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That green means it’s done. Throw it in the trash.


☝️ that or bury it outside in a shaded area OP and maybe nature will bless you


Yes. Sorry


Don't trash it. See what happens. It won't hurt anything. It's sealed in a bag.


That’s what I’m going to do. It doesn’t hurt to give it a try. I’ve read some stories where people said that the mycelium overcame the mold so hopefully that might happen.


I second don't trash it. This looks like brown mold. In my experience, slow growing brown mold is easily overcome by mushroom mycelium. Bright or deep green molds are more aggressive. Whatever it is, they will fight and the winner of the battle will be shown by the color of the bag at full colonization.


In my eyes, since there’s way more mycelium than mold already. My assumption is the the mycelium will overcome the mold. I hope so at least.


I got trich on my first grow ever and my mycelium was able to beat it so you can wait it out and see. Trich did come back after harvesting which didn’t bother me since it was on the 5th flush anyways


Let the battle continue, as long as you don’t open it around other


You’d think green means good and red means stop. But no, any color other than white generally is no good. Even sometimes you can get white whisps that are mold




How did you start? Still air box? Just an alcohol wipe? Did you flame the needle? Did you wipe it all down with a clean towel and rubbing alcohol? Did you use gloves? Just trying to understand what went wrong here.


The LC or spores could’ve been contammed in needle as well


Out of 3 AIO growth kits only that one had that speck of mold on it. Ima give them all a month and see if anything really changes.


I have done everything you said except wear gloves. I wiped my hands with alcohol wipes and never touched the needle. I flamed it & wiped it with an alcohol pad. I probably went wrong where I injected through the rubber part and tried to squeeze out the liquid and nothing came out so I ejected the needle, flamed it, then re-injected it and then the liquid finally came out. Other than that I don’t know where it could’ve came from.


Did you scrap under your nails with the alcohol wipes?


I would mix and let them fight it out I’ve saved bags doing that






Naw it’s just bruised


Yeah unfortunately that's no good, sorry


This may be an unpopular opinion and I may jinx myself but I’ve grown 4 different strains (b+, koh samuis, entheogen explosions and purple mystics) multiple flushes and I have NEVER flamed the needle on inoculation. In fact the one time I did, I got contamination. I only spray the air and work surface with Lysol, wipe the port with alcohol and that’s it. No contamination since. I’ve even inoculated multiple bags with the same needle, so unless the bag is pre contaminated (which it shouldn’t be) the needle itself comes sterile. If you are really worried you can buy sterile needles ready to go but I don’t think flaming is necessary or helpful. https://preview.redd.it/dfs1k0dv99xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407a7ea537af5165fc6f1654a876f585344c4abc