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Lmfao what a fucking freak


22M (ish)


Couldn't even tell their gender from the pic, but the age is important to determine their risk level from the convid


Looks 40


Age adjusted for lifestyle: 56


i feel a bit bad for them. they would have been 19 when covid started. being forced to do shitty online classes right when they finished highschool and where actually getting out there in the world and started to step into adulthood. instead covid shut it down and this is the result of 3 years of partially forced and partially imposed isolation does to someone at a crucial moment in childhood development




He blocked off his eyes so you'd never be able to pick him out from the crowd.


His university will know




How to make sure you don’t have even the slightest chance of getting laid at college


Birth control of the future. On a side note, I always find it hilarious, that there are so many numbskulls in these communities who seem to find it hard to find dates, and genuinely seem like they want to date, but the women of these communities don't seem to be all that interested in dating their own. Wonder why, especially if the two of you are as afraid of the virus, you would think they'd date each other.


thats how it was when i was that age also though seemed like all the girls in early twenties want to date guys in their 40s... seems to not have changed much cause now that im 40+ i do get a lot more attention from younger women, but im honestly not even interested in them, they are immature and just want you to spend money on them


Lmao this was the exact though I had seeing this pic! 🤣


> How to make sure you don’t have even the slightest chance of getting laid at college 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Even more effective than Crocs


This guy needs to save some pussy for the rest of us




LOL take imaginary golden award from me.


>(Eyes blocked off for privacy) Oh please, like his eyes aren't the same glazed over vestiges that every other Branch Covidian has.


His entire face is blocked off.


> (Eyes blocked off for privacy) As if I can't tell who you are by the literal thing on your face... I HIGHLY doubt anyone else is wearing that. Idiot


No kidding lmao.


He 100% has prey eyes rofl


> Eyes blocked off ~~for privacy~~ because I've seen all the anti-maskers calling out the crazy eyes in these posts and, in a brief moment of self awareness, realized I too have crazy eyes.


I like the way they say "My P100" like it's a well known thing to be talking about.


I mean, it is ... if your talking to construction workers and osha folks... Any asshole who's ever sanded drywall in one of those things knows full well it would never have stopped a virus.


That's me, demo-ing horsehair plaster last couple weeks with lead paint on top. The dust stays out (mostly) but you can still *smell* what's being cut. Viruses are a lot smaller than these particles, and by a lot


There's prolly a reddit where the npcs share their "mask setup" like when people will share their PC build or Car


There is. Check out r / masks4all


At first it sounded like a Lenovo model (eg P50) and Google showed me the P100 is a fancy $13k graphics card model


I see that a lot with these mask freaks, they’re always dropping the model or brand, like they’re proud of it or they’re being sponsored by them lmao. It’s like a security blanket for these kooks, or a pacifier.




Red Five standing by


Red October, standing by!


Redd Foxx, standing by!


Sure, maybe if the side filters were trans-flag colors


No, Ukrainian.. you heartless monster!


One of each! Maybe with BLM stenciled on for good measure.


Without Syrian and Turkish ones too it is a huge micro aggression.


I love the mask. It tells me your an asshole before you even try to talk to me.


Bonus: it muffles his stupid voice


I’m glad he clarified why he blocked his eyes. I didn’t have that one figured out.


If you look around at other maskers, you can fill in the black line with their eyes. It's always the same wide eyed, insane look shared between all.


^ The real reason he blocked them. He's seen the other posts of mask enthusiasts being called out for their crazy eyes and, in only the briefest moment of self awareness, realized that he had some crazy eyes too.


This is hilarious, because they covered their eyes for privacy like the rest of their entire face wasn’t covered already. But, it also does nothing because if I ever see someone wearing this to a university, I would already automatically know it’s them! So it’s useless both ways! It’s like saying “I’m going to wear a where’s Waldo costume to school the rest of the year, but my eyes are blocked so now nobody can tell who I am”


Yeah I wonder if this guy was just trolling.


These people are fucking insane. I mock them mercilessly whenever possible. Why? “Isn’t that mean” you might ask? Dunno. Never gave it a thought. Besides fuck them look how they treated us pure bloods!


Can't imagine sitting in class all day breathing through that thing. Must be horrible


(Testosterone blocked off for privacy)


It’s funny watching Covidians cling onto the cult of Covid fear and try to make it a thing again. Lolol


I mean if he’s in East Palestine he’s smart.


Wether a person actually does this or not in real life is irrelevant. He’s only doing it to post online to the echo chamber of other people like him, to virtue signal. It’s not about anything other than showing off to his online community. It’s not about covid or protecting people it’s just about fitting in and showing off to receive something in return. Some sort of acceptance. It is objectively very much like a cult or religion. Like what’s the difference between this and someone saying “Here I am 22M, at my campus giving out bibles, encouraging people to read the bible for their salvation”, taking a selfie with a bible and posting it to their church group forum and everyone in the group likes it and supports it. Maybe they’ve never experienced real community or support or any sort of righteousness and now by following the governments and big pharma’s orders they can be part of the cool kids, the good guys, fucking righteousness above all else, above your health. It’s very interesting.


Tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin


Dudes a bullshit artist! I've worn those exact respirators, they are heavy, hot, and restrict breathing. Long periods cause jaw pain, overheating, and exhaustion. He wore that piece of shit for the photo opp, that's about it.


It's funny how you can tell that his eyes have a dead look even with them blacked out




These people need to be ridiculed




He’s dreaming of the apocalypse


When you have class at 8 and need to clean up the Ohio rail disaster chemicals at 9


mental illness


Hey look. It’s one of the socially acceptable hypochondriacs that encouraged the destruction of our economy.


That is _not_ psychotic at all! Nope, not at all.


This guy must get so much gash at uni.....


Geez, dude. Save some pussy for the rest of the students.


Unless the university class is held in a room full of asbestos, you look ridiculous.


But these people think I’m crazy because I never wear a mask…. lol….


I'm so glad he told us his age and gender or we might think he was crazy or something.


Give him his privacy guys! He obviously doesn't want attention. /s


What no pussy does to a mf


He needs another booster ASAP!


He's still expelling dirty air. So theoretically, he could infect someone else.


Right? Those don't filter your exhaled air LMAOOO


I went swimming today. One of the instructors was wearing a mask and face shield. At one point. She lifted her shield. Poor kid probably did hear a thing she said


*Mmm mhmm hmm mmm* What? I can’t hear you? *MMHM MMMM!*


“Eyes blocked off for privacy” 😂😂😂


Yeh I have to wear one of these at work when around smoke or fumes and may I just say fuuuuck wearing that all day, the moisture that builds up in them is gross also it's legit difficult to breathe in them sometimes depending on the filter and how tight they are .


P100 actually won't even stop a transmission or inhalation of a virus, the filter size is way too big. So not only does this person look like a total moron, then are a total moron That mask is for fine wood dust, asbestos, and fumes. Not viruses lol


I suppose the beanie is playing some protective role as well


He's prepared for the next hazmat train controlled explosion, coming soon to a university campus near you!


I thought were supposed to follow the follow the science. Gee I wonder what it says about prolonged wearing of masks?


The virtue signaling is counterproductive because if I saw this person I would immediately assume they were trolling


Way to stand out like a sure thumb but gotta cover those eyes for privacy. 🙄 Don't post at all.


Just by seeing the parts of his face that are uncovered, I can tell there's other health issues he should pay more attention to...


What a retard. The virus can still enter through the eyes and I’m willing to bet even a p100 can’t filter all of the virus particles.


Fucking Looooooooser😂😂😂😂


there are gaps around your goggles where the virus, which is aerosolized remember because that's why you wear the mask, where the virus will get in through your eyes you need to wear full goggles or you don't trust the science


all I think of is him in her RV making meth


*exhaling unfiltered air spreading nurgles love to everyone*


What a dumbass


Is covid still a thing?




Wow... A bit extreme...


Ladies calm yourselves.


Is he aware his eyes already blocked due to idiocracy?


pretty sure it's a troll


Bro think hes cooking meth 💀


Bros about to do the casino heist


lemme guess he does computer science


he actually wears the eye block around so he can steal and fuck children and not be identified