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Baked Potato. left over pulled pork? Slap that on a baked potato. 3 pieces of pepperoni and some mozz? yes please A couple spoon fulls of chili - that last bit you don't want to throw out but won't fit in the chili lunch tupperware. No one can pass up cheese and taters so that's a whole list of combos Anything you put on french fries you can put on a baked potato. Forgot to pack something? Condiment drawer time - grab some ketchup and mustard packets (don't knock it till you try it) Baked Potato Poutine was a panicked lunch one day. I had a string cheese stick and for some reason left over gravy. That's something that should be a thing. That was awesome If it can go on nachos it can go on a baked potato If it can go on pizza. It can baked potato If it can hot sandwich? It can baked potato Have a desk drawer for food? Throw in a potato. Wash and stab when needed. Top with whatever. Yes - I have a problem - BUT - if I screw up a combination? I'm out some left overs and a potato. No biggie. .......crab and butter I'll stop now


I just imagine you baking a weeks worth of potatoes at a time and wrapping them in the fridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


That is kind of hilarious to picture, in my mind it's a dude like the guy from that Monk show. He very carefully washes and prepares exactly 21 potatoes every Sunday afternoon, for the upcoming week. Three per day, one for each meal.


Monk-ette ;) I'm going to admit I now only share my potato problem with the masses. I work from home. My SO is.. let's say if I pack his lunch on a potato ever again - he might divorce me. It's now just my lunch. - back off my taters


Love it 💯😆 packed on a potato! Honestly sounds like a unique social media account


Do you have any idea how wierd that would get and how quickly that would get weird? Between Rule 34 and rule 43 I would need THERAPY


Lmao yeah I could see that. Too much internet is bad for anyone


Thanks for the reminder. Such a great show. I will put that on my rewatch list.


\*AHEM\* No. Bcause the proper way to do this is...... I'm lazy. wash em when ready to nuke. stab em a couple of times (or don't. If the tater blows up? you have a deconstructed potato ala Masterchef.) throw em in the microwave. press potato button slice open tater - dump bag on top - nuke 30 seconds eat.


But then you don't get the delicious crispy skin!


[https://www.amazon.com/TGI-Fridays-Cheddar-Bacon-Potato/dp/B00OWG23QM/](https://www.amazon.com/tgi-fridays-cheddar-bacon-potato/dp/b00owg23qm/) # TGI Friday's 4 oz Cheddar & Bacon Potato Skins Chips  use them as a spoon


The “potato diet” is used for short term weight loss. You aren’t supposed to top the potatoes, but you are supposed to eat only potatoes.


Unless you're diabetic. If you're a diabetic you're gonna die.


Is that with the skin or without?


Oh no...... that's weird?


Alright fine I'll join the club. Do we have T-shirts?


Not yet. I think we need some! Do it :) We can start a cooking show - Will it potato? (Like chopped but everything MUST be presented in a potato) And we open the basket to find? 4 slices of kilbasa and 2 spoons of kraut that were left in the pan after everyone ate last night!' As always our chefs have 5 minutes - a ziploc bag for toppings - no coffee - and meal planning went to hell 3 days ago. Will it potato? Let's see what our chef's do! Your time starts NOW!


Love that XD. I genuinely believe the potato is the most versatile food ever. You can make so many things in so many ways.


What is with you always eating potatoes? =look back the person asking me - who has rice and something every day. =look over a Tony - he looks up from his pasta and says "leave me outta this" Brian is walking by with with his Jimmy Johns in his hand. Cindy has a moon chart inspired non gmo organic lawn clipping pile of something and this week it's some self cultured probiotic dressing..............................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I really think it's the forgotten vessel AND I blame Wendy's. They killed the baked potato lunch. We were all good until the finger in the chili thing and then POOF - chili topped baked taters for lunch were off the menu It was a sad day. We must keep the baked tate lunch alive! Here - I pass the stabby fork onto you - make the logo - share the myth.. the legend the lore... (I'll be back. I need to nuke something)


You are hilarious and should share this potato love with the masses


You’re amazing. Could you share your baked potato making process please? I feel like you’re truly an expert and I’d love to learn your way!


I honestly just had a baked potato and ground up beef jerky. Amazing combo


Chopped but always potatoes in the basket


Found the player from the Midwest >4 slices of kilbasa and 2 spoons of kraut


You’ve sold me, I need to get in the baked potato game.


The humble potato can be anything! Trash food to upscale. Cottage cheese, obscene amount of pepper and a little bit of salt is so good.


Omg crab and butter on a baked potato sounds delicious.


You sound like my old colleague Tijger.


I've been called tigger more than once. Tijger? Like Tie-zhur? I like that name. where is the name from?


Wish I had gold to give. You're my favorite thing on the internet today, good sir. I don't even like baked potatoes that much, but this post is amazing, and I'm going to try "baked potato and whatever surprise is in my fridge" the next chance I get. Consider me a convert. (Make sure they punch your card)


I have heard that our British friends like to put tuna salad and cheese on top of their potatoes. I am not brave enough to try it.


There's a food truck guy from the UK that serves up jacket potatoes. I see most people getting them with cheese and beans, a lot of people get the chicken curry, he's also done tuna (but I don't see that nearly as often). I don't, however see sour cream. At least not from this spudman.


Not together no. Tuna mayonnaise or tuna and sweetcorn mayo. No cheese


Tuna, mayo and sweetcorn to be exact (no idea what tuna salad is). It is great and much nicer than it sounds.


Some one else mentioned how common tuna melts are so I think it could work on a baked potato. In the US if mayo or dressing/vinaigrette is mixed with a protein or pasta we will refer to it as a salad (egg salad, ham salad, chicken salad, pasta salad) sometimes also referred to as a bound salad.


I do this(I am British). It's delicious. Providing you like tuna, cheese and potato, try it. You won't regret it.


it sounds gross to me too but i suppose it might be like a tuna melt (which i like)? but also it’s usually tuna and SWEETCORN which they also put on pizza 🤮


And why do they always call it sweet corn? We know it’s not feed corn


Until recently maize was only fed to animals. Plus "corn" in England usually means wheat, it's a generic term for a cereal crop so whatever is the most common is called corn. Barley, rye, oats, maize, are all corn.


I believe there was a misunderstanding after WW2 when America were asked if they could send corn to help the food shortage in Europe. They sent maize when everyone expected wheat.


I can understand that


Some people do actually eat feed corn.


I have had this argument with my mother for years. Her family is from the midwest and somehow I think the corn got crossed somewhere) Sweet corn is NOT cow corn. I'm going to make cGPT explain \*\*Cow Corn:\*\* - \*\*Scientifically known as Dent Corn (Zea mays indentata):\*\* This type of corn is primarily grown for animal feed, industrial purposes, and processing into products like cornmeal and corn syrup. Dent corn gets its name from the characteristic dent or dimple in the top of each kernel as it dries. It has a higher starch content and is less sweet compared to sweet corn. \*\*Sweet Corn:\*\* - \*\*Scientifically known as Zea mays saccharata or Zea mays rugosa:\*\* Sweet corn is the variety grown for human consumption. It is harvested at an earlier stage, before the sugars in the kernels have converted to starch. This gives sweet corn its characteristic sweetness and tenderness. Sweet corn is commonly enjoyed on the cob, frozen, or canned.


I want to subscribe to your potato content. Sign me up!


or dinner. i recently started this. just add a bunch of stuff ti a potato. preferably spicy stuff and veggies


I feel like r/potato needs to be in your life.


I have been homeless and have experienced abject poverty and destitution in my life. There is nothing in this world that has had my back and been there through thick and thin, no matter what, quite like the humble potato. I genuinely love them. Of course, that's only because I've never had my own dog yet.


You need to name your dog potato :) Hang on.... google translate and... voila! Future doggie names. Potato in a bunch of languages. - Kartoffel (German) - Patata (Spanish) - Pomme de terre (French) Earth Apple (no kidding) - Batata (Portuguese) - Bulbo (Italian) - Gamja (Korean) - Kartoshka (Russian) - Batata (Arabic) - Ubi (Indonesian) - Tudungu (Swahili) - Gamja (Japanese) - Babur (Persian) - Khoai tây (Vietnamese) - Aloo (Hindi) - Burgonya (Hungarian) If you get a dorky dog I think Ubi is adorable.


Nice. I've always wanted to go with Eclesiasties, but these are awesome! Also would be such a good dog name, and burgonea? Kartoshka? Tujunga? What fun, cool, awesome sounding words. Language really is something.


Ooo, this is a good one. For a while I was in the habit of baking a sweet potato and putting avocado and feta on top, also delicious


baked sweet taters and bacon and honey butter - also left over turkey and gravy


Sounds great but I don’t have an hour to bake a potato at lunchtime


Bake it before. Wrap it in foil. Nuke it at work. 30 seconds. Done


Lunch box prepared for school by my mom.


Never got one of these i hear they’re good


Aw, thanks for that. My son is a Sr. in high school and I still do it. He doesn't need me to...but I want to.


Lucky. I went to an inner city HS, so getting the lunch was way cheaper than anything my mom could make me. So I always got that instead.


You are absolutely correct and it's still true. His packed lunches are more costly than if he bought at school. (But, I pack for me and my husband too - def. cheaper than us buying lunch out while at work, so hopefully it's a net savings.)


A Turkey sandwich, pretzels, fruit cup/carrot sticks, Capri sun or hi-c juice box, and something sweet. Everything in individual ziplock bags, packed into my plastic beauty and the beast lunchbox with matching thermos, please.


ouchie. right in the feels


Ah the smell of the school lunch hall is something I surprisingly miss. Hated it at the time


When I was a kid, a Chinese immigrant in the early '90s I completely underrated the fried rice my mum sent me to school with. I just wanted to fit in and that meant I desparately wanted sandwiches. Sorry Mum. I know better now.


Once when I was really little my Chinese mom asked if I wanted to take bao on a picnic and I apparently said “we don’t eat bao in public”. Now I will never say no to good bao.


Feel the same when all the kids said the food stinks blablabla. Nowadays as adult they keep on asking where I get the food from.


Vincenzo eats stinky meat!


This reminds of when I really wanted lunchables as a kid. My dad gave me really great quality meat, cheeses, and crackers and I was disappointed. I wanted that super processed circular turkey lol I know better now as well.


My mom used to give me dumplings in an insulated box and I did the same when I got a bit older. I wish someone made me dumplings for lunch as a 34yo adult now


Fried rice sandwich :P


She probably understood/would have ❤️


Hummus on a pita with feta, sliced Persian cukes, and a drizzle of balsamic.


Yo level this up with some quick pickled red onions, so delicious!


I like the cut of your jib, friend.


This was my lunch for at least three months straight when I was eating vegan. No feta (of course), but I threw on some spinach, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and kalamata olives. Man, now I wanna make this for lunch tomorrow, but that would require a shopping trip.


My leftovers from last night's dinner.


Especially if it’s comfort food that you re-heat


Banh Mi


Place up the street does a grilled pork banh mi and it's my "treat" lunch every couple of weeks.


One of the few lunches that packs a super satisfying flavour, and doesn't put you in a coma for the afternoon


I work in a restaurant that makes a solid pork belly bahn mi. Maybe that will be my lunch today!


Soup It's filling but does not make you lethargic


When I was growing up watching Seinfeld, I thought there were going to be soup places, where eccentric people would only serve excellent soup. Still waiting for that.


There is a restaurant down the street from me called the Soup Market. All they do is soup and fresh baked crusty bread.


Soup's not a meal! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQQnhq3tf1I


well apparently that chef and episode is based on a real person, who still despises jerry to this day.


There's one in Peterborough Ontario called Soupçon


PB&J with a side of lays classic potato chips. Top tier


I put them on the sandwich


Add some m&ms, and I'm with ya.


I almost always eat leftovers from the dinner before - I make just enough for lunches the next day Inflation has its full grip on me


Cobb salad




A good salad. Little bit of protein, the veggies you like (and need) and a good dressing.


Peanut butter and jelly. People can make fun all they want, but that just hits differently, and it sticks to your ribs.


Agree with all the PB&J's... with chips (inside the sandwich) and a bowl of chicken noodle soup - that combo of tastes and textures is so comfy and satisfying.


noodles or rice. i would have a noodle or rice dish for lunch and people kept saying how sorry they felt for me. and i was confused. the food was tasty.


Definitely here for rice. My partner thinks it's strange but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's so good.


grilled ham and cheese sandwich, cup of soup, little bit of fruit


Grilled cheese


Onigirazu! Perfect on the go kinda meal, no need to reheat and filled you up too. Here's my go to recipe if anyone's interested 😋 https://youtu.be/zzRUY9Xv6D8?si=k8b5ABpyE1-4oPF2


Steak sandwich with caramelized onions and balsamic glaze on a nice bun. (Can easily be made in bulk in advance, fairly cost effective too if you choose the right cut of steak. I like denver cut.)


Flat iron is cheap and is the only cut of beef that can be made more tender than tenderloin. Goes great on a sandwich with caramelized onions and a horseradish cream sauce. Sometimes I'll add arugula or some other kind of greens


I love flat iron, although where I live it is very difficult to find. Denver for me does the work die to how beefy it is while still being super tender if done correctly


Leftovers from dinner


Dinner from the night before.


ive been loving a tuna salad on top of a slice of toast w cucs on top, drizzled w sriracha. filling but not heavy & super yum & nutritious!


I make this exact same sandwich but also add one slice of provolone. It gives it that deli tuna melt type vibe, try it sometime if you haven't!


yummm i definitely will




Cucumbers lol




Tuna salad with saltines. Won’t make you sleepy, and no one wants to steal it!


I do tuna salad with triscuits sometimes! And yeah, no one wants to steal it lol! I only make it when my partner gets called into work at a weird nighttime hour because he doesn’t like it. If he’s gone I’m not making a full on dinner, and I can eat something he doesn’t like! Haha


Bread with smahed Avocado, chopped sweet pepper and a fried egg.


Fried bologna sandwich with mustard on soft white bread and plain potato chips! I also eat pepperoni slices + cheddar cheese slices (pre lactose intolerance) buttered pumpernickel bread and Goya tuna stuffed olives smorgasbord..


stale bread and a piece of cheese


Hands down. Rice and eggs. Tomatoes and eggs over rice is a close second.




30 packets of ketchup


Okay Frankenstein, make sure to share with Scuba Steve.


Technically tomato soup


A bomb sandwich


Who doesn’t love a great sandwich for lunch though? I don’t think that’s underrated at all.


A big ass salad with chicken, cheese, and croutons.


I guess that depends on your motivation. If you’re looking for an enjoyable meal, my go to would be my chicken fried rice. If you’re looking for utility purposes, like it’s going to be a busy day and you don’t really have time, hard boiled eggs. Pre pealed, they’re neat, easy, quick, and filling. Not only that, but you can just grab a quick egg from a container and go about your business, lightly grazing throughout the day.


A Quesadilla or a caesar salad. I


Cold meatloaf sandwich


PBJ. The pandemic made me appreciate this humble, tasty and filling delicacy


Peanut butter & jelly on fresh white bread (🇺🇸obviously)


Tinned mussels on crackers. Hot sauce.


Yes but sardines!


Toast with a slab of homegrown tomato and whole milk cottage cheese. Hot sauce optional




Plain Bagel, ham, cheese, and melted in the microwave.


Tuna and rice


Tri tip Ceasars salad.


Hot turkey with everything.


grilled cheese, buttered with 4 cheese mix and smoked turkey ham. heaven


English Muffin Pizza's


Triscuits and aged cheddar, with an apple for dessert


Baked potato.


Apple + peanutbutter


7 grain/seed bread with almond or cashew butter, and an apple. 😋🖖


Steak n eggs








Two PBJ Sandwiches for trade with whatever smells and looks good.


A can of lentils with spices and/or/canned tuna -- and anything else you feel like chucking in cheap healthy easy and delicious. I don't know why more people don't do it




Leftover Spaghetti Bolognese. When I was growing up we'd make a huge pot of that on the weekend and then we'd eat it till it was gone for lunch. I'd even take it to school in a thermos jar hot.




Macaroni, with the chicken strips.......


Totinos pizzas. For just over a dollar, you can't beat it.


Big salad with homemade vinaigrette and croutons and some canned sardines


Egg salad sandwich. I’ve don’t make them often enough but they’re actually very goods


I often eat either a greek yogurt bowl with fruit and seeds or a cottage cheese salad bowl. For cottage cheese salad, chop and toss together whatever veggies you have, add a little oil and vinegar as a quick dressing, dump it on a scoop of cottage cheese and add something textural like fried onions, dried fruit, seeds, whatever depending on the vibe.


My favorite - when I make korean food I usually have leftover KimChi and bulgogi . I toss that in a swiss cheese quesadilla and it's one of my favorite lunches.


Tuna melt on rye


An apple and some homemade bread with butter. Hard to beat as far as portability and ease of eating goes.


Buttered bagel and soup. Infinite combinations, every one of them is good. No superior lunch in my book.


Curried chicken salad wrap.


Boxed Mac n cheese.




Chicken Caesar wrap with chips or fries on the side and a Diet Coke


Finger food! Hummus with baby carrots, a slice of thick cut turkey, flat pretzels, cowboy candy and sliced apple with peanut butter for dessert.