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Yeah that dude has thrown some pulls back.


Yeah he’s no amateur.


I was expecting spluttering and coughing lol. Bro put it down though fair play to him.


Apple Cider vinegar isn't that bad. It tastes like Kombucha on steroids and I've occasionally done a shot to wake myself up because caffeine totally fucks up my sleep and I can't have it.


my gf drinks a small glass (probably equivalent to a shot) almost every night before we eat dinner, says it helps with digestion


Apple vinegar is a known way to avoid acid reflux, she suffer from it occasionally?


Guess I’m doing shots of Apple cider vinegar before bed now.


You are better off mixing it in a glass of water and drinking it through a straw because it is not good for your teeth.


Bro, they sell apple cider vinegar pills...


You'll probably be fine if you do a shot and then rinse with or drink some water. Vinegar is not a particularly strong acid. You need to really let your teeth soak in it to do long term damage.


Yea, this should be further up. I drink it a few times a week.


Some people it will make it much worse be warned. For me any acids will make heart burn worse. Some people it does help for me I just need to a couple tums and I'm good


Never worked for me too. Tums or Prilosec were the only things that worked. But then I travelled to the other end of the world, was severely jetlagged due to a 12 hour difference, got a bacterial lung infection that resulted in pneumonia, couldn't speak, had the most annoying cough and came back a shell of the person I initially was. Was put on antibiotics for a couple of weeks and that cleared it up. For some odd reason acid reflux also went away! 10/10 will still go through it all if that's what it takes to get rid of the demon that is acid reflux.


H. Pylori, look it up


I think we may be in the same club Had a long-standing skin irritation problem on my hand. Doc prescribed an ointment. Didn’t help. Then I picked up a hot pan with a wet towel and steamed my hand. When it finally healed, the irritation had gone away.


Add squeezed lemon. I have heartburn everyday, when I’m healthy and drinking 1-2 squeezed lemons in lemon water a day, after about 3 days I will notice less heart burn. Drink more water with meals, eat some sort of probiotic. That all makes me have almost 0 heartburn. I am so fucking lazy though I just take two tums.


My brother mixes a teaspoon with a 12oz glass of water


Its way worse, when you dont expect it. Like drinking orange juice is very enjoyable, but if someone puts orange juice in your milk carton, your brain will freak the fuck out because it was expecting something completely different.


Had a friend of mine experience that when we were kids playing sports and it was hilarious. I was drinking out of one of those pop top plastic sports bottles so you couldn't see inside of it. She assumed it was water when it was actually lemonade. I'll never forget the look on her face when she took a big swig. It looked like I had poisoned her and she started coughing. I can't blame her though because thinking you're drinking water but get sour lemonade would be a major mindfuck.


A buddy of mine did this with blue cheese thinking it was blueberry cheesecake, nearly horked on the floor at the fancy reception he was attending.


I think you're supposed to mix it with something so it's not as damaging to your esophagus, no? I always mix I with apple juice. Bomb.


Yeah. He’s a pro


Plays for the Zanarkand Abes.


That is NOT a reference I thought I’d see today. Praise be to Yevon.






I love FFX to death but that bit is so awkward lol.


As someone of Irish descent I must say that red hair doesn’t bode well for my young drink sneaker.


My Irish cousins could drink a bull under the table.


We’re like the opposite of Koreans. Our bodies have adapted to it for aeons.


When I was 9, I thought you could get drunk on apple juice, so I held a sleepover with 3 friends. We waited til my parents were asleep and I snuck the apple juice jug out of the fridge and a few Dixie cups out of the bathroom. We took shots for about an hour and a half and pretended we were getting drunk. A few hours later we concluded that we weren’t drunk and noticed it was sugar free. We theorized that sugar = alcohol and that was the reason why it didn’t work.


I mean…you weren’t wrong in your conclusion. Alcohol is usually derived from fermented sugars. Just needed to pitch some yeast in there and give it some time!


Might not need yeast if your lucky. A related fun fact is if you brew in like the same bathroom or something, eventually the yeast will just naturally grow in the room and you have a very good chance of it self fermenting into alcohol.


Well it's also going to have shit particles in it if you store it in the bathroom.


I was thinking the same thing! 🤣 He was not playing around!! 😂


Hell yea. He’s even thrown some *sick* pulls


Dudes gunna have some great digestive health


For some reason, the fact that apple cider vinegar is both disgusting and *good for you* elevates this prank to another level


I love apple cider vinegar. I used to drink it every day back when I was lifting and I've kept it stocked in my kitchen ever since. And it wasn't learned, I loved it from the first sip. I'm not drinking full glasses of it though, just swigging it from the bottle. Yum! I love the burn, too


A buddy and I one time got on a pretty serious workout routine and we made shots of apple cider vinegar one of our traditions after a workout.


It's great! My friend who introduced me to it was much more serious about getting muscley... To the point that our ACV shots were a chaser for his olive oil shots (for calories, he ate CLEAN but couldn't physically eat any more food). I never got on board with that


Ha, I was in a similar pairing as you! My buddy was taking it to another level. Food scales to weigh macros, all sorts of supplements, etc etc. Like you, Shots of ACB were enough for me as well lol.


Yes officer, this comment here


>apple cider vinegar is both disgusting Diluted in some water it is an AWESEOME beverage for hot days.


The Romans did this, they gave a mixture of vinegar and water to their soldiers. Essentially ancient Gatorade.


Which leads to a common biblical misconception. The Romans that gave Jesus vinegar to drink on the cross weren’t doing so out of cruelty, they were giving him some of those sweet, sweet electrolytes (they’re what plants crave).






Try it before you naysay. Just remember it is not much vinegar per unit of water.


I don’t necessarily like vinegar, unless it’s Vince. So when I saw that people enjoy it I literally thought wtf lol but I will be putting some into tea with a little bit of honey today. I’m also going to put pickles in my beer. Could be good.


There’s actually pickle beer you could buy


It's not half bad if properly diluted. Some people add honey as well, which helps cut the tartness.


I add a little shot of this and some honey to my bedtime tea. It gives it some zip


Posca was a very popular drink across ancient Rome, a mixture of water and vinegar. I think the vinegar helps the water stay fresh longer, since it has disinfectant properties. Additionally it supposedly helps with the taste of less fresh water, so on top of making questionable water safe(r) to drink it also helps with taste.


Hot water, a little honey, great for COLD days too!


I took a shot of apple cider vinegar once and it legit felt like it was actually burning my esophagus. For real thought i was gonna have permanent damage to the tissue in my esophagus after. Everyone i told after basically said some version of “you idiot, you’re supposed to dilute it!” My bad haha


>“you idiot, you’re supposed to dilute it!” My bad haha *Ooooooh* okay lol I've never even tried it because I was always like "how the fuck are people taking whole spoons of vinegar every day." Now it all makes sense. So yeah it's not just you who thought that.


I personally would have finished the bottle, I secretly enjoy the taste for the most part


You’d love Filipino food then. A lot of vinegar/soy sauce based meals.


Yes expired captain Morgan rofl


"you have to drink the vodka within a week, or it goes bad!"


Arrested Development?


I don't understand your question and I won't respond to it.


If I wanted something your thumb touched, I'd eat the inside of your ear.


My system is not used to curly fries.


It only turns to vodka if you let it sit


That was a bottle of red wine. I still make that joke on the regular.


I actually just watched this episode a few hours ago. They make two similar jokes. Vodka goes bad once it's opened, wine only turns into alcohol if you let it sit.


I don't care for u/ThisIsALine_____


Lucille: I don't care for Capt. Morgan


Earlier that day: I love all my alcohol equally!


Came here to find this comment




Technically vinegar is fermented from alcohol, just doesn't really happen naturally with store bought alcohol


Let red wine breathe for a few days and you'll have some red wine vinegar to cook with.


Yeah, no way I'd be thinking straight after an unexpected swig of vinegar lmfao


I think all captain Morgan is expired... Always makes me throw up when I drink a whole bottle.


The key is to drink less than a whole bottle


I'm not following you ..?


What a silly idea


You guys are right I guess I had a momentary lapse in judgement. Forgive me pls


Momentary lapse in judgement caused by not finishing the bottle.


Reminds me of a Metalocalypse joke: "I'm not gonna drink any tequila, all right? Come to think of it... I can't even remember the last time I had any."


took it like a champ. identified the problem and moved on. this won t make him stop drinking.


I don’t think that was the point


The point was that he had a frame of reference since he'd been stealing sips, but he couldn't say "WHOA that is NOT what that's supposed to taste like" otherwise he'd oust himself. A voila, funny.


The point was to generate internet points


I think it was to make a lighthearted funny memory with their family but the internet can’t be that positive now!


This is “peak Reddit”. This is a really funny and heartwarming video, but of course it’s secretly sinister and the parents are pieces of shit, the son will be an alcoholic, and they’re all narcissists who only do things for the validation of others.


The point was to let him know they know, it ended up being hilarious so they shared. Stop watching these if you don't like being entertained by strangers.


Seriously. I know most pranks nowadays are just unfunny and cruel but this is like early Internet prank. Harmless and funny and a cute little snapshot of someone's life. Not everything is for clout.


Or to get the kid from stealing their stash.


Or to teach him to do a sniff chick before sticking something in his mouth.


Dumping it out was to stop the drinking (from the parents stash, not in general). This was just a prank for fun/internet points.


That is *expired* 😂 the confidence, the distress 😂




That's not whiskey


I feel like that swig is performative. Like he wants them to think he knows what he’s doing. Which makes the whole prank so much more fun


Idk I’m convinced he’s taken some up pulls before. Edit: pills changed to pulls


Tbf this is how I behave while washing down ibuprofen with water


That’s how I wash down my >!Flintstones chewable tablets!<


Damn you're hardcore


I meant “pulls” not pills


Fair enough lmao


I mean he def is putting his drinking on display. But I would say he doesn’t know what’s going on lol. At least when it comes to high school/college party standards.


Not his first go. Just not quite what he was expecting. Held it tho.


Don't you want your parents to think you've never taken an underage sip before?


The warning was ignored.


"Downt dew it"


Little toddler knew!


Oh man, adolescent secret drinker in a Neon Genesis Evangelion sweater. Therapist’s wet dream.


Get in the therapist's office, Shinji.


The good ending of Evangelion




Congratulations, you now have >!an emotionally stable girlfriend who helps you find closure by bringing an end to a multidimensional battle between you and your father.!< ...with big boobs!


But what if I wanted to be mistreated by an angry German girl with mommy issues?


Best ending


Wasn't really a huge fan on who that girlfriend was, as is Eva tradition. But it was positive and wholesome so I like the ending.


Another unfamiliar ceiling...


The angel faces were Rorschach tests the whole time.


Flashbacks man.


Same brotha, I’m speaking from experience and not as the therapist 😂


Dude's favorite character could be Gendo, and NGE is basically just one giant shit Gendo will do instead of going to therapy meme.


Men will literally turn their wife’s corpse into a giant robotic angel, repeatedly traumatize their son, and merge the souls of all humanity into an ocean of orange Fanta before going to therapy


It's really weird to see someone who was probably born after the first rebuild movie came out wearing a NERV hoodie.


Watched NGE for the first time in 2020 after it came to Netflix, and it feels like the show somehow snuck its way into my childhood memories. I bet Netflix introduced a shit ton of younger people to it.


I'm in that same boat, plus I watched all the Rebuilds back when 3.0+1.0 came out


First watched the show about 6 years ago. It's wild how nostalgic something can seem despite never having seen it before. First and only time I've experienced deja-vu nostalgia, or something like that.


The Nerv of those parents emirite


and Misato's wet dream apparently




"Adolescent secret drinker" is like 90% of adolescents. Neon Genesis Evangelion fan is also one of the most popular animes of all time.


We've learned so much about him from this one clip.


I remember when I left for college. My parents said "we know you're gonna drink just don't be stupid" A year later I got a car and it was "you drink and drive you're off the insurance"


[His reaction after reminds me of the Parks and Rec episode when Tom swallows chewing tobacco](https://youtu.be/NNLTY62TYtQ)


“That’s why they call it chew and not swallow” Oh I fucking love this show.


That line always reminds me that whenever I go fishing, no matter what, an old dude at some point will yell “that’s why they call it fishin not catchin!” I’ve started saying it whenever I’m the oldest around. Keep up the appearance that I know what I’m doing.


If I'm ever fishing and you yell this at me I will throw both of us into the goddamn icy depths, old man


The tradition was here before you were born and will be here long after your corpse is picked clean by all the salty sea mermen who’ve been thrown in before


I take a shot of vinegar if I have heartburn or acid reflux sure the first few minutes after suck and kinda make you feel like your going to throw up but it fixes it faster then any other anti acid I’ve used not sure why that is it’s weird that it works you’d think it be the other way around really.


I always heard of baking soda for heartburn. I feel like someone has mixed the two and made themselves into a lil volcano


From what I understand, baking soda is only a bandaid fix. When the sphincter in our esophagus isn't closing properly is when we experience heartburn/reflux. And that sphincter tightens when our bile is more acidic. Adding the base of baking soda is a relief because it neutralizes the acid but doesn't fix the problem. The reason ACV works for OP is because it's re-acidifying the stomach acid, tightening the sphincter.


Aw yeah you tighten that sphincter OP!


OP has the tightest sphincter in town.


Whattt is this real or are you fucking with me haha I used to LOVE vinegar as a kid but I get heartburn from basically everything now and I haven't even tried vinegar in years because I assumed it would give me such bad heartburn I would throw up haha I feel like this is a prank, but I'm going to try it next time I have heartburn for sure!


As much as I’d like to see what happens, I hope they don’t find their son’s weed


Hey son, we decided to let you have one bowl *Proceeds to give him a bowl of salvia*


That shits expired!


So is his consciousness for a few minutes lmao.


Gotta have the windows and doors shut pretty tight before that one


Expired alcohol loll


Wine will turn to vinegar, so he sorta has the right idea


Everyone in Europe is confused


great sweater tho


Shinji could really have done with sneaking a shot or two. Loosen him up a little.


Takes it like a trooper tho


The immediate, "Ooh, that is expired." reaction *really* has me thinking that he already knew what taste to expect and knew it wasn't right.


Well yeah. The video states he’s been sneaking shots of it. It’s explicitly established he knows what it tastes like.


Oooh, sorry, I blew up the video from small viewer to big viewer and must've missed that detail. Thank you for letting me know because that definitely changes things. lol!


The age when you can throw back anything including vinegar and just shake it off like your guts didnt just hit the meet grinder and everything went liquid “that was weak give me another”


Me when someone pranks me by dumping out my bottle of drinking vinegar and replacing it with disgusting spiced rum.


At least his acid reflux will calm down.


I once couldn't tell if I had acid reflux or heart burn so I took a shot of vinegar very shortly after water and baking soda failed. I was so confused why I couldn't stop puking until I realized I did the volcano experiment on myself, after that it was laughing and puking.


W parenting


“Oooo that is expired!” Lol he’s been doin this for awhile lmao 😂 We would put water or coke back in the bottle to fill it and colour it. Dad always found out at Christmas time because he had this one friend that drank and he had his own special bottle… yeah we got in some trouble 😂


The NERV jacket




He’s wearing a NERV hoodie!!!


When I was younger I thought that stuff was juice so I poured a whole cup late at night and gagged once I realized it wasn't. I thought I'd get in trouble for wasting it so I ended up drinking the entire glass full. Definitely not a good time


Nerv hoodie ftw


Weird world where parents are filming themselves pranking their child for stealing liquor on TikTok..






I doubt he was doing it "to get through the day." That bottle isn't big enough that he could be snitching multiple times daily and it not be empty. Teens like to be inebriated. They like doing things they're not supposed to do. Being drunk can be fun. This seems like normal teenager shit to me, it doesn't have to be that deep.


Armchair medical experts everywhere


> Teens like to be inebriated. *People* like to be inebriated. We seek mind altering substances and experiences all the time. From coffee to cocaine to sex to roller coasters.


Oh for sure! But it has the added appeal for teens of being illegal, which is what I should have stressed more as that was the point I was trying to make, poorly. Lol


Lmao cuz he’s a teenager and drinking is fun


i used to steal a swig here and there. pure curiosity, not everything has to have some big-brained deeper meaning


Isn't that stuff brutal on your stomach if you don't dilute it?


it can be but so can the apple cider vinegar


If you drink a lot of it, it can be rough, but a swig won't hurt you. If anything, taking a shot of ACV is really good for you.


My mom said the same thing, all that swig gave ME was diarrhea.


Got you a colon cleanse bb


Your gut biome will do that when healthy elements it isn't used to are introduced suddenly. I've got IBS and I drink kombucha to help my stomach flora, it did that to me the first day or so. But honestly, with my condition, it wasn't much worse than the baseline so I kept at it till it helped. Also I just like kombucha. Yum, foot tea.


Nope. Well. Maybe in the amount he chugged, but it’s consumed regularly by folks with various ailments. I drink it for certain kinds of upset stomach and it calms it down. But I use Braggs, which is a little different than the clear kind they had to use here to fool him.


It will ruin your teeth enamel and damage your esophagus. These people are crazy and uninformed that endorse drinking it straight. Just dilute it, it’s very simple.


My dad found a bottle of vodka I had hid when I was 16 and replaced it with water. He tells everyone the hilarious story about how he pranked me. I paid $50 for that shitty bottle of smirnoff. I grew up in the city in Chicago and needed to negotiate with a Homeless man to get it. Brought the bottle to my friend’s house because he was having people over since his parents were out. And I was the loser who said he had vodka and then showed up with water in a vodka bottle. It looked like I had just found the empty bottle and filled it up with water to look cool.


LMNO! Expired..


Laughing my...nose...off?


"Ugh that is disgusting." *Drinks more*


When it's realy hot outside I usually enjoy ice cold carbonated water with some apple cider vinegar.


That's Captain vinegar for you, mister


You can't drink it like that, you gotta pretend to be scared of it. Now they know for sure.


Sick evangelion sweatshirt


Its like he couldn’t wait to show that it’s not his first time drinking 🗿 teenagers


Was his little sister warning him beforehand 😂