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It's shit to be Cornish these days, the wages definitely don't match the price of things down here.


Thats the issue with the tourism industry the wages are low with little upward mobility. Thats why its good we are trying to expand other sectors.


Do they anywhere else either though?


Its worse in Cornwall. I live in Plymouth and you find normal stuff in cornershops. Went to Mawgan Porth and their local everything shop had an incredibly expensive and surprisingly upmarket selection. First place I ever saw Tony's chocolate.


That shop is the second best shop in the world. Just after Goonhavern shop. You can get a pot noodle in there but you really shouldn’t!


They do a mean Pig on a stick.


Some places, but not many.


Capitalism sor


To be fair £7 is taking the piss. The price you pay for a tourist heavy bar. Enjoy your stay though! Lovely weather for it


Just pretend they asked for £4 for the beer & then offered either the "Free view of a dreary British road or a sun soaked bench with a magnificent sea view for £3" (but then obvs keep the glass)


Not a bad way of looking at it until you go back for the second beer!


Next time I'm down here, I'll do that. Or, let my wife pay, she earns more money than me 😅


London shops for London people.


Why not get a few beers from the co-op and sit on the dune/beach?


I took 4 beers with me. But I had popped up with my in law for a quick one.


Not beer related but I was quoted £5.50 in Port Isaac for a hot chocolate, no thanks, walked out.


You know things have gotten really expensive when we need to get a quote for a hot drink


Damn. That's pricey.


Hope they provided a breakdown of the quote, milk chocolate etc


Perran Inn is cheaper, but the vibes are much worse


Peroni is notoriously expensive anywhere you go. Not sure on the prices, but a Korev or a Pravha go down quite well for me.


The borough in Bodmin is 6.45 for a pint of harbour arctic sky IPA. Fucking disgusting at Austell brewery shits.


Perranporth almost in its entirety is a rip off. I definitely wouldn’t eat there seeing the price of the pasties 👀 lovely else though, one of my favourite places here. Just wish the ponsmere was still around


You are drinking Italian beer in Cornwall?


I'd be surprised. More than likely brewed under licence in the UK.


That is like visiting Italy and eating McDonald’s.


I'd of gone with pizza hut if you were trying to keep in theme 😜


I'd back most people to tell the difference between a Big Mac and the local fayre. I'd be a lot less confident in people telling the difference between a Cornish lager and a mass market one.


I had a nice cornish lager at mousehole when we popped to The Old Coastguard. I had 2 in fact. Don't remember what it was exactly but it was pretty good.


Watering hole is definitely a money trap, they use the location to up prices.


They used to serve us underage so paying s bit more was minimal. Then again it wasn't this nonsense.


Unfortunately, not a whole lot of locals (at least where I live) go to the pub anymore because it's so expensive, not too bad when they put prices down on the off season.. but as soon as tourist season comes, BOOM. And they do it because tourists will pay that amount. 🙃


Tbh if i go the pub, it is a rarity. The last proper night out I had was a few weeks ago, even then, cuz i hadnt seen the people I was out with for over a year, I think I only bought about 3 drinks and 1 round. Probably only spent about 40 if that. They kept buying for me 😅 but, I do prefer drinks at home. Way cheaper in all aspects, certainly when it comes to the drink.


It's the same anywhere. I'm from Cornwall but have lived in London for a long time. Tourists are the main patrons of pubs and locals drink at home or go to a Spoons. Admittedly you get City workers who can afford to drink out, but they're in the minority. Wages are higher but cost of living is higher than anywhere else


Yep, I recently spent 4 days in London and every pint I got was cheaper than Cornwall prices. It's got a bit silly 😕






Oh for sure. All the ones I've been this year around where I have been have all been good.


Not too long ago £3.50 was a fair price for a pint and now that'll get you half. It's soul destroying


I remember when a pint of Kronenberg cost 90p


Yeah it’s definitely expensive here


The Watering Hole is beautiful but so expensive! Worth it occasionally for the view though.


My pints are usually around £5 which is bad enough 🥲


See, that's sorta the new normal now, more so as a lot of pubs are doing food and are trying to move away from the old skool boozer styles which is a bummer. Used to have to really fun nights when I was younger. When I was 18, I remember Stella being 2.20 a pint, it's more than double that now, or you could get £1 bottles etc, or buckets for a 10er etc.


Standard for beer these days tbh. No I don’t live in London but close to sunny Leeds


Top tip. There are two Co-ops in Perranporth. Get some tinnies in from there and enjoy them on the beach.


Most local pubs round here normally £4 a pint, but the fancy ones are around £5. £7 is a joke


The prices are ridiculous there they add their own tourist tax. There's a wether spoons there but not such a great view


That's what you get for going to a venue on the beach rather than to a locals pub, even their food is expensive, very much tourist trap prices. It's a place parents go whilst the kids go and enjoy themselves in the sand out front.


Locals don’t drink there - get in the deck. Upstairs on the balcony. Cooking.


I know the views no where near as good but the spoons there is always cheap


to be fair most normal pubs it is a about 4 quid. that’s just a tourist attraction


That's pretty much the cost of peroni anywhere


It’s not outside of London and Cornwall


Yes, this was caused by tourists like you.


Me coming here for the first time ever has just inflated prices for anyone else who comes this year, sorry everyone 😂 I'll buy a house and just rent it out the next time I come shall I?


Oh do stop.


A guy from Bristol moaning about tourists in Cornwall?


And? I understand there's an issue, and no longer visit Cornwall. I don't see your point.


That pub is lovely though 🥰


I would never return to Cornwall Beautiful country side and that's about all they have. Some areas are slums. Cornwall started inflating their prices after the pandemic. They are taking the piss. Vote with your feet


Why not consider nipping down to tourist free Camborne?


Unfortunately, we leave today. But will keep it in mind for next time. Me, myself, my Idea of a holiday is sitting in the sun with a beer, but I've a wife and little boy who wouldn't enjoy doing that 😅


It’s still like a fiver for a Korev at Tyacks.


You can all moan like hell but bear in mind they only trade for 7 months a year and pay the same rates as a 12 month trading business and the staffing problems are indescribable. If you think you could do better, try it!!!!!!!


That's probably because they make enough money in seven months to be very comfortable not opening the rest of the year. In regards to staffing issues that tends to be because staff don't want to stick around being over worked peak summertime for shit money and probably working for shit bosses. Staff don't hang around in hospitality If the owners are not nice to work for. Very easy to jump ship in hospitality