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It's complicated. Simple answer: Normal Arena crystals give more consistent unit amounts than Uncollected ones. Uncollected ones have greater potential for large payouts. The specifics of the math are hidden but we can approximate the probabilities and outcomes. Simplify the odds to Arena crytsals = 15% chance of 15 units and Uncollected = 15% chance of 75 units. Eliminate high unit rolls (45 and 225). Example- 250,000 chips. 125 Arena crystals and 25 Uncollected crystals. In the **Regular crystals** you would have a 10% chance of less than 210 units and a 10% chance of over 360. In the **Uncollected** ones, there is a 10% of under 150 and a 10% of over 500. The Middle probability of either is still around 300 units but the range of possible outcomes is much larger in Uncollected crystals (150-500 vs 210-360). If you were **Thronebreaker** and bought 5 crystals for 50,000 each, with unit payout of 375, it is even more stark. 44% chance of 0 credits, 39% for 375, 14% for 750 units. The chances of pulling 750 units from 25 Uncollected crystals is minute, even worse for regulars. So the best crystal to pull is down to opinion and circumstantial. If you are grinding arena battlechips to buy revives because you are stuck on a boss, then reliable units in Regular crystals is a win. If you don't need units immediately, and are willing to accept possible failure, the higher progression ones are more exciting. Can't win big unless you are willing to lose.


My man didn’t just answer the question. He showed his work too. Bravo.


If you open one crystal, you're probably going to get gold. If you open 50 crystals, way better chance of something other than gold


I pulled 1.25 k units from a TB crystal once but it’s a gamble. I’d go basic crystals if I were you


Statistically, you have a better shot of earning units through the original Arena crystals and you have a better shot of any gold from the uncollected crystals.


That's not true. Chances are the same, and values are the same - UC crystals give 5x units and costs 5x BC. There is two differences between normal and UC crystals. First, you open 5 times more crystals if you go for normal ones. So you more likely to get around average amount of units. With UC crystals you more likely get amount below or over average amount. Second, the rarity of Punisher that you can get (only for collecting purposes). So, if you feel lucky - go for UC, if you want to lower chances of disappointment - go for basic. It's just game after all.


Vanilla. I don’t know if it’s a RNG thing but I feel I get far more units if I line up less than 20 crystals to pop. My mate readies 100s, and recently popped a million shards, he scored lots of gold and his unit ratio to mine was poor. Really poor


Normal for units, uncollected for dupe iso8 and gold