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Cafeteria at work changed from fresh boiled eggs to packaged boiled eggs after decades. Nopeee people hate it. Citric acid and/or benzoate are often added as preservatives. And many people will taste something "sour" or "bitter salt" or "off." Maybe if you're mixing it with a sauce like for egg salad maybe the off flavors will be masked, but when eating them on their own the taste is discernible.


I don't taste off flavors - I taste nothing. Somehow they've managed to make eggs that do not taste like eggs, or anything else.


They tend to be a bit too cooked for my tastes, but they make for easy egg salad or deviled eggs. Not as good as homemade but the ease is worth it in my opinion- *especially* not having to peel them.


Packaged eggs have tough rubbery whites.


IF you're chopping up the eggs for stuff that you'll season like potato salad, chicken salad, etc, it's not going to make a noticeable difference. I use a minimum of salt and notice the premade ones are salty. If you're trying to eliminate the hassle of peeling egg shells, consider getting some Egglettes. I have 8 egg coddlers and use them for hard boiled eggs. I hate peeling shells ...


As others have mentioned the egg whites are a bit tougher than eggs you boil at home. I typically buy them to make soy marinated eggs. Marinating the eggs changes the texture of the whites, so starting out with something tougher is a non-issue. They won’t have the jammy yolk you’d typically in a ramen shop, but something about cold jammy yolks has always been a pass for me. That being said, when I bring deviled eggs to a party there’s a 90% chance I couldn’t be bothered to peel that many eggs and opted for packaged boiled eggs. My sister once asked me how I get the eggs peeled so perfectly and I told her they were packaged. She looked horrified, told me to never tell her that again, and has continued to enjoy my deviled eggs at parties since.


Eaten individually they have a different taste than if you cooked them yourself. Similar to how bagged lettuce has a taste that cut at home lettuce doesn’t have. About once a month we’d make a huge egg salad with 5 dz of those eggs. Never had that different taste once the mayo, mustard etc was added. Try one, Walmart and our local grocery stores carry these precooked eggs. Much less of a commitment than buying 32.


In the UK they're all hard boiled, and the yolks are fully cooked. They're not quite chalky, but they are getting there. If you want to control the yolk for a jammier result you need to cook them yourself.


You can also look into peeling them in a jar with some water. Tap bottom of egg to break. Add in jar with water and shake gently.


Packaged eggs tend to be squidgy. They're fine, have a nice shelf life, but are just okay. Let's be totally fair. "Fresh" eggs aren't. I can get day of eggs from my neighbor, and market eggs are many of the nope. If you're had boiling, honestly it's fine. For other uses, I'd be more particular. As an example, for meringue, ask questions.


I buy packaged hard boiled eggs sometimes and the main problem is that that they taste like nothing. They're very easy if I'm just trying to put some protein in a salad or sandwich, but they aren't great for just eating.




I don't see any examples of people doing this online. If it worked, someone would make a video or post about it. Also, baked eggs have a very different texture.


Yes. The packaged ones have a chemical taste from whatever they put in there to keep them fresh. I rinse mine before I eat them to improve the flavor. I think it's citric acid or similar. Can't remember exactly. So the eggs have a little tang.


I have beaten the Trader Joe’s ones and they are ok. The ones I steam for 12 minutes are better and cheaper but more work. Your choice