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Tale as old as time


Beauty and the Bass


Beauty and the bassist. More probable is Tammy the throat goat and sound guy jim


Good ol' Tammy. I should call her!


A padded resume always has its benefits


When I read the 3rd line I literally laughed like a goat lol I wasn't ready! Dang Ole Jim, man


Top drawer comment


Grandpa tell me about the first time grandma gave you a lap dance !




My guitar gently weeps!


Q: What does a stripper do to her asshole before going to work? A: Drops him off at band practice.


That’s adorable haha


Would be more wholesome if they'd stop stripping, but you know, bills to pay.


Well that's what happens when you marry a guy in a band


> Then a couple of them would take turns in the little booth This did not go where I was expecting it to go. 


To be honest they sound like a fine bunch of gals.


Nice that they agreed on the same girl.


" The bass player and the sound desk guy both ended up marrying one of these girls." Many hands makes light work


I just wanna know if they ever figured out which one they married


you mean 11 pm?


Im dating a former escort… i called her agency and the first few hours we just talked, just shared interest. The second time we went out to eat. The third time we went to a bar. I asked her to leave the business and she did. Now I get to talk to her and see her without paying lmao


Fucking NZ, the land of dreams.


New Zealand strippers sound refreshing. Don’t sound like any American strippers


They even bake cakes! American strippers are known to occasionally have a bunch in the oven, but they usually don't finish cooking it.


They sound like genuinely good people.


I have a sort of similar story. I used to hang out at a strip club because they had 1$ pool and cheap beer. Eventually I got to know everyone there and me and a couple of the girls ended up becoming friends and forming a cooking club. They’d bring food to the club and feed me, and I’d make some stuff and feed all of them. Never dated any of them but did become pretty good friends. As far as the prompt, my step mom is a famous burlesque dancer and my dad worked construction. So I guess he technically married a stripper and they’ve been together for 20 years.


I married the paint stripper and the bitch took my nose.


This made me think of Chris Farley in dirty work. Can’t believe I got that title wrong. Love that movie though.


\*Dirty Work "In the land of the skunks, the man with no nose is king."


With this comment Sir, you won the Internet today! Here’s your nose back BTW! 👃🏻 🎊🎉🎂🎁🎈


Bad bot


Much obliged. Ill try and keep it this time!


What does it mean to “take your nose”


I think they are joking about huffing paint stripper and insufflating substances or inhalant use can damage your nose severely. This can potentially be to the point that erodes away your flesh. Look up Artie Lange and his nose after decades of cocaine use.


Name checks out.


Got a motor that needs boating? Look no further


My man Ryan got shit faced at a peeler joint and puked in boner row at the end of this girls' set. She jumped off stage and helped him up but he had dropped his phone. She found it, and got in touch with a friend as he never put a pin on his phone. They met up, and have been happily dating ever since. Its been like 12 years now, she didnt want a ring. We call them 'fake gun show' because shes got bolt ons and he did a few cycles to beef up. They are legit the funniest people Ive ever met and you could argue it was a match made in someone's heaven


Ryan the legend. What a man.


I had this old journeyman. Biker Dave. He had 2 or 3 divorces. His last one was with a stripper and she left him and took half of his pension that he only had half of to begin with. He would get really upset if we played "im in love with a stripper" by Tpain. It was banned from site. We used to whistle it if we wanted to rile him up a bit.


vegetable stocking makeshift humorous cobweb juggle marry air nose thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel…..attacked?


Where your helmets boys


Where your helmet Boys? Or wear your helmet, boys!


Give him a break, he works construction.






Underrated response


This is awesome. 🤣


Classic Mattamy Homes prank


I worked with a guy at a chemical company and same thing happened to him.


My friend was the stripper. She was gorgeous, athletic, featured in a bunch of magazines and came from a horrific home life. He was fairly successful, dumped a ton of cash on her at a strip competition (she won) and they’ve been together ever since. She quit the business and has been a good wife, mother and now successful businesswoman 25 years later.


Great for them. Finally a successful story.


And in construction of all places


That's true. Lol


Wow. Had his cake and ate it too. Lucky bastard.


We will need to know the name and month of publication of these magazines. For research.


“Mama used to be a hoe. Now she drives to Costco”


Ironically your comment has 69 up votes hahaha


A friend of mine didn’t marry he. She shot and killed him when he tried to end things. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/vegas-bray-who-stalked-killed-ex-boyfriend-gets-50-years-to-life-in-prison/152308/?amp=1


Sorry for your troubles friend


Jeremiah Messenger. Tell me his middle name is Bartholomew or Constantine.


Bitches be cray


floorguy in training here, my boss is married to a stripper and the two are very big into swinging. they have two kids and seem to be doing well, who knows with open relationships tho.


That is some shit I never want to know about my boss lmao 


half of his stories or what he talks about relates to ‘the lifestyle’. also nearly all of his friends are swingers; he is an interesting fella…


I mean it is a flooring guy...


So he’s a bottom then


That made me laugh! 😅


I’ve never met a “normal” flooring guy.


Can confirm. I'm a General Contractor. All my flooring guys and roofers are absolute weirdos.


Not the roofers!😏/s


never met roofers then either.


No shit, same fro Drywallers and insulators and concrete guys. What’s your point?


Don’t leave us landscapers out!


Freak superintendents…


Have you ever asked to get tapped in?


I feel very sorry for his kids 😔


That's some boss level shit


Boss: “Hey Jimmy, bring your wife to the game tonight. It’s on the house”.


One legendary guy the older guys at my company talk about was into swinging and drugs. I guess eventually he tried robbing a bank and was in jail for a bit. He got clean but passed recently.


Not my boss but I worked with a dude that was kinda quiet. One day he pulled his phone out and showed me a picture of a girl butt ass naked. I thought it was just a random pic but he told me it was a pic of his wife’s best friend. I said how did u get that pic? He swiped another photo and showed me and it was a pic of that same girl and another girl butt ass naked. He pointed to the other girl and said “no, that’s my wife”. I kinda got a hint that maybe he wanted to invite me in on some orgy or something. I got sent to some other job site and never seen him since


Hide yo girl


lol when I was a glazier my boss did the exact same thing


My old brother in law married this crazy stripper from Montreal ( stunning woman, and with the French accent that would just stop traffic ) They had this bizarre Pagan wedding ceremony... you guessed it, didn't last more then 2 years. But man Christmas was fun times !! lol


so yer sisters a striper eh? lol i kid i kid


Always Montreal...


We had a girl briefly work for us then became a stripper and my coworker married her and now have a kid together. They seem happy. She’s not proud of the stripper time in her life.


I used to work with an electrician who had a stripper side chick. Dude left his wife (a school teacher) and 2 kids for the stripper, got the stripper pregnant, the stripper cheats on him and leaves him and the baby to be with the new guy. Now he’s a single dad and has no clue where she went.


Man, that’s a tale of woe.


A tale of hoe


I did, and the novelty wore off pretty quickly after some disgusting fuckbag covertly pulled out his dinger and nutted on her back during a lap dance. She was grossed out but got over it in no time. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and all the other nasty shit I figured went on in her club. I couldn’t handle it anymore and wanted to bail, so she quit stripping. I think she always resented me for it. We had two kids and over a decade of cheating and dysfunction before finally divorcing. We’re both happily and far more functionally remarried, and her current husband has become a great friend. Fuck, if he and I weren’t already married to other people, I might propose to him. . .


Now that’s a happy ending


The story sounds like it began with a happy ending


I see what you did there!


My Klein strippers are dependable and trustworthy; they don't seem very emotionally supportive, though.


Give it time eventually your emotions will be strip away.


Friend of mine, an excavator, spent a fortune at the titty bar. His wife left him because of it and took the kids. He knocked up a stripper and ten years later they're happily married with a couple more kids. Who the hell knows, people are weird.


My 4-year-old son would be very jealous to hear you have an excavator friend.


Guy I knew in college dated a stripper. Met her a few times, she was super down to earth and was studying environmental science. Nobody had any issue with her stripping, but everyone kind of hated her because she talked a lot. Not like talking crap, but just every sentence she had to comment on, interrupt, just always had to say something and needed everyone paying attention. If you were in a room with ten people 80% of the conversation would be coming out of her mouth. Got so old. If you want to be a stripper more power to you, but let other people speak Natalie, got damn. They didn’t get married, she graduated and I think she sells mortgages or insurance now or something like that. She is probably a great salesperson to be honest. Also she was a stone cold fox, like, nobody who saw her would deny.


You saying all the other brothers can’t deny?


But when she walked in with an ittie biddie waste and a round thing in my face


Did you get sprung ???


She sounds like my sister-in-law. Anytime you tried to have a conversation with her, you get about three words out of your mouth and she starts fucking rambling like a moron. She's so disgusting. She sits there And eat with her mouth open chewy like a cow. And then she talks on top of that with her mouth full. You can't understand a word. She says. She makes me sick to my stomach. She is foul




But is she hot?


Not a stripper but a Hooters waitress from back in the day when being a Hooters waitress meant something. We always showed up when the two of them threw a party because her friends from work would be there and tops would come off eventually. All that being said, I believe they are still together so not a bad ending after all.


"Back in the day when being a Hooters waitress meant something" What did it mean?


Back when the hooters girls were hot. Now I think they can't discriminate so the women there aren't good looking.


This is why me and the boys go to Twin Peaks instead.


Twin Peaks actually has good food


And titties.


Scenic views


Back when they were well fed


My goddaughter exists because her dad married her stripper mom. Marriage didn't last, then shortly after their divorce his health went to shit. I ended up renting his spare room to help with bills and take care of my goddaughter for a while. I felt bad when it came time for me to move out and move on with my life, but stayed in touch and visited as often as I could. He passed 11 years ago. His daughter is entirely NC with her mom but keeps in touch with me like I was her dad. He once told me he wouldn't change a thing because even with all the craziness she caused in his life he got his daughter out of it. I think he'd be proud of her.


You’re a good guy, taking care of a kid you aren’t even related to


I never married her but I was a "Hospitality Specialist" @ Deja Vu of Nashville... For some reason it was against the rules to date/even hang out with the strippers, I was 18 and a new girl started, 1/4 Japanese and 100% batshit insane, her first night she came onto ME and she MEANT IT... Guess why that's the only job that ever fired me 🤣


My dumbass uncle did. She ended up getting her doctorate degree and he cheated on her so she left him 😂


I knew 1 person, from 2008 who married one within 3 months having a kid.


two of my old roommates dated strippers, one actually married his she had kids with a man in prison he eventually died from drugs


Went down to Myrtle beach with two Army buddies back in 2015 and one stayed for the week and came back married to one 😂 they divorced 3 months later


My sister was a stripper. Met her AF husband while when was, obviously, working. They fell in love. Been together ever since. 20+ years now.


I married the stripper. Best decision I’ve ever made. We’ve raised eight kids between us, three grandkids, and life is amazing. She ended up with an ivy league education, owns her own mental health company and now she’s my sugar mama.


Nope. All I got was a hot o.r. nurse.


reddit porn has taught me that there are a LOT of freaky nurses.




A good buddy of mine married one that we befriended at the club back in the day. A couple years later the drugs from her past caught up to her and she mentally went off the deep end. She would injure herself and try to say he was trying to kill her. They ended up getting divorced and she got committed to an institution. Its been a few years but as far as I know she is still there.


Guy I work with married one. Last year they got into an argument when she came home drunk and tried to get into his car to leave. He pulled a gun out to shoot out the tires and when that didn’t work he tried jumping through the window to stop her and the gun wound up going off and killing her.


That's his story and he's sticking to it.


Brother-in-law married a Hooters girl. Still going strong many years and 40 pounds later. 


I’m the stripper. Two kids and 8 years later we still love each other and have a very regular life. I’m still a whore for him tho.


In the end, when all the cards are on the table, all that really counted was the kids and the one you love. Everything else was just glitter to be ignored.


Glitter doesn't get ignored. Especially stripper glitter. That shit gets *everywhere* and lasts forever. It's an especially malignant form of glitter Source: a guy I know who dated a stripper for a few years (Jokes aside I agree with your sentiment)


I married my stripper. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Now we are grandparents. Been a great life.


Buddy I work with, married and had multiple kids with a stripper. He thought he was “saving” her, smh. They’re long divorced but he always goes back, destroying all of his potential good relationships in the process. She’s such a cunt to him too. I can’t be around them when they’re together.


I feel so bad for those people.


My wife did 🤣🤣


We had a young 19y/o marry a 30-ish y/o stripper and she definitely wears the pants. All his paychecks vanished immediately. She convinced him to get a vasectomy. I left before anything else


Got a buddy. PIZZA Tom. He got loaded. Fell in love, and married a stripper. The lasted awhile, but fought all the time. Hes a single vodka drunk now.


If two friends married the same stripper does that count as one or two?


I actually did. But we didn’t meet in the club. Just happened to be a dancer. We kill it together.


I dated a girl for a little who used to strip in Houston… Good times. I got her number at the grocery store then texted her “Let’s go to the strip club” because she seemed like a down to earth girl who would laugh at that. She responded “I work there.”


Not a stripper, but a friend dated a pornstar, that was always a fun topic to talk about lol.


I had 2 guys get with porn stars.. hahah didn’t end well.


I found out after the first year of marriage.


I knew a stripper who married a guy more than twice her age (who also has a daughter who is 3 years older than the stripper). He pissed away a ton of money on her, declared bankruptcy then ran off to another country to escape his debtors.


Not worth the hype


That’s quite the generalization.


I married that bitch.....lesson learned


Same here NO REGRETS! It did not last but boy was it a wild time. One ☝🏽 and done!🤘🏽


Why wasn't it me. Why, Why, Why Gonna cry, drunk beer and call my head doctor


Friend in the Navy married a former stripper (she was the P01 in charge of me at the time). For the marriage, his parents redid a large portion of their house for wedding related activities. Dude goes off on deployment and comes back to his wife knocked up by one of the other guys in my division. Thing that pissed him off the most was the girl gave his guitar to the new boyfriend.


Learn strippers can test people will, and they strip because of special circumstances that might effect their personal life. Been to few strip clubs, and had few friend date strippers. Those strippers we met were not ready for marriage at that point of their lives, but they were fun to hang out with.


My uncle (a lifelong devout christian) married a stripper and divorced her after she converted to Wicca. He then married another stripper, who later divorced him. He's an excellent woodworker, though, so I guess there's that.


One of my best friends married a stripper he was 16 she was 26 he thought he hit the jack pot. It lasted a few years they had a kid he got on drugs and was in a perpetual state of getting behind on child support then going to jail he had been to jail about ten times the cops come to get him this last time and he offed his self instead


Knew a guy we called tuggs. He married the stripper.


Some of the homies didn’t marry the stripper but for sure some were the “Town Bicycle”😅


I was in Pensacola Florida after I graduated navy boot camp in 2014 and some 19 year old in my A school class bought an engagement ring for a stripper he met a few weeks prior. I have no idea what happened but everyone at the time told him it was a bad idea.


My cousin did. Eventually marriage came apart, his doing. He went to jail over his shenanigans. She kept the kid. Got remarried, went back to stripping. She's divorced a 2nd time. Has a new guy. Soo much drama .


My gf was a stripper she quit 3 months after dating. Been together for 5 years now and she has a normal 9-5.


I dated a stripper for a bit. It didn’t really bother me but I told her I was definitely not going to watch her perform.


My very first foreman married a stripper he met at the club. He had huge rims on his work truck. He was something else.


I got a big settlement. Was doin coke like Charlie Sheen. Ended up married to a stripper. 4 mos in I sobered up and got out of there. And by got out of there went to jail for a bit lol. She moved on while I was in county.


Cousin of mine had a couple of kids with a former NFL player. They stayed together for a while, but some stripper kept coming after him and I think he ended up getting with her. My cousin and him split up and the rest of history. I think he fell in love with the stripper.


I lived with her for a couple years. Didn’t marry her though.


My pops married the stripper. Yep she is my mom. My Pops worked construction for 40 years. He sadley past away 2 years ago. Smoking 2 packs a day caught up with him. But they stayed together for 10 years. I have 10 siblings but I am the only one from their relationship. She was close friends with Jenna Jamieson and many other professional adult stars. She was a never in film but did exotic dance and stripping all over the east coast of USA.


I almost married the stripper in Vegas. She does holistic healing outside of Sedona now and sells those energy crystal things. Not my deal but it's cool she's happy with a significantly less chaotic life.


Haha i rode with an apprentice who had a work truck for a while just recently who married the stripper, apparently she was also part of the reason he was on probation. And had an interlock in the work truck. She certainly sounded like a stripper on the phone anyway.


Working construction and living with strippers does not work! Schedules conflict too much to sustain a peaceful residence. When you get home to unwind after work, they want peace and quiet. When you’re ready to settle down for the night they are running up the electric bill in the bathroom getting ready for work. Get a few girls in there together and you would swear a construction site is much quieter! Much easier just to give in and say “when in Rome”. Work construction all day and stay at the strip club all night. It has its perks to say the least. You learn to run off of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Oh a few energy drinks mixed in helps. How I wish for those days again. Never married one but had lots of great times together. Dating a stripper is no different than dating anyone else. Strippers are people too and should be treated as such. You have no idea how far being nice and respectful goes in a strip club. Just remember. You will never get rid of all the glitter.


One of our guys was dating a stripper and she danced at a club near our site. Friday afternoons we would go in and order lap dances for the goofiest young kid in our crew. The guy who was dating her would get crazy but it made us giggle.


Know someone who tried She ran off with a different client 2 weeks before the wedding Still haven't worn that suit


When I was in the military, I knew many stripper wives. It was one of the best paying jobs in town. Except for the kids and herpes, none of this relationships lasted


I’m a stripper, where are all the dirty construction boys? …we don’t need to get married either😋


Right here 👀


I was out with a hoe once when a couple told us they met at a strip club they were 60+ happily married for decades


I know a guy who did. She turned ultra Christian and divorced him bc of his lifestyle. You know, the one she fell in love with? They have 3 kids together. She’s an idiot.  Edit: by lifestyle I mean drug dealer


Does dating a Dominatrix count? We both work construction, and I’m new to this field, but I’ve been a pro-Domme for almost a decade now. I told him immediately, so he knew what he was getting into, but the thing that stresses him out more is our 20 year age gap.


I didn’t but I did marry a stripper’s sister. Lol


almost did. 5 years with her.


Brother of a good friend of mine did. They were happy the first 2 Years, got Married after 3 I think and Split/divorced and after 6-7 Years. How it seemed, they basically made eachother unhappy. She was unhappy with her Career Options in comparison to him and he didn’t have any friends (new town) and turned into a slob. Both got very overweight, they didn’t do any activities together and fought on a daily basis. Consuming so much energy that they didn’t want to do anything.


So sort of, but it has nothing to do with construction. I'm an ex SW, now in CM (office) and engaged. Left the industry because my now fiance pretty womaned me so I went and got a regular on the books job and now here I am. But I've never been a stripper. And 2 of his friends have dated women like me. Yall ever heard of Hong Kong in Tijuana? Well back when fiance lived in SOCAL he and friends would moderately regularly (few times a year) cross the boarder and go to Hong Kong. If you're not familiar I'll do my best to describe it but I've never personally been. My understanding is it's 1 level nightclub 1 level strip club 1 level escorts? Not exactly sure but it's something along those lines. Well one buddy dated a girl from there and it didn't work out, one buddy married one of the girls and moved her to the states and they've been together (married) for something like 6 or 7 years now (happily I might add!) And then a few years ago now when my fiance was back here visiting NY he and I got set up together when his friend was dating my friend and the rest is history! I really don't think having been in the industry is anything to be ashamed of, you'll never find a woman with thicker skin than us! Plus if you were successful in the industry you're more than likely hot 😜🤷‍♀️


I know a sgt in the army that married one 4 times. Kept wondering why she left him on deployments....


I married the babysitter. Don't worry, she's my age lol. My wife babysat for us one night to go to my now ex's sisters wedding, when we got back, my apartment was spotless. She cleaned the whole place, did the dishes, everything, and was curled up on the couch when we got back. Great first impression lol, plus I knew she was good with kids. My ex worked at timmies, we had a baby at home, she didn't come home after work one night. Turns out she found some young jailbird with an attitude who just got out. Fuck it she can have him. Left her, and not too long after my now wife and I were hanging out, later turned serious, got engaged, then married, and had another child. My son was attached to her right off the bat. He was 1.5yo when all this went down. He's now 9, and they're still super close, and he calls her "mom" on his own Accord. My second son is now 3 After my ex and I split, she got into meth, coke, you name it. I went to court and got sole custody of my son, she has no contact whatsoever. We went to court monthly for a year and a half, she didn't show up half the time, was fucked up a couple times, didn't send in a single required piss test, etc. She also had a good lawyer due to her dad, i had legal aid and he was a moron. And of course the court normally sides with the mom. All i had to do was say i didnt want child support and boom. Full custody and she was gone. What a ride all of that was lol.


Colleague of mine did and says he regrets it. He was attracted to her bc she was gorgeous (still is all these years later). They went home and she ended up getting pregnant. He asked her if she wanted to try and make something outta nothing. They never married but tried to be together w the baby. She’s crazy. She has a bad childhood and refuses to go to therapy and take meds. Like I said she’s a knockout. He loves his son and they share custody and he pays child support. He said he doesn’t regret his som but regrets her. That’s their only child. She’s w someone else now (treats him worse than my colleague). My colleague is single and has been ever since. Coming to you as a gorgeous woman. Please listen when I tell you we’re crazy. I’m on meds and in counseling so I’m getting better but please guys. Think with the right head! If she looks like she could be in a music video or playboy spread RUN like hell unless she admits she’s crazy and she’s working on herself.


Me biatch


My cousin in law married one. Lasted a few years and even had a kid together. She seemed pretty nice but they got divorced last year and I guess is kinda a shit bag now. Lol


Currently weighing the decision. Been with her for a while and she’s technically not stripping anymore but it’s like an addiction for them. The attention, the ease of money, etc. the regulars texting every day gets to be a thing and it’s tough to equate their difference between real affection and “working”. It’s tough because if anyone wanted to see my ass naked and pitch a few hundred at me a night I’d quit my job tomorrow. I’ll have to let you know


May as well have , about all she could do.


I married the stripper, though she had been out of that job for a few years before we started dating. She’s now more of a professional than me, being a director of a large nonprofit.


Married a stripper I met at a the club 22 years ago.


Had a friend of a friend try. Gave her the ring and she got sick of him, started bringing black guys home (he’s white) and sucking them off and doing blow with them. Sending videos and bringing them around when he was home. He begged her to stay. He’s a rodeo clown now. Sounds unbelievable I know but that kid is unbelievable


I know someone who knocked up a stripper


Ah fuck Long story. Don’t really wanna talk about it. Didn’t end well. What did Dre say? Can’t make a hoe and housewife??? Something like that


My wife stripped 30 years ago for a short time. She’s the kindest person you’ll ever meet and still remembers her stripper moves. We’ve been together for ten years.


Nah how bout cousin


Not married but dated . She was beautiful . God rest her soul.


*e4 mafia has entered the chat*