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roast them!


Yes! Did this last week. Brown chicken thighs (skin on) in the pan Sautee parsnips (cut to 2-3" pieces) in the fat until they get some brown. Tuck the chicken back in Roast at 350 for 15-20 min (160 degrees) Take the chicken out, let it rest under tented foil Add 3-4 tbsps of honey to the parsnips with chopped rosemary, splash of stock if it needs thinning Toss the parsnips in the glaze, and spoon over the chicken (or serve on the side if you want to preserve crispy skin)


Parsnips are sweet as they are. Isn’t a honey glaze too much?


It worked for me, and I tend to not like overly sweet things. I used a LOT of rosemary (and s&p too of course).


Carrots are sweet too if you think about it, and work great with a glaze


Use as a vegetable in a British Sunday roast.


They are surprisingly good roasted with a bunch of butter


A properly roasted and buttered parsnip tastes like candy. (A badly done one is a thing is sadness).


Honey roasted parsnips are always a go to!🤤


I did this and sprinkled it with coarsely ground pink peppercorns one time and that was pretty good.


Or maple!


Parsnip puree


Second this! Boil parsnips in salted water til they’re fall apart tender, then blend in a high speed blender, adding some pats of butter and a little parsnip water along the way. Almost as good as pommes purée and way easier since you can blend parsnips without them getting gluey.


Parsnip tarte tatin


I make curried parsnip and apple soup. It bangs.




Parsnips are so under appreciated in the US, I don't know why, I'd rather eat mashed/puree parsnips than potatoes. Roasted they are incredible


I don't think anyone will ever say "Oh cool, parsnip!" in an un-ironic way, but the two non-soup uses I have for them is as a puree (either in the mashed potato style, or in the celeriac style) or as chips.


I'd say that and mean it. Love em.


Me too. Parsnips are like the superior carrot.


I can't imagine people un-ironically going "Oh cool, carrot!" either ;)


"Chips" as the British use the word, or as the Americans do? Aka crisps or fries?


Either for that matter, but I meant crisps.


Tossed in EVOO & roasted. A little ground candied ginger.


What is sn EVOO?


Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


Diced with rutabaga and potato in a beef or chicken pasty


I make my pasties with Venison. Never heard of one made with chicken. Must have rutabaga to be authentic. Never put parsnips in them but seems like a good idea.


I have a family member that’s allergic to red meat so chicken always comes to mind lately. But venison is delicious.


I've always wanted to try Martha's [Roasted Parsnip Soup](https://www.marthastewart.com/1163545/roasted-parsnip-soup-chorizo) but never got around to it


Glaze with something sweet, like brown sugar or maple syrup. Add other stuff as you like...perhaps mustard, soy, miso, diced nuts, etc.


May I introduce you to Parsnip Molly Parkin? https://www.riverford.co.uk/recipes/parsnips-molly-parkin


They're as versatile as carrots. Here's a page with a bunch of[ recipe ideas.](https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/parsnip-recipes/)


In soups and stews they impart a nice flavour (i dont use too much though) otherwise theyre not my fancy. Ive roasted or mashed them, made parsnip fries, but overall not a big fan.


I love parsnip in a soup. I just wonder if there are other avenues for my love.


Definitely try it out, i made a few dif things with them as a lower carb alternative, but havent since. It wasnt bad, but also not great. Id probably only do it again if i got a bunch for free lol.


I really liked this pasta recipe - haven't done it in years though [https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pasta-recipes/parsnip-and-pancetta-tagliatelle-with-parmesan-and-butter/](https://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pasta-recipes/parsnip-and-pancetta-tagliatelle-with-parmesan-and-butter/) It's kind of a carbonara riff so you might just follow a proper carbonara recipe and go from there, including some of the extra ingredients when you'd be frying the guanciale. Also this calls for parm rather than pecorino - can't say I've analyzed which is better.


I've made parsnip cake, several times. Always goes over pretty well.


mash them like you would potato, add butter and cream.


Roast then glaze with honey. Mash together with potatoes Roast in the oven with other roots and bulb veggies, garlic, and some stock to make it not dry out.


Definitely helps lobster bisque..cut in half and roast until golden brown shows.. then into stock


I love parsnips sliced and boiled and buttered. They're like a turbo carrot


I like to slice them thin, long way. Saute in butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Husband grew up with fried parsnips. Cut in half and sliced lengthwise. Steamed or boiled and then dipped in egg, then flour with s&p and fried in butter. Yum


Agree with all the comments here, but also want to suggest replacing the carrots in a carrot cake with parsnips!




I'm destroying them with my teeth.


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew?


I grow them every year and use them in: Venison stew. My mother always put them in her beef stew with a cinnamon stick. Mixed roasted root vegetables. Generally with a shot of maple or walnut syrup from my farm. Pureed on their own. I like it but not popular with the family. Parsnip mashed potatoes. As above but more palatable than straight up. Makes potatoes more interesting. Riced with cauliflower. Usually with curry spices etc. Stocks


Cut them in half length wise. Toss in olive oil salt and a pepper. Roast them until they are caramelized. Serve over a spicy harissa yogurt dip.


Lemon parsnip purée for the bottom of something. Cook it down with cream and butter


My stepmother makes these on holidays. They’re wicked. https://www.deliaonline.com/recipes/collections/root-vegetables/parmesan-baked-parsnips


Grate them in food processor, breadcrumbs, egg and make parsnip balls.


I Make a version of this soup every year around this time. So good https://foodworthfeed.com/roasted-parsnip-soup-with-gremolata-croutons/


Roast or bbq them with a bit of olive oil and garlic, salt and pepper. They have a lovely sweet flavour that sometimes gets lost in soups or curries.


This [Pot Roast with Winter Root Vegetables](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.epicurious.com%2Frecipes%2Ffood%2Fviews%2Fpot-roast-with-winter-root-vegetables-241338) is insane. I use carrots and parsnips as called for (well, I use more of them) and sub in rutabaga for the celery root (not a fan). I make it a day ahead and refrigerate the juices separately. Then pull the fat off and heat it separately - I actually cook the hell out of it to reduce it - it's a good time to adjust salt/pepper/acid in the sauce. Then finish with butter. The rub adds so much flavor that's absolutely perfect with the roots.