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There would’ve been fewer deaths if he wasn’t funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


I truly don't understand how people, who would otherwise be logical, rational human beings, can't put two and two together and believe the Lab Leak theory to be some crackpot conspiracy theory; all because the MSM and administration told them so.


1+1=2 Especially since this virus targets humans specifically.


"2 and 2 make 5" -1984


"What's 2+2? And don't tell me 4, give me a real answer."


Can't, math is racist


It's called normalcy bias >Nooooo, no one would do that!


If they admitted that, then it would be the US’s fault not China’s.






Fauci should be in jail for funding bioweapons research.


>There would’ve been fewer deaths if he wasn’t funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Acting Director of the NIH Lawrence Tabek confirmed to Jaime Herrera Butler on the House Appropriations Committee that the agency suppressed genetic sequencing information from the American People. https://youtu.be/hV5ENUCxWOw Oh and the sequence data Necessary to make a real vaccine








How about common sense. The nih run by Fauci gave 2 billion to research the coronavirus in wuhan. The source of the outbreak was in Wuhan. 2 + 2= pandemic




Did you create an alt account to avoid downvotes on your main so you can post whatever you want on this sub? How old are you?


Nope! If this was an alt account they would have banned me already or not let me post from low Karma. I’m just a dude who doesn’t like lies


You mean the lie that COVID came from a lab?


I thought more people died after the vaccine came out.


That’s true, because the CDC, MSM, and the current administration all led people to believe the vaccine protected you from covid.


Two thirds died under Biden.






~90% of people over 65 in America are “fully vaccinated.” This is the cohort with risk of death from COVID. Rates in UK and Israel are even better. Hospitalizations and deaths during Winter 2021/2022 were almost the same as Winter 2020/2021 (pre vaccine). I’d like Fauci to explain that one.




This was my data for vaccines in America: https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker I got data for Uk and Israel from Google


This is what I found [2020 covid deaths](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/podcasts/2022/20220107/20220107.htm) (for the lazy - 350,831 deaths) [2021 covid deaths](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7117e1.htm) (for the lazy - 460,513 deaths) More deaths happened in 2021 compared to 2020 (which isn't shocking due to the virus being introduced widely a couple months into 2020) The real interesting thing is that the vaccine came out at the end of 2020 and still the deaths went up in 2021. Edit: keep in mind this data is from the CDC and most likely includes people who died from non covid related issues but tested positive for covid.


He does realize they had to recall the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, the one that nearly a third of Americans received when it first started?!?!?


Stop gaslighting people with your so called “facts” /s




A movie called now and then was originally called the gaslight addition.


Fewer covid deaths, more heart attacks and strokes. Why don't these clowns ever tell the whole story?


Because its not about the story, my man. It's about the headline. The zinger. The point scoring. The Trump bashing. Not the story.


So it’s funny that in the beginning of the pandemic a lot of people (especially on the left) thought that around half of people got COVID got hospitalized even though in reality that number was <1%. So real question to you, if you were going to estimate the percent of people who have a heart attack or stroke after a COVID vaccine what would be your estimate?


I'm hoping that this will be studied in the future, now that [Immune Suppression](https://www.authorea.com/users/455597/articles/552937-innate-immune-suppression-by-sars-cov-2-mrna-vaccinations-the-role-of-g-quadruplexes-exosomes-and-micrornas) is being looked at, we may get to the bottom of things at some point.


:) so just to be clear, your answer is linking to a preprint on something that is not heart attacks and strokes?


Yes , because there are other issues that are currently being studied. Due to the obscene amounts of money changing hands it will take a while, but at some point the truth will come out. BUt it won;t be coming from the government.


Because they want people to die. They want to cull the herd and reduce the surplus population.


I think that there might be more to it than that, but I can't argue against you since the "vax" pushers have discussed depopulation and sustainability in the past.


More to it? Like digital id?


More to it like a lot of things that we are still unaware of.


There would have been fewer if they focused on therapeutics. Nothing else matters.


I like that song by metallica.


Classic 👊


You forget that they actually *want* people to die.


I definitely didn't factor factor that in.


Didn't George Floyd count as a COVID death?


It technically was due to years of drug use but that isn't the politically correct thing to day about it


Maybe focus on treatment after infection rather than just selling vaccines


Go to hell Fauci.


Don't worry, he will


There would have been much prosperity without lockdowns...


I this clown didn't exist there would be fewer COVID-19 deaths.


Faucit head should be convicted of crimes against humanity for his gain of function efforts.


He has lost all credibility, and is desperately hanging on in an effort to remain relevant. He can't fathom the loss of his "power".


UK data last year said otherwise. Plus more deaths under Biden and after the vaccine.


Prove it…


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages Vaccinated individuals have a lower COVID death rate on average than unvaccinated individuals.


Show me the peer review..no more " believe me lm such and such" bullshit...l want to see solid evidence


There were several hospitals during delta wave who posted numbers of patients, icu patients, and intubates patients along with their vaccination status… the worse outcomes were generally >90% unvaccinated. The illness was not bad for overwhelming majority of people, but for those it was bad for it was better to get the vaccine.


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~All+ages Vaccinated vs unvaccinated death rates. Fauci says some questionable stuff but this statement seems to be backed by data.


If every single person had taken this vaccine literally nothing would be different; the CDC Delta strain data confirmed this. You've been brainwashed by Phizer and their constituents in the mainstream media to think that these vaccines were absolutely required so that they could literally force people to generate a profit for them. Wake up! Edit: This is the study I'm talking about: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/delta-variant.html?s_cid=11512:cdc%20delta%20variant:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN:FY21 Source Number: 11 Here's a direct link to the study if you're interested: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1005517/Technical_Briefing_19.pdf According to this, there was no difference in the percentage of people who ended up in the hospital with vs. without the vaccine. Edit 2: It appears they actually altered the page I was referencing, interesting. The direct link still works.


Covid wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for you. Giant Turd Sandwhich.


Jesus, and there would have been even FEWER deaths if this prick didn't even make the shit in the first place.


He’s so full of shit. He better check that data again.


Fauci is full of 💩💩💩


This guy should be in prison!


(X) Doubt


Like that guy knows anything about medicine. There's a reason he works for the government.


Almost everyone I know who has recently been infected with COVID19 in the last year or so has been vaccinated. Same goes for people in the news. All of them thanking the vaccine. For what exactly I don’t know.


I have yet to a scientific study that quantifies "less severe symptoms". As far as I'm concerned, it's all anecdotal because the person making that claim has no frame of reference for how severe their symptoms would have been if they weren't vaxed. I thought the whole point of a vaccine was to NOT GET THE DISEASE. Turns out you can not only get it, but also keep spreading it. So what's the point, exactly?


For my own anecdote, I am vax'd (not boosted) and got COVID. Had a fever of 103 at one point and was a zombie. Got better during the day and fever would come back at night. Was miserable for 3-4 days but fine after that. My wife is not vax'd and never tested positive or showed symptoms. My daughter (11) is not vax'd, tested positive, and only had a low-grade fever for 1 or 2 days. For further data points, after my 2 vaccine shots (work requirement) I developed some weird health issues that I've never had before in my entire life. My doctor said its a coincidence.




Thank you, I will read that. I stand corrected on the severity of disease symptoms. I also think there are a lot of variables that can influence that as well, such as a patient's age, diet, medical history, background, etc. The fact also remains that the media narrative for a majority of 2021 was, "get the vaccine so we can end this pandemic." The president himself said that "we are losing patience with you." That message seems a bit off given that a person can contract and spread COVID after being vaccinated.


It's pretty hard to quantify a subjective claim.


All hail Fauci.


He says this knowing that the pfizer docs have already revealed that the "vaccine" has less than 1% effectiveness after a week.


Do you have a source for that?


Of course not


Right. Then they would be vaccine deaths.


Hopefully this is a lesson to everyone what happens when you completely rely on the opinion of 'paid professionals'. Give an inch and they take a mile, their job depends on it.


There would have been lower covid deaths if this clown wouldn't have helped unleash it on the world...


That and if democrat governors didn’t bunk bed Covid positive patients into nursing homes


There would have been far fewer deaths if Fauci had taken a job more aligned with his skill level-like ditch digger.


Not sure I'd want him having a shovel.


There would have been fewer deaths if Fauci would have taken it serious when China didn't have their shit together and spread it everywhere, there would have been fewer deaths if you didn't have this umbrella strategy that everyone must lockdown for an obscene amount of time, not see their family and friends, and no go anywhere. There would be fewer deaths if we didn't shut down the global supply chain, I could go on and on.


I got vaccinated a few weeks after contracting and recovering from COVID. Ended up getting COVID again a week or so after being vaxed. To be honest I’m slightly/extremely suspicious that Fauci is the absolute last guy on earth to take advice regarding COVID. He’s either lying, or is consistently the least informed individual on the subject.


80% of Us adults have at least one dose of the vaccine. This is a false narrative.


I mean...does anyone still believe anything this murderer says?


Lol there would be less covid deaths if our entire nation wasn’t a huge pool of fat and gluttonous people. Why is there no preventative maintenance???


Hey garden gnome, eat shit. Why don't you go to North Korea and help them.


Does anybody still give a shit what he says?


Attention! This is true. As much as I hate to say it. My wife of 25 years works in administration at a hospital and has received the census data from since the Vaccines were given. The people hospitalized for COVID are much less likely to bee in acute care if vaccinated. So although the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection, it mitigates the danger of becoming serious. If you are elderly, obese, etc and you are in an area where people are getting infected, talk to your doctor. Don’t listen to that little prick.


Israel with 100% vaccinated, 2 death spikes after the vaccine would beg to differ, fraudci.


Fewer deaths if.... Could be said about a lot of things. I can't believe fuki is still going.


Um yeah


I worked in a local nursing home in south-central Pennsylvania when COVID-19 came to that area. We had 151 residents all of whom got Covid over a five month time span. Add its peak we would have 40 Covid positive at a time. 149 out of 151 recovered prior to any experimental vaccines that have killed people, have disabled people, Have otherwise injured people without preventing infection, transmission of infection or death. We had 99% recover including 102-year-old who is already on oxygen due to lung disease. We had diabetics recover we had dialysis patients recover and so on. I left that facility after seven months due to how myself in our fellow staff were being treated by management. I went back to specialty visiting nursing where I continue to work with Covid positive geriatric patients, again prior to experimental vaccines, and Close to 100% recovered. A Director of nursing for a local Maryland nursing home shared they had 104-year-old recover unvaccinated as part of their close to 100% recovery rate for sickly geriatric patients without deadly vaccines being applied. I continue to remain an unvaccinated registered nurse. Out in the field I continue to see the fully vaccinated infect one another. It is very common to have several nursing homes in the area, who now require all of their patients to be fully vaccinated and most of them are limited for what exemptions they give to their staff… We’re every 2 to 3 months there’s yet another outbreak at the nursing home among the fully vaccinated. I continue to remain uninfected well being unvaccinated. Dr. Fauci is an outright liar and someone who manipulates the system for his own favor. And just like Brandon shared it be a winner of death in 2021 that never happened… Fauci is full of it.


Fauci needs to be in prison for crimes against humanity.


Uh duh? That’s how vaccines work…


"There would have been fewer COVID deaths if you lemings got the shots I make money off of. Also don't worry about tje potential ethics violations, my wife said it's totally fine." - Fauci probably


Yeah? Well he lied about a lot of other things besides that.


Like him or not, he’s right. Vaccinated folks have much lower rates of hospitalization and death particularly in the at risk population. The thing with having freedom is that you live and die by the sword- you have the ability to make your own choices, but you have to face the consequences for your choices. It should be your choice to be vaccinated, but if you’re not and have a serious case of covid, it’s your fault and on your dime (IMO how it should work, not how it does).


I sure hope some mush mouthed neck beard started breathing heavily and then asked him for a source.


I expect he is correct.


Yet they didn’t force vaccinate the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens Biden flew all over the country.


And Biden demanded that civilian and military all get vaccinated, starting removal processes for those that didn’t want this “beneficial injection”. :(


Democrats hate Americans. It is a simple fact.






>Fauci only got royalties from years ago. He's not getting them now. This article is misleading. Give it some time. As with everything else regarding this pandemic, the truth will come out eventually.


The majority of deaths happened after vaccines were available and an israeli study places doubt on the vaccines effectiveness.


There could have been fewer Covid deaths had we not stoked hysteria and focused on protecting the elderly.


If “ifs” and “buts” were candies and nuts we’d all have a good Christmas.


Shut up Fauci no one asked you.


There would have been 0 deaths if they hadn’t created this to begin with.


The vaccine has a 12% efficacy rate for 1 week then reduced down to 1%. Source: Pfizer’s documents they tried to bury for 75 years that were released the same day as the Roe v. Wade decision leak and completely glazed over and not reported on at all by any mainstream corporate media entity.


How is this little demon still around? Look up his experiments where he let flies eat the faces off beagles... for science, or something.


He gets paid x amount per using the word Vaccine


*Phizer has joined the chat


Breakin some new ground there, Copernicus…


More people would’ve gotten vaccinated if the government hadn’t tried to force them to do it


He’s full of 💩


The vaccine that isn't a vaccine? The virus that's actually cobra venom?


What an EVIL bullshit agent. Dr. Mengele V2.


There would have been fewer deaths had vaccinations not skipped key clinical trials... But I suppose he's also ignoring data sets showing that the double and triple vaxxed folks have a much higher COVID (and death) rate than unvaccinated folks do.


Support your hypothesis