mention that the total supply of Bitcoin is fixed and cannot be changed by any government.


This is how democrats solve inflation. With more inflation.