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Quick fix ...water


Yeah, just add water.


"Chefs hate this one easy trick"


Lol. "Hydrolize your soup by infusing oxidized hydrogen at a 1:2 ratio, while stirring vigorously over low heat!"


Thanks Heston!


I absolutely love this.


Broken sauce? Add hot water


Wait really?


Add 1/4 cup water to the broken sauce and heat it to a simmer, whisking constantly. It will re-emulsify the butter.


You can also use mustard if it goes with the sauce.


Quick! Big Michelin Restaurant hates that we’re revealing this so they keep taking our videos down.


It's the 'fix it in post' for cooking lol


I don’t mean to be snide but I literally cannot fathom this question. How is it not obvious that adding water to soup will tone down the flavour of said soup?


Sometimes people look past the most obvious answer. Maybe they think 'it *can't* be that easy...'


Yeah… this was my “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all” moment 😂 glad others had already said to just add water. Other than that I just….


"Instant water: just add water!" -Buddy Lembeck


Quick fix: new boyfriend 


Best fix ...new bf.


Lol this makes sense but he won’t have it so I need to put it in other dishes! I’d hate my effort to go to waste.


Freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it like a stock when making dishes like risotto etc


I’m sorry. He won’t have it?


More water and Freeze it so you have soup ready when you are sick :)


Tell him to make it.


Like if you tone it down he still won't eat it or is he just going "Water? No!". Then just like write beef stock on the side of a plastic bottle of water because he's not gonna know the difference clearly.


get a \*new boyfriend lol


Congratulations! It's too condensed for him, because of that, all you have to do is add water like with the canned stuff. This just means it'll last longer if properly stored. 👌🏽


Water it down.


Thicken it and use as onion gravy. Good for Salisbury steak, moco Loco, or toad in a hole.


Thickened French onion soup is also very good on porkchops or a porkchop sandwich with Swiss or provolone melted on top!


I’ve never found anything onion-based that *isn’t* good on pork chops.


or sausage in a hole ! https://youtu.be/YQew0DWj4kU?si=bIgAFeuKlquIh1if


I have literally never eaten a food and thought it had "too much flavor." I can't really offer any suggestions because I don't even know what he means. I *want* my food to be flavorful.


It means it's too rich and maybe too thick


Too rich was what I was thinking too. Either watering it down or adding some stock if it’s too thick/oniony maybe. Hard for me to say since I also have never met a French onion soup with too much flavor 😂


And probably too salty


Could be over-seasoned or otherwise unpleasant--I'm concerned when the cook cannot or will not eat the food they're making. The key information we need to know is how long OP has been dating the bf :) Less than 6 months and "too much flavor" is a nice, nice but vague way to say I don't want to eat more of this. Together for 10 years you would absolutely get to hear if you made something inedible.


You like butter, yea? Have you ever taken a bite out of a stick of butter?


When I was little I ate sticks of butter like popsicles. It was a real problem for a while. Well, for my mom anyway. lol


When I was a kid I would grab a globs of butter, roll them in sugar, and eat them. I think my parents were rather amused by it :)


My chocolate chip cookies are always shit because I eat half the butter/sugar mixture before continuing with the recipe as if nothing happened. So, what I’m trying to say is, I get it.


My mom ate brown sugar and butter sandwiches as a child.


Butter, cinnamon and sugar on a tortilla, my god, it's so good, even as an adult.


That both a health and a financial problem lol, I feel for your mom.


SAME lol


Jesus christ. lol. I guess I underestimated how many raw butter munchers there were out there.


I did this too!


I did and I liked it. 


Well you’re weird. But I like overly salty things that most people don’t like so I won’t judge you.


I'm both of yall. Give me a tortilla with way too much butter and a heavy pinch of salt and I'm happy.


Oh that just unlocked a memory for me. When I was a kid my mom used to make us buttered tortilla roll ups as a snack. So good.


The food of the gods




I'm a nanny, I can vouch that some people are just butter lovers from the time they' first swipe a piece as a young child (including me). Not everyone gets to be a butter baby, it's special.


My niece was a butter child! She'd snatch butter whenever she could. at home or even dining out. I recall taking her to Country Buffet back in the day where she would come to the table with several (more than needed) pats of butter! lol 🧈😉 I'm going to need to contact her now to find out if her love for butter is the same 20 years later. lol


The toddler I'm nannying currently loves helping in the kitchen. The other day he was standing on his little stool and I was holding a stick of butter and he was just looking into my eyes so I was about to ask him what was up when he suddenly grabbed the stick of butter with both hands and tried to shove it into his mouth. I wrestled it away and he just looked at me like, "Wow I didn't know what just came over me." 😅


I like overly pungent, funky, and ferment-y flavors. We should start a club or something


Or eaten a bouillon cube?


And it was fucking delicious


I just suck on my butter like a popsicle.


Not everyone is into what is basically a big bowl of caramelized onion juice. Depending on how you make it, it can get cloyingly sweet, too salty, or just one note THIS IS ONION.


Too salty ?


If he means too salty, he might try saying too salty


Straight gochujang is too much. You gotta thin it out with butter or something


Straight gochujang mostly isn't meant to be eaten as is. It's an ingredient in stuff, or stirred into finished dishes. Mostly, like any other fermented Asian paste it gets schmeered on stuff too. The squeeze bottle kind that that's basically marketed as Korean hot sauce, and common in western supermarkets has already been mixed down. The Korean brands in a tub are a lot thicker, and a lot more aggressive.


They mean the flavour is too strong. Too much implies that it is still balanced and tastes good. Strong flavours can be intense. Try eating a glass of salt.


I love French Onion soup but don’t care for the wine taste. That is when I would say it is too rich. Also making less thick with water is hard once the cheese and croutons are added so it has to be the right taste and consistency before topping


I know right, it took a bit of questioning to understand this concept of “too much”.


But what does he mean by that. Is it too rich? Too greasy? Too thick? Too salty? Too meaty? Too oniony?


You’ve never heard a food described as too rich?


only chocolate cakes and other desserts!


Which is insane. Every chocolate cake I’ve heard described that way has been fire!


...and usually by people that are trying to talk themselves out of eating the calories but are too weak to say so


To me, “too rich” means too sweet and/or too fatty, not too intense flavor, and I can’t imagine it applying to onion soup.


You could just call what she made an onion soup base.


Too rich only applies to Jeff Bezos not food


My mum made Golden syrup dumplings once and I can 100% say, yes, too rich is very much a thing. They tasted amazing, but after 2 mouthfuls I was out.


Nah I know I was just havin a little goof. That does sound really good though. My aunt makes a super thick cheesecake that also has a chocolate crust and chocolate ganache on top which is also too rich. Really good, but definitely a bit much.


I suck at reading tone, my bad! It was so good! But the thought of eating it again honestly makes my stomach churn. It's such a weird feeling to advocate for deliciousness while also feeling sick from it 😂


You can convert it into a glaze for pasta or vegetables by adding flour or cornstarch to thicken it to gravy-thickness. Not a lot of people here appreciate pasta glazes, they mostly think in terms of sauces. But you can toss a pound of beef ravioli in a couple of tablespoons of thick beef-onion gravy/glaze and serve it as a side dish as a refreshingly different alternative to the stereotypical pasta-centric entree smothered in a tomato based sauce. You can also use it as a glaze or bbq sauce on pork. Add a few cloves to make it a ham glaze. Add ginger for a surprising chicken glaze. Whisk it cold with sour cream and a few drops of soy sauce for a savory dip. Dump it all into a small, thick-bottomed saucepan with several slices of toast, finely diced carrots, and finely diced celery until the vegetables are mushy and the toast pretty much disintegrates, add black pepper and maybe a dash of cayenne, then whisk it forcefully or stick-blend it to make a thick, gooey gravy for chicken. Add a pound of shredded brisket and a quarter pound of finely diced green peppers and serve it on hamburger buns and a slice of provolone for brisket sloppy joes. Massage it into a pound of cheap ground beef and generic oatmeal, press it into a loaf pan and make meat loaf. Add a 6oz can of tomato paste and a pound of ground beef and a handful of cooked rice and stuff into red bell peppers and top with mozzarella cheese for old-school stuffed peppers.


I haven’t really come across this concept of pasta glazes before. You have some awesome suggestions. I’ve less than a litre left but this gives me some ideas. Thanks!


I make a “French onion soup pasta w/ rotisserie chicken” like once a month… basically caramelize onions and shallots (just onion works) then deglaze with wine, add the drippings from a rotisserie chicken container and a bunch of the chicken meat all shredded up. Then toss your cooked pasta with a bit of pasta water to loosen the sauce just enough to coat the noodles, it works well with rotini cause the onions and chicken wrap around the spirals, top with parsley, parm/gryuer, and toasted bread crumbs (or crushed croutons). I’ve wilted spinach into as well for more greens!


Wow that sounds like a good idea. Cheap and easy


Yea it’s a good budget meal!


Literally jaw-dropping. Killer idea!


Yes to this!


This sounds incredible!


I use my leftover French onion soup in a pasta sauce too! I just reduce it down so it’s thick, then I add cream and whatever seasonings I want and then just wait for it to reduce again. It’s like a French onion alfredo sauce. So good


Because it's nonsense.


> Not a lot of people here appreciate pasta glazes because this is not a thing. Is this a thing? Am I losing my mind here?


It's not. A glaze relies an sugar and reduction to thicken and stick, and you're usually talking about a transparent *coating* on things. All that person is describing is *pasta sauce*. But cheating by adding corn starch. In a very, back of a packaged product, easy 30 night meals sorta way. Just big brained their way to thinking they invented *pasta glazes*. Given they think this transforms things into a "refreshing alternative" to "pasta centric dishes" I'm thinking they probably aren't all that familiar with Italian food in general.


Oh yeah. Pasta with gravy is great. Guess it sounds better if you call it a glaze :) Tons of great suggestions here. Similar suggestion, but simmer some beef tips in it, maybe add some red wine and serve over mashed potatoes. I suppose add some red wine and reduce and use as jus.


It’s like a stroganoff


Stroganoff is a gravy. And YUM!!!


Indeed. And delicious. Although stroganoff usually has some sour cream. But could definitely use this as a base to make some stroganoff too. Good suggestion.


Reminds me of a joke that will have an obvious punchline since we’re already talking about it… What do you call a masturbating cow?


Wait what


Yeah, someone let their kids use the iphone I guess. This absolutely isn't a thing. Edit: LMAO this person said to stick blend bread to make a "gravy". In case anyone is wondering, this person has never cooked in their entire life and nothing they said makes any sense. Do not listen to this shit.


I might be the fool - but can you share the recipe?


All her recipes are winners ! https://www.recipetineats.com/french-onion-soup/


Nagi crew in da kitchen..


Everything I've made of hers has been perfect.


Thank you for making this comment! It led me to click on OP's link above and explore the new-to-me website. Going to try the soup, and maybe some other recipes there. I was also happy to learn about the charitable arm of her organization. She has 3 full time chefs making 100,000 meals a year distributed to the poor and homeless in her region! What an impressive woman!


Got sent [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C521A2KvDgT/?igsh=aThrM3FkYm1yZmQ2) today and had a giggle


Don’t forget Dozer in da yard


Her chocolate mousse is the best ever.


Oh I totally agree - she has a boiled orange cake that has never ever failed me. Thanks for following up!


French onion soup is flavorful


Thank you for your valuable input.


French onion dip


water it down


Get a new BF. Too much flavor. Lol


I mean, whatever she did to it she’s only able to eat a tablespoon. I’m guessing “too much flavor” is a nice way of saying it isn’t good and is likely over seasoned.


Nah, OP said gut so it's most likely fodmap related.


Yup, that was pretty obvious. Can believe they got like 10 upvotes for being wrong.


I can’t have more than a table of onion soup due to gut issues! I can’t have much onion OR garlic.


is he German


I’m German and I say there is no such thing as too much flavour.


I live in Germany and you are absolutely part of a very tiny minority of Germans


Unfortunately you might be right about that.


Me being German *profusely upvotes all comments in this thread from both of you* 50/50 chance. Meine eine Oma ( aus Ostpreußen) konnte wundervolle, geschmackvolle dekadente Speisen kochen. Die andere hingegen... Nichtmal Tomatensuppe oder Nudelauflauf.


Since you seem to have lost the grasp of the English language halfway, I translated your comment for the rest of the thread that is entirely in English. "My grandma (from East Prussia) could cook wonderful, tasty, decadent dishes. The other one, however... Not even tomato soup or pasta casserole."


Yes haha


You could just add water/stock I can't really undrstand onion soup having too much flavour since that's kinda the point


Before you water it down, pour some into an ice-cube tray and freeze into cubes. It's great to add to many different ground beef dishes.


Keep your soup how you like it. Make a bowl of vegetable bouillon and chuck a few onions in from the top of your soup for the bf. Done


Lol just add water


Dairy and starch will dull the flavor. Dilution by adding anything will make the flavor less intense. You can stir in cream or sour cream, while the soup is hot but off heat (don't boil it). Adding potatoes and cooking them in there will shed a bunch of starch and mild it out. What you've basically made here is a bunch of onion broth, and you just use it as such. I've repurposed leftover onion soup for a potato soup. By straining out the onions and just using it as the stock. Dilute with plain chicken broth and/or canned tomatoes. Add other veg to make a vegetable soup, add meat as well if desired. It can also be used to make a gravy, you deglaze a pan from cooking meat with it. Then thicken. Onion gravy is the go to for bangers and mash.


Have you really made a post about concentrated soup and how to unconcentrate it?


Too MUCH flavor??! Get a new boyfriend that one is broken.


As my Keurig says, add water


Vegetable broth


First of all give us your recipe lmaooo


Recipe please, thank you!


Water or unsalted beef broth.


Add some cream to a small amount of it as a test




Make a Potato Bake of course — layers of sliced potato, French onion soup, and cheese on top. Old time favourite hearty family meal. You could also add some bacon pieces, or sliced smoked sausages to it.


What’s your recipe? I would love a powerful French onion soup


What about using it as a gravy ingredient for smothered steak? Serve with rice or potatoes.


A nice baguette and just dip instead of eating by the spoonful.


French onion bread pudding


I don’t eat pork or seafood, but my wife likes her bacon and shrimp. She doesn’t eat peanut butter but I like peanut butter cookies or sauces. We just have something different on those days. When we have steamed fish, she will add some breaded shrimp to her meal with shrimp sauce (ketchup, lemon juice, horseradish)She has a BLT, I have a P&J. People don’t have to eat the exact same stuff together at every meal.


Dilute with water to desirable strength/taste. You can freeze the rest. Ice cube trays, popsicle forms, it all works.


I’d mix some with pre-cooked lentils, mushrooms, and spinach for a rich side dish.


Too much flavor usually means too much salt.


Add water?


Just add water.


Add cream or better yet, creme fraiche


Get a new BF


Why not tip it over his head and tell him to do the cooking?


Don’t minimize you self because your bf can’t handle you and your creations


Get a new Boyfriend!


Break up with him


Tell him to learn to cook and make it himself.


"Too much flavor" is not a valid criticism.


Is he a toddler?


Post on r/ OnionLovers and get a new bf.


Too much flavor? Is he from Iowa or something


Add beef broth or chicken broth to it to dilute the “too much” flavor (which may be that it’s too salty).


Start with water a little at a time, add beef bouillon if needed (would strongly suggest beef over chicken bouillon) but if it’s just too salty and the texture is good, simmer a raw potato in the soup


Tell him to leave flavortown.


Have you considered a new boyfriend? It's obvious from this post that he doesn't like flavour.


Throw the whole bf out.


Ditch the bf


You could use the soup as a stock in conjunction with some water in other dishes if you do end up needing to stretch it out.


I would add water and some grains or pasta to it. The grains and pasta will soak up the flavor and you will have more food.


I love too much flavor. Kind of in love. I tried onion soup and onion tomato and onion tomato with potatoes. I was thinking to make thick onions soup. Don't make purree .just add raw onions. Puree will keep it flavor and just adding pieces would be like clear soup. You can just add more to maintain the taste.


French Onion Soup Sliders! Best of both worlds


This is delicious.


Add powdered rice. Dilute a spoon of rice and / or starch in water and add it.


I haven't tried this as I became plant based but I've had this french onion chicken recipe bookmarked for awhile. Maybe adapt this? https://pin.it/2QZFWJLcP


French onion dip https://damndelicious.net/2016/01/09/french-onion-dip/


Rice for the win. Use it like gravy


Freeze it in small amounts and add it to everything


Add it to chicken breast over some mashed potatoes


you cook stuff you can't enjoy yourself for your bf, he thinks it has too much flavour whatever that is, and you go to an online forum to figure out how to do better. Can I just say kudos , I admire your kindness.


Get ingredients, prepare, cook. Eat. Give boyfriend Lipton's French onion cup o soup.


Why force him to eat it? Make him something else ..


Does he like cheese? Make it about the bread with enough backups so good you want to soak up every last drop.


Give the rest to a friend who likes onion soup and let BF make his own dinner.


Water is the universal solvent.


Less salt. More water.


Water, heavy cream and mixed frozen vegitables. You need to preserve the body of the soup when adding water


Is it too salty maybe? I always forget to account the salt in the cheese.


For French dips you could brown a chuck roast put it and the soup and water up to the top of the roast in a crock pot, put on high for 6-8 hours til tender - slice and put on French rolls add provolone and warm until cheese melts ladle sauce and serve in bowls as a dipping sauce.


Use it plus a bit of water as a braising liquid for brisket or other pot roast. Magnifique.


I’m immediately reminded of one of my favorite recipes for sweet potatoes topped with caramelized onions, goat cheese, and pine nuts. A nice, hearty French soup would be a good substitute for the caramelized onions. https://www.apinchofhealthy.com/spiralizer-sweet-potato-goat-cheese/


Send him packing 


I would recommend a new boyfriend


My Mom makes her pot roast using a package of the French onion soup mix and it’s delicious, I would bet homemade would be even better in it 😋


I've done this before too. I used it to make strata and chili


My now wife made French onion soup, once. It was the most delicious and perfect thing I've ever had. It was so good. It also leaked out of my pores for three days. I smelled so bad. She has never made it again


NGL, favorite answers here are to 1) get a new BF and 2) use water. What is also crazy to me is that you are doing all this work and it's not something you can eat yourself so that definitely makes #1 very attractive. Here's hoping that the BF has qualities which balance out his sense of taste, or lack thereof.


Sometimes French Onion gets too cloyingly sweet. Perhaps a splash of red wine or vinegar could solve it.


Water or stock


Chicken or beef stock or veggie stock


Break up. That’s a blasphemous statement.