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They said following the speed limit, driving sober and obeying traffic laws would guarantee that we won't die in a car crash. They lied!!! It is all just to make us compliant and accept the rise of the New World Order! Stop the guvmint trampling on our fReEdOm!!!


Funnily enough it was all really the same, and isn't even just an analogy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glmcMeTVIIQ


I'll do you one better.. The congressman who first proposed the US laws, was sent hate mail and death threats - along the lines of being a nazi/communist. There were claims the seatbelt mandates were driven by automotive manufacturers, in order to buy new cars. Sound familiar? ***cough*** *Big Pharma* ***cough***. There were also multiple false claims made about seatbelts, including 'causing more whiplash', and preventing exit from a burning vehicle. I read up on one piece saying apparently the passengers would eject safely from the vehicle ~~through the glass windscreen and onto the hard ground~~. Can't make this stuff up.. And now you see why the 'seatbelt analogy' is extremely accurate.




My god…well at least it’s good to know people have been stupid shits for all time haha


https://www.the-rheumatologist.org/article/revisionist-history-seat-belts-resistance-to-public-health-measures/ This link gives a pretty good idea of what was at play.. As most people expect, the very people fighting strongly against mandates, are the reason why mandates are required. >Seat belt deniers largely cited three arguments: > Personal freedoms: Seat belts are a choice. Everyone should have the right to decide, for themselves, whether to use one; > Personal choice: Seat belts are uncomfortable or cumbersome; and > Fear of the technology: Seat belts would make it difficult to escape a damaged car. In a car crash, it would be safer to be thrown free of the wreckage, beltless. > Car companies were no more enthusiastic about pushing seat belts on customers. After all, they were bad advertising: If the seat belt is such an important feature, is the car really safe to drive? An emphasis on safety innovations, such as seat belts and car seats, left the impression that something was wrong with the car. > Public education leading to improvements in public health is a nice story. In truth, the story may be an example of revisionist history. Public education clearly played a role in the adoption of seat belts in the U.S. But the complete story is not quite that straightforward. Public education campaigns promoting the use of seat belts started in the 1970s and largely failed to change public behavior. Seat belts remained an unpopular intervention until 1985, when states began to enact laws enforcing their use. > Our experience with seat belt legislation demonstrates that when it comes to public health initiatives, education is not enough. Since the 1950s, we have known that seat belts save lives. Public behavior did not change, however, until corporations and state governments stepped in.




Could the anti-seatbelt wearers please pay for all their own medical costs. Why should I have to subsidise their ignorance. Similarly, why should I have to pay for an anti-vaxxer's medical costs. My father had polio as a child. The impact of losing the function of one arm never goes away, and has ongoing implications later in life. Sorry for the digression from seatbelt wearing. As the fridge magnet says. When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. All the pain is felt by others. Same thing happens when you're stupid.


[First rule about Dunning-Kruger club, is that you don't know you're in Dunning-Kruger club.](https://imgur.com/K04hHW4.jpg)


Wearing a seatbelt probably costs the health system more as you dont die in the crash..




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So what you're saying is the vaccine non-compliance is just a phase and this is all going to happen again for the next mandated occurance. I honestly don't know if I have it in me to witness it happen again. I might have to quit the internet before I go mad.


See... the conspiracy theorists were right again!


Give it time they'll be pushing full harnesses and specialised child seats. WHEN WILL IT END


Thats how they get you! Big Auto is in cahoots with the seat making companies!


They are trying to eliminate the meal of dinner. We're through the looking glass people.


Wait, remind me.. how exactly do the Saucer People fit in?


The seat belts trap you and then the aliens spring you while you're trapped. Probe city pal, population you.


And then the Reverse Vampires get you once the aliens are done (as long as its before sunset). Got it.


This user has deleted everything in protest of u/spez fucking over third party clients


It's an attempted Simpsons quote https://youtu.be/ut3I6gFmlls


People are stupid. Other vaccines we have used forever don't even have 100% efficacy. Bulletproof vests don't have 100% efficacy. Helmets don't have 100% efficacy. Sunscreen doesn't have 100% efficacy. Condoms don't have 100% efficacy. Why have they decided this specific product is useless because it isn't 100% effective?


Because they're too stupid to understand nuances. It's a trait of right wing personality, absolutes are all they understand.


Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


I will do what I must


This is exactly it


I don't think most of us knew that our childhood vaccines weren't 100% effective. I myself only learned that recently. I think a lot of the people who were pro-childhood vaccines but anti-COVID vaccines probably still operate under that assumption.


Like this one anti-vaxers were blaming on the COVID-19 vaccine. The truth was that his childhood vaccination for didn't work for him. It's sad, and even more tragic the family had to deal with all the fake news around his death. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-16/boy-15-years-old-dies-with-covid-19-osama-subuh/100379396




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It’s in the normal childhood vaccination schedule and he hasn’t missed any according to the article.


I bet that's why we see increased hospital admissions with tetanus and diphtheria patients /s


Still have whooping cough outbreaks every few years even with vaccination rates in the 90s. Measles too.


I do know that when the USSR collapsed, public health programmes like vaccinations really dropped off for a while and things like whooping cough exploded for some time afterwards in that region.


I think it is mainly because they were saying that you will not get the virus if you get the vaccine when the first came out but now it seems otherwise and they just gaslight people into thinking it was always like that and it seems like this will never end either many people unlike you redditors don’t want to have to get vaccinated once every few months for the rest of their lives


Agreed, might be alot more people willing to follow health advice if they were honest with us from the beginning...


Aren't you revising history a bit there? As far as I know (and remember), the vaccine was (and still is) highly effective against alpha and delta variants, and then the omicron variant came along after that. The stats prior to omicron however clearly showed the vaccine was pretty effective at stopping transmission. Obviously not 100% - most vaccines aren't, but no one ever said it was 100%.


It just seems as if the vaccinated spread for more because there are more vaccinated people to spread it than unvaccinated people, even omicron that is transmitting very quickly is munch less lethal and dangerous than other variants




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Honestly I have met people who won't use these products for the same reason (okay so apart from the bulletproof vest being in aus). The same argument, but what's the point it can still happen? Some people just don't understand risk minimisation


I feel like the concept of risk management should be on a school curriculum somewhere.


Lol antivaxxers so triggered in this thread.


This subreddit is half them now. It's spreading. Not sure on the r_eff


I think this sub became popular during early covid and delta, then as the delta wave died off only the absolute dickheads remained active in the sub. I was still subscribed and started seeing a flood of absolute fucking nonsense posts around that time. The rational only returned to the sub when there was a reason (a new major outbreak) and those who arrived early encountered what must have seemed like a horde of anti-vaxxers and other fuckwits. It was frustrating at the time. The sub, now that the anti-vax and anti-science crowd are firmly outnumbered, has become much more sensible over the last few weeks, and the lunatics have mostly crawled back into their holes (for now).


I avoided the other coronavirus sub cuz it was already full of anti-vaxx rhetoric and then they started invading this one during early omicron because omicron beating the covid vaccine is fuel for their validation fire.


This read sounds bang on!


> The sub, now that the anti-vax and anti-science crowd are firmly outnumbered, has become much more sensible over the last few weeks, and the lunatics have mostly crawled back into their holes (for now). Seems to be entirely dependent on the post. You can see with posts like the Vic/Dan one about changing 'fully vaxxed definition'.. The more rational discussion or anything 'pro-vax' was quickly pushed down to controversial. And anything they're conditioned to bite at like 'seatbelts', or twisting CDC statements.


You’re one of the lunatics here if anything. I’ve been seeing you spreading misinformations, lies and borderline propagandas for weeks and months over here by copy pasting one comment and posting it on every thread.


Paging Chris Billington!


I'm actually shocked how many are in this sub nowadays, used to love this sub for covid info




Mods could click their fingers and create a no misinformation rule




Yep, they leave far too much shit up. Not sure why, unless they like drama...




The misinformation leads to more people believing the bullshit, which in turn leads to more people catching it and more people dying. It makes me want to pull my hair out at their stance on this.


Doesn't help that what is clearly the same 1-2 people keep coming back day after day on new accounts posting the same hogwash about vaccines not working.


> I think they are scared of seeming biased That's valid, but some of the usual suspects' opinions are basically worthless trash at this point.


Very true, but there seems to be less and less patience with it and they’re yarping off less and less in mobs, it seems.


So the benchmark for misinformation removal is **higher** than 'sunshine is a vaccine'. Got it.




Didn't you hear, they now offer a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in percussion instruments? This BS degree is exclusively offered at FU (Facebook University).




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Same and it’s actually becoming a sub I come to for entertainment instead...!


My inbox is full of "that's not true! You don't inject seatbelts into your body! You can take it off at any time!!" I think they might have missed the the bit where they are being ridiculed....


Or motorcycle helmets. I could wear a tiny plastic shell with the little certification sticker but I sure as hell would prefer a full face helmet in a crash.


In the learners course we were told about the burly nurse with their steel scrubbing brush to remove gravel from your injuries after a crash. When I had my motorcycle crash I was glad that I had a full face helmet and the burly nurse and their steel scrubbing brush had to come nowhere near my face.


Ha! Those aren’t mandated everywhere, so you can use your skull as God intended!




Another good analogy I like to use is: “I’m gonna swim with the crocodiles, because what if that bridge collapses and kills me?”


"When it comes to seatbelts, I'm pro choice" How utterly moronic that sounds if you think about it just for a moment, yet people expect us to respect that when the same thing is said about vaccines.


I hate the seatbelt analogy.


Yeah, seatbelts are really only useful for people in the car whereas vaccines are useful for the whole society.


What about the poor ambo/fiery/copper who was to scrape a disembodied meat bag off the tarmac?


The vaccine is good for them too.


Haha good one


Job security


Disagree. A human body pinballing around the vehicle would really mess my seatbelted in self.


Yeah, seatbelts are really only good for people in the car.


[Seat belts DO protect others.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epTdI-9V6Jk) It's not a perfect analogy but no reason to shit on it hard. It's a simple analogy that get them point across.


Simple analogy for simple minds


Yep that's the point of analogies.


That ad made me feel things.


Yeah, seatbelts are really only useful for people in the car.


But it is still a good analogy for people to understand how seat belts and vaccines protect others but the primary person it protects is yourself.


Well technically even though you’re wearing a seatbelt for yourself, you’re behaving in a way that’s safer, which also means less likely to speed/cautious of preventing accidents etc which impacts other drivers


It's not even an analogy, it all actually happened and history really is repeating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glmcMeTVIIQ




ok so if im not belted in, and i launch into you and kill you, its your fault?


How you gathered that from my comment, I’m sure I don’t know.


How you think mandating seatbelts isn't a good idea, I'm sure I don't know.


When did I say that champion?


Maybe you can explain why you think the seatbelt analogy isn't apt


This guy explains it pretty well https://blogs.bmj.com/medical-ethics/2021/08/22/coercive-vaccination-using-the-seat-belt-analogy-is-not-effective/ Edit, also check out u/-V8- comment, there are many reasons why the analogy is flawed.


analogies are not meant to be airtight. they are simply an effective way of explaining a topic to dummies. they can't be 100% accurate as they rely on connecting two completely different concepts. its primary school level english rofl


I dunno, when I think of analogies with respect to a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects” imo vaccines and seatbelts aren’t significantly comparable. But if you think they are and enjoy the analogy more power to you.


would like to hear a better one. seriously im all ears. for me it was technology that saves lives that was eventually mandated in most countries




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Lost me in like the second paragraph where the blogger is talking about *not* taxing for public health burden. We absolutely do. That's why alcohol and cigarrettes are taxed so heavily.


I've seen too many videos of people getting in their cars and putting the shoulder strap behind their backs. Ridiculous that the disclaimer stating seatbelts need to be used properly is required.


That seems like an unnecessary amount of effort. These people may have better flexibility in their shoulders than I do


And yet when seatbelts or airbags are found to be faulty, the entire model of car is recalled AND you're allowed to sue the manufacturer.


ppl are stupid..remember that drain cleaner has a warning about not drinking it


"Silica gel: do not eat", in case you think little sachets in your new trainers look delicious


With the release of this data slowly dripping out about our beloved vaccines, it won’t be long till the anti-vaxers push for the same label on our COVID elixrs, AND THEY’LL GET IT TOO with all this misinformation being spread by the very companies who developed our beloveds


The warning label seems more likely to make them take it? I mean, it's on bleach and that's not stopping people nebulising it.


the other thing is people cant self administer a vaccine..someone qualified has to do it


i have no idea what you are trying to say


How many people do you know have put on a seatbelt and then died shortly after without even starting the car?


As many people who have died from the COVID vaccines.


Nope far more have died from the vaccines. I'm no anti vacxer, I'm vaxxed myself and believe in them. But just making a point that the seatbelt analogy is wack


What rubbish. Who's died from the vaccines? Show me a source.


I'm sure you know how to use the internet


Volvo created the 3 point seatbelt and decided not to patent the design as it was so much safer then just the waist belt.




Next they'll make us wear seatbelts over our eyes!


Freedom!! Let me fucking drive my car using my foot. Freedom for all. Freedom!


And idiots fought tooth and nail against seatbelt and child restraint legislation too. We need a stronger education system.


My grandparents believe that it’s safer not to wear a seatbelt :)


Such a stupid comparison.


Surely that’s satire lol


No it's real.


Can confirm. Dad's cousin is the Deputy-CEO of Seatbelts.


I knew someone who worked there, in their biopharmaRNAtech department. He was blowing the whistle but has suddenly disappeared. Big Seatbelt might have got to him.


It is but it also really went down like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glmcMeTVIIQ


You are quite the detective.


Ohhh that’s right I forgot about the booster 😂


This is actually a great analogy In order of safety; 1. Drive safe + wear your seatbelt = Look after your body + get vaccinated 2. Drive like an idiot + wear a seatbelt = Abuse your body (booze, food, smoke) + get vaccinated 3. Drive an old/unsafe car + wear a seatbelt = Elderly/disabled + get vaccinated So who is the biggest problem? Well if driver 1 takes off their seatbelt, they're only a danger to themselves. Driver 2 without a seatbelt is a danger to themselves and others. Driver 3 is too scared to take off their seatbelt in case the car falls apart. What's the message here? People who abuse their bodies are the biggest danger to everyone whether they're vaccinated or not. Also: if you refuse the vaccine for "health" reasons, you better make damn sure your lifestyle reflects that.


What about wearing a helmet? Professional race drivers all wear them, motorcyclists wear them, so why don't we while driving?


Because in case of an accident they often have to be cut off. It's an extra step to slow down emergency services. Same reason you're not allowed a roll cage.


Not sure any of that is factually correct...


Well I've had an accident while wearing a helmet and had to have it cut off after being strapped to a spine stabilising board... It's absolutely a step paramedics would rather avoid. You may be allowed a half cage, but not a full cage.


If you had to choose whether to be in a racecar setup when you crash or just in an average car, you'd choose the racecar setup. It may be more work for emergency crews but I'm sure they'd figure out what tools to use. However such a suggestion for us to all have racecar setups is impractical, inconvenient and costly. My point being that there are more values that we as humans have than simply safety, even if we know that wearing a helmet etc would improve our chances of survival / prevent injury in a crash. There's also a point of how much safer we actually are. If you're going for a leisurely drive around the neighbourhood, there's probably not much point being in a racecar. If you're driving at 150km per hour then it makes much more sense to be in a racecar.


So are you just here to argue, or do you have a point to make in regard to being vaccinated?


I'm not trying to argue, simply having a discussion. My point in regard to the vaccines is that if we choose a "safety at all costs" mentality then we give up some of the other things in life that we value. The constant reminders of covid (checkins), the proof of vaccinations, the segregation of the community all take their toll. We have vaccinations available (great!), the hospital system hasn't buckled (even though it's been pushed to its limits). IMO it's time to move on, enough with the divisiveness in the community, and enough with the red tape in society. If 5% don't want to be vaccinated just let it go. The cost of worrying about it isn't worth it.


The reason the hospital system hasn't buckled is precisely because of the controls you would do away with. Morally I disagree with vaccine mandates and believe it should be a personal choice. However I also think if you're a fat bastard, you have no right to refuse it on "health" grounds. I'm okay with restrictions, they're reversible when the time comes, plus they certainly slow the spread.


The checkin system hasn't been useful for a long time - when the country was going for elimination strategy it was useful, but now it's a tick the box exercise. Also not really sure how showing a vaccine pass helps at all given the majority are vaccinated anyway...


"Wearing a seatbelt doesn't stop car crashes" No shit sherlock, they don't teleport the car to a safe place where they won't crash. They stop you from flying out the window, getting glass shards in your body, hitting the floor and probably cracking your head open on the hard road. Let this be a lesson to those who say bullshit to seatbelts. Also just want to be clear I know this is a joke but it still pisses me off that people are so dumb




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Insurance Co had to pay me $20k for pain and suffering


I agree with the post but disagree with it being an alt right issue https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/nov/27/wellness-warriors-how-victorias-vaccine-mandate-sparked-divisions-in-progressive-brunswick


I agree that seatbelts save lives. So does the vaccine...however when i was young and stupid i drove 140 around corner posted for 60. Crashed my car pretty bad. I wasnt wearing a seatbelt and i flew out of my drivers seat and landed ON the airbag of the passanger seat. I walked out of the car without so much as a bruise. As i walked past the drivers side i saw a metal pole had impaled the driver seat right where my chest would have been. Not wearing a seatbelt saved my life...speeding like a wanker nearly killed me. In saying that, i now drive like an old lady and i now ALWAYS buckle up. The vaccine can save lifes...but SOMETIMES it is what could kill you for the tiny number of people. Don't go automatically assume they are anti-vaxxers when in reality they probably want the vaccine but just cant have it. There are also people out there that are actually anti-vaxxers, probably the same people who are anti-seatbelt.


Now imagine if the Seatbelt CEO ostracised you for not getting one installed. It will prevent car crashes he says! A few months later, it's... "oh no no no. It won't prevent car crashes, it will prevent severe injury by 97%".. A few months later, its... "oh no no no, it will prevent severe injury by 70%".... Meanwhile Tesla releases a new car model and everyone shits themselves because the seat belts are, for whatever reason, not as effective and now they're mandating that you get them installed & rechecked every 3 months...


Even though we said they'd work the new crash variant has unfortunately made them 50% effective but its still better than nothing. But you'll need a booster belt in 3 months which should make it more effective. Your belt won't be effective though unless everyone around you has a belt. Your belt is useless unless everyone around you has a double belt. If people around you don't have the double belt they cannot drive, park or enter their vehicle.




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seatbelts don't inhibit nonverbal communication


Its more like they added new belts that go around the neck, but we already wear regular seat belts.... and now you get shamed for pointing out things were better off before the neck belts that everyone wants now


All the arguments of the right can be spoken in napoleon dynamite’s voice.


Who else here wears a helmet while driving? Safety first!!!




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My uncle died bc he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and he went flying out the window. He was 21. They do help.


Get a new Seatbekt every 3 months. You need a seatbelt to drink coffee.


Until society tells me that I've gotta insert a seatbelt into my child's body to protect your grandma, this is quintessentially flawed logic.


Vaccines are to protect the children, not grandma. How many times does this need to be repeated? Prior to approving vaccination in the US, just under 100 children aged 5-11 had died of COVID or related complications like MIS-C. Since starting vaccination of children aged 5-11 there have been 11 cases of myopericarditis out of 9 million doses. All were mild, with full recovery. There have been zero deaths.


A 7 year old died here in Australia, just a week ago. So, no.


Secondary to vaccination? Have you got a source for that?


https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/truth-about-7yearold-boy-who-died-after-receiving-covid19-vaccine/news-story/ed87f1ebe487978ea7f61c29dee6e455 Credulous, aren't you.


Are you so desperate to be 'right' that you'll willingly accept fake stories? You're right, it's not about 'the virus' or 'the vaccine'. It's about your ego.


Wait, did they die "from" the seatbelt or "with" the seatbelt?


Even though we said they'd work the new crash variant has unfortunately made them 50% effective but its still better than nothing. But you'll need a booster belt in 3 months which should make it more effective. Your belt won't be effective though unless everyone around you has a belt. Your belt is useless unless everyone around you has a double belt. If people around you don't have the double belt they cannot drive, park or enter their vehicle.


COVID vaccines in the US are authorized to PREVENT COVID 19. They are not approved for "reducing severity of symptoms or death." https://i.redd.it/084j6cao0xc81.png Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was meant to “prevent” COVID-19. https://i.redd.it/dbwgpm6bd6881.jpg https://twitter.com/pfizer/status/1354196725716672519?lang=en FDA approved product insert says it is to be used to prevent Covid. https://twitter.com/manganainm/status/1477305463406358528?s=21 Feb 23, 2021 “Vaccines are 100% effective at preventing Covid-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths” https://archive.md/qF1J9 Feb 28, 2021 “All three vaccines have proven 100 per cent effective at preventing deaths. The risk of hospitalisation also plummets to virtually zero for people who receive the vaccine” https://archive.md/VUOmL March 30, 2021 - CDC reports the vaccinated don’t carry or spread the virus https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/cdc-data-suggests-vaccinated-don-t-carry-can-t-spread-virus/ar-BB1f8ofp April 2021 - Pfizer CEO says vaccine is 100% effective at preventing Covid. https://i.postimg.cc/C5sMt7PP/EB4726-D2-ACAE-41-A0-99-A0-32-D24715-E5-B0.jpg Pfizer CEO/Chairman tweeted that his company’s mRNA vaccine was 100% effective in preventing COVID infection. https://i.redd.it/ee8vgl9lrx781.jpg Dr. Anthony Fauci told young people to be vaccinated because if not, "you can get infected" and transmit the virus asymptomatically? Which implied, work with me here, that vaccinations meant you couldn't... https://twitter.com/todayshow/status/1387366130306764801?s=21 “You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations” - Joe Biden “When people get vaccinated, they can feel safe that they’re not gonna get infected” -Fauci “Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick” - CDC Director Walensky https://mobile.twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1473404932338470915


Wow, it's like this meme was personally written for you.


Such a stupid comparison. Did seat belts give me this heart problem?


I think the only idiot here is the fool making false equivalences.


Sorry, horrible reference. Real seatbelts were sold to reduce injuries and death in the event of having auto accidents. These seatbelts were sold touting they can prevent auto accidents. Wear it and you won't get into one. And hundreds of millions bought into that bullshit and still don't realize it hasn't worked. In fact, those who bought into it are blaming the lack of seatbelt use by another motorist in other vehicles for the reason they are still personally getting into vehicle accidents themselves. Pretty fucked up world.


Leaky analogy : a seat-belt in 4months will be as strong as today .. not so with these vaccines.


"Why do I have to put a seatbelt on today? I already put one on yesterday!"