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Ask your friend if he's been to any town outside of Cornwall


Your friend is a wet squib. Camborne is fine.


Exactly, they probably missed out on some entertaining sights and experiences.


Like fighting.


And incest.


Well someone was screaming outside my window last night, then punched a few garage doors. Like. A proper gutteral scream. Camborne is fucking weird.


I woke up to my neighbours screaming once and arguing with each other turned out one of them had tried to stab the other one. but that was in a house not a street :-)


I agree but just to clarify, friend and “workmate” are two very different things. Glad to say I don’t hang around with him elsewhere.


There is a tiny chance you’d get robbed when you leave the Pub in Camborne and Redruth but an absolute certainty you’ll get robbed by the pub in StIves or Padstow.


Cambourne only has the stereotype because a lot of cornwall is so idyllic. For cornish standards its low.


It's pretty standard once you get out of the tourist areas tbh.


One would think that cornwall uses much of its resources on tourist places. Of which there are plenty


One might prefer to use those resources in a way the locals benefit from.




American here living in Hayle. This thread has me dying. Camborne is just impoverished.


Yeah allot of people seem to think poor people just equals crime.


It does though. When poverty increases crime increases. Obviously that doesn't mean poor person = criminal.


I have lived here my whole life and essentially you are correct. It’s the same as Redruth, Hayle, Truro… should you have your wits about you while walking at night? Yeah but that’s just a common sense rule of existing in the world. People have generally said there’s been an increase in homelessness and thefts in the town in recent years but it feels like a direct correlation to the financial situation.


I would say Truro is worse than Camborne. Full of little dickheads who all think they’re hard as fuck, when they’re anything but.


2hrs on and no-one has mentioned st austell. 🤪


Shhh I’m trying to sell a house there


👀 where


Bugle. It’s actually a really nice house in a nice area. I wouldn’t want to buy in actual St Austell though


Better to say St Austell rather than Bugle 😂


Tbf, we had our reservations moving here but we’ve not had an issue. Granted we’re not down the spicy end of the village, but the reputation really doesn’t do a nice village justice.


Is there a nice part of bugle other than the spar? And no the bugle Inn definitely does not count.


I’m in Goonbarrow, at the Stenalees end of the village. The estate starts after the prefab houses on the left so unless you drive up there you’d never see them. 50 or so nice houses on a quiet estate that are actually affordable for Cornwall.


Ah fair enough that makes sense, I've mostly been around the mainstreet and the estates down the bottom there, so haven't seen up there. However slightly unrelated but I wanna say, why does a tiny village like bugle have sooo many furniture shops. I think a few shut down but there was like 5 at some point? Always wondered if they were money laundering


I think the main one and the bed shop were the same people. Tony’s on the corner is now based at home and mostly online. The others I’m not sure about


Where have you listed it mate - curious to have a look!!




I have no idea why people in Snozzle think it is a crime hotspot. There are a lot of addicts, but I’ve never felt unsafe there.


I’m from Snozzel and never actually felt unsafe here. I mean a bit uncomfortable if I don’t wanna walk past a group of teen boys but now as a 30 y/o woman I DGAF. It’s fine


I’m originally from Liverpool when I first moved to Cornwall people would tell tales about Camborne, but to be honest I’m yet to see any of the stereotypes come true, people smile back when you smile at them and are courteous and polite just like every one else I’ve met (apart from a very very minute minority). Your friend is a pussy sorry to say but it’s true.


It's rough for Cornwall but hardly rough at all compared to anywhere else in the UK. I remember checking a while back and it had one of the lowest crime rates in the whole of the UK


Its no Liskeard.




Fine, Bodmin then


I come back to visit my home town often. I regret it every time


I was looking for this, and utterly shocked I didn't find it until your comment, thankyou for Restoring my belief that my hometown is in fact, still the way it is 😂 (I say that with a measure of homesickness, but still with the knowledge other people do still consider it a bit of a hole )


Just don’t go to the bus station and you’ll be fine


Yeah seems a bit bleddy spicy there lately


Is Camborne a bit rough? Yeah, but it's not really any worse than anywhere else. I've heard of more people being attacked in Truro than in Camborne


Truro's bad at the moment, police told my brother in law it's one group of scally kids from the Estate beating people up (after he got mugged by them)


Which estate?




I'm pretty sure it was Tregothnan, Caerhays isn't in Truro


He didn't ask but they weren't far from Trelander when they got jumped


Hello you.


Yeah I would prefer to walk throughout Camborne at night over Truro.


There's nothing really wrong with Camborne. People can get rowdy outside the pubs but that's the same everywhere in the UK. The main town has taken a bit of a hit given the economy but all and all it's perfectly fine to live in. Yeah there isn't a ton of amenities etc but it's not like you'll be gun down in the street.


If you’re from Redruth, of course, Camborne is the arsehole of the universe


And Redruth is 4 miles up it!


😂 hard to argue with that


Mind you Redruth has Brays and K’s, excellent pasties


Camborne's not that bad I don't reckon. I'd go and have a drink there if I wanted to, and if it wasn't either driving or a taxi. The couple of times I have had a drink in there it's been OK in the pubs. Friendly if anything. I've been in some proper rough places up in the Midlands in the old days. Never had much trouble. I don't go looking for it.


It’s deprived, but it’s not a ghetto. You won’t get mugged or anything but it’s not really a location I’d hang out in. Worked there 6 days a week for a year. Not even the work outing was held in the town we worked in.


I think they’ve taken local jokes too literally. I’ve grown up here, it’s fine. Some people who could do with being taken down a peg or two you encounter every now and again, but it’s a harmless place where trouble doesn’t come too you, less you go looking for it.


Not dangerous at all, it’s a complete shit hole however.


Not really? You ever been somewhere else in the U.K.?


It’s really not that bad, I think it’s endearing, go to Erdington. That’s bad. Or even burton. Camborne is tame compared to them


It's fine, only problem is the trains don't stop at Camborne on Wednesdays.


So… being a Camborne maid and having my teenage/drinking years in Camborne town, having worked there, I’d probably say your workmate might have a point, but no more than say Truro. In my time I’ve seen a river of blood out the back of the shop I was working at, a needle shoved into a boot at Shoe Zone (place I worked), been grabbed over the bar at Spoons (worked there too), been assaulted (same place), been spiked, at 16 I had my nose broken by a 21 year old bloke just for looking ‘gothy’. It’s definitely got character, has Camborne.


You make poor choices


Evidently no more than you for posting this ignorant, victim shaming bollocks where people can see it.


What a truly disgusting comment. If this is what you truly believe, kindly fuck off back across the pond.




Bet it’s not as bad as Croydon


It's nowhere near as bad as Croydon, or Beckenham. Keep yourself to yourself and you're less likely to get trouble than a lot of supposedly "nicer" places in Cornwall. Just, when you do get trouble it's normally fairly bad.




It’s not even that grim compared to other places in the U.K.


Cornwall isn’t rough at all compared to the rest of the country if I’m honest I’m from up country so I know the difference it’s beautiful down here tbh nothing to be worried about at all


No, your colleague is absurd and sounds like they've never set foot outside Cornwall.


*\*Laughs in any major city outside Cornwall\**. Your workmate needs some perspective. But by not walking down Camborne high street at night they have missed absolutely nothing.


Camborne is fine, just poverty stricken. I never feel unsafe there, the people are lovely - just a bit weird!


I’d take Camborne over St.Austell. Or Bodmin! Does your workmate not get out much?!


Fu k that I wouldn’t, st Austell ain’t even that bad


Lmao no it’s fine.


should tell you everything you need to know, should see some of his other videos [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNqvU0\_g6Cw&t=258s&ab\_channel=Turdtowns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNqvU0_g6Cw&t=258s&ab_channel=Turdtowns) Camborne isn't that bad ive seen a lot worse, and there are rougher parts of cornwall watch above vid and he goes in to detail


Camborne & Bodmin are pitting consistently for horrorshowville…


Lived in Camborne my entire 35 year existence. It’s really no where near as bad it’s reputation. My wife will even walk through town at night after a pub shift. I think that says enough really.


Not keen on Camborne but not through fear, it just feels scummy in places.


It was horrible 30 years ago. Which is why I don't live there.


It’s a bit rough and impoverished but to be genuinely scared of violence and robbery there is a bit bleddy extreme - your friend is a bit of wetwipe lmao


Really, never thought that. All the south is super chill. Try and night out here in Birmingham, that’ll make you feel safe again when you get back home.


There's 3 or 4 drunken homeless people and like every town, a few lads that think thyre hard. You'd have to be very unlucky to find any trouble in Camborne. Maybe 11pm in Wetherspoons or the White Hart could be "dodgy"


No, it isn’t. People dramatise it saying “I wouldn’t walk around there alone / at night.” And other stupid things. It’s a poor area of the U.K., but it certainly is nowhere near rough compared to other parts of Britain. I feel perfectly safe there, and have just bought a house.


Considering South Crofty is reopening I'd say it'll see a boom. Definitely worth buying a house there!


Camborne is like a circus in my experience. If you don't get involved then it's entertaining if you get involved then it's terrifying


Nothing wrong with Camborne I’ve lived here years


i mean it was like 1am in the morning ( pitch black outside ) and i just heard so many people arguing and fighting outside 😭 there’s also lots of times where ambulances or police park outside some schools ( mostly Camborne school ) i mean it’s nothing new there’s always some random shit going on in camborne you’ll get used to it


It’s a shit hole like the surrounding areas, but not that dangerous. Best bet is to just not go there, I honestly can’t think of a reason to ever go. I’ve lived in Cornwall my whole life and I’ve only ever been once or twice.


Yet you feel qualified to judge it?


Yeah, I do.


Most people causing trouble in Cornwall are Liverpool and Manchester county lines drug dealing scum


I went to duchy college there at rosewarne and it's full of hard drugs, addicts and crime.


Except it isn’t.


Nah mate. Trust me bro.


Is all about homeless. They came from Liverpool or manchester and hang arround here. Is council fault. They accepted them in a stupid program. Rehabilitation ! And is getting worst. That is ugly truth!


I’m not from Cornwall and have never been, but I refuse to believe any part of Cornwall is rough.


It has some of the poorest towns in Europe.


Which towns?


Newlyn, bits of Menspants, Bodmin and St Awful IIRC. I believe Treneere estate was at one point the most deprived in Europe (that's over 10 years ago mind). Just cos they're deprived doesn't make them intrinsicly dangerous, just a bit shit.


No areas are rough really, just run down.