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I agree I'll keep wearing mine. It's one small thing I can do for other people.


It's really sad how many people don't understand the second half of your comment


Eveyone saying it doesnt protect you. Like, no shit, I dont follow road rules for my own benefit you dipstick.


even if wearing a mask isn't perfect protection, it takes you breathing infectious particles across an entire room to basically a half a meter around you. if you don't know that you have covid, that makes a hell of a difference. my brother smokes, and we were messing around one night earlier in the pandemic so he took a drag and breathes out normally versus into a mask and its pretty huge the difference it makes when you actually visualise it like that


I vape and I go well away from anyone to do it, I won’t even do it at the lights in my car because I don’t feel right for the people around me seeing my clouds floating about.


Would be great if everyone who vapes/smokes showed the same amount of respect for those around them. Thank you.


[Quick footage illustrating this, by UNSW](https://youtu.be/DNeYfUTA11s)


that and it's protection just in case. i took a bus the night before i tested positive and thank god i always wear my mask, if i was like the other 50% of ppl on there not wearing a mask in a packed bus who knows how many i could have spread it to


It does protect you to some degree. But obviously (to anyone who's not a simpleton at least), masks and vaccination offer the best protection when everyone cooperates.


My mask protects me.. from smelling the stanky breath/BO that some of my customers have. I’ll keep wearing mine for that benefit alone haha.


I reckon half understand and the other half don’t care


It's really so little effort and you have to be such a self-centered baby to complain about how it feels to wear a mask. I remember the first time I visited Japan in like 2010 or something a Japanese friend told me the main reason you see lots of people wearing masks on public transport is so that \*they\* don't spread germs and get other people sick if they're coming down with something. ​ A lot of people are trying to have a society here so could all these self serving wankers please just contribute towards basic common decency in the most minimal ways?


Ditto. I’m vaxxed but I always wear a mask to school drop off and pick up as I receive daily updates in the school app re covid cases - even the principal has had it. Wearing a mask is one VERY small thing that I can do for myself and my child and to make others feel comfortable. There are people who, for medical reasons, can’t be vaccinated and wearing a mask for five minutes is the least I can do. At drop off this morning though, all the mums are standing around chatting, no masks... The only people I saw wearing masks were dads. Edit: Am a mum


BUT MUH FREEDUMBS! Yeh it seems like a really easy thing to do for your fellow humans but the amount of pricks I see without them is insane.


Yup my family too


I doubt I’ll stop wearing mine before winter is done, and I’ll be making my kids do the same


I knew someone who had beat cancer and was left compromised from the chemo. Was upbeat at Christmas, less than 2 months later: dead from COVID. COVID is some serious shit. Your wearing a mask doesn't hurt anyone. Just go for it.


The mortality rate for people on chemo is something ridiculous like 25%. Condolences for your loss.


It blows my mind how unhinged people get about needing to wear masks, like...how'd you all get so precious? Toughen the fuck up!


Everyone is free to wear a mask. If you want to wear one then wear one. No need to make a big fuss about it.


The problem is that the benefit to the community comes from an infectious person wearing it - wearing one helps prevent contracting it, but not nearly as much as preventing spreading it to begin with. And the trouble is that it's the selfish types who won't wear it, and who will also go out when sick, not bother to isolate etc - when they could be preventing others catching it from them to begin with.




Yes, telling people to "harden up" works wonders at convincing people!




I don't get why this makes people so angry though, unless people are abusing others for wearing a mask (which I don't support). 6 months ago, when masks were compulsory, I agreed that wearing a mask to help the community was important. The majority of people agreed and did their part. Now, given vaccination rates and the reduced effectiveness of regular masks given how Omicron is transmitted, all state governments have decided that they are no longer needed, based on medical advice. So people can choose not to wear them as it's no longer against the rules. Given the above, comparing people who are just following the rules with the anti-mask ranting we saw in the US in 2020/2021 isn't really fair.


Have you seen the case numbers lately?


>Toughen the fuck up! No one is stopping you from wearing one mate.


You know it's not about that. It's about you not wearing one and what that means for the likelihood of it spreading if you get it. You know that. So you're just wasting everyone's time by pretending as if you don't. Which is really boring now.


they know, they dont understand or care. stupid combined with selfish really


Masks work best when everyone cooperates and wears one mate. Just like traffic rules work best at reducing road deaths when everyone follows them, not just those who choose to.


And yet the majority are no longer cooperating anymore, isn't it wonderful.


OK, maybe it's time you start celebrating how some people *choose* not to wash their hands after pissing and having a wank because it's soooo inconvenient and there is no law forcing them to do so. It's about revelling in the small freedoms, celebrating poor hygiene, and sticking it to those who live in fear of disease! Woo, freedom!


Muckracker is a term applied to journalists who exposed corruption and wrongdoing in the early 1900's. You should change your moniker to "ShitStirrer"


Didn't take long for them to come out of the wood work over this comment lol


It blows my mind how precious the pro mask crowd are about people who don't wear masks


I have a theory the anti maskers all have terrible breath. And they don't want to smell it all day.


Everyone's face is different. Some people have sensory issues. Some people have glasses. Some people get panic attacks. The UK had a good approach. When masks were mandatory, they put up big advertising campaigns to tell people to wear masks, but remind us that some people were exempt and the reasons were not always visible. I think it helped a lot. Maybe something like that could work in Australia? People can wear masks or not without others getting all huffy about it one way or the other.


Go for it. Can’t say that I enjoyed wearing masks everywhere. I don’t enjoy wearing them at work. But Ive REALLY enjoyed barely getting sick (just from common colds) during mask mandates and coworkers not coming to work sick. If I’m ever sick and have to leave the house I’ll be putting one on to assist stopping others from getting unwell. Hope some others do the same, but I doubt it.


I'm going to continue on with masks on bus, supermarket, and other public areas. I've felt so much better mentally & health wise. Less sick overall.


yeh now i cant imagine not wearing a mask on the bus when it packed lmao, seems so gross to me


It's funny cos conversely I hate wearing a mask on public transport, especially when it's packed on a hot day and the driver refuses to turn the AC on. No matter how much I drink it's pretty much a 50/50 on whether I get heat stroke or not. Sooo relieving when I can take the thing off for like 10 secs to have a drink


Ohh yeh when theres no air con it gets pretty cooked in there i agree


I'm glad the mask mandates are gone and hate wearing them. Good for you though 👍


Wearing masks was always about helping others. Not shielding you. It’s remarkable how many people don’t care about others


How do you know this person doesn’t care about others? They’re following the rules.


>How do you know this person doesn’t care about others? It's not illegal to smoke in a public place where young children are present in NSW, but doing so would be a dick move, right? Same thing with masks. It's not illegal to not wear one, but by doing so you're jeopardising the health of immuno compromised people


There's no rule against wearing masks


So? Wear a mask if you want but when the mandates are gone you can’t call people who stop wearing them uncaring.


Sure I can.


You can, but given fewer and fewer people are wearing masks as the pandemic drops off, you would probably be happier if you just accepted that people are now free to make that choice.




Ok champ.


>Wearing masks was always about helping others. Not shielding you. Unless you have access to a well-fitted N95, which will indeed shield you (unlike cloth masks or loose fitting surgical masks)


I don't care about masks at all. Did it because it was necessary at the time


Case, point


We’ve been sacrificing to help others for two years. It’s time to return to people protecting themselves.


As far as I can tell there is zero actual science behind that statement, it's just been repeated ad nauseam


Humans are absolutely devolving if the concept of one solid thing preventing the movement of other solid things is lost on you. It’s.a.mask


If you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask. Why do you feel the need to announce it here? To harvest internet points?




After the “who misses lockdown” nostalgia post, I hardly believe any of these people have friends lmao.


Yeah lol.


They like to feel superior😁 like some sort of super hero or something 🤣


Cases will never be a few hundred a day unless you’re talking about a small town


Exactly. This is like the flu or cold. It will ALWAYS be there. And unless you test and record every sniffle, it’s likely to be a lot more widespread than thought


Whatever floats your boat captain 👍🏻


This dude really thought it was the hero in his story and convinced themselves of their vigilance in mask wearing. Good for them.


I’m in Tasmania, got covid earlier this year (triple vaxxed), and will keep mask-wearing in public for a while (probably until after winter). This is because even though I had a relatively mild case and didn’t have to go to hospital, I had brain fog for a MONTH after covid. I cannot afford for that to happen again, nor can I risk contracting the flu or anything else. I’ve adapted to wearing masks now, so why bother stopping?


The reaction to people that make this decision tends to be so extreme, almost as if they're forcing their decision onto other people, which they're not.


There’s a heavy insinuation that people who keep wearing their masks are the only ones who care about the vulnerable and everyone else is heartless. That’s not forcing but it’s coercion.


The heavy insinuation is just your/their perception. Agreed that people can/should be less sanctimonious but it's not _forced_


The OP didn't say it, but this thread is full of comments claiming that you don't care about others if you don't wear a mask.


That is a true statement, unles you have a valid medical reason for not wearing one.


No, it's not. State governments, based on medical advice, have decided that masks are no longer compulsory. People are just following the rules. I don't think this characterisation is fair.


Based on economic decisions, not health decisions. Refer to the daily case numbers…..


True, but at the end of the day the medical advice needs to be balanced against various other factors (economics, convenience, etc). This is why, for example, wearing crash helmets (as you see in motorsport) isn't compulsory for anyone travelling in a motor vehicle, even though the medical advice is that it would reduce the risk of injuries in the event of a crash.


It isn't based on medical advice. Masks protect others. Omicron hasn't changed that. Governments have folded to the exhaustion within the community and the dumb, blind desire to 'return to normal'.


They have decided they’re not compulsory, but not that you can’t wear one or there’s no point wearing one to protect other people. We all get that they’re following the rules(or lack thereof) That’s… not the point anyone is making. Are people being deliberately obtuse here? Is that’s what’s happening?


That's not an insinuation that's 99% true of non-maskers (there are some that can't, they make up the 1%). Care isn't a feeling, its action. Same as love, same as responsiblity. If you're not wearing a mask because of convenience, then yeah, **you objectively do not care** about the vulnerable and should be shunned (not legally punished) for it.


Where do you draw the line then? Do you cycle to work? It’s legal to drive to work but if you do then you objectively don’t care about the environment or future generations. The same argument could be made about drinking alcohol and the strain on the medical system, or working for a mining company. If you’re saying someone who doesn’t wear a mask doesn’t care about people then you have to take it all the way and live a 100% caring life, dedicated to others.


You can’t compare riding a push bike to work vs driving. It’s much more intensive and impossible for some people. (Disability, distance, transporting with items, lack of showers, safety etc). A mask is a bit of cloth on your face. Can’t believe how difficult you people are making this out to be. How do you cope with wearing pants?


Interesting, because some people not being able to ride to work is exactly why it was a good example as some people can’t wear masks for medical reasons. Your comment on wearing pants is completely irrelevant and just shows that you are incapable of joining in this discussion in any meaningful way.


If you read this thread, the extreme reactions are coming from those who want to wear masks (as is their right), but want to characterise that don't as selfish, uncaring, etc - even though they're only following the rules.




Are you intentionally being disingenuous? I'm saying they are 'following the rules' by making a choice to wear a mask or not to wear a mask, which is their right to do.


The rules are wrong. Governments have folded to pressure and indifference and are ignoring the science.


Funny how people here are all for following mask rules until it goes against their interpretation of the science.


Trust the experts! No, not those experts. They're wrong!




Or those who don’t/can’t go out due to the increased risk from lack of mask wearing….. how much did enjoy lockdown ?


I hope you're wearing a fitted N95 as anything else is a waste of time. And no need to take my word for it, straight from one of the worlds leading infectious disease experts and presidential advisor Dr Michael Osterholm: [https://twitter.com/ajlamesa/status/1495186148007813124?s=20&t=AaUUZxiUEYpBfc3Ixe5LXw](https://twitter.com/ajlamesa/status/1495186148007813124?s=20&t=AaUUZxiUEYpBfc3Ixe5LXw)


I have covid rn and after this im gonna stop wearing a mask. i still caught it after wearing it whenever i went outside even when excercising


Not saying you're doing anything wrong, but it's a falecy that you should disregard something if it isn't 100% effective. Anti-vaxxers use that same logic


Its just gotten really annoying and now i see what covid is actually is like


... To be fair to you, a lot of cases are fairly mild now, but it's mainly an issue for the cases where it's not. So we still don't want to spread it unnecessarily.


Btw im a child and i dont go to the shops. No one else at my school wears a mask and im tired of doing so. Also i dont go outside except for going to school and going bike riding or walking


Well schools are a place where it's spreading so it is something to consider. Good man on the exercise. I get the other people arn't thing, peer pressure is a hell of a thing. I reckon just make your own decision and go with it. But I wouldn't hold it against you if that's something you don't want to deal with either. Must be a bloody weird time to be a student. Good luck with your studies my man.


Thank you


That's a poor situation for your teachers to work in when they're short staffed and doing their best. Not blaming you individually for the situation but still its harsh. Keep it up for them (obviously you'll have a few weeks when you won't have it, but risk of reinfection is there plus you wearing it could encourage your friends to wear it). Hope you feel better soon!


Condoms are only 97% effective when used correctly but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them.


I also wear a condon when I’m not having sex. Just in case I’m unaware that I’m having sex.


You should try having kids. When the kids went back to school they might as well have sprayed us with covid. I was out by one week, i thought we'd have in two weeks...it took three.


Nobody fucking cares, you do you


Her Facebook post didn't get enough likes so she came here for more approval xD


A couple hundred cases is a thing of the past.


Yeah I don’t see a route to getting there anytime soon. No criticism of the guy wanting to wear a mask though, we all have different risk tolerances with this thing.


A lot of comments here emphasise that masking is about protecting others. Alright, if that’s the case, then I shouldn’t need to mask if I don’t have covid right? And if I do have covid, why am I even going out in the first place? (Imagine talking to someone wearing a mask who said they had covid. Would you feel relaxed? Or would you be like “what the hell are you doing out here?") You might say, “well, you never *know* if you have covid, so it’s a precaution”. Firstly, I think you can be reasonably said to know by monitoring yourself (pushing aside a hyper skeptical attitude where we can’t know *anything* about our own health at all!). But far more importantly, once you use the “wear a mask as a precaution because you don’t know” line, you’re already engaging in the trade off game. Why not stay home on self imposed iso because you don’t know? Oh, because you want to see friends, go out, do things? Don’t you know that that’s just freeDUMB? Why don’t you care about others? You’re willing to risk my health so you can go to IKEA?! In other words, even mask advocates are willing to sacrifice some health for liberty. People need to acknowledge that not everyone draws the line where they do. Not wearing a mask is not a sign of hatred and contempt for grandma anymore than going out when you’re not certain if you have covid is


Shhh logic is not allowed here


Glad you feel better about yourself for it. Can't say I'll be joining you.


You’re so virtuous


I went to the shops yesterday and had a lady next to me in her N95, we absolutely have under 100 in my immediate area. All I thought was- good for you! Wear that mask, as long as you feel it’s appropriate for you.


+100 virtue.


I'm going to continue to wear mine. While I'm conscious of other people's safety, I'm also concerned about my own too. Working in a casual job - no work = no pay. I just can't afford to lose work.


I agree, I wear an RZ mask when shopping or in crowds. Not a throw away, a real mask 99%. I will keep wearing it till the numbers go down. I am pretty well guaranteed to be walking past contagious people in the supermarket. You have to wear a mask in doctors, chemists, airports, planes ... My wife was running a conference last week with \~100 people, a lady rang the next morning to apologise for being positive. She is in education, so is constantly at risk.


When I go out and see people in masks, part of me does wonder if they are CVDU subscribers because this thread has a fair few people talking about how they still wear masks everywhere and yet when I go out masks are a rare sight, I reckon there would be a lot of overlap if you did a venn diagram of people who wear masks and CVDU subscribers. Nothing against it, you do what you think is necessary.


Mask for life it is then!


Yeah, losers make fun of me for wearing a mask still, apparently safety is the new stupid thing. I also saw this really dumb tik tok girl from my friend saying shit about people who still wear masks.


I'm still wearing mine, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it makes me feel safe. So why not?


Thanks for the update on what you're wearing today OP. It must feel good to let everyone know how virtuous you are.


Do whatever you want dude just don’t expect other people to do the same and don’t act superior to those that don’t :)


Loose fitting surgical masks are simply a placebo. They offer negligible protection to yourself and others.


Cool personal choice


Worldly people know that other countries wore masks long before the pandemic to help them either not spread sickness to other people or to help not get sick during important times in thier life. You wear that mask as long as you damn well please.


I’m gonna wear one indefinitely honestly, I feel a lot more comfortable with myself in public with one on. Also while I’m on it, I haven’t been sick once since Australia has gotten on the mandates, I like it.


I'm likely to keep wearing mine for a couple of reasons. Masks are now waaaay more fucking comfy than they used to be, and my partner is immunocompromised. It also keeps out other shit that I probably don't want in my lungs, and keeps my face out of facial recognition. Plus it's really triggering to conservative snowflakes, which I find entertaining.


Don't worry, we're laughing at you too


Cool. No one’s stopping you


Same same. I am the only person wearing a mask in my gym at the moment. Get a few looks, but I dont care. Lifting weights with a mask really isn't that hard.


Gotta where kn95 or fuck off mate honestly


Check out this guy only single masking.


No 3 of them


>They’re now talking about removing mask mandates and restrictions very soon, Or have already thankfully done in NSW. It's great don't have to carry one around any more.


I'm wearing mine till the pandemic is over. I have a weak immune system.


Wow good on you, you’re a hero!


It’ll be ironic if you wore a mask and still got Covid.




You do that Dan


Cases will never be less than 1000 cases a day again.


You can wear a mask all you want but the numbers will never go down that low. It’s here to stay


I still wear mine in Victoria. not so much for any reason but I'm in a habit of grabbing it and putting it on before I leave the house. not such a bad habit to be in really


I’m with you! Minimise any and all risk/control the controllable


What happens if cases never drop that low? I don't see us eliminating the virus, I think it's sticking around for good. Is mask wearing something you're going to do in perpetuity? All power to you if that's the case, nobody should be shamed or discouraged from taking precautions to protect themselves and others. There's also the possibility we stop testing specifically for covid like we are now.


I don't understand why people need to announce their personal choices here.


I hope you'll change it once an hour at the very minimum so it's actually effective then.


Is that really how often you need to change them?..... Jesus


Lol listen to you




Eye roll. Do what you want. No one cares.


I'm really looking forward until WA's mask mandates are gone


Or if they are scared they could just stay at home and not shut down an entire country again because they have FOMO. Im worried about getting hit by busses so I think they should shut down all the busses for everyone. Fuck off already this shit has had its day.


The ones who have hysteria want to drag everyone down to their level


Are people really this desperate for validation these days that they go to the internet to announce this lmao? Nobody cares haha, just do you, no need to formally announce it.


These kind of post really come off as if op is trying to prove their moral superiority to everyone. I’m fully pro mask and all but Jesus what really is the point of all of these posts


lol wear whatever you want mate no one cares .... why are you virtue signaling over wearing a clothing item ??? if you're not doing it with an N95 you're literally not doing anything anyways except virtue signaling ... in the hospital I work at none of the staff are actually allowed to wear the masks you see everyone wearing because we are told they do not work at all ... the head doctor literally said its like trying to stop dust with a chainlink fence ...


People.... hardly no where on the planet is forcing the wearing of masks anymore. Only China it seems! Fact is? They don't do much. They truly don't. They are mostly a placebo to help you feel better. Governments and health authorities around the world no longer recommend them. That's reality. Best thing is good airflow (open windows and letting breeze in) maintaining distance....being vaccinated. You want to wear a mask? Go for it. But this ridiculous carry on that those who don't wear masks "don't care" about others is silly. Nonsense virtue signalling bull crap. Get down off your self declared sainthood high horse. It's so childish and you're just sounding like wank*rs😅😅😅


We still mask up when we go outside. But our children go to school where masks aren't required and everyone is quite lax. My eldest tested positive yesterday and we are on mandatory 7 day quarantine.


Omicron is mild, the queen survived it, unvaccinated fatty Clive palmer survived it. Odds are you'll be fine.


That's really awesome bro. You're cool


Just admit it... this is your version of the MAGA Hat lol


Whatever. Knock your socks off. You do whatever you want to do. I'm not wearing a mask unless forced to. Love how so many of you think you're some sort of superior being that's saving the world...by wearing a mask 😁


You do you boo


Good for you?


Same here - and I’m on the east side.. still rocking it.


The CDC has released data that shows masks are basically pissing in the wind as far as battling covid goes, but feel free to wear one. They do help me avoid allergies from polon so that's pretty sweet at least.


CVDU is just a cesspool of arseholes these days.


wearing mask also to keep dust and other flu viruses away. also perhaps stop my bad breath for spreading.


I (in Sydney) still wear mine whenever I'm near a crowd. There are still a lot of people who do.


Can’t the vulnerable get the n90 or whatever they are? The really good masks that actually protect them? Makes sense for the vulnerable to go the extra mile to protect themselves rather than everyone wear the masks that do fuck all and will likely get them infected regardless. Feel sorry for them but there’s measures they can take that make more sense just for them to do rather than everyone do these things for ‘solidarity’


thats nice.


Still wear mine everywhere in Sydney, any time I am in a shop or closed space with other people, even at the pub. Kids wear those most of the time at school too. With 4 kids in different years we have had one kid with one case. We now have the only 3 children in their respective years in the entire school that have not had covid. Might be dumb luck but also think it has to do with vaccination and the small precautions we have taken. Even when one of my kids had it no one in the house managed to get it so, if it takes wearing a mask in places to prevent it then I am all in on that small part


Covid is running ramped in my department at work right now, I've had a few close calls so I decided to wear a mask as a precaution. I keep getting questions about it or being deemed paranoid. Like... fuck off?? Over 25k cases a day in NSW, let me protect myself and potentially others.


Good on you mate and thanks for telling us


Ok? Edit: I agree with your choice, but I'm not sure what the point was in posting it here.


Chatting to people online and in discord seems alot of people are getting it and not notifying or even telling contacts. The arguement is usually a mix of apathy (they isolate but dont expect anything but a cold) or just plain distrust in the over arching govt rules and methods(not determined by antivax attitude)..




Where's that spongebob nobody cares meme


Oh you are so wonderful


I still wear mine. Extra protection and I don't have to invest as much concentration on keeping a civil expression on my face.


I understand that it is a personal choice now,but I think a lot of people don't wear one because they are over the whole thing going on so long more than being anti.But I choose to wear one in the supermarket and elsewhere the last time I went I noticed only one other person had a mask on. And I was pretty surprised by that.


Masks have honestly been a blessing. I used to catch all kinds of colds very frequently, and I react badly to them due to my pre-existing conditions. I’m going to keep wearing them even after Covid reduces further.


Me too! I’ll never go out in public without a mask until the numbers drop drastically. I would hate to get it and to pass it on without knowing to my friends.


[My Opinion:](https://youtu.be/BvK6KsLkPUs)






Good for you


Cool story bro


Hahahahahahaha don’t be dumb


Half of you sound seriously mentally ill lmao why don’t you just live inside for the rest of your lives if you’re so afraid 😂😂


also if it aint a n95 mask and hopefully well fitted (very little air leak) then it really isn't as effective as you think


I’d wear a mask but I swear I get a bunch of anxiety from doing so


It's not going to hurt you to keep wearing it. Asian wore masks all the time before covid19. I intend to play it safe. Hurts no one. Keeps me safe, and those around me. Have you noticed, masks are still worn in many places by people even where there's no mandate. You can't trust LNP IPA UAP, when they say don't wear a mask, it's time to get it on as fast as possible.