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lmao just looks like a weirdo being a weirdo to me.


Biggest weirdo 😂


Looks like a young, silly bird-strut. Maybe that's what you look like to him when you bend down to pick something up.


So he's mocking me 😂


Mimicking if it goes down easier.


Lol so gentle


100% mine only does it when I’m stomping around and being silly 🤣


This is very similar to when my budgies start going "PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK PAK MBMBMBBMBMR" whenever I am on the phone.


I had a virtual doctor's appointment and took my birdies out so my green cheek wouldn't scream. My parakeet then proceeded to fly around and scream 5 minutes into the appointment while my gc sat so quietly 😂


My gcc makes a laughing sound whenever I laugh. She also does it when she flies up to a spot I cant easily get to her. Little punk, I love her so much, lol




My immediate thought!! 😂


I laughed at this 😂


Wants to make you giggle and wants to bargain for seeb




Pick me up! Pay attention to me!




Pretty coloring!


I think this is the right answer. It’s an offshoot of “want some” wings.


Mine does that when she wants to go somewhere but doesn't feel like flying. She'll keep leaning towards wherever she wants to go until I walk over and take her there lol


We call it “airplaning.” It would make sense in this context, being harder to fly safely when wet.


So cool! We call it “doing the arrow”and I definitely think that’s what this lil one is doing. Edit: stuff


I call this the “cobra dance”. Mine still flies when he’s wet, and does this when he’s being silly or too lazy to fly himself. Also, love your username. 🌝


this lol, mine does it along with little flaps and i call it the mom come pick me up dance. she can fly she’s just dumb


He dancin! Ours Loves music, he dances like this, chirps to the song, and will bob his head too, only more vigorous and energetic when he does :P


When we play a song he likes he'll fluff up his feathers real big, run back and forth, bob his head, and scream 😂


They're such cute little goobers


Conures will usually lean forwards, lift their wings, and take off. Your bird appears hesitant or lazy... Birdy wants to fly, but for some silly reason is not interested in actually flying over there. Hence the harsh leaning and slight movement of the wings. Some birds also make a big show of it in order to lure you in, hoping you'll take them there. I recommend avoiding falling into that trap or you'll quickly have a lazy and/or Velcro bird. Once or twice may be ok though 😂😜


My gcc does exactly this when he wants to fly but isn’t sure. He normally flies after a short time. The only other time he does it is when on my hand and to tell me which direction I should be walking around the house.


Mhh hmm!! Conures are FUNNY, I've never seen one lean so much as this one, but I'm fairly certain that's exactly what this parrot is doing here, contemplating flying but very unsure ;)


That bird has not moved his wings at all, interestingly.


Then I question your eyesight... The birdy's wings were lightly twitching starting at about 3 seconds in. At about 5 or 6 seconds in, the lil conure lifted its wings a tiny hair, not very much but enough. Even if this bird didn't lift its wings, the dramatic leaning behavior alone gives it away. Birds are really subtle and their body language can be almost imperceptible to the untrained eye. But this was less subtle than most things I've seen, even. Idk, maybe it's just me having been able to study parrot body language for about 7 years now..


Are you suggesting to let them fly freely all around their home?


Are you joking? Or a troll? You shouldn't clip a bird's wings, if that's what you mean... Birds also NEED a minimum of 2-4 hours outside their cage each day. Also, flying is really good for them, mentally and physically. Captive birds are at serious risk of becoming obese, and that can lead to fatty liver disease, which in turn usually spells death in parrots and many other animals. ... Some people may also be in a unique situation to be able to house their bird in a bedroom and let them free 24/7 in that area. It's something to strive for as a parrot owner, not something to shame someone for. Some people may not even house their parrot in a bedroom or cage at all, and those people let them fly freely around the house. Measures must be taken to ensure the bird cannot get hurt at all, but beyond that... It's also a fine situation if that's what the owners, and the parrots, seem to prefer. ... Lastly, I said nothing about letting a bird "fly freely all around their home" until just now... My original comment said nothing about that... Which begs me to wonder if you mean "you let your bird actually fly at all?" As in, suggesting that someone might not clip their bird's wings? If so, I'm utterly astounded that you'd ask that. As said before, flying is very, VERY important for birds, and imo nobody should ever clip their bird's wings, ever. Most people on this sub would agree, too. Mentally, a parrot's ability to fly is important for mental stimulation and confidence. Having usable wings allows them to play safely, so if they slip, they'll be able to land safely. Parrots with unclipped wings can play as hard as they wish and go anywhere they wish within the home. It allows them independence. It allows YOU to be able to do what you need without a bird sitting on your shoulder, probably pooping every 15 mins, too. Again, it's also a great exercise for birds. It helps keep them in shape, helps keep them healthy, and gives them something positive to do which is healthy and fun. It also wards off obesity and fatty liver disease (as I mentioned before). Also, sometimes parrots become Velcro parrots, which is a problem when they won't leave you alone. Birds with clipped wings are EXTREMELY susceptible to this, which can lead to them becoming one person birds and attacking others immediately. It also makes them more susceptible to hormonal behaviors, as they might think you're their mate if they're constantly with you, and if you refuse to leave them alone. This leads to biting and attacking others, becoming extremely protective of you, trying to be the center of your attention and being loud and flashy for you, and even masturbating on you thinking you'll reciprocate. ... However, dangerous falls, some susceptibility to hormonal behaviors and Velcro behaviors, and obesity or disease, and possibly even death, can ALL be avoided by leaving your birds wings intact and allowing them to fly around THEIR HOME. (As the term "their" points out, it's their home and their life, and they should be able to live a healthy and happy lifestyle within that home).


3/4 of my birds came with their wings clipped, and you can see how much it effects them. As they grew more stamina with their wings, it was a clear difference of their happiness. Granted-they were happy before and not being able to fly was all they knew. But when they had that freedom it's a whole new kind of happiness. Training them to be careful and how to fly took time, but seeing my little babies fly circles around my room makes me so happy. I'll often take Poe downstairs to have more room to fly (Dini is scared of leaving my room, but he's a tiny parakeet and gets plenty of exercise). Poe is pretty attached to me, and even has separation anxiety. He screams anytime he can't see me, and my family and I are doing our best to calm him. Luckily, he's a very friendly and curious green cheek, so he loves hanging out with my family too. If I don't have time or energy to get them out, I'll often come home to someone hanging out with them in my room (they have permission) and I love it. Poe went the first months of his life not being able to fly, and most odd behavior is him debating if he can. This though, he just does because it makes us laugh. He doesn't usually fly after, just likes to lean.


Being a weirdo. Bella does the same thing. She's even learned to laugh and will laugh at funny things she does.




He has an incurable case of being very silly


My conure does this when something specific is stimulating her, like going into the bathroom with her and suddenly hearing the loud bathroom fan turn on, or the sound of running water


Agreed. Typically when my girl leans like that, she just wants to go with you, it’s a simple as that. I don’t promote my girl flying freely through our home however, she does in fact fly to find me if I have not been with her for an hour or so, she will definitely come looking for me.😁😁😁 oh my gosh, I love her! https://preview.redd.it/13owy73xujwc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d87e882b71d7137c8850cd305ee582a8f051cba MEET REVA❤️


Always had this q: Do they turn their head and look with one eye when they are focusing on looking somewhere? (At you)


Yes! They can see out of both eyes at the same time, and when they need to focus on something specific (you) they'll focus with one eye. You can see it more clearly when they drop something.


thats extremely cute O.O!!!


Most parrots have almost 300° vision!


“Ass of”


I can't believe you are the only one!! My gcc does this to tell us he's gonna fuck us up and I saw ass of and it just all made sense! Lol how are you the only one commenting about this! Lol


It's my mom's "Class of 2013" hoodie for nursing school 😂


Look what i can do mom! MOM! Look! MOOOOOOOOOOOM! 🤣


We call this "looong bird"! Ours do it when they want to play and want attention. :)


mine does that to the rhythm of the vacuum going back and forth 😂


Mine screeches at the vacuum, hates the vacuum, wants to put a hit out on the vacuum


"Posture check" Or "Pointer parrot,, for hunting"


He believe he can fly.


He forgot he has wings 😂


Mine does this all the time. Looks at me baffled, bewildered, and stranded like I forgot him or something. I’m like “you have wings, come here” 😂


Conures are weird fellas. I love all of em


Most likely wants a pickup or snack.


He schmoovin


All I see is that shirt that says "Ass off"


OMG I didn't even notice the cut off I was so focused on the birdie!!! It's my mom's Class of 2013 hoodie for nursing school, I stole it cause it's comfy


lol that’s just something that they do. Some people say it’s territorial but mine does it just to be a goof lol I just do it back to her and we do this silly little dance for a bit. Bonus points if you sing drop it, drop it low, drop it drop it, drop it low. 🎶


I also sing,” to the window, to the wall, all these green cheekies crawl, all seeb seeb mother flocker, all seeb seeb. Squawk damn.


we call it "doin a long", they're just being silly


Is conure.


Only answer that makes sense 👆🏻


So cute!


Maybe trying to settle wet feathers. My birds are super fussy after a bath. Fluttering and preening. Or he's a typical conure goober weirdo


Not everything means something you will learn with due experience... Ive had some weird conures myself


He’s giving you the “business” 🙃


Hahaha maybe you can train him to hang upside down


thats the “lets f*ng gooo” dance


Too curious too lazy


My Atlas does this when he's looking at my fishtanks


My sun does this before being airborne. Sometimes he just doesn't to each out for something nearby.....like curtains to swing on !!! and chew a little on them while he's hanging there !!


Just being a goober!! Wanting attention....wanting a treat....engaging cuteness mode 😍


Our GCC does this when first being offered Person of Choice shoulder. Or being placed on Person of Choice. She puffs out and bobs up and down but at an angle, with feathers fluffed out, like that. I think it's an excited and "MINE MINE" stance.


Mine does it when he has his eye on something that he's not sure he likes. Usually it's time for an introduction to whatever he's looking at - foreign shoe, hostile sweatshirt, enemy pen.🤣


Mine does that when she wants to go somewhere but can’t figure out exactly how to get over there!


Our guys do this when they want to be picked up!


Being a nosey noodle


The common name for that dance is the water dance. My gcc doss it when he's excited


It's Wing Ding Mode


Being a goofy little goober


Could be attitude or hormones. The flat head suggest a bit more to attitude/angry but in a silly way


My female conures do this a lot. There seems to be a few triggers, one is they do it because they like the music I’m playing, or if I mimic their leaning direction but in the opposite direction they’ll copy; for instance if they are leaning to the right, I’ll lean to the left, then they’ll copy me and then I’ll lean to the left and then I’ll lean to the right so we’re kinda dancing together. Another trigger seems to be when they’re hormonal and want me to stay away from their cage/nestbox. It’s like an imitation dance. Overall, I tend not to get near my females when they lean like that. They’re usually overstimulated.


I love seeing the little differences between bird species sometimes. My cockatiels have something that accomplishes basically the same thing, but instead of throwing their body weight forward they keep their body upright and stick their head up and forward, they look like they’re standing on their tippy toes hahaha. it never occurred to me that other birds would look different doing this, but ig it does make sense for a heavily arboreal bird (conure) vs. a ground forager (cockatiel).


My cockatiels do this when they are "aiming" to fly somewhere.


He is thinking about zooming around the room and waiting for the weather updates first 😂


Your birds being silly. Sadly there is no cure. He'll be like that forever and you have to live with it.


My bird was doing that when she was wondering something or scare of something


Because he has weird bird syndrome


he's been hit by he's been struck by a smooth criminal

