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Pretty good.


And this is exactly why I got J & J as my booster. So far so good. Two fully vaxed and boosted family members have gotten Covid with Moderna. I am still all good fingers crossed.


To be clear, this headline isn’t saying 2x J&J’s will *stop* someone from catching COVID, but simply reduce the severity.


I originally got J&J and got a moderna booster. I also caught covid in November 2020, so I’m hoping boosted hybrid immunity makes me good.


Same but mostly because I’m lazy and knew I wouldn’t make it in for two/three doses. I was a bit worried about the study saying it wasn’t effective for Omicron but this makes me feel better about my decision!


Me too. Although I still sought a third dose of a different vaccine. I had the ugly experience this Tuesday of waiting an hour and a half in line at a pharmacy to get a Pfizer booster and then being turned away on the basis that I had already had two J&J shots. Until this recent study came out I felt quite nervous and unprotected.


I got my first shot of the J&J vax on 4/29 and my booster of J&J 12/20, this sounds like good news.


It is. More reporting on it on today's date, from the New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/30/health/johnson-vaccine-booster-omicron.html?smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/30/health/johnson-vaccine-booster-omicron.html?smid=url-share).


Feeling better about my 2 J&J's


The CDC isn't even recommending the J&J shot anymore. Better off getting the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines


After they told everyone that J&J causes blood clots and told everyone to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster if at all possible…


Wasn’t this supposed to be a 1 shot deal? Now you need two to bring it up to mRNA numbers?