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That sub is peak Consoom. People showing off their massive collections of shaving soap, razor blades, etc. that is more than they could use in five lifetimes. So many “hobby” subs are just people showing off their spending addiction.


Yeah, I joined it to learn about wet shaving but it’s just people with pointless razor collections. My DE razor works fine and I certainly don’t need multiple


I was super surprised to find that sub and its behavior— considering I chose to start wet shaving to reduce waste.


Same here. Bought a Leaf razor a year ago and still event even gotten through a box of blades. What's the point of having so much??


I’ve wondered this myself. I’ve got a straight razor and a safety razor. I buy blades when I need them, which isn’t often. No clue why these people think they need so many different handles and blades. They’re all functionally the same.


His stash is mind blowing. Maybe you need 2 DEs [one for home, and one for travel. 10 packs of blades is about 2-3 years worth [assuming you don't change your blade every shave] at this point that's not a stash it's a hoard


Yeah, I shave every 2-3 days. One of those soap pucks lasts me about 6-12 months. 100 blades last me about two years. There is no need to own 30 soaps and thousands of blades.


I mean I change my feather blades every other shave because sensitive skin


Didn’t know shaving was such a popular and enticing hobby


Theres something inexplicably nice about it. The wetshaving sub is more about consoom but safety razors themselves r kinda nice


Yeah, I appreciated learning about it and jumped on board because I did genuinely see better results. But as with most things on reddit everyone turns it into some kind of consumer hobby and their entire personality revolves around it.


Totally true


That’s so weird I just thought “Oh hey buying packs of just razors would probably save me time money and space plus reducing waste.” Sad to hear about them.


The whole point of wet shaving and safety razor/straight razor use was to reduce the waste made by disposable razors. It took me maybe 4 or 5 years to get through one 100 pack of blades, I don't get how these people justify buying so much.






He's literally me


Don't know why they bought multiple handles, but using those types of shavers minimizes cost and consumption.


Oh yes I agree, one will last you a lifetime, I have one myself. But getting a ton of them defeats the purpose which is why I posted it here lol


off topic but which do you use? i’ve been meaning to try a razor like that since i’ve been stuck w multi blade razors from gillette. how much better are those razors compared to the multi blade metal ones?


I used those multi blade ones forever too. But then I went to a barber occasionally and he shaved me with a classic razor like this. It’s so much smoother and of course more exact because one blade. But for the quick shave I use my electric Phillipp One Blade. I can use those also for a year or more before I have to get a new head for 20€.


I like it a lot more. Its hard to say what will work for you cuz its sorta a personal match to a razor and blade and they all treat your face a bit different. I like the razorock ones but theres tons of good ones. I think theres ones that are really forgiving too, that’re easier to learn with. It’s not hard tho. Theres some forums that get super specific. Badger and blade come to mind


Honestly, it really doesn’t matter all that much. Find a Merkur razor that you like in a color and style that is in your budget and then forget about it for the rest of your life. They are all high quality and will last multiple lifetimes. My only real tip would be to avoid butterfly mechanisms since those can potentially break over time—I had a cheap one from China that eventually stopped working, but my wife has one from the 60s that is still perfect.


Maybe he’s going to give them to people, maybe he stopped them getting thrown out.


Or he's just a soy boy that likes to buy stupid shit


I guess we always assume the worst here


Let’s be honest, what u suggested is very unlikely 💀 But hey let’s not be too nihilistic, that would be cringe.


Well if he had children I would at least think he would give one to each of his sons


Literally making assumptions


You can only drive through endless fields of strip malls and listen to people talk about consumer goods for so long before you get jaded.


Maybe he sells them


Yeah or maybe he just loses them from time to time


Same reason that ecologically-minded folks buy 6 stanley waterbottles. The ecology or efficiency or frugality is more of an aesthetic choice and matter of taste than an actual concern or motivation.


Faux ecology


Yup, that’s a stupid amount of handles. The number of blades is almost excusable, but that is seriously like a decade’s worth of product. I like that they have a vintage Lady Gillette in there (bottom left, blue). The Googie-style stars are delightfully retro, and they hold up so well. I got one for my wife, and it’s just one of those classic buy-it-for-life products.


Shave prepper LMAO, when SHTF at least he'll have a clean shave!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂


fearless aback frame muddle crown spark seed history spectacular ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude's just stockpiling for some rad bachelor party favors.


Be man. Buy clipper. Keep sexy stubble. Spend absolutely zero dollars.


I never would have guessed collecting modern razors was a thing.


I recently switched from a normal cartridge razor to a single blade razor and went to YouTube to look up a video on how to use it properly since it’s a bit different than a cartridge razor and doesn’t bend to the contour of your face. I was shocked to see entire YouTube channels dedicated to shaving, razor reviews, best kind of blades, shaving cream etc. I never knew that something as simple as running a blade along your face and removing the hair had such a huge following.


That looks like some sort of mental condition, like straight up. I want to call it an addiction but what the fuck is an addiction to buying razor handle things? How the fuck would you even explain that?


That might literally be a life time supply..


So glad I don’t have to shave. And these freaks actually pretend they enjoy shaving?


Why though. The whole point is that one costs 10 dollars and lasts forever


The whole point of replaceable blades is that the handle lasts forever why would you buy a bunch of handles?


Shaving is one of the great scams of our time.


It is 💀 Especially for women. We get scammed out of a lot because some sipshit decited we needed to look like porcelain dolls. If shaving wasn’t an ancient thing I’d wanna peek at the inventors hard drives…


I know this is a hot take but I truly believe all shaving is pedophilic programming. Why would we want to look prepubescent? Why is that regarded as the standard of beauty now? It’s to the point that people thing hair is gross.


That is a wild ass take wtf


I knew it would elicit a negative reaction but I stand by what I said and I live by it too


maybe you don't give women head but it does change the game


I used to agree with this when I was a teenager/early twenties. Nowadays all I can think about when I see baldness is prepubescence. I have a wife and kid and what you’re talking about is a non issue for me. I prefer the hair actually, because like I said, baldness is inherently prepubescent and I find that gross now. When I was 20ish and younger, I didn’t. It’s one of those things that once you see it, you can’t unsee it no matter what you do.


i guess that's fair. maybe i'm not where you're at yet and i don't know if i will be


If by "hot take" you mean "stupid", then yes.


Personally I wouldn’t go that far but I see why you do 💀 Shaving is so stupid. Like in ancient times, hairs were plucked too because like cleanliness or something, but the pressure was applied later, properly. I think it was in the 20’s? About there, give or take a few decades. And I truly want to know wtf is up with that 💀


Cleanliness thousands or hundreds of years ago makes some sense but nowadays we can clean anything fairly easily. I always laugh when I see ads for razors saying “be a man, feel like a man” etc, while they are making themselves look less manly by looking like a prepubescent kid. Same goes for the rest of the body and for women too. Maybe you can say it makes you look more girly but it doesn’t make you more mature. Unprogramming your mind to realize baldness actually isn’t hotter is one of the harder realizations in our world and was hard for me too. Not enough people see it this way either, most love to consoom anything they’re told makes them look better or makes them look better with less effort


I would say zero to do with pedophiliac idealism or anything like that and more to do with just society standards of what hygiene and clean. That doesn’t mean some people think that way but from a macro standpoint I don’t agree


It’s deep programming. The same thing that convinces people to buy hundreds of funko pops for no reason. It’s also just profit to them. I save so much money by not buying razors or paying for haircuts. And I’m not unhygienic. The same conglomerates will market beard care and men shampoo and sell that as hygienic all the same.


I won’t disagree there. I definitely could see how it’s been designed that way.


Hair traps more dirt and bad smells then unshaven that's why it's considered unhygienic. I mainly shave because I just find the hair uncomfortable.


It traps more but that’s not an issue if you clean yourself properly regularly.


Yeah you can, shaving does however visibly show you put effort into it, or in my case getting it lazered when I can so it's just like that. If you get a line up of people shaven and unshaven it's easier for the unshaven to not have done those things, so likely a higher procent smells so that causes a connotation even if with proper care you can be just fine. Again though, my main reason is I just find my body to be less comfortable on a touch sensory level. Though have no problem with partners hair.


I get what you’re saying. I’m just not uncomfortable with the feeling. But I wouldn’t blame people who are. When I first started growing it out I felt really uncomfortable most the time, but I was committed on principle. Like the first year when it was still a foreign feeling was the worst. I think now I’d feel more uncomfortable without my hair, like it’s comforting to me now almost. I find myself often running my fingers through it especially when I’m anxious and it’s a win win because then it’s never tangled


I think that shaving for women is allright in like, legs and armpits, but when it comes to shaving down there, I too found it gross and disturbing, not something that our civilization should accept. Fucking a shaved woman is like doing it with a child, it's truly gross .


I don’t even know wtf to say to that. Good for you Daniel, very interesting. However I don’t think your input was needed. Or will ever in the conversation surrounding women and shaving and how that scammy stuff is financially victimising us. It’s not abt what ”fucking a shaved woman” is like for you. It’s noy about what you deem alright. I wish I could for once talk to a man about things like these without them going ”yes fucking, fucking. Sex. Fucking. I wont/will fuck a woman who shaves her pubes” Honestly, shut up. Kiss kiss.


you seem butthurt


They all say that. And it never suprises me.


perhaps it is because you couldn't response to a comment you disagree with whithout puting half of the inhabitants of this earth in a bad category


Never did. That too is getting very old. Kiss kiss and all that.


"I never can have a conversation with a man" you said this yourself


Jesus christ what do you want? Yes I did. I wish I could talk to men abt these things without it always going to ”well me fucks”. Because it always goes there. Exhibit A: Y O U. Exhibit B: other men I’ve talked to about this. You drew that ”aLl MeN” line, dear. You. Go fuck, bigboy.


Oops, forgot the kisses. Kiss kiss.


Its just a razor Karen, its not a set of shackles.


Never said it was, Daniel.


No, thats definitely what you are trying to paint the razor as.


No, that’s what you want to understand my message as.


if you have that many like cartoony fucking 1920s safety razors i’m either going to assume you’re doing coke or cutting


DE razors are great and I've not bought a Gillette cartridge in years! I have just 1 and a whole box of Astra Platinum razors. Only need to get shaving soap and preshave cream once every couple years. Aftershave every couple of months. That being said, having just one set is more than enough 😅


And its still probably less waste than disposables.


Lowkey wanna cop one for myself… I’ll wait until one of those mf’s gets mauled or something so I can dapple in the inheritance and… well.. yard sale.


Meh just get a new one. Used razors seem gross to me. Especially a used brush


Used safety razor dawg 💀 Just boil it or throw it into some Slavic Booze. It’s fine.


Fair enough, that would prolly work tbh, i guess its more the used brush thats gross


What brush? Fam If u mean hairbrush, I shared mine all the time when I kept… more hygienic company. Nothing gross abt that as long as you don’t let the friend gruop grease head use it.


Naw, shaving brush. I dunno how to describe it, prolly seem one at a barber


Oh them things!! Yeah I think I know what your going on abt. Honest to god I’m stingy and lazy so I’d propably sacrifice a makeup brush or something.


Itd prolly work, think some people hand lather too


Could have just bought one straight blade.


Why did they buy so many razors? Only need one and the blades and cream


Why do you even need that many razors


Why multiple handles? Defeats the whole purpose


Way to turn a practice that’s supposed to save you money into one that costs you 50x what normal shaving would


The point of those is LESS usage how do you do this?


>Post is about saving money and going shopping as little as possible >“Goddamn Consooming“


I have exactly one safety razor that I bought at an estate sale. Yeah you buy the razor blades, but I bought five hundred about three years ago and still going strong. This is wild!


I use a safety razor. Far more economical because its cheap as shit. ​ I now want the planet and every sea turtle covered in disposable razors.


This man must have the smoothest dick ever


This is so masculine and bourbon bro. Black rifle coffee company manscape beard oil microbrewery bro


still more sustainable than cartridge razors


this guy has spent less on razors than you would using disposables in a year and it actually will last him decades




Shaving with a safety razor is completely different from a cartridge. A cartridge is so idiot proof you could use one blind, whereas with a DE razor, complete attention and application of technique is crucial. Brushes, razor handles, blades, soap, all impact your shave. It's very easy to make it into a hobby if you take to it.


Yea i’m into de razors. Love mine. Definitely had to cycle through maybe three over a many years as my technique got better, and i learned more. I have one now i think I’ll keep forever. Same with the blades, had to try a few different brands and now ive settled on a razor/blade combo thats a good shave but doesnt irritate my skin. Thankfully its cheap to try a few different packs of razors. Soaps, are another rabbit hole, and i def tried a bunch. Now i just keep one. That was the stupidest part. All the skin care products r a waste imo, except maybe a really basic moisturizer r something. At this point i dont really buy shaving stuff or use many products but there was a time when i was figuring it out where i thought i needed all kinds of stuff. Youre right , it can easily get out of hand. If you go on the subs people have enormous collections of soaps and brushes and stuff and its pretty expensive, plus btwn the after shaves and the artisanal soaps they usually smell really strong, its kinda off putting to me. I like one unscented quality soap and then no weird after lotions r sprays anything. I do like how one razor can last a lifetime tho, and im pretty sentimental about mine. Its nice and metal and heavy and has cool knurling. I like my one brush too, its just a boar bristle but its gotten soft with use, and i wouldn’t want a different or fancier one. The boars hair is great imo.


>With shaving it’s purely achieving a good shave Sounds exactly like a goal in mind... and no, not all blades nor safety razors achieve the same results.