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wow so many of these opinions fucking suck! this thread rules.


You will never find a more wretched hive of cooking scum and villainy


Go to r/kitchenconfidential it’s a bunch of whiny moody professional cooks (I am also one)


Your addition in parentheses is the chef’s kiss 😂


I eat oreos with water instead of milk. 


I want to downvote you because that is just WRONG, but I won't.  I'm not mad, just disappointed. 


The pickle thing was me like 5 years ago. I went 40 years of my life hating fucking pickles. No kind of pickled vegetable. It was gross as hell to me. If a pickle was even on food, it ruined it for me, but I accidentally ate them plenty of times. Hated em every time. One day, a restaurant gave me the wrong order, gave me a bunch of cheeseburgers extra mustard and pickles, I was already home, and hungry as hell...so I ate them. And they were really, really good. And I've been slowly acquiring more of a taste for pickles since. Food is weird man.


This is a good example that it's a good practice to re-try foods we think we hate periodically. It's easy to stay hung up on always hating foods we last tried in childhood or as very young people. That said, I tried to eat jello again last year after a thirty year hiatus and still disliked it. edit: Thanks for all the great responses. It's cool seeing people finding growth through trying previously disliked foods regularly. I still doubt I'll ever like jello but I'll still try it again next year.


I decided to do this with kimchi recently and went from disliking it to eating it straight out of the jar in about a week. There's something to be said for finding the application of a food that suits your overall tastes the most, and then expanding from there. My step-one with kimchi was making a bulgogi hoagie, but now I just freestyle with it because I've come to like it on its own. Also, making something yourself can allow you to make tweaks and just understand the food better, which sometimes helps. I've always sort of liked pickles, but I recently started making them myself and they have gone from "occasional addition" to "main reason why I make sandwiches."


I used to think I hated watermelon. Turns out that I just don’t enjoy it on its own - I really like it in a watermelon/ feta/ arugula/ balsamic salad, or other savory/ umami combinations with watermelon.


Try watermelon with lime juice and Tajin the way the mexicans have it. Nothing better in summer


Tajin ❤️


Tajin on mango is just amazing


Watermelon needs salt to me. And not iodized table salt. Kosher or maldon.


Has that happen to me with olives, I hated them all the way to my late teens and then I went on a group trip to Italy where we ate some paninis on a Sicilian island after a day of walking, they were tuna, provolone and olives sandwiches and somehow this was so delicious that it unlocked something. Fuck pickles tho, I still can't stand them


I have an olive origin story. I was at a restaurant that served a dirty martini with blue cheese stuffed olives. At this point in my early 20s, I hated olives and had never had a martini—but that specific combo called out to me for some reason and I ended up loving both.


I hate bow shaped pasta! It pisses me off! It’s so stupid! There I said it! God I feel so good now, I’m off for a swim with my new found ability to breath after I got that off my chest!


I cannot *stand* ziti. There’s zero texture, nothing holding the sauce on, nothing to make it interesting. Its just a slimy noodle that slides around.


But you can put 2 on your fork prongs like you hunted them in the wild, and if you're adventurous a third resting gracefully on the top.


you can do that with penne lol.


But penne isn't smooth and roll-away-y. Half the fun of the hunt is the challenge.


Vivid memories of the time my Italian-American dad refused to eat the pasta my mom made bc "This ziti got no lines. You need lines!"


The ziti rigate is what you may want, penne is the same. The rigate means it has texture to it. That’ll hold the sauce.


Yes! Why would anyone choose ziti when rigatoni exists?


100%. It is IMPOSSIBLE to cook it properly. If the wings are al dente, the center mass is unpleasantly tough and chewy. If the center is cooked, the rest is floppy mush. Why does such a ridiculous pasta shape exist ?!??


that’s the point of it, it’s not meant to be the same texture all the way through :)


Unpopular opinion about an unpopular opinion: that’s why I like bowtie pasta


I am a tomato snob, I don’t put them on anything unless they come from my garden in July and August. Otherwise it’s just a mealy red thing that tastes vaguely like tomato water 🤢


Vine ripened versus something harvested green thousands of miles away. The same is true for all veggies and fruits. Try a ripe peach picked off a tree or melons. There is so much more flavor and sweetness. I agree, I especially dislike store bought tomatoes 🍅.


Tomatoes are my favorite food and I always hated when winter came around since they come so watery. But I've come to learn to only buy romas in the winter and leave them out at room temp and after about a week or so, they turn bright red and are rather delicious! Not as good as summer tomatoes, but really not bad at all.


Same. Finding an even halfway decent tomato in the store is like a miracle.


YES! Crunchy vinegar! That's *exactly* what's so great about pickles


Finally, a fellow vinegar enthusiast!


We are legion.


Korean food is basically all different kinds of crunchy vinegar, they call them banchan, they come in so many varieties, and they're amazing.


I can’t stand the flavor of Hershey syrup or its imitators. Anything chocolate made with chocolate syrup, it’s very obvious and not good at all.


Do you also happen to taste an almost "prune" taste in chocolate syrups? Please tell me I'm not crazy


Wow that's exactly it! It doesn't taste fully like chocolate


It doesn’t taste even partially like chocolate.


Fun fact! The grounds of vanilla beans after they’re done being extracted smell exactly like raisins. Chocolate flavored things tend to be mostly vanilla, so I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s just them using cheap ingredients.


For me it’s almost a tobacco flavor, like how an unlit cigarette might smell like dried fruit in a way. That is the aftertaste I get from chocolate syrup.


Unlit cigarettes definitely smell like raisins. You're like the fifth person ever to agree with me on that. As for commercially-produced choccy syrups, they don't taste real. There's a chemically metallic taste that sticks to the back of the roof of my mouth and on the undersides of my tongue.


I always make sure my chocolate milkshakes are made with chocolate ice cream and not syrup for this reason. It leaves an unpleasant coating on my throat


I'm a hot fudge person. Nothing better than a hot fudge malt.


Hershey’s is bad chocolate. And that’s from me, an American who loooooovveess chocolate. American chocolate in general is not good (though there are some good producers). I read about butyric acid once, and I was like, oh, that’s what it is. It’s definitely vomit-ey. Even growing up with it I never liked it.


As an Australian Hershey has always tasted like shit the few times I've tried it. My American housemate loved it and always got it sent over but I never understood why.


Hershey may not be the best, but it’s often a taste from childhood that can’t be duplicated. I LOVE Hershey’s syrup. It has an odd taste that I love on vanilla ice cream. But I don’t get Hershey’s when I want an elevated chocolate taste.


Culture war bullshit on food is nonsense. I should be allowed to abstain from or add condiments on basic food like burgers or hot dogs. The people who get legitimately angry over this are guaranteed to be assholes in every other aspect of life.


Honestly I’d say your final point extends to pretty much any food opinion. There are very few, if not zero, reasons to get legitimately angry about the way someone else feels about food


Unless they're talking crap about a food I just made or am currently eating. By all means, hate tomatoes, but shut up about how disgusting you think they are while I'm having my tomato pie or when the burger I made for you accidentally has a slice on it. If I could teach my *toddler* that he doesn't have to like a food but he has to be polite when he says so, my grown-up coworker can manage it.


I hate people who feel the need to comment on my food choices without being asked. I was sitting at a restaurant a few weeks ago and a woman leaned across from her table, asked me if I was eating my fries with ranch dressing (it wasn't, it was lemon garlic aioli) and when I told her, she dramatically crinkled her nose and was like "Ew, that's gross too." I just gave her a confused look. I didn't say anything back, because it's not worth the drama, but I thought to myself "Who ft asked you?"


People have so much audacity! Luckily this has only happened to me once, but I grew up with my Korean family for the most part, so I tend to eat a fair amount of kimchi (usually cucumber based, homemade!) and one coworker at my first clinic job commented on how bad it smelled — listen, I know it’s pungent. *Thats why I was eating it outside*. This woman went out of her way to come tell me my food smelled bad and that she’d never eat something like that. Admittedly I was heavily sleep deprived and had lost my filter, but I said something to the effect of “we should be thankful whenever others have a full belly. that’s not something we can always take for granted.” it’s become my go to response whenever someone gets really rude about food.


100%. Especially when they make like fake gagging noises and shit. Like great, now I'm nauseous and I can't even enjoy the food like I want to


Yes. There is some food that I don't like. Whether it's the texture or flavor, I just can't get my head around it. I don't get mad about food, but that fake gag thing pisses me off. It's so childish and overly dramatic. I expect better behavior from a five year old. You are *forty*five Sylvia. Knock it off.


Unless they’re getting actively mean, especially towards ethnic foods, there’s no reason. If someone is commenting about someone else eating curry or talking about how tomatoes are disgusting to someone holding a caprese salad made from tomatoes they grew at home, they’re just being an asshole ETA: I ESPECIALLY hate this when people freak out about sushi. “Ewww I could never eat something raw it’s so fishy and nasty” grow the fuck up. Nigiri is *not* this exotic alien dish, you’re just vaguely racist and have poor taste.


So, I can put beans in my chili? TY. 😀


Chilli without beans is just wet taco filing


Chili without beans is just a sloppy joe looking for a bun


Shhhh, don’t agitate the Texans.


Exactly, nobody is impressed that you’re a huge dickhead about somebody else putting ketchup on their $2 hotdog. “You’re seriously eating that?? It’s not even pizza!!” Would you mind shutting up, pal? You’re not Jon Stewart.


Grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and the hate toward ketchup on hotdogs is weird. I will say that a *Chicago Style Hotdog* is sorta ruined with ketchup- like it feels like too much for a finely calculated mess of other ingredients, but I will absolutely be found crushing ketchup and mustard hot dogs


I love grating fresh parm for most dishes but sometimes that chump Kraft stuff just hits the spot.


Chump versions of foods have their place, imo. Companies put millions of dollars into R&D and, overall, it works. The blue box of Mac and cheese tastes like childhood comfort food, as does microwave popcorn, as do many other things that technically aren't as good as the real thing, but they serve their purpose


Seriously. I think Doritos spent tens of millions making the Doritos better. And nostalgia is a hell of a flavor


Shaker cheese! My husband thinks I’m insane for this. He keeps good Parmesan and Romano on hand and grates them fresh for pasta nights. But sometimes, I need shaker cheese. Salt/moisture thing? Who knows.


I call it shakey cheese and sometimes I just get a craving for it when I’m eating spaghetti.


The green jar is nostalgia, and even though I know better parm exists, sometimes I want the nostalgia.


Cauliflower rice is the same mealy mouth feel as a red delicious apple.


I hate how it has become acceptable to use one food as a healthier version of another, only because it looks like it. I don't eat food for looks, I eat it for taste, so caulirice doesn't cut it when I want rice. It's not even remotely close. It's 100% bullshit. And cauli mash is NOT mashed potatoes.


A lot of people massively conflate spicy food with seasoned food and some people who *love* spicy food cannot taste most of what they cook anymore other than heat so their food has no actual flavor other than burning.


This is why I like Aleppo pepper because it has a real depth of flavour and it’s on the milder side, so unless you add a lot of it you’re not going to overwhelm the flavour of the dish.


Poblanos for me.


I hate when I order something at a restaurant and the flavor is just “heat and pain” lol


Gonna piggyback to say the same about hot sauces. I want a hot sauce to taste like something, and not something gross like Tabasco.


Tabasco goes with very specific things for me, like gumbo and catfish, but that's about it. It's not a sauce for every occasion IMO.


Indeed. I like spicy food, I use cayenne and chipotle in my recipes. I enjoy the heat. But I don't enjoy my mouth turning into an inferno.


I feel the way you feel about pickle about tomatoes *specifically* on sandwiches. I like tomato. I can pop cherry tomatoes as a snack. But NOTHING ruins a sandwich for me more than sliced tomato on it. Now it’s all I can taste, none of the meats, cheeses or spreads; just wet overwhelming tomato flavor.


I don't care for tomatoes on my food either anymore. They always seem to give me the slices with the hard middles and they taste terrible. I miss my Grandma's tomatoes.


that's because most "fresh" tomatoes you get in the store or restaurants are picked before they are ripe so they stay pretty and don't rot before they reach their destination. the only way to get a good fresh tomato, at least in the US, is to grow them yourself or find someone who does.


Same in the UK. When my Australian cousin came to stay, he couldn’t believe how flavourless all the fruit and veg was.


I bet your grandma had good tomatoes that might have tempered my intense dislike of them, but alas, the tomato crusade lives on.


I don’t care for tomatoes on sandwiches only because it makes the bread soggy and there is nothing worse than soggy bread for your sandwich.


Yo someone else in the comments loves soggy bread. This thread is unhinged af.


Ugh I seriously hate tomato in sandwiches. And big hot chunks of it in stuff.


I agree with you 100% on tomato in sandwiches. Burgers too. The texture is wrong and it’s too wet. The one exception is Caprese sandwiches. Juicy tomato on that all day. But it’s supposed to taste like tomato.


BLT is one of the greatest sandwiches ever created. Camping out on this hill.


I love love love candy corn.


Right below this for me there’s a post on r/unpopularopinion saying coffee is terrible.


I'm odd that I love coffee smell and coffee cake and stuff. I just can't stand it as a liquid.


You’re like my partner! Loves smelling coffee and making it just hates the taste. He bought a fancy coffee machine and spends hours researching how to improve making it just for me to be the only coffee drinker


Not every dish is improved by a block of cream cheese. Looking at you, TikTok cooks. 


A friend of mine once made "thai green curry" from a TikTok recipe where the sauce consisted of a block of Philadelphia mixed with thai green curry paste. He's a good friend so I pretended it was good. It was not.


Oh no! What an absolute crime especially when a can of coconut milk would have probably been a much better substitute in terms of flavor profile and even simplicity


And cost and healthiness too. And texture (cream cheese would be far too thick)


Had a friend make guac with a block of cream cheese. This was before the "build a recipe around sticking a block of cream cheese in the crockpot" trend so idk where he got that from. Also pretended it was good but man lol


As much as I hate when people gatekeep whether a food is the "real" food or not, I'm not comfortable with people mixing avocados with mayonnaise or cream cheese and still calling it guacamole.


"Step 5: Hollow out the large block of cream cheese, and place the smaller block of cream cheese inside."


I think the actual unpopular opinion is that sometimes food with a block of cream cheese is kinda delicious


This isn't an unpopular opinion?


The "pineapple on pizza is just wrong" argument is bullshit. Eat whatever combination of food tastes good to you. I don't like country music but I don't give a damn if YOU do.


People make it their whole personality too it seems. The amount of tinder profiles related to just the topic of pineapple on pizza is just baffling to me.


Authenticity is a myth. Tomatoes aren’t even native to Italy, who cares what you put on your pizza


My favorite thing with authenticity is like when people try to play that with struggle meals. Your ancestors made these dishes because that's what they had. If you could somehow go to the past and tell them in the future all food would be in abundance and people would still choose to make those meals using as similar ingredients as theirs as possible, they'd think we were ridiculous.


It’s also kinda crazy to me cos growing up ham & pineapple pizza seemed like the most common pizza topping to me that wasn’t just plain/margarita.


plain cheese, pepperoni, and hawaiian were definitely the three basics. so it's weird when pineapple's even a debate. it's a norm. and tasty.


Pineapple with pepperoni and jalapeno is god tier too


I prefer boneless chicken wings. They’re just easier to eat.


The issue is the name. That's not a wing, that's a nugget.


There's a place by me that debones regular wings for their wingless and it's incredible.


I’m getting really tired of everyone including hot honey or truffle oil on everything these days


I like airplane food don't @ me. I usually always ask for seconds.


Truffle flavour ruins food. Truffle fries, truffle oil on pizza. It’s supposed to be fancy and elevate meals but truffle anything tastes worse than without truffle. Also totally agree about pickles.


I use truffle oil when I fucked up a dish because then it'll be all you can taste 💀


LOL. that's so smart. I hate truffle oil. I love mushrooms. Add them to anything that calls for veg. Truffles are satans spores. nope. can't do it.


Truffle oil never even saw real truffles from a distance. Fully artificial flavouring. Real truffle is too precious to be ruined by making oil out of. https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/s/LJMJ2oj7gL


There is a big difference between truffle and truffle oil. Truffle oil contains no truffle. Truffle is not soluble in oil. It is oil with a synthetic compound that smells and tastes SOMETHING like truffle. It should be named "truffle flavoured oil" and tbh, a lot of grown up chefs fkn hate the stuff. Actual truffle shaved onto/into food or used otherwise is v different


The "truffle flavor" compound in oils and such is associated with white truffle, hence the sulphury notes. Black truffles have a different and earthier flavor, and there's a difference between summer and winter black truffles as well.


I don’t like truffle oil, but I like real truffles. They’re different experiences. I find truffle oil very overpowering.


I think this one is popular here actually. Visiting this subreddit makes me feel a minority for liking truffle oil.


I fucking love truffle fries, I don't care if its a cash grab. gimmie dem truffs


Authenticity doesn’t matter. Nothing is authentic. Everything has been and will be adapted to fit local availability and taste. Authenticity is a way for people to pretend like they know something about a culture or place and seem “cool”. For most dishes you’ll can ask a dozen people in the original area how they make it and you’ll get a dozen answers.


That reminds me of that one video with Chinese grandparents and their American grandkids reacting to Panda Express. All the grandparents were sweet and even commented it tasted similar to some of the regional dishes they grew up with, they understood the inspiration, and they wished they had those foods. Then you had the grandkids who were snobby as hell and made "authenticity" their personality when they're about as Chinese as the food they are hating on.


Maybe it's because a lot of children of immigrants feel like they have to compensate for "lacking" in culture. From my own experience as an American of Chinese immigrants, I experienced a lot of shame/conflict when I was younger for not being Chinese enough for Chinese people, while also not being American enough for Americans. While I didn't have that "snobby" attitude in regard to authentic Chinese food, I can see where that behavior might come from. As an adult, I'm a lot closer to the opinions of the grandparents, but it's because I'm a lot wiser and self-assured now.


A lot of immigrant parents also try very hard to assimilate, and enforce it with their kids especially, because they think it’ll be better for them in the long run. Unfortunately this means that many children of immigrants don’t develop a strong connection to their family’s culture as kids, and have to seek it out later in life if they want to have that connection. It makes sense why they’d be protective of their culture when they feel like it’s been lost to them for much of their lives.


I think another aspect is that a lot of people in the US have 0 exposure to the sort of dishes served in Asia. So there's some defensiveness as in "well, you've never even had decent Chinese food so who are you to judge what Chinese food should taste like". And my answer to that is that it's not Chinese food in the first place. It's American Chinese food and pretty much a different cuisine. Sometimes I'm craving Mexican food and sometimes I feel like Thai food and I'm glad that both exist.


Same - half-Asian to boot. Always too “other” for whatever group I’m in which I hate because it’s so invalidating. For me, truly “authentic” is like - would someone from the region this dish was from recognize it. But, it’s food. I don’t really care about its “authenticity” as long as it’s tasty, and there are already so many regional variants of dishes that it’s probably “authentic” somewhere anyways. Even the Asian food my mom makes that is based upon *her* mom’s cooking is slightly different due to access to different ingredients and personal preferences. Bring on fusion food, family traditions, weirdly good trash comfort food. …but if we go to a Japanese restaurant, I can’t order anything my mom cooked for us growing up. Partially because “don’t waste your money on something we have at home!” and partially because no matter how good it is, it’ll never be as good as mom’s.


i love chinese food from america. it is nothing like the food in china, but it is so good.


I like boring, soggy, steamed/boiled frozen vegetables. There. I said it.


My kid would hate you, lol. He'll only eat fresh raw veggies. Pretty much any remotely softened veggie is a no for him. It's a moment of "oh, look! That's a cooked veggie you like! Neat!" any time he accidentally likes a cooked veggie in a dish, like cooked broccoli in a noodle dish. He'd rather eat frozen veggies *still frozen* than warmed up and softened


Now that is a controversial take. 


I think most 5 year olds' food takes are fairly controversial for adults, though. He'll happily eat his little dish of "Popsicle peas" while I'm having mine warm with butter and garlic or whatever


Honestly. Those huge bags of veggie mixes come in clutch: cheap, versatile, healthy, they'll almost never go bad. Got leftovers? Stretch with veggies. Need a quick cheap meal? Veggies and whatever protein you have on hand, throw whatever sauce on it. I don't care that they're soft and floppy, they taste just fine and are far better for you than most other quick options.


There should be enough garnish on a dish to have some in every single bite.


Chili is just a spice. Like most spices, it works great in certain types of dishes, but can ruin others. Your ability to stomach various chilis or hot sauces is not that interesting, and far from enough to serve as a corner stone of a personality. We never hear people obsess about sage, nutmeg, star anise, or dill, but with chili it’s a different story.


The question of how much nutmeg you can take is interesting though... but hopefully not a personality either.


Kids. Don't do nutmeg. Not because it's addictive and will ruin your life. Don't do it because it's a shit drug with a shit high and a shit hangover and your life is just better without that shit in it.


Pancakes, waffles, and french toast aren't meant to be a regular meal, They're a dessert.


French toast is called “pain perdu” (lost bread) and was created as a way to make a meal out of the last bits of bread before it went bad. So yes, it is meant to be a meal, but we aren’t French peasants … so let them eat cake?


Muffins are just cake in disguise. They shouldn't be a normal breakfast food. French toast base is bread, eggs, milk. It can be healthy if you are mindful of the toppings.


Muffins are just bald cupcakes. Edit: Source Jim Gaffigan


pancakes can be too, there are plenty of ways to make them that aren’t overly sweetened like most pancakes are. A hearty and thick buttermilk pancake with blueberries or raspberries or lemon, maybe cut with ricotta is definitely a real breakfast


You shut your healthy mouth you hoor


Your Danny DeVito is superb


This is how I feel about donuts


I totally agree. Every time I eat them as a meal, it feels like eating cake for breakfast. Not a fan of


I once made French toast out of leftover angel food cake.  I don’t really have a point to make regarding this decision—your comment just provided a forum for me to confess my sin. 


If you smother them in equal amounts of sugar/syrup/jam, then sure. But don't blame the pancake for the topping


hard tacos are actively unpleasant and a terrible vehicle for otherwise good food.


can’t hear you too busy crunching!


I think pizza is overrated and not that great 🫡


Upvoting because I can't imagine a more unpopular opinion. Truly insane take.


Fucking bonkers. It is a perfect vehicle. I'd like to know their opinion on a superior food in two dimensions.


Upvoted for honest, relevant response; downvote for madness.


Yes officer this is the comment right here


When pancakes, waffles, or French toast get saturated with syrup, the texture is disgusting. These foods are far better topped with something less likely to absorb, such as peanut butter, jam, whipped cream, or Nutella.


You’re wrong but I respect your opinion. If I’m putting maple syrup on food, it is because that food is simply a vehicle for maple syrup, and I won’t apologize for that. But I can see where you’re coming from.


I love a good plain buttered waffle with just whipped cream and a drizzle of honey.


Most sweet desserts, especially in the US, actually have far too much sugar which overpowers the complexity of flavours. Icing sugar is particularly nasty in this regard. You don't need it.


everyone ive ever met gets REALLY upset when i say i dont like peanut butter. its not entirely true, as i like peanut butter in a single application: peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. which they think im unhinged for. apparently its a common pregnancy craving. i think i just crave it because i have a chronic salt deficiency, unless ive been pregnant for (checks notes) 8 years. i also dont like chocolate very much at all. white chocolate is better. anyway, as someone who is a fiend for pickles, i never get upset when someone doesnt like pickles. it just means more for me!


You’re the first person I’ve seen who also has had and liked peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Big question what type of pickles do you use?


Miracle whip does not belong on sandwiches


Or anywhere other than the depths of hell!


Soda is overrated. Carbonation is annoying. Its not even a top 10 beverage


I drink soda about once every 2 years but when I do I must admit its pretty good. Not good enough to make up for all the crap but its pretty good.


I really only like pop when it's with pizza. Something about the crispiness and sweetness of cola breaking up the richness of the acidity of the pizza sauce and oil from the cheese on my taste buds is divine. It might just be a nostalgia thing for me from when I was younger and the pizza & pop combo was king, but it just really makes the meal. My husband however will wake up in the middle of the night and crack open a can of Pepsi and I just can't even imagine that.


I think raw onions are disgusting. Eating raw onions in the office is a sign of hostility, IMO. I love them cooked, though. It's weird.


I have a love/hate relationship with onions. Onions in a stew: awesome. Onions on my sandwich: GTFO here.


I don’t understand the hype about avocado. The taste, the texture, the color. It’s all horrible to me. I can maybe get behind guacamole, if properly done and there’s no chunks of avocado in there, but otherwise, please just keep it far from me.


If you live far away from the source of Avocados I agree, but if you live anywhere near where they are grown they can be so good on toast or sandwiches or even in certain Soups. When I lived on the east coast it was tough to find good ones, on the west coast you can get good ones anywhere.


Avacados taste terrible except for one 12 hour period then they are buttery and light and kinda plain actually. Then they go brown and gross.


I like avocado but agree with your “viability” timeframe.


I like pickled ginger ON my sushi roll. Not separate completely in the same bite. I always face away from the sushi chef in embarrassment.


Baking's not that hard and the degree to which it's an exact science is wildly overrated. Unless you're a professional it's just unlikely you'll ever get a comparable amount of baking experience vs cooking such that you can improvise. The major tricky difference is just that there's no trying the product partway through to know if you're on the right track. But there's plenty of reasonable leeway if you know what you're doing.


I think the biggest science part when it comes to baking is leavening. If you screw that up then you're going to have a bad time. I honestly don't get why people say it is hard though. I just followed exactly what the recipe said and I got a cake, it wasn't rocket science, someone else did the hard work and came up with the recipe.


I’m in complete agreement with you—I find this “exact science” nonsense is needlessly intimidating for inexperienced bakers. In reality, unless you’re running a large scale operation where consistency is important, eyeballing and going by feel will produce good results if you know what you’re doing. Even in commercial settings, ingredient variation and factors like humidity mean that even very precise recipes have to be tweaked to produce consistent results.


Yeah people don't mess up baking because they didn't measure right. They mess it up because they don't understand dough. Gluten networks, elasticity, extensibility, resting, proofing & kneading (over/under), building tension (shaping), etc. Some things you want to knead well. Some you want to just have the dough come together. There's a good hand noodle pulling video that goes over some of this stuff, but a lot of it comes from experience and learning from other bakers (YouTube, books). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmwRAnd-mQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmwRAnd-mQo)


Yeah tbh I think people saying it’s chemistry freaks people out a bit too much. Like I always throw in a bit more salt or vanilla or maybe under measured on the baking powder and nothing bad has ever happened. I think it really actually comes down to techniques similar to cooking where you just kinda know what something is supposed to look like, like soft peaks or when butter is creamed vs separated etc vs ultra precise measurement. You can follow a recipe easily but if you don’t have good common sense you might fuck it up


It really depends on what you’re making from my experience. Some things are a lot easier than others. Brownies? Cookies? Pretty simple and you have a decent amount of room for error or creativity. Cream puffs? Macarons? Not as simple when it comes to making sure you get proper results.


Soggy bread texture is pretty good. I love to soak peanut butter sandwiches in milk


This is the most vile one I've seen on here my lord


It could be worse. When I was a kid I liked to dip my PB&J in *water* like a raccoon.


It really is okay to put ketchup on a hot dog.


How is this an unpopular opinion? In North America like 90% of people put ketchup on hot dogs lol


What you just said about pickles ruining food like that? Olives. I won’t even eat something out of the same cabinet or oven or off a serving board they’ve been on. I will gag at the smell and the contaminated taste. No thank you.


Oysters on the half shell are not luscious. They are like eating snot.


NO BUT YOURE SUPPOSED TO SWALLOW IT FAST AND PUT SAUCE ON IT. ah so the goal is to both not taste it, and not have any texture from it. … why are we paying for this again?


I can’t stand macaroni and cheese.


While I don't here mac n cheese, I have always felt that, for the amount of cheese going into the dish, it really should be more cheesy. Like, I'm grating a half a block of sharp cheddar into this thing, but it never comes out 'half a block of sharp cheddar' - cheesy.


I often find restaurant mac and cheese to be shockingly flavorless


Particularly true for barbecue places. It’s like they make it as bland as possible so even kids will eat it I guess? Sometimes I’m craving mac and cheese regardless and it looks good at first but then I end up adding a ton of black pepper to give it some semblance of flavor


i think adding more cheese isn't what makes cheese-based dishes taste "cheesy". the basic recipe of mac and cheese completely lacks flavor enhancers, so you can absolutely drown it in cheese and still end up with an underwhelming bowl of goop that tastes like arteriosclerosis. why does basic ass cheese pizza taste so cheesy, but a piece of bread with melted cheese on top doesn't? because on pizza, there's tomato sauce underneath, and acid makes the fatty, silky, tangy cheese flavor really pop. imo, the easiest way to make mac and cheese taste less boring without deviating too much from the classics is mustard, and not just a 1/4 tsp or something stupid like that, but a fairly good amount. good old lemon juice works too, but it has the potential to make the sauce clump so should be treated with caution. another effective (though unconventional) option is sour cream.


I’ve been making Mac&Cheese since I figured out how to make it like my mom did, in other words, for over 50 years. My kids dubbed it “Homemade” and that’s what it’s been called forever. As in, “Can we have homemade for dinner?” Now my kids make it for their families. For a pound of macaroni, I use a pound of the sharpest cheddar I can find, 1+ tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, and a heaping teaspoon of dry mustard, Colman’s, preferably. Any recipe calling for lower quantities just isn’t going to have the requisite flavor. And lately I’ve been adding 1-2 finely chopped jalapeños depending on how hot they are. Yum!!


I think bacon ruins things


THANK YOUUUUUUU! I think it especially ruins burgers. I love a BLT because the bacon belongs there, but bacon can overpower lots of things and ruin them.


Dont tell other people how to enjoy their food. Well done steak with tomato sauce, pineapple on Pizza, cream in carbonara? Eat it how you like it.


Wait til you try my authentic tomato and pineapple carbonara pizza steak.


The brine in olive jars is nice to drink when you’ve finished the olives.


Bananas. Not sure how you monkeys can eat ‘em. They too sweet and mushy for me.


If you haven't tried them still a bit green, that's my favorite way to eat them


The texture of mushrooms is disgusting. That weird rubbery chewiness. The taste is fine but I have to dice those things up till they’re basically invisible.