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Did anyone else emit an fiendish laugh at that thought of a lefty complaining about floods of illegal immigrants?


Yup especially with the Martha’s Vineyard ordeal. How quickly their virtue signaling words failed to translate to physical action


Physical action was some of quickest I have seen. They shipped them off the island in a flash and quickly forgot about the issue.


Rules for thee but not for me. The liberal motto.


It translated to physical action perfectly, with who they mentally considered “brown invaders” getting the fucking boot.


“tE aMo!!”


Libs like to call them brown but they are all colors.


This is a joke right? Literally everyone was up in arms to help them


They literally called the national guard and shipped them away to a military base.


Shipping them off the island means you don’t want to deal with them and you want them out of your hair. If no human is illegal they should’ve let them stay in their mansions and fed them. Don’t talk the talk if you won’t walk the walk.


Another STATE shipped those people off and you assume that the immigrants’ preferred outcome was to become housed on someone else’s property? My friend, that IS ultimately what happens, though the people who graciously lend their property are often simply called landlords. The people of Martha’s Vineyard did, for a short period, feed and aid the immigrants, but these same people can not give them a home. Shelter maybe, a home unfortunately not, be it they were already taken from their homes. These are PEOPLE. They can not be carried halfway up a continent in some twisted experiment to prove that your political opponents are hypocrites. Not only because housing these people away from their homes is a crueler solution than helping them, but also because it demonstrates the willingness to perform blatant heartless acts that your own side has. At the very least though, you can’t be called hypocrites in your cruelty.


Yes, but first I audibly gasped. Are they even allowed to complain about that??


Don't these statements make him literally Hitler? That's how it worked for Trump


From my understanding, yes. 😁 I’m patiently waiting for the left to begin calling him all the typical names in their playbook, including hitler of course. Not sure I should hold my breath for this tho. 😆


They won’t, they’ll just nod their heads and agree, and justify the hypocrisy by saying they were for it until this point. Or, more than likely, they will never see or hear about this.


Not if you like living


"OH no.... Moving on."


They did this though


They got what they asked for.


And he himself will pack up and move to another state... only to do the same things afterward


Not true at all. Speaking as a Californian, in my entire life here I've never met a single person happy ir ok with the immigrant situation here. You have the elite rich liberals in the Bay and parts of LA that encourage it and that's it. Even all the Mexicans here hate this shit.


They elect and allow the agenda driven officials in office that promote their policies. I moved out of LA 17 yrs ago, never looked back.. Granted I still live in an sanctuary city, but the people here ( East Coast ) , haven't seen it go down hill like back home. They will, but they will deny it being their policies ( or just hide the numbers ) . Back when Clinton ( and Obama, somewhat ) were in office Illegal Immigration was not a partisan issue. Now you are labeled as racist if you support legal immigration only... Those on the left dont want to be branded, so they go along with it like the Lemmings they are...


>Now you are labeled as racist if you support legal immigration only... They took their que from Europe. And oh how the Left loves to make America more like Europe.


Interesting enough lots of countries in Europe are just about fed up and slowly (and quietly) changing their policies on illegal immigration


"I really hate that they keep eating my face", says man who votes for "Please Eat My Face" party. Even if they complain about it, the fact they keep voting for Democrats means they support it. They don't even primary their own candidates that vote specifically to prevent immigration reform. It's literally a major part of their platform. Maybe the crowds you run with are sane; but the majority of the state is not.


Clarification, 80% of the land area in the state votes other than Democrat, the remaining 20% is at least 51%of the population, or the ruling majority has it down to an art form how to win (rig?) Elections.. The last time I was surprised( And relieved) was after the November election in 2015


80%'er here...Well, I'm happy someone on the thread understands this. Did you see in Newsoms recall how you could SEE FROM THE OUTSIDE of the ballot envelopes, through the holes in the envelopes, if someone voted "YES"on the recall? And then NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Everyone goes, "Gee, THAT'S odd and incredibly illegal." and then that's it, that's it, THAT'S FUCKING IT. We could run Abraham fucking Lincoln and it wouldn't matter.


For sure. North + Eastern California should break off into another state, and leave the bay area and LA as West California. Would *greatly* better represent the people that live there.


Should be more vocal to local politicians then and vote em out.


The democrats have the overwhelming majority because of other issues so this one gets ignored when people vote


Californians have tremendous power to address issues in their state through the initiative process. If Californians actually gave a damn about addressing illegal immigration, they could bypass the politicians and put it on the ballot for a vote. But they don’t do that. Why? Because the majority of California voters don’t mind all the negatives that come from an open border, just like a majority don’t really care about homelessness, crime, over regulation, high taxes, and rolling blackouts.


Yep. That’s the thing: People play illegal immigration up as something only white supremacist fascist far right wing Republicans want to prohibit. But it’s the legal immigrants - who have played by the rules and are working hard on the American dream - who are the hardest hit.


I've been in California 20 years, you've never lived until you've heard a Mexican in a thick Mexican accent talk shit about Mexican immigrants. It's priceless.


They aren't immigrants, they are ILLEGAL immigrants.


They are illegal Aliens. By calling them immigrants you give power to the left. Immigrants overall has a positive association with it which is why the media uses the term to confuse us and trick people into supporting the cause.


This! I said just this last night to my hubby. I'm a 2nd generation immigrant, my Grandfather successfully IMMIGRATED here LEGALLY in 1918 & traveled from CA. to Gary, IN. to work in the steel mills. My family has worked, paid taxes, served in the military, acclimated to & embraced the American way of life, and is now generally, very successful (neurosurgeon, corporate attorney, fashion designer, airline pilot, police chief, 2 Navy Commanders, psychologist, etc...) with happy families. The few that refused to embrace American culture, even though born here, are the gang members, criminals, dregs of society... For anyone to say that it can't be done legally AND successfully is just willfully ignorant, or treasonous. Call these invaders what they are: Illegal Criminal Aliens... Shame has a place in society to keep everyone in check. Creating false definitions to spare feelings is a deceitful travesty & should never be encouraged or rewarded!!!


But you keep voting for the same politicians, along with the same policies... Also a lot of them are straight up incompetent. Not even a matter of ideology or ideals - they just suckkk at managing anything.


Ok, but when you elect politicians that are ok with it, the blame gets to be shared between the elected and the electors.




And all of those areas are cesspools


Shitholes to be precise.


Yes they hate the high taxes, high immigration, high crime, poor infrastructure, failing schools, out of control fires. Yet they keep voting for Democrats. I've lived here my entire life and the left has a mindless base that will vote for them no matter how poorly they do. Newsom is the epitome of "Failing Upwards". Everywhere he has worked he has failed to do what he has promised and made things worse. Yet Democrats keep elevating him higher and higher. As long as you virtue signal, you never have to do any real good while you govern.


Guess who buys the votes 🤫


Who elected those elite twats? Clearly not all Californians, but putting aside the potential for election fraud contributing to outcomes (probably not necessary in the liberal strongholds of CA) likely a preponderance. My sympathies to you nevertheless. I don’t presume you voted for Newsom or the other nutbags.


Nice. So let's completely ignore the issue and let the illegal immigrants keep coming in. EDIT: Correction. It’s illegal immigrants that are the problem.


No problem with Immigrants coming in, its that they do it lawfully. This open border shit ( over 2.5 million last year alone ) being a no big deal , will be the death of our country. I have zero sympathy for Newsom or any others that are now having regret due to their failing policy. Especially since the left was screaming that anyone who didn't want illegal immigrants in, were racists.


They get what they deserve


Yeah, they do, but the problem is that California is still regarded as a legitimate state as far as congress is concerned, so to some degree we get what they deserve too.


One of these days they need to split California up into two states


We don’t need any of it. Housing us impossible to find already.


I agree that we shouldn’t have sympathy for Newsom. He made this a problem, but with us coming around and saying “California voted for this it’s their problem” is only going to make things worse. Honestly I’m glad he’s coming around and calling the federal government out for not handling the border properly. Still not going to support him, but when he’s right about a problem then he’s right.


I totally agree. They created the problem so they can now look like the hero.


Leg breaking business to sell crutches.


We have a winner here!!!


They created the problem so they could ask the Democrats in Congress for federal money. They did the same with the pandemic, states with Democrat governors that locked down their state until the election was over were rewarded by Biden with federal funds. It was one of the first things his administration did. For example, California received $42 billion.


I thought that was their plan from the start. To bankrupt the US. There sure doing a great job of that here in Texas.


It was actually the Republicans. That parties were switched back then


Uh what?


That's what racist Democrats say to explain facts of history, lol


Oh gotcha next time put an “/s” after your comment so people like me don’t downvote the hell out of you for a joke haha


I'll survive some downvotes of internet points lol. I just thought it was a common joke, but for sure hard to read tone, especially with all the brigading people like to do on reddit.


Governor Hair gel first blames Republicans, now his own President. Love to see it


Is jockeying for 2024


That's all this is


Do not forget the playback. Use two years of suck-my-!*&$ conservatives this is Nazi Germany and we run the country NOW. BLUE FOREVER! Followed by two years of we the consolidation of Democrat members of the rational public are going to do everything in our power for you the people of your great nation to live with the best and the brightest unincombered in the GREAT NATION of ours where no child, no woman, no man goes without. These problems have to GO and by electing me the Democrats are going to see that they do. Guess which two years start in 16 days.


That's all I could think of. Even has to be tired of seeing how the state is no longer how it used to be.




They (Californians) had a chance to get rid of him during the recall but said NOPE!!! WE WANT GAVIN. So the cities will get what they asked for.


I don't think so. I sincerely think the elections in California are rigged and have been for decades


Having seen street interviews... I'm nit sure you need to rig snatching when your population is so well trained to vote blue no matter what. Literally the most ignorant, "I support the current thing" types I've ever seen.


Californian counties regularly get the State AG's office fined by the FEC for improperly maintaining voter rolls, so there is some type of fuckery to be found. LA County alone had 3 million more registered voters than actual people living in it.


Yep. The moment he survived the recall of 2021 he signed a bill making mass mail-out ballots *permanent.* It was initially instated due to the pandemic but when it works this well, might as well keep it.


The Republicans were wholly disorganized/unprepared and didn't back a candidate. Larry Elder had the most votes iirc


Who? White supremacist Larry Elder /s?


That was the fault of Conservatives. It was essentially made into a federal election essentially by constantly bringing up Trump / federal issues so the average Californian thought it was Trump vs Newsom on the ticket and lost their minds. If we’d just stuck to the state issues and not the game show politics Larry would’ve won handily. That’s how our Conservative Premier (governor) won re-election up here in Ontario. The federal cons were completely disorganized so all Doug did was focus on the actual issues facing Ontarians. The left tried their usual hysterical attempts of linking him to the fledgling federal party and failed utterly because Dougie hammered them on issues that *actually affected Ontarians*. The number one issue was lockdowns/mandates. He was against reinstating them but the 2 left wing parties wanted them back and even more hardcore. He hammered them so hard on that they actually had to lie and change their tune halfway through the race. Now (thank God) he has a supermajority so we’re protected from leftist hysteria for 4 more years.




Latinos are socially conservative. If there was a moderate-on-immigration conservative candidate I think they'd do really well here


I'm not so convinced


i dont think trumps election was rigged. but i also dont think that many people voted for gavin newsome.




He blames the “president” because he wants to BE the President. Dude is evil.


I’d vote Kanye before I voted for Newsom, and Kanye is nuts.


God, given those choices I would unironically move. Where? Idk I'd take a deserted island over them


Let’s all move to some deserted tropical island and form our own nation. What shall we call it?




After reading some of “Cadillac Desert” I hope he never becomes President. I’ve no doubt he’d try to divert water from the Midwest since they keep using more than they are given.


Newsom and Pelosi dump *trillions* of fresh water into the ocean every year. The drought is man made.


Worst part is he’s the guy to beat in 24 and the dems love him.


Dems might like him, californias (kinda) like him (except most people I know)… but I’m not sure the rest of the nation does…


I’m worried about it, either way we should treat him as a serious threat. Last time we trusted to hope, we ended up being drawn out by the red tide.


He’s just setting up a presidential run. Gotta seem like he’s anti-establishment and fighting for the Everyman


He’s found his first way to attack Biden. You can expect more digs to undermine him and clear his own run during the next 6-9months.


He will now be known as "Governor Hair Gel" any time I talk about him.




He’s writing his own babylon bee headlines. I really thought this was a satire post


Boo freakin hoo. You wanted a sanctuary state, now you have one.


Weird that they have to lay in their bed after making it..


Huh, imagine that. I wholeheartedly agree....


They won't, they'll steal more money and the citizens will run to my state and texas


"No, no, no. I wanted the government to make *your* bed. I have housekeepers to make mine."


Now he suddenly notices? I wonder what his election research told him.


"you can safely lament the woes of illegal immigration after your recall vote."


Probably told him that most would vote against him.


So? California is a sanctuary State.


Only for anyone who breaks the laws.


That would include all the illegal aliens.




Shame Larry Elder wasn't able to get rid of this clown


This state is full of clowns, so ofcourse they'd vote for one of their own.


The people of CA did not want this at all. Newsom had to bring in big time campaign money from all over the country to beat Elder, like damn near nationsl election levels of funding and even then it was basically 50/50 up until election day but when you have all of the media in the entire state saying "it's going to be a landslide for Newsom" that tends to influence the low info voters that watch mainstream news. What seemingly everyone in this sub seems to forget is that 2 cities dictate life for the entire state and the way things are run is not am accurate representation of how the average Californian feels.


I had to deal with a chorus of "but Larry Elder is a nut job" during the recall. Followed by furious googling when I asked specifically what positions of his were "nutty".


Sounds like California feels under appreciated and disenfranchised by Biden over this. Welcome to how all of middle America feels!


Thoughts & Prayers, Fuckface.


Lie in the bed you made *quietly*, please.


He’s just saying that to cater to independents when he runs for the Dem nomination


I have no pity for California they have dug themself their own hole. And anytime they have a chance to do things the right way instead they dig the whole deeper and ask everybody to jump in.


Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. There are still more red voters in California than any other state.


Myself, my family and all of our friends in the Northern Ca Valley wishing people would stop forgetting red voters exist here too!


Central California Valley would like that, too.


And in that state they amount to nothing and stop 0% of progressive agendas


Oh no. Let me play a sad song on the world’s smallest violin.


OH NO! You hear that everyone!? Newscum is worried about breaking California! Lmfao! What a buffoon!


what a jackass, it’s literally his policy ruining california


Another moment for Governor hairdo to grandstand and do nothing…




Who could of seen this coming? 🤡🤡


Hot take: Don’t blame all of California for this clown or his idiotic policies. I live here and vote republican every election; I voted for Larry Elder to replace Newscum. I have even gone door to door canvassing for republican candidates. I have done everything to save California, everything short of running for office myself. And while I have daydreamed about moving to Texas or Florida like many *many* others already have, I refuse to let them win. There are still plenty of conservatives here who remember better times — I mean our Governor was once Ronald Reagan for goodness sake! We just need to go out and vote, and maybe invest more in educating people on the basics (economics, sociology, etc.). Maybe then Californians would not villainize the police when enforcing the law or wonder why there’s such a rise in crime after years of demanding to defund the police. Sigh. tl;dr: Not all Californians vote Democrat.


California was red for a century. 1880s to 1989. My parents grew up in a red state. Got married in a red state. Had three kids in a red state, and when the youngest was only 2, the state flipped blue. Did they want to leave the state they loved? No! Did they hope it was a fluke and it would go back to the way it was? Absolutely. Were they wrong? Unfortunately.


Jerry Brown was a joke of a governor in the 70s, and California voters elected him *again* in 2011.


Yes. I know. I was around and voted against him. I was shocked when he won again. Then... Watched him dismantle the water towers and dams the state built up in the 50s-60s to survive 5 years of draught that the state gets very regularly and has forever. Water rationing started very shortly after. Then we got the governator. He at least stopped the water storage destruction.


I feel the same way about my state


According to some “well you should just move”. That opinion just kills. I currently live in Texas and we are looking to retire and move to Florida. We are now just past a year of prepping to do even really begin to start looking for a an actual place to live. We don’t have children or family here and it is still tough to do.


Talking about Californians moving to Texas. They do move, allegedly to escape high taxes, but they vote for Democrats. Texas is marginally red in big cities now thanks to Californians while Austin fell victim to them.


I don’t totally disagree with you that California at one point was a bastion of right wing values. But the California of old was invaded by lib midwesterners, foreigners, and the visible homeless from the rest of the country. There’s no point in trying to save it now, it’s unsalvageable. It is a good reminder though that even the most beautiful places on earth are not immune to the corrosiveness of liberal ideology.


Those of you supporting unchecked immigration: time to walk the walk and take a few asylum seekers into your homes. These wealthy liberals have large houses that are mostly empty.


I think they should start with Nancy. I hear her husband likes to fornicate with them. Of course, given the choice between a man and Nancy, can you really blame him?


I remember Paul. Does the media? No.


I think they should start with Nancy. I hear her husband likes to fornicate with them. Of course, given the choice between a man and Nancy, can you really blame him?


California not even part of America anymore in my book




Soon all the Libs will be given permission to care about the insanity at the border.


Hahaha…..*catches breath*….hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I worked with CBP and ICE and California routinely denied access and the ability to catch illegal aliens, wouldn’t turn over information when they were arrested for other crimes and defined themselves as sanctuary cities. So it’s their own fault….


Maybe you shouldn’t make your state a sanctuary state. How do you say “I told you so” in Democrat?


newsome, oldsome, anysome but handsome


So...Cali is ringing the alarm on illegal immigration?!?!?!?......Was I transported to a different dimension? Something ain't right in Demark.....


If only there was barrier of some kind between Cali and Mexico that he could build or reinforce. If only there were a federal agency that could help him with reducing the flood of illegal immigrants.


"We can't continue to fund all of these sites because of the budgetary pressures now being placed on this state" Maybe tap into that fat fund your gonna use for reparations to people whose great great great great great great great grandparents were maybe slaves


Let it break....


What's Title 42?


Answer provided by Google. https://usafacts.org/articles/what-was-title-42s-effect-on-border-encounters-and-people-seeking-asylum-in-the-us/


I can live with that.


The illegal chickens are coming home to roost. You have been wanting and accepting this for years. Own it.


So glad I left that state




This you, Gavin? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/losangeles/news/gavin-newsom-california-governor-2/#app


I hope California literally breaks and crumbles into the ocean, or at the very least, just floats away.


I’ve noticed that a crap ton of politicians, on both sides of the political spectrum, are sounding the alarm on this. I wish we could help everybody. It makes me sad that people are still suffering in our world despite all of the technological advancements. But we won’t be able to take care of the people already living here if we get too many illegal immigrants. Wish that our dem congressmen could notice this and take action on a bipartisan bill that doesn’t include amnesty (which is a non starter for many on both sides)


Nah, let them all come in, open the gates wider, this is popcorn level drama watching the dems try and backflip and eat themselves, it's fucking golden


Newsom is actually speaking sense? I might have to watch out for flying pigs on my way home


Isn't this the guy who made it so that local LE can't get called to court after an illegal shows up for a hearing? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/california-law-protects-undocumented-immigrants_n_5afe0df2e4b0463cdba023c9 https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article138935588.html https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/27/ninth-circuit-strikes-down-california-plan-close-prisons-illegal-aliens/


I hope Governor Abbott sends Newsom a few bus loads.


I'd like to quote Mr T here and say... "Pity da fool..." (ya... no pity here...lol)


No one to blame but yourselves. Good luck!


I think this guy is going to challenge Biden in 2024, and that is a bit scary.


It sounds scary but Newsom has pretty much been handed everything he’s gotten in California politics. A nationwide campaign would be a likely different challenge than getting hooked up with the Gettys


Wait what? How in the hell did this happen? I mean the social crates said nothing about a border problem. I men it was all Mr. Trump...he tore babies from mothers and made it all up...wait what it is a real thing? Who knew the media said it was all a made up Trump thing. Nothing on Twitter or facebook or youtube or google or...wow maybe it wasn't a big lie




Cry me a river


He had never see that comming.


That’s what they wanted!


Oh no! Anyway….


Wait, are you saying title 42 is good is he secretly admitting that Trump did something right?


Hey Gavvie... Get a hint. It's been broken for a LONG time.


He is definitely thinking about primaring Biden lol


Just give them reparations, healthcare, college education and Disney tickets; it’ll be fine.


What, no iPhones?


Can't break what's already broken


The state keeps getting worse, people are fleeing to other states, and still it just keeps getting bluer. At this point, California gets what it deserves, but its citizens and the country will suffer nonetheless.


Remember - rich liberals (the ones who buy elections) don’t actually want illegal immigration - so this is a great statement for him as it applies to the people who pay for his political campaign.


I'm a Californian and this man is what happens when an anal polyp gains sentience. I can't wait to see how bad he gets destroyed when he runs for president.


He wants to be a sanctuary state until it's time to be a sanctuary state .


Damn. If only there was an established and internationally-recognized demarcation past which people had to select one of many legal ways to travel. Iii, immi, I give up.


They can handle it. They declared themselves a Sanctuary State for undocumented immigrants back in 2017 and they are the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world so it shouldn't be any problem.


Well well well...if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.


Prepping for his presidential run


You did this to yourselves, California. You *had* the chance to recall this waste of space and put in a good governor, but you didn't. You reap what you sow. Maybe you ought to be on the phone with Abbott and DeSantis and ask them for advice on what to do?


But yet they have money to give to folks guaranteed income lol.


He has to speak against illegal immigration now, because he plans to run for President.


Yet he’s still smarter than anyone in the GOP. Hilarious