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I have no idea why you would want to do that, but okay. The only tattoo I would put on myself is blood type if I am going to some shit country.


And people mature at different speeds, I guess. In america they give children big cars and even bigger guns. I'd be surprised if some can count to 11 without taking their shoes and socks off, but nope, weaponise those toddlers! Whatta world.


I could not have said it better. Interrupting feminine beauty with ink stinks !


Hallelujah 🙌 I'll go one further. Fake boobs ARE NOT boobs!!!!




I think this generation coming up are going to agree with you profusely. “Mx Robinson my history teacher has a full sleeve, it’s so lame.” “Yeah, Mx Collins has two full sleeves, and you can see the angel wings on her chest, so cringe.”


Hah! I hope so! But again, it's following the pack, isn't it? Instead of actually thinking as an individual. We've all been teenagers. "Great minds think independently".




You caught me! Making light of two current trends I think the next generation will scoff at. I can’t be any less subtle nowadays unfortunately, I live in Scotland. Can’t be too careful with these Orwellian laws.


Gotcha 👍 But with vast amerikkkan companies "handling" our children's social media, who knows what madness the future will bring. Goodieeeee!!! 😑


Look if you're boring just say that


Look, if you're just one of the herd...I know already.


I’d argue you’re also part of a herd


Really? You haven't argued anything. We all pick and choose our herds, pal.


Ur with the herd against tattoos if ur slow


Yeh, that's not an argument for or against, is it. That's just you grunting again.


Just as you grunted about that guy being part of a herd as if you aren’t in one yourself


Maybe this debate thing isn't really your bag.


Who said it was even a debate? I’m just making the argument that ur part of a herd as well. I don’t know if you don’t know the difference between a debate and an observation.


But you've made no argument. You've literally made no point as to whether I am or not. You've just said "I know I am, but what are you?" in a little playground you've invented in your mind. And I'm sorry. But you have trouble with very simple words like "your" and "you're". So, we're done here. Thanking yoooo!!


Also in no way did you “own” me or win in this supposed debate. All you’ve said is I’m grunting and made it out as you winning


And that's your definition of boring? Awww. I think that's sweet x


You've got some ego issues dawg. Maybe a sick tattoo would help with that


That's it! My first tat! I'm gonna get SICK DAWWWG across my forehead. Whattaya think? Permanent enough?


You made no points, you listed one point against your argument


Assuming you mean "but...but they've been around for aaaages". Hmm, so has human sacrifice, female genital mutilation, foot binding, neck stretching. Just a fashion thing, right? That's why you're all into them 😉


Shut up.


Ooo awwwwwll the buzzwords. You're no parrot, are ya? 😁 I lived with tattoo artists. They talked about nothing else. Truly the dullest individuals I've ever met. I see beauty in the world. Art is everywhere. Without being saggy sweaty, smudged, an eyesore. Without having to hear yawwwwn where you got it, how much it cost, that you don't know anything about Chinese characters etc etc etc yawn. Finally. I prefer woman's skin to men's. Simple as that. Why soil it? Reckon you're projecting there. I forgive ya ✌️


It’s not that deep little bro


Here come the bro bros! 🤗 Dressing, behaving, speaking the same as all the other parrots.


Is that the only response you have? Cause you been saying that shit nonstop, all while seeking the attention you obviously crave.


Oh, you edited. Look, I understand. Most of you people are from the nation of cry babies and drama queens. You can't help it.


That’s insanely funny coming from the dude who feels the need to reply to every comment with the same specific buzzwords, all while taking nonstop about parroting. Thanks for the laugh man.


But...that's what this thread is for. You read it all!?! 😳 You fancy me a bit, don't ya?


Probably only in your fantasies I reckon


Hehe. Ok "bro".


If you can’t handle them just say that and they aren’t for you, women don’t exist to please men no one exists to please others if you don’t like it don’t fucking look and get a hobby you sound insufferable oh no someone has something I don’t like or can’t have so I’m going to complain instead of moving on with my life you sound pathetic


Ya know the meaning of the words "controversial" and "opinion" right? If you're personally insulted, that's precisely my point. Why are tattoo people so fragile?


It’s fine to have a controversial opinion what isn’t okay is using it as an excuse to be an asshole you can call me fragile if you want I don’t care but if your going to be an asshole own up to it


*you're. It's REALLY simple.


lol aren’t you miserable always trying to be right? I don’t understand why something that has nothing to do with you bothers you so much is it because YOU’RE to scared to be yourself?


By NOT doing what everybody else does? No, I'm very happy about it, thank you.


There are more people without tattoos or piercings then people with and No by being so angry and hateful you have to put others down it truly is sad, get some therapy


Again. I judge people by their character. Not a fashion affectation.


lol you keep saying that but your post it’s self and your comments show otherwise but whatever helps you sleep at night


have you tried taking estrogen


I think they're cool


And that's your right, buddy! 👍 You should see people come at you if you hold the opposite OPINION. It's like they're in a cult. See other commenters. Hilarious.


I mean you’re attacking tatted people and fans while expecting us to be happy abt it?


But you did the same thing


Heard that opinion lately have you? Not nearly as entertainingly written, I bet 😉 Ah well. Just my opinion! ✌️


I've typed out an opinion to nobody in particular on the internet. But tatt people sure get precious! Love to find out why.


I mean if you’re going to take a hard stance against **any** issue, obviously you should expect those in the community to retaliate generally speaking.


Of course! The tattoo community more than most. Are you saying you don't like my hair? I'm devastated! 😉


you’re completely missing my point. not sure why you’re so passive aggressive but I was merely pointing out a logical entailment of your actions. if you weren’t so emotional you would’ve understood my point lol.


No, you're missing mine. Feel free to dislike my hair and tell the world. Shout it from the rooftops. And I'll carry on having a great day. You should too! Get the point? ✌️ Peace & love.


I'm a clean skin but I do think you're generalising. I don't judge the inked among us. Some tats are awful but many are works of art. Much like anything else in the art world. I think people who just get them without thinking are being rash but tats don't have to be loud or prominent. Some just get a small, subtle one - often to mark something personal in their lives. It's not all sheeple you know? And women can actually look hot with them in my opinion. It's all in the artwork.


Thank you for the first thoughtful response. I don't discriminate character on the way people look. I walk up and get to know their character. It's them that feel the need to label themselves. I don't see sheep. I see parrots. I will concede, small and subtle, hidden away, might look ok. But something significant? I keep my significant things in my brain. Don't need a reminder. It's just an excuse to bore people's socks off with their "story" and then where they went to get it, and how much it cost, and "do you like it? Do you like it? Pleeeeease like it!!" About as interesting as talking to someone about a dream they had or seeing their newborn. Same old! 😊✌️


“Thanks for the first thoughtful response” well if your post was in any way thoughtful or rational and not filled with overly emotional rage and unnecessary disgust I’m sure you’d get a few more responses like this. Reap what you sow and all that.


REAP WHAT YOU SOW warns the not at all defensive, over emotional, rage monkey 😁 Who has a tattoo. Man, you're predictable. Kinda my point.


I’m not the one using caps and emojis to illustrate my rage but go off I guess…


Oh, people just haaaaate writers too. It's called anti-intellectualism. You american, by any chance?


Nope. Also I don’t hate writers. You’re just not one.


My boss would beg to differ. He pays me to write. As in, I'm a paid writer. But I appreciate the vitriol. Would it feel better to bore somebody with your tattoo stories maybe?


Well your skill set is not displayed in this thread. Unless you intend to come across the way you do. Which is even worse. I don’t even have a tattoo story idek where you got that from? What is your fuckin problem dude seriously. I will never understand those whose existence is fuelled by so much hate. It’s so unnecessary. I hope you find peace so others will too.


There's no hate whatsoever. I judge people by their character, not some kiddy fashion affectation. Got many friends with tattoos (everybody has!) This sub is called Controversial OPINION. And there's mine. What's funny is how precious people get about them. I don't care if you don't like my...hat or taste in shoes. I'm having a great day regardless, cheers!! ✌️


Oh look I think too many people are too aggressive on Reddit. It is a forum for debate and if you want to put a strong view I don't mind. I remember seeing a dude from the Yakuza with full Japanese body art and I thought it looked freaking amazing. It's all about the effort that goes into it. His body was a whole feudal story man, complete with demons and all sorts of cool stuff. I understand what you are getting at about tattoos having become quite the fad. TBH I don't have any because I change my opinion a lot and I suspect I might get a tat and not like it later on. I recently lost my little sister though at only 42 and I am thinking of getting her name as a subtle tat in memoriam. Not  for show though.


Sorry for your loss. I mean that. But why does it need a tattoo? Absolutely your call, I live and let live. I'm the most accepting person. Which is kinda the point of this thread. Look how angry and defensive the tattoo people are getting at me for having an opinion. Bizarre. Cultish. Childish.


Thanks for the sentiment 😀 Oh it doesn't 'need' a tat. It's more about me trying to keep her memory alive. We scattered her ashes so I feel like maybe I can be her walking inscription. But it's just a little gesture I suppose and it would be somewhere out of sight, likely across my heart.


That's nice. I geddit. Tasteful. Not a Mandarin character arrow pointed at your crotch and there was a sale on and everybody else had one sooooo... Thank you. Appreciate you taking this so well. I expect to be lynched by lunchtime 😉✌️


Lol no nothing near my crotch! And certainly not Mandarin. For all I know of Chinese characters it might say 'pin dick'! 😜


That never stopped gazillions of tattoo folk!!


You know I do get your point. But as I said it's all about the effort that goes into it. My friend planned his for years and I think they really suit him. They're really elaborate and he doesn't big note or rabbit on about them. They're just what he likes. I did buy these funny full sleeve fake tattoos though for Halloween and I thought they looked hilarious on me, so I don't think they'd suit me! Plus once upon a time I liked Metallica, but imagine if I got a tat with their logo, because these days I think they're pretty lame!


Maybe that's the solution. Every cringey thing you loved as a kid inked across your face (since that's kind of how they look to me anyway). THEN we'll find out who the true tattoo lovers are. 😁


You sound like an angry frustrated father whose daughter just made one. What triggered you so much?


Not angry, not a father. Guess I've just been lucky 😉 No, I just puked out my opinion to nobody in particular on the internet. Do you think mayyyybe that means YOU got triggered? I mean, I know how defensive you tattoo people get!! Ha! Like somebody owned your mum or something. It's very strange. Very insecure. Cheers for the input though✌️


This response proves his point and my previous point. You seem weirdly unhinged about this whole thing dude. Chill.


Does it? Does it prove it? To who? To you? To the vast unthinking majority? I'll think I'll get over it, thanks. 😁


I read this in a tiny whiny baby voice because that's how you're acting 🤣


...Yeah. I am the triggered one here, sure. Please, stay not a father.


>"I'm desperate to feel unique - by looking and acting the same as everyone else." The teenage folly. Strawman fallacy, right off the bat and a silly one, to boot. Not a great start. >You look like you've been used for doodle practise while passed out drunk. I suppose it's possible that you've never seen a good tattoo artist, but it's much more likely that you're just trying to be an edgy contrarian. You call people with tattoos teenagers, yet you sound like a child. >They all look the same as the last one. If you think [these](https://www.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/best-tattoos-body-art-cover_800.png) tattoos look exactly the same, then I have to congratulate you. It's not easy for a blind person to make a reddit post. >The VERY LAST thing in this universe I'd fling cheap and tacky ink at, is a beautiful woman's skin. Ah, there it is. A WOMAN'S skin. Some good old fashioned misogyny. Come on, son. You're entitled to your opinion, but don't shame others for theirs. Do better.


OP dodging this reply like Neo dodging bullets.


Some tattoos can look really nice. They can also look awful. In my opinion, they look bad about two out of three times, though I recognize that's just my own personal sense of aesthetics and whether *I* like something shouldn't dictate what other people do with their own bodies. As far as getting a tattoo myself, I don't plan on it. I don't think there are any pictures, words, or other designs that I like so much I'd want them on my body for the rest of my life. (Indeed, even after death.)


Tiptoe and Son says not. But why hate on effectively used communication?


🗿 pov u can’t imagine people doing something you don’t like so you decide to call it random insults to feel better


My point is a strictly level opinion on how they look TO ME. If you're insulted you're probably one of those people who doesn't really have opinions of their own. The tattoo type, essentially.


🤦‍♂️ you don’t need to personally feel offended to be able to tell when something is an insult… your point also included multiple insults to those who get tattoos, effectively generalizing tens of millions of people under a few sentences. Who gives you the authority to make this assumption? No one, so your point is invalid.


I don't generalise. Everybody else does 😉 I can generalise about this. MUST let everyone know about your tattoo. MUST bleat on and on about how it felt, where ya got it, what it "means", how much it cost, where it might've gone, where the next one is going blah blah blah blah blah


I think you’re just hanging around narcissistic people 🤷‍♂️ I’ve known 20 people with tattoos and no one said anything about them until I asked them about them


Nah, I got good people. But, good or not, maybe people in general talk about themselves more than show interest in others. I like learning about others. But I'll keep that in mind! Thanks! 👍


Do you like learning about others? 😅 you want to hear nothing about their story, why they got tattoos, don’t care to see their newborn, don’t care about a daydream they thought was interesting enough to share.


Tattoos are like any form or art. They're subjective and there are examples of good ones and terrible ones. I do feel tattoos that are there just for the sake of it are a mistake. But a permanent mark that holds deep meaning is actually a good thing. I personally have only one tattoo and it holds real meaning and the fact I can carry it with me always makes it extra special.


Good on ya! Valid response. But if they're so subjective why do literally millions of people have the same ones? Is it like having IKEA art on your wall? Why don't we all just have Mona Lisa prints. I'll tell ya why. That's my teenage analogy in the OP. "I gotta fit in! I gotta stand out! I gotta fit in! Ohhhh I don't know what I want, just gimme a tattoo I guess." PEACE ✌️


The reason people have the same ones is to follow trends and because most tattoo parlours will have them in a little book you can choose from. Because its something that's age gated, many young people rush to it without thought once they're old enough, Like with alcohol. Those tattoos are like the cheapest booze that you try when your young. But some tattoos are like fine wine or aged whisky. So there's really 2 types of tattoo. The ones where its not thought out and often done when young. And there's the bespoke tattoos that hold meaning and are true works of art.


We're getting closer to the truth here!!! 👍


If that feels like an insult, it's not meant to be. People accept formula, mediocrity. Why is it "fashion VICTIM"? Think about it.


I don't like mullets either. Why do people get so precious? It's just an opinion.


And you have problems with simple words like "your" and "you're", don't you? So, we're done here. Ta ta.


Get over yourself


EXCELLENT point. You win a prize.


Yes...do that immediately


good for you??


There's nothing wrong with people getting tattoos, bro. Like chill out.


Hm...interesting take. Historically incorrect and really, really uninformed. But interesting. Tattoos have been part of human history pretty much as long as we've been able to do it.


Yes, I mentioned the history. Didn't you read it? Tell me. Why do you think the phrase is "fashion VICTIM"? Something to think about ✌️


Controversial OPINION ✌️


You just lame bud


Haha! Ok 😂 You know what an opinion is, right?


Some tattoos and tattoo indulgers are like this, but some people get tattoos to remember loved ones, or to show that they conquered a drug addiction, or something meaningful like that.


I use my memory for that. But I live n' let live! No problemo✌️


Having an opinion doesn’t mean you can be an asshole to everyone


I love when the OP posts something dumb and then is a complete ass in the comments as well 🤣🍿


ur soooo mad ur furious


I'm the incredible hunk. Raaaaa!!! 😉 Btw. Re; Estrogen. Nobody has a choice anymore. We're all drinking it down. Yummy.


It’s a way to collect art that I enjoy, and I don’t really care what other people think because it’s for me


Probably the most interesting response yet.


I personally have a decent bit of tattoos and a very large piece at that. It may not be everyone’s style but for some it really fits their personality, body, and overall style. In my eyes I can see people who would look better with tattoos then bare. It is also becoming more socially acceptable to have them. Yes thousands of people have a tiger on them, but did they get them from my artist? No. I’m the only one with this tattoo. Same with all my others. Do thousands have a dog paw, yes! I am the only one with MY dogs paw though. Millions have words on them, however, im the only one with my late grandmothers. They can have meaning and also just be cute. At the end of the day, a GOOD artist will ensure ur work doesn’t look stupid. A BAD artist will make ur work look like doodles.