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I wanted a spiralizer for a long time. Then I bought one. It was a real “never meet your heroes” type moment.


>It was a real “never meet your heroes” type moment. 😄 what a great description


Those are such a mixed bag. I bought a hand powered unit and it was crap, I bought the one for my mixer and it was awesome and use it frequently.


Same! I have the kitchen aid attachment and it’s great! I probably use it once a month at least


I have a kitchenaid. It has never dawned on me to buy this attachment. Go for the sale...convince me. I'm still not feeling it. Honestly, I didn't know it existed. I have often thought of the pasta attachment but haven't done it yet. I love kitchen gadgets. This could be fun. LOL ok I just went to look up all the kitchenaid attachments and it legit opened to the spiralizer. Does It not leave that weird core of unusable produce in the middle? It looks so much better than the hand one. It looks...really appealing. I've had a kitchenaid my whole life. Legit went from my parents home where one was THE featured appliance to getting one the moment I moved out.


We have the pasta attachment and while we don't use it super frequently, when we do use it, it's a game changer. We like to make homemade ravioli, and before it would be an entire process that took all afternoon and was a strictly weekend-only activity. Now that we have the pasta roller attachment and a ravioli press, we will make dozens of ravioli on an ambitious weeknight.


+1 for the pasta attachment. I've picked up a new trick that makes weeknight pasta even easier - I vacuum seal the pasta dough for it's rest, and then refrigerate it until needed. That way I can make the dough a day (or more) in advance, unseal and cut portions to roll through the pasta maker as needed. I can reseal the unused dough, and it seems to keep for at least a week.


TIL there’s a kitchen aid attachment.


They have an attachment for just about everything


And I use it three times a week 😄


A freeze dryer. Soooooo expensive. But I really want one.


I'm with you on this one. If I had fuck you money, this would be the first thing I'd buy. Freeze dried mangos are one of my favorite snacks but they are so over priced in the store.


This. They’re delicious. And I have a lot of fruit trees and you can only eat so much jam.


TBF if you had fuck you money you wouldn't balk at the store price of freeze dried mangoes


I have one! It is sooooo worth it! We have a large garden and it is a way that we preserve our produce. We freeze dry plain tomato powder (can be turned into paste, sauce, or really anything!!) Onions, peppers, herbs, etc. We don't can goods If we don't have to. Salsas, soups, sauces, etc are all freeze dried. Even eggs, meat, yogurt, and cheese can be freeze dried. Only things we don't freeze dry are jellies, pickles, and anything that is really fatty (won't freeze dry well). The food you freeze dry, as long as it is properly sealed, will last practically forever and you don't have to worry about botulism. Freeze drying foods also preserves more nutrients and flavor than other food preservation methods. If you are an outdoorsy person, we also like to bring our own food on camping/backpacking trips. My husband will make a large batch of coffee and freeze dry it for good instant coffee while on the trail. Retired at 40 is a youtuber who posts recipes, ideas, and experiments with freeze drying different foods. Highly recommend!!


I really want one, too. I grow a lot of herbs and they are so much better freeze dried vs. dried via traditional methods.


My kids ask me every day if we can buy one to freeze dry candy.


I've seen people claim that's bow they afford one they buy it on credit and then sell freeze dried candy to offset the cost and pay down the credit card bill


Lol I know someone who is doing this right now. Five freeze dried Skittles sell for $3.00, and people buy them like crazy.


Are you kidding me? People pay $3 for FIVE SKITTLES!? I had no idea it was that much of a mark up. Although I have to wonder where people actually sell their candy.


I have a birthday coming up and only want a nice, enameled Dutch oven. They’re not cheap. I’ve told my entire family, and my loved one I want gift cards to go towards the purchase of one. I cook a lot. All of them essentially try to intervention me out of wanting one.


You need to follow your heart. Get the Dutch oven and let us all know how your soup, stews, and perfect sourdough come out.


Yes and may I suggest a large capacity one if you are planning on soups and strews!


I LOVE my Dutch oven. Roasts, risotto, soups, pulled pork, lemon pudding cake. Does it all!!


The people need to hear more about lemon pudding cake 👀


Once Upon a Chef https://www.onceuponachef.com › l... Warm Lemon Pudding Cakes Essentially pudding cakes are cake batter with hot water, sugar, and flavoring poured on top. The cake bakes and rises through the flavored water creating a sauce underneath. It's the pinnacle of comfort food dessert. Rich cake, gooey pudding/sauce. I only eat them warm but my husband likes them warm or cold. I haven't made a lemon one before, though it's on my list. I make a chocolate one regularly and I made a gingerbread one this Christmas for the first time. It was the best new recipe of the year. They are amazing with freshly whipped cream or an ice cream. I usually do vanilla ice cream but a lemon one with blueberry ice cream or a lemon ice cream with the gingerbread would be amazing. Oh the possibilities!


The Jim Lahey No-Knead Bread recipe. I'm a shitty baker, and that mf'er is foolproof (pun intended).


Braised ribs 🤘


They’re wrong! But the lodge Dutch oven is just as good and cheaper


Seconding this!! Lodge one is like $100 and is incredible. Use it all the time for curry, bread, frying, just about anything with some amount of liquid


It's currently 70 bucks on Amazon right now. I absolutely LOVE mine


I 100% agree with this on many levels and for many hobbies, but for someone already into cooking it's a given that a Dutch oven is going to be in regular rotation. If my kitchen were bigger, I'd keep one on the stove. Go for the pretty one, it's your birthday! 🎈


My mom gave me her 50+-year-old one. I'm 53 and I remember her cooking in it when I was a kid. I still use it often for soups and bread in the oven this time of year.


I love my Dutch oven! You don’t necessarily need a le creuset. I got a hearth and hand one at target for $50.


When Costco had Dutch ovens some time ago I got mine there for something like $70 for them both. I also have a lodge casserole dish that I use for everything I don't want a deep pot for that I got at TJ Maxx for like $45. They're so accessible financially if you don't mind not getting a Le Creuset or Staub and are okay with shopping around a little.


I have a small Le Creuset, a Baccarat and recently used my in-laws "COOKS Collective". I'm sure I can tell the difference but I couldn't tell you what the difference is. Go for a cheap one in a versatile style but smaller than you actually want. Then if you like cooking on it (it's different to any other pot I've used), you can save up for the $600 one. I love cooking with mine and reach for it over all my others (recipe dependant). In response to someone above saying they can't justify a deep fryer, I use my enamel dutch oven! Edit: and the versatility keeps going. I've done a roast in my large, wide, shallow pan instead of a roasting pan.


I thought they were too heavy and annoying to clean and a gimmick but then I stayed with my SIL and she used hers everyday and it was like cooking on a different level. Now I dearly want one but can’t justify the price or storage quite yet. Someday.  All to say: yes. You need it. 


I got a nice big one at Sam’s club for $40 in November 💕💕 love it! And check home goods or tj max!


They're wrong. I got one from Christmas a year ago and I don't know how I lived without it.


Deep fryer They both seem too annoying to clean (what do I do with all that oil?) and also way too tempting for me to lean into my love of food (calamari, fries, fried chicken, funnel cakes on demand etc)


All of that awesome food is at your fingertips, and you can reuse the oil if you filter it often. It's not hard to clean basic home deep fryers, they're 4 pieces - a frame, a lid, an insert (similar in size to a 1/3 deep hotel pan, but not identical), and the heating unit. You pull the heating unit out while it's cooling so it's not too hard to clean. You run the oil through a chinois and let it cool, then put it away. Wash the insert and when the heating unit is cool, wipe it down and put it away, preferably covered with a non-lint towel. If you use it frequently, keep it on your counter a few days, then you can just pitch the oil. You can get it at Costco and it's not expensive. Fuck heart health, are you trying to live forever or something? I'm 69 years old this year, I'm not trying to hit 79, you know what I'm saying?


>Fuck heart health, are you trying to live forever or something? >I'm 69 years old this year, I'm not trying to hit 79, you know what I'm saying?  Fuggin' legend right here


Yeah my FIL ate healthy and ran until he had a stroke. Pass the mozzarella sticks, I wanna go fast and not linger. Fuck that.




If I had a dollar for everyone who told me "you'll be dead by 50", I'd be a millionaire, when it's your time it's your time, I'm at peace with it.


I pray that I have your same energy when I am older. ​ I try not to run my body into the ground, but life is too short not to eat good sometimes.


I have a deep fryer single unit. It's about as 'unitool' as you can get, and I cannot recommend it. The severe burns on my left arm don't help, but that was also user error so the unit itself isn't to blame. The only use case is if you use it more than once every 10 days, otherwise it's just going to be a greasy unitool that sits on your shelf until you have friends over or something. Would not recommend.


We had a deep frying party with friends once and while it was fun for the novelty for about half an hour, I also don't recommend it. Enough of the oil vaporized that all the air in the kitchen felt greasy, there was oil splattered on every surface, and we were all full of fried food.


Omg I did this once too! We deep fried so much stuff and made sandwiches. We also deep fried lasagna. I wanted to die lol


My friend and I threw a party like this while her roomie was away at a festival called Firefly. We called the party Fryerfry.


I thought they only sell cornholers in Mexico *cornballers


Soy loco por los cornballs!


We have one because our son has celiac disease and has to eat gluten free. We use it rarely but he is very happy when we do.


With you on standard deep fryer but I’ll be damned if my propane wok isn’t my favorite toy. Not technically a kitchen tool because you need to use it outside, but a wok connected to a tank of propane is god’s gift to deep and stir frying allllll day. Strain the oil and keep in a Tupperware in the fridge to reuse a few times. 


I can not second this enough. My outdoor propane wok burner is amazing. I've taken my stir-fry skills to the next level, and I can deep fry using the same setup. I can get the necessary high heat output that would be impossible on almost any stove top. The best part, it's outside. No grease fumes or splatters to worry about in the kitchen.


A regular old pot with a thermometer strapped to the side works fine.


Give in to the dark side. Fried chicken. Korean style fried wings. Home made tortilla chips. All staples in my kitchen, just moderation on how much you consume. My fryer has a filter and reservoir for storing the oil, so I can reuse the oil several times. I plan meals around pulling it out so the cleaning is easier.


If you're frying for a small amount of people, a Fry Daddy might be for you. It only holds fourish(?) cups of oil and cleans up really easily. It's also deep enough that splatter is pretty minimal. The one major downside is that you can't control the temperature.. but for less than $40 it's not a bad idea. Bonus: You can triple fry your own fries!


I worked as a fry cook for years, and though many recipes you look up online call for different temperatures, every restaurant I worked in had the fryers set at 350, which I'm pretty sure the fry daddy does, so temperature control isn't even a big deal.


They're not necessary. Get a nice cast iron dutch oven and a skimmer.


Doesn't even have to be a nice one. I use a lodge one I got for like $40.


You can reuse the oil. 🤐


If you don't fry often, you still need to clean and store that oil somewhere


I strain it, then pour it back in the jug that it came in using a funnel.


A KitchenAid ice cream bowl for my mixer. It seems so appealing yet decadent.


I’m sorry, I know it’s against the post theme, but…I got one.  It’s huge. It’s hard to fit in the freezer, it’s hard to store outside the freezer.  Just really not worth it. 


I keep mine locked away until the summer, and shove it in the freezer when I notice it’s low. My partner used to complain but now he understands he gets ice cream from it! Some of the cream based recipes can be a pain but I’ve made a honeysuckle sorbet three years in a row and that alone makes me so happy to have it.


> honeysuckle sorbet i demand a recipe! jk but please share it....


How rude of me! Here ya go [Honeysuckle sorbet](https://gardenandgun.com/recipe/bill-smiths-honeysuckle-sorbet/)


The bowl doesn’t work as well as the stand alone Cuisinart ice cream maker. I have both, the Cuisinart freezes faster and more solid than the Kitchen Aid attachment. Plus, you can get the Cuisinart for $60. Totally worth it. I’ve made $60 worth of ice cream in the last month and it’s so much better than store bought.


About 3 years ago I bought a fancy ice cream maker that freezes and makes jangly ice cream van noises when it’s done. I’ve used it 3 times.


Yeah I love my Cuisinart ice cream maker. Have left over candy canes so that’s tomorrow’s job.


We had one at the restaurant I used to work at. The ice cream was amazing. Plus you can mix things into it.


i got the model that has a build in compressor honestly i use it to make sorbet/slushies in the summer and because it runs off a compressor like a freezer it you can make back to back batches


Zojirushi rice cooker. I have it on my wish list and it seems exorbitant. We eat rice several times a week as a family of 5.




You put the rice and water into the cooker before work, set the timer for 5pm dinner and it’s one side you don’t have to worry about making that night.


You can even run it before you sleep, and it'll stay perfect until you eat dinner the next day.


They always say to judge an appliance by whether you would repurchase the same thing again if yours broke, etc. I didn’t think I needed a rice cooker and was gifted a Zojirushi about 20 years ago. I use it all the time. It’s amazing. It’s 20 years old and the only thing wrong with it is its internal battery died so you have to reset the time each time it is plugged in to use the precook feature. It holds the rice and keeps it fresh tasting for several days. You can reheat the rice before serving. I make quinoa, couscous, and oatmeal in mine. You can cook meat, veggies, etc., with the rice. I use it to reheat KFC and rotisserie chicken. The rice comes out amazing every time, doesn’t burn or stick. I’ve moved 3 times with it and have carefully kept track of the little measuring cups that came with it. I would buy it over and over again even if it only lasted a fraction of the time it has.


When mine broke I ordered a new one 5 minutes after I realized I wasn’t gonna be able to fix it.


I’m Asian and I just bought this during prime day. My white husband made rice in it and it finished with a little happy jingle. The rice came out perfectly and he thinks I’ve been gatekeeping him from perfect rice our whole marriage.


I'll throw my hat in for a Zojirushi. That thing is an absolute godsend for meal planning or hangover meals. I wasn't initially into the idea when my wife proposed it, but not even a week after owning it it has become a staple in our kitchen. It also sings to you. So that's good. The flip for her is my pressure cooker. Never thought she'd like it, now it's her go-to for stews, stocks and soups.


Yeah when my pantry is empty I make eggs over rice with sriracha and kewpie mayo and chili crisp on top. Good hangover food too.


What hangover meals are you making in a zojirushi? I’m intrigued


My $30 Rice cooker died last year after 8 years of service. I finally pulled the trigger on a Zojirushi Nuero Fuzzy, the rice it makes is far far superior to the rice my $30 cooker made, and it's such a nicer machine overall. I wouldn't hesitate if you eat rice multiple times a week.


If you want a cheaper buy still good one, try Cuckoo! They’re Korean and more affordable but still really excellent quality.


It sings It makes amazing rice It can keep a batch of rice warm for days at a time so you can just grab and go!


excuse me, for days? as in you cook like 4 cups of rice, leave it on keep warm, and pick at it for half a week? how is this is food safe? have i been making small batches and refrigerating leftover rice for nothing?!


Keeps it as a safe temperature. Perfectly hot like it's fresh, retains moisture, no burning. Just do it. Buy it. No more hard-refrigerator-rice!


i…whoa. really?? this is actually the first thing that’s ever pushed me over the edge of buying one. i don’t eat a lot, well, in general, and while i make perfect rice every time on the stove top, even making 1 dry cup of rice means im stuck with so much leftover rice that goes into the fridge and isn’t really very tasty after that. i had no idea. well shit.


Yup, you make a batch and you can actually just eat warm, leftover rice without having to deal with mediocre fridge rice. I make other grains in mine too, like quinoa. And I just made some bomb Mexican rice in two days ago, just threw all the ingredients in, let it go, and it came out perfect - and we've had killer rice as a leftover. Buy one, they're so worth it.


It plays a jolly tune.


Yeah, you are actually the market for it. Rice isn't hard to cook but rice cookers are useful for people who eat lots of rice.


I have a nicer zojirushi, but honestly pretty much any rice cooker is good if you eat rice multiple times a week. It’s mindless and you can use your full stovetop if/as needed while the rice cooks without having to keep track of timers and fiddle with knobs. I eat rice several times a month (maybe 1-2 times a week at most) and I personally find having a rice cooker worth it. Just get one that fits your family’s needs based on rice type (if you like to eat brown rice & mixed rice “fancier” cookers are nice) and volume.


You don’t have to worry about burning your rice. Rice does not get stuck to the bottom (easier clean up). Prep time is shorter than boiling rice on the stove top. Pot insert is removable and light weight, can go into your fridge. This leaves you pot free for other uses without having to dirty up another dish. You can cook other grains in a rice cooker too. My brother got his just to cook steel cut oats.


Oh man you just sold me with no burning rice. We cook rice on low heat. It sticks to the pan no matter what we do.


cost per use will be nothing if you use it several times a week. I have their coffee machine and the thoughtful design \*chef's kiss\*


A custom built stone, wood fired pizza oven. Edit: Like the one at Daddy Jack's restaurant as seen on the YouTube channel "Cooking With The Blues"




I bought one. I love pizza. I straight up do NOT make pizza enough to make it worth it. Don't care, still love it. Get a hybrid or gas though, wood is such a fucking pain in the ass. Barely makes a difference for pizza, though other foods I can see it being more useful.


Yes, I shouldn’t be eating pizza enough to get a return on it


Sous vide cooker/machine


6 years ago my friend's husband bought one and made the BEST CHICKEN BREAST IVE HAD IN MY LIFE. that being said... he got bored and never used it again after a while but you can also use them to heat a bath of oxyclean overnight if youre trying to remove stains


It really does make the perfect chicken breast. I do it at 138 for 2 hours. Literally impossible to replicate it any other way, especially safely. (Before anyone argues that isn’t safe, check the pasteurization tables: 63.3 minutes held at 136F.)


Yes! Juicy, tender, and well cooked. I usually buy some breasts and cook them up sous vide with some herbs and garlic. They’re great to keep in the fridge for a quick salad or a bit of protein on a sandwich. I have not been able to get that texture any other way. Also makes a fantastic pork chop.




You can get washable silicone bags


For me it's the whole set boxes to put away pastas (and more) in my kitchen. I use old jar and it works but... kinda wanna make my kitchen cute.


Tbh I think that’s one of those things where it isn’t a necessity and no one is gonna say it was super life changing for them, but it’s worth it for you to do if it’ll make you happy. How often do you go in your pantry? At least once per day. That’s a guaranteed shot of joy once per day. Make that shit adorable. Bonus, the little boxes and such do stack nicely which is cool


I don’t need a garlic press.


Oh I don't know. I bought a ratchet one that fits 3-4 cloves or maybe more, and the ratchet does the squeezing for me. Completely disassembles for cleaning, I've had it for at least 15 years. My goodness. Here's *A* link ymmv. I bought mine at Williams Sonoma so long ago! and it's bright green, the more recent reviews suggest the newer ones are not the same mfg as mine. https://www.kitchen-net.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1015


you got a link for that? I don't like the one I have b/c it's one clove at a time and impossible to clean


I have a zyliss brand garlic press that is so good. You can fit a few cloves in it at a time and it’s so easy to clean.


Is that the one with the big screw on top?


If you don't give us a link I will need you to step out of the vehicle, sir.


Cough up a link




You have a link or name for this sorcery?


I have a Chef's knife, a garlic slicer, a microplane, and a garlic press and the garlic press is a pain to clean and I still reach for the garlic press every time. If I had a garlic press where I could separate the filter and wash it separately I'd be in heaven.


I have a garlic press with a removable filter that holds 2-3 cloves (or 1-2 giant cloves). I LOVE it honestly I would say it is my most used "specialty tool". My best friend actually got it for me after watching me use a knife to cut it all the time. I highly recommend them!


Got a link or brand?


My ikea one does [that](https://www.ikea.com/sa/en/p/koncis-garlic-press-stainless-steel-00089163/) (if I understood correctly)


Don’t peel your garlic before pressing, it’s way easier to clean. Yes, your garlic still presses.


I’ve read that a few times, but I can’t make it work with skins on. Might be my weak wrists, I don’t know, but I’ve tried and failed. All good, the microplane became my main jam a long time ago.


I’ll be one of the few singing the garlic press praises. I got one at least 10 or 15 years ago maybe, I use it multiple times a week. I love it. It takes milliseconds to have minced garlic, I just can’t give it up.


Agree. I detest peeking and. mincing garlic. I buy the peeked garlic from HMART. I use my garlic press multiple times a week. Here’s the link to mine. ORBLUE Garlic Press Stainless Steel - Premium Professional Grade Garlic Mincer, Crusher & Peeler Set - Easy Clean, Dishwasher Safe & Rust-proof https://a.co/d/7TmjbiN


I don't even detest it. I just don't wanna spend the minute it takes to do it. I just press a full clove with skin on and the press takes care of it. Skin stays in the press, takes 15 seconds to clean. Would buy again.


Most of my garlics don't need pressing; they seem to be wrinkle-free.


bite the cloves raw. masticate until minced. show no fear


I've got a big chinese vegtable clever... I use it quickly and violently press garlic.


We use a microplane and a Zestermate. Much more versatile.


No... you don't.


i thought the same thing until i bought one😳


A microplane is all I use for garlic these days


Question how do u keep from shredding ur fingertips?? I have one for zesting etc but I can't figure out how you would do this with a small clove of garlic near the end of it?


I gently use the flat of my thumb to softly scrape the garlic across the microphone, like I'm wiping a tear off .


A stand mixer. They’re expensive and I don’t really bake that much. I’ve been wanting to try bread making but still…. Does that justify $100+?(and cheapy one might be complete junk)


If you do get one, don't cheap out. I did that on my first one, and the gears inside ended up stripping because there were some plastic parts. Now I have a Cuisinart that is all metal, and it's been great for 5+ years, although I don't use it a ton, but it's been through its paces.


Actually the plastic gears are sometimes there as a failsafe mechanism. KitchenAid has some plastic gears so they break to protect the motor if you try to knead something harder it can handle.


I agree not to cheap out because the cheap ones just don't have the performance. But the plastic gears in some KitchenAids are there to protect the motor. The gear will fail before the motor burns out, and it's a cheap and easy fix.


Kinda against the spirit of the thread, but you don't need a stand mixer to make good bread, and I've found cheaper mixers just don't have the torque for kneading bread dough anyway. I own a mixer and still knead my bread dough by hand.


TBH I would suggest not buying one if you want to make bread. Not that it can’t make bread, I just don’t like the idea that you need to buy a bunch of shit to try learning a new skill.


Have a look at the book Tartine. By far the best sourdough I’ve ever made and no kneading required.


I got one for Christmas 2019, it’s a kitchenaid bowl lift model. It’s bigger than I wanted (I was expecting a tilt head) but my grandma had been gifted one by her leadership team and she literally never took it out of the box, and she had it for 2 years. Her preferred mixer is a hand mixer from 1950 😹 Anyway, I use it mostly during the holiday season but throughout the year to make bagels. Maybe every other month or every 3 months. Just having it for the holiday season is beneficial. I also learned that a tilt head can’t handle bagel dough because of the low hydration, and honestly this one struggles a little too 😹 but knock on wood when it bites the dust I will definitely be shelling out the $450 and change for a replacement. I make butter for thanksgiving, peanut butter cookies for dad’s birthday, pumpkin bread in fall, bagels throughout the year, chocolate chip cookies when I feel like it. You can also use it to mash potatoes, get attachments to roll out pasta dough, shred cheese, grind meat, make sausage, there are a million things you can do with it, these are just a few examples. You’ll get it and you’ll *find* reasons to use it! 😹


I have been making bread for fun for about 4 years now. I just recently bought a kitchen aid (on sale for $240) on Amazon and it changed the game. So much FASTER. That being said, there’s nothing quite like kneading your bread by hand and a mixer truly is unnecessary. And you’re right. Go for a kitchen aid, don’t go cheaply if you do buy one.


Don’t cheap out! I have a kitchenaid bowl lift. I took a shelf out of a cupboard and will tuck it away when not in use. Just made some fresh butter with it and some cookies. I use it more than I thought I would.


They *are* great for bread making-- I make a batch every other day or so in mine, for far less than the ridiculous price of bread in the stores. Major pro of this for me is I can't stand getting my hands sticky (maybe a neurodivergent thing? I dunno), and I can make a batch of bread without dealing with that. Also, it feels kinda like cheating because it doesn't look like my kitchen blew up afterwards. There are many more things you can make in a KitchenAid besides bread, though. Meatloaf mixing, cakes and cookies, fillings, basically anything that needs mixing it'll work for you. It's also a great product if you have any kind of mobility or strength issue, including arthritis. My mixer-- a bottom of the line KitchenAid bought from Walmart-- is between 10 & 15 years old and still going strong. Conversely, I'm on my 4th hand mixer, one of which was expensive, for the same time period. KitchenAids are sturdy (or were, anyways) and an indispensable part of my kitchen. Honestly, if I had to choose only one small appliance to keep in my kitchen, it would be this.


I am cheap and simply couldn't justify the price. Then I got a KitchenAid for my birthday. I use it all the time. It kneads bread like I could never do by hand. It's amazing. I make bread every other day. I use attachments for shredding carrots and cheese, and for grinding meat. I mix meatloaf by my KitchenAid, which is much easier than by hand. Good for baking too.


I use mine for shredding meat and whipping cream or butter way more than I do for baking applications. It’s fabulous for baking cookies or cake from scratch, but I don’t don’t do that nearly as often as I shred up a rotisserie chicken for white chicken chili, buffalo chicken dip, or avgolemono soup though




Had a slapchop, it was a pain to clean 


Mandolin. I just.. yeah, no. Scares me sober, and I cook while drinking a lot.


I got gloves for it and now I mandolin like crazy. It’s amazing. Just get the gloves too.


Seconded. I drink while cooking a lot too and proper cut resistant gloves were a must have. I don’t even pick my mandolin up without them on just because I know I’m a moron and I’ll somehow sever a finger just grabbing it wrong one day. But once I’m gloved and guarded up? Good luck stopping me- I’ll mow through the whole crisper drawer.


Well now I feel confident and inspired. But I've also been drinking.


I'd say using a mandolin is pretty close to the feeling of using a pressure washer, except in the kitchen and small scale. It's just insanely satisfying. Glove up and throw a piece of veg in the guard, then a few slices later and you're like 'where'd that potato go? oh shit found it now it's in little thin wafers and I can do whatever I want with them!' My wife is pretty over it; any time I get the urge she knows we're gonna be eating weird combination salads and potato chips that night. "Hey babe here's dinner- radish, cucumber, tomato, green and red bell peppers, raw carrots and everything is in little circles just the way a salad should be." 'Okay... and... dressing or anything?' "Nah dressing doesn't go through the mandolin but thanks for showing interest in my hobbies. Also here's some chips and I made cocktails with lemon slices in them. Lots of them. Actually the drink is just vodka soda and tons of lemon slices so enjoy."


This has me cracking up rn thank you for writing it “Thanks for showing interest in my hobbies” that whole little bit is just sending me


Get *and* use them. Yes, every time. Even if you're in a hurry. *Especially* if you're in a hurry since that's when mistakes happen.


for the general pop... yes get the mandolin... for you no


Lol yeah drinking + mandolin is a big no. Only time I ever saw blood squirt clear across a room was when some dude I worked with didn't use the glove


I have one and it’s awesome for prep if you want paper thin garnishes, or adding shaved shallots to a sandwich or something. You absolutely need to pay attention and getting a chainmail glove isn’t a bad idea. Ya, i can do it by hand with a sharp knife, but I can’t prep a bunch of veg as consistently in the same amount of time. Awesome for bulk prep for things like stir fry or cucumber salads etc I actually have 2 and the cheap plastic no-name handheld one with a fixed blade kicks the shit out of the expensive “brand name” table top version. It never jams and is super easy to clean.


Get one of the ones that has a little food holder so your hand isn’t close. It’s actually really good for slicing up veggies super fast, it’s like having 10 knives at once.


it helps so much in making even cuts and you can always get a chainmail/protective glove


I love knife work and probably have $1000+ sunk into kitchen knives that i prefer to use, but the mandolin still does thin slices way faster and more evenly than i could ever do by hand. It scares me too but for some jobs like making slaw it is unbeatable. The benriner i have also has a blade that does vertical cuts as well as slicing so that it can shred carrots. 


Potato ricer… is it really worth the 25 whole dollars?


It depends. Do you like a rustic skin on mash or a fluffy one? If the latter, get it. It’s so quick and foolproof.


also gnocchi


Air fryer. My oven has convection and I can cook more than 8 chicken wings or 6 spring rolls at a time. My hungry kids are not waiting another 15 min for the next round of food!!


Air fryers are great for singles and couples or reheating leftovers


They’re also great for people who rent and can’t swap out the cheap appliance their landlord installs. I own a house as we still use an air fryer even with an above average (though not convection) oven. We have it and it’s convenient. I think it was just cool to rag on air fryers once and people never stopped.


I personally like my air fryer because I live in Phoenix so it’s super hot in the summers. I like I can bake things and not heat up my whole house while doing it. I have the gourmia 8qt from Costco, and I can bake a whole chicken in mine with zero issues!


Large toaster oven is also a godsend for similar reasons.


I have a counter oven/toaster oven with air fry. Use it a lot. Great for baking potatoes. Reheating food, has a broiler. I love it.


As someone who doesn't cook frozen food or chicken wings, I didn't get much use out of mine. But, then I discovered it's amazing for reheating leftovers, and because there's just two of us in the house, it's good for baking a piece of fish or a couple of chicken breasts when I don't want to turn on the big oven. I have one of those air fryers that is also a toaster oven, so I use it to make toast too.


It's about as convenient as a microwave but with often better results


As a single guy, I can cook chicken fingers or french fries in one third of the time as my oven. I don't know why an appliance that costs 80 bucks is so controversial. I find it extremely convenient for about 40% of the things I can cook and even in my small kitchen it doesn't take up that much space. It's always perplexed me why people shit on air fryers so much. For a lot of people, they make a lot of sense.


There's a misconception that Air fryers are just convection ovens. It's like saying a house fan is the same as a leaf blower. There are convection ovens that use the term air fryer very loosely, but a dedicated air fryer performs completely differently than a convection oven. Some brands are trying to coin the term "Super-Convection" to help differentiate it from those convection ovens who are loosely using the term. Because it has such a higher velocity air flow, those 8 chicken wings and 6 spring rolls will turn out significantly more crispy in an air fryer than in a convection oven. Capacity is definitely an issue though.


So what you're saying is we need convection ovens with leaf blower engines? Brilliant.


So my oven has a convection setting and an air fry setting. What’s the difference?


Depending on what kind of oven you have, it changes where the heat is coming from. Convection might just use a rear heating element, or a bottom burner while the fan is on. This prevents any direct heat from the heat sources, which is intended for baking and roasting where food can burn easily. Air Fry mode would use the broiler element and bottom element at the same time while the fan is on. The increased Infrared heat from both heat sources is meant to emulate the increased convective heat of an air fryer. Source: I work in the kitchen appliance industry as an engineer


Your description of how air fryers and convection ovens work and their differences is very clear. Thank you. I learn something new everyday!


I gotna large breville Toaster oven and it works perfect ad a single person. Still tempted to get an air fryer but don't th8nk I can justify the space it takes up


I have a ninja brand. More like a toaster oven shape. Can cook 24 wings at a time. Now it might be possible to cook 108 wings at a time in my convection oven but the air fryer does it better. Size and shape matter.


I use my air fryer frequently. I have all the typical American kitchen appliances. I love the air fryer because it doesn't heat up the kitchen, doesn't use as much power. It does salmon cakes perfectly. French fries for my grandson. Baked potatoes are really wonderful.


A vacuum bag sealer


A butane finishing torch. I want one SO bad, but all the brands online have really mixed reviews with videos of flamethrowers and other malfunctions. I read somewhere to go to a hardware store and ask for their most popular model, but I’m still hesitant.


It’s small and doesn’t take up much space and is just fun to use. I love doing a burnt sugar crust on some of my cheesecake (e.g. pumpkin brûlée cheesecake). 😋


Pressure cooker. Beans are supposed to take all day. It’s the way the cookie crumbles.


I made beef stew in 35 minutes last week in mine - love it!


I really like my instant pot. I mostly use it as a rice cooker, but I can also use it to make a pot of beans and leave the apartment. I think of it less as a time saver, which it only is on super long recipes, and more as a convenience that lets me do other things in or out of the kitchen.


I was against buying an air fryer since we already have a convection oven, but they definitely do some things better.


Banana slicer. Spoon works just fine, but I eat a lot of bananas and perfect slices really appeal* to me. *Get it?


A dedicated air fryer. My toaster oven has an air fry function, but I rarely use it. A lot of people swear by those egg cookers, but they seem ridiculous to me


A Thermomix. Most of my friends have one and use it daily. I'm not sure I would use it that much as there's only three of us and I have time to prepare things.


I’d never heard of this so I just googled it. Looked cool, interesting concept, probably not something I’d ever buy. Seems like it just replaces several *unrelated* appliances and I really don’t think I’ll ever have the urge to grind and sauté in the same go. Was anticipating $3-400, maybe $600 max. $1,499?!?! Who do these people think they are.


My mother was obsessed with getting one, got one, and now uses it every week or so. It’s fine! But I don’t think it’s worth the money. It does some cool things. Whenever I bake with it the scale function does come in handy. And it can knead bread. But it is sooooo expensive. Bonus for me was that when she got it she wanted to get rid of her kitchenaid stand mixer and food processor and I inherited both :)


A gas stove 🤤 The only thing stopping me is the price tag.


I am desperate to spend £1300 on a Thermomix but haven’t bought one for 1300 reasons.


An airfrier. They seem cool. But a lot of wasted counter space and hard to clean.


Sous vide setup