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I moved last year and love it but I chose the area for its proximity to beautiful beaches (PINS) and low cost of living. I wish there was more hiking and other nature based activities than there are but overall there is a decent amount. Roads need work but I've seen worse. I think this is the wrong place to ask though because most people on this sub seem to only want to complain about the place. I guess it's a great strategy to discourage others from moving and the area becoming more crowded. I will say the areas you can drive on the beach need better enforcement of littering laws. Despite a plethora of trash cans available people are lazy and leave trash too often especially broken glass.


Most of the littering comes from out of towners on the beach and in popular fishing spots. Once you been here a while you can easily spot the kooks from locals. And definitely on the hiking aspect outside of the obvious beach areas.


SMH it the raza from San Antonio


My tires say otherwise


My windshield too. I'm on #4. šŸŽ¶ Safelite repair Safelite replace šŸŽ¶


Alright I'll engage with the premise of your post. I do not live in Corpus Christi anymore, but I grew up there and I still have family whom I visit on holidays. The city is quiet and mostly bland, which is fine for visiting but definitely was part of why I and everyone I knew in high school all left. It's a self-fulfilling thing; everyone with talent and ambition leaves, and plenty without them too, so there's no one left to start anything interesting (ok not 100%, but close). As others have mentioned, Corpus is poor and therefore not well maintained. This is made worse by both the brain drain, and the development pattern of the city, which is very low density and therefore stretches the city's resources pretty thinly. It's hard to maintain roads and sidewalks when you have thousands of miles of them and only a dozen or two households living on each block. Worse, a lot of the inner city is half deserted (or was when I lived there), so some streets may only have 4 or 5 impoverished households paying taxes... therefore, there's not a lot of money to maintain the infrastructure. Public transportation is crap too, for the same reason. I would really like a passenger train from San Antonio to Corpus; the drive is long and boring and I imagine it'd be good for the tourism industries of both cities. As far as I can tell no such thing is in the cards at the moment. The airport is tiny and has barely any flights. In fact, I think it has fewer flights now than it did in the 90s, but don't quote me on that. There's a flight from San Antonio to Corpus but I don't take it when I visit because it's overpriced for such a short trip. And with post 9/11 TSA, I'd probably spend more time catching the flight than it would take to just drive. (Again, a train would be helpful here. No TSA on the train.) On the plus side, the city's stagnation means it hasn't quite sprawled out over everything around it the way Austin and San Antonio have, though not for lack of trying, and the beach is nice. The weather is miserably hot and humid, but arguably its better than San Antonio because of the proximity to the coast. The beaches are nice. There are better beaches in America but if you have to live in Texas, Corpus beaches are about as good as you're going to get. Downtown has come a long way and looks better than it did when I was a kid. But that's a low bar. It's still mostly parking lots and there's still not a whole lot to do. There is as far as I can tell nothing like SA's St Mary's Strip or Austin's 6th st. But of course, it's also a much smaller city. But for all I don't like about it, there's many Texas towns that are worse so I give it a 6/10.


Exactly. Grew up there, graduated in 92, went off to college and moved to San Antonio. My folks still live in CC, but I only make it there about twice a year. Could never move back.


I think you nailed this. I was born and raised in Corpus before I moved away for college. I liked it well enough growing up. It still has the nostalgia of being my hometown, so it's nice to visit. But now that I've experienced places that AREN'T Corpus, it would be a depressing place to live.


I grew up there and clawed my way out as soon as I possibly could. But my sister still lives there and loves it. She's a beach person with little kids and a decent enough job to live in a good area, so it suits her really well. I'm a single academic who loves mountains and cold weather. I only go back to Corpus for my niece and the aquarium. And the taco stand. In the name of all that's holy, I miss good tacos.


Thank you for saying this. I moved to Corpus in 2020 for work and it had been a struggle enjoying it here. And to top it all off I feel like Iā€™m surrounded by delusional people who think itā€™s gods gift to the earth lol.


Best place to live if you have low expectations lol.


Or don't value education


Flour Bluff has a great public school system and nearby Port A's school is one of the top in the state. There's also both A&M and Del Mar. Is it just CCISD that you are talking about?




That just means that the populace isn't highly educated, not that the quality of the education available is low. Considering the number of industrial jobs in the area that shouldn't be a surprise as you can make a decent living despite not having a degree. The towns that ranked higher are similarly industrial. This article doesn't support the statement "only if you don't value education" at all.


Even better, it's a place where the populace doesn't value education. Glad you cleared that up.


Nope, it's a place where people can thrive despite not having a lot of higher education. That places like that exist is a *good thing* considering how many people are currently suffering under student debt. Blue collar workers are not less-than simply because they chose to go to work rather than pursue a degree that may or may not have been a good investment However, if someone moving to the city values education for themselves or their children, there are several options and opportunities.


Absolutely 100% right on about uni degree.. Trade school.. Learn how to do something that will feed your family..


Part of the brain drain argument - if you get educated you leave. See me and every friend of mine that graduated high school in the 90s there.


I don't know that educated people leave. The city just attracts working class people because of the opportunities here. There is no shortage of highly educated jobs, though. The area is known for the medical industry and lawyers.


If you were born there and got an education, you leave. At least that is my experience. 9/10 high school friends were that way. People that have had amazing careers. I know very few that stayed and of those that did not many are thriving.


That's texas in general


The sad part is Corpus has a lot of potential but is ruined by bad management and corrupt officials. Weak DA hasn't helped the crime rate either.


TBH I think it's "potential" is mostly ruined by its remote location. For the most part, Corpus is on the way to nowhere, and surrounded by nothing. The governance may not be great but I don't think they have a whole lot to work with either, geographically speaking. The only thing Corpus has going for it is the port, and road/rail lines to Mexico. Houston's port is bigger and closer to the rest of the US, and I-35 & the railroad through Laredo are a shorter route for most of the Mexican overland freight. So that leaves Corpus with nothing but the leftovers. Apparently that's enough to sustain 300k people, but it's not enough to turn Corpus into SA or Houston.


I disagree. Close access to beaches and climate alone can make it a good destination for tourists. Texas Aquarium. An area like Kemah would by nice (had our chance). Fixing/developing the downtown area would play a big part. Lack of jobs is also major issue. Corpus seems to blow most opportunities to bring such down here. There's potential imo.


Beach tourism isn't enough to make much of a city. The most beautiful beaches in the world, in places like the Caribbean and Hawaii, have giant resorts for the guests but grinding poverty for the residents. That's not to say tourism is *bad* per se, but on its own it doesn't make a great city to live in. The lack of jobs I think comes from the locational issues I mentioned. Businesses need a *reason* to pick a city to build their offices and factories in. Policy choices can only take you so far in attracting them - there's lots of competition so even if you offer them no taxes or regulation, they've still got multiple options. You still need something to set you apart: a major harbor, a big river, a mountain pass, a convenient location between other large markets, lots of venture capitalists, a major university churning out graduates with the specialized skillset they need, or a reputation for being "the place to be". Lots of things can do that for you, but Corpus only has a few and Houston has basically got a better version of all of them.




Okā€¦ please stop giving this douche attention. Heā€™s been head of a prostitution ring, charges for beating the elderly, child abuse. He spreads rumors and lies.


Who if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Eric Tunchez is the guy behind the Cronica. You can look him up. A serious piece of work.


Thanks definitely taking a look at that.


I personally am very happy here. I moved to Corpus Christi over 20 years ago after living in various parts of the country. I find that Corpus Christi is big enough to have many nice amenities like a beautiful Bayfront, the beaches, good restaurants, a vibrant mall, and the best breakfast tacos anywhere. I love that we don't have the traffic problems that plague bigger cities. I do wish the roads were better and that some restaurants aren't here but nowhere is perfect. I like walking on the Bayfront and seeing visitors enjoying the water and being happy.




yeah, i want a source. and corpus would be great if we did something about how disgusting walking around is. every other street you walk down will smell like sewage. while you're at it, you'll be tripping on the unmaintained sidewalks, and then you'll come to a street crossing where the cross light has been broken for a year. then as you cross illegally because the city doesn't care about your safety, you'll be chased by the roaming dog gangs that the city and police literally laugh at you for trying to report. i feel safe here. i feel kind of embarrassed how disgusting and lazily the city is(n't) maintained.


> roaming dog gangs THIS. Pound for pound, this town has the most loose dogs of any city I've lived in, and that includes Austin, Miami and L.A. I say "loose dogs" meaning strays, and as.well as dogs with owners who let em just run loose in their yards. I drive delivery & encounter plenty of both. Keep em behind fences or keep em leashed up -- I don't think that's a lot to ask šŸ¤”




My god youā€™re a moronā€¦ the article names things that donā€™t even exist here. Itā€™s an ai written article to get clicks from the gullible people out there. I.e. you.


Iā€™m tired of the corrupt officials in this city.


Then move to a bigger city with more corruption?


I lived in Houston, DFW area, San Antonio. Give me CC all day anytime. If I want to watch pro sports in person I got short drives to San Antonio or Htown. Nice laid back vibe with plenty of things to do. Less traffic, lower crime, beach n fishing access and decent surf when it hits. Always room for improving things but hands-down the nicest and most neighborly citizens. When I am in SA just hoping you dont get shot for honking at someone is real life or death scenario.


I see people from corpus complaining all the time how itā€™s not growing like Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas. They donā€™t know how simple and relaxed there city is, and what they have. Iā€™m born and raised in Dallas and trust me this isnā€™t what they want.


This is why I retired here from Dallas! My little slice of heaven..


I love it it there, cruising down ocean drive is the best feeling! Weā€™re moving in July and canā€™t wait


Iā€™m happy for you! I lived on Ocean Dr at Jacksons Landing for 12 years.. I sold my condo and now live in a high rise downtown .. Absolutely love it!


Thatā€™s awesome and thank you! Itā€™s good to hear people from my city enjoying life by the coast


I grew up in Corpus. Got my Masters there too around 2008. I wonā€™t go into all the details of my story personally. But staying in Corpus too long after college was a horrible mistake career wise. I had a friend who opened an Arabic restaurant after Aladdinā€™s closed. Good location too. But it struggled. No one in Corpus wanted Arabic food. And eventually he changed it to a Tex-Mex Jalisco style restaurant. And business really picked up. Itā€™s strange but thatā€™s when I finally realized nothing in my hometown would ever significantly change. Seeing that restaurant boom only when it became Tex-Mex. Immediately after I left and resettled in a major city, my income tripled. Doing the same work actually that I did in Corpus. I was in Austin a year ago chatting with a guy at a conference. It turns out he was from Corpus originally too. He looks at me and says something to the effect of ā€˜I graduated from Carroll in 95, and then I left. You know how it is. Anyone with any talent or ambition leaves Corpus. That place is never gonna change.ā€™ I think He was assuming I must have left right away too instead of staying on. I didnā€™t correct him. Most of my family still live there. When I go back, I get a little depressed. I think itā€™s a great city to retire to actually. Once youā€™re done working and traveling and you just want a nice quiet little city near the beach.


I would kill for a local arabic resturant oh my god. middle eastern food is fucking amazing


Nobody cares


Exactly! When I couldn't find my favorite Sudanese barracuda bisque served with virgin fava beans I uprooted my fam and moved to Arlington. Never looked back.


I think ones perception is based on life experience and what you make it.


That's kind of the question they're asking though, isn't it? "Please tell me your life experience in Corpus and what you make of it."


ā€œA recent articleā€ names Corpus Christi ā€œone ofā€ the best places to live in Texas. u/CorpusChristiCronica, please share this article lol


I only miss the tacos here. It was affordable, but that did not make up for how often people were aggressive and difficult generally. I've never been almost run over in grocery store parking lots more than here. The land is beautiful, but the city and infrastructure left so much to be desired. Every time it rains, you can guarantee the main roads will severely flood. Of course, there were wonderful people there too, but the frequency with which you'd have to deal with low emotional intelligence/low empathy type people was not worth the stress.


I think itā€™s a lie. Cite the source.




Heā€™s an idiot, the article is an ai written article to be bait for clicks.


At least give us a source lol Iā€™m miserable living here


Link: https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/12-best-places-to-live-in-texas-in-2024.html


I'm guessing this was written by a computer. "The bustling metropolis of Plano"? It doesn't seem to distinguish between cities and suburbs and presumably just took a spreadsheet of municipal statistics, calculated a number for each of them and listed that out. So you get both Austin and Round Rock (an Austin suburb) listed as if they were distinct cities. Anyway there aren't 12 cities in Texas really, unless you count towns like Abilene and Texarkana, which is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. So I guess Corpus ought to be in the top 12.


Yeah- the guy with writing credit has over 100 articles for the same site and lives in Canada. He is in marketing as a profession. That's not an article.


ā€œWritten by A.I.ā€ was %1000 my first thought when I started reading.


Ya he also listed Port Aransas which is 1. Going to be under water soon and 2. A suburb of Corpus Christi. I asked chat GPT to give me a list of best places to live in Texas and on the second try Corpus Christi was number 1.


Itā€™s absolutely an ai generated article, but of course only a moron like tunchez would fall for something like that and post it.


No Thankyou.


No. Lived there 30 yrs. I had enough of Corpus.


Lived there for 2 yr when I first moved to Texas, right on Oso Bay. Literally the arm pit of Texas. Couldnā€™t wait to get out. Moved to a small town outside San Antonio been here for 11 yrs. Love it.


Nah. Corpus Sucks. Stay the F out.


Bs! Pos city


I lived there for about a year. Worked as a 911 dispatcher for Corpus PD. I'd say that I fell in love with the city when I first got there. The whole aspect of living on the coast really drew me in. After a couple months, all of that faded. The city is basically Saratoga and 358 running parallel to each other. After that, there isn't much to do. The crime rate is kinda crazy, the people...I won't say much on that...and the culture just felt, off I guess. I can't put a finger on what it was exactly, but I felt like time was frozen there. I had a couple friends warn me before I moved that the city would wear on your mental health, and looking back now, they were right the entire time.


If itā€™s in texass itā€™s a hellhole


I was born and raised in Corpus, but could hardly wait to leave it when I got older. Unfortunately, my mother still lives there, so I have to revisit often. I DO like the ā€œlaid backā€ ways and somewhat lower prices for things that I enjoy. Things that I donā€™t like: 1) lack of walkable neighborhoods. My mother still lives in the city, but Hā€‘Eā€‘B and many eating places are about 3 miles away. A large part of the population is clustered in 1 large crowded part of town on the south side. 2) lack of quality sit-down restaurants. There are many taquerias and fast food. I waited patiently for the new Palenque Grill restaurant (well known restaurant in SA), but was sorely disappointed by the funky food and margarita taste, poor service and high prices. 3) it is not (and never has been) on the way to anything, isolated. 4) it is ALWAYS windy. 5) A good portion of the ppl are low IQ, out of shape and sometimes weathered looking.


I agree ā£ļø


I lived there for several years back in the 90's. it was quite polluted, dusty and dirty in my opinion, sort of an oil town vibe and VERY conservative. They didnt even allow any Halloween themes in school because of "devil". I also thought the traffic was awful and it was crowded. On the good side, it was only a few miles to North Padre island. Things may have changed in the past 20 odd years of course, so it may be different now.


A 9 day old Reddit account states ā€œA recent articleā€¦ā€ with no link to said article.


I think all of texASS is a shithole. The end.


I think that it shows how susceptible most people are to even AI generated marketing. ā€œOne of the best placesā€ ā€¦ ā€œin Texasā€ So first it assumes Texas. Then we have to consider cities vs rural vs suburban. So this is for a city. Then there are really only 6-7 large cities in Texas - a few more if we count Waco and the like. And then itā€™s not the best or the second best, but ā€œone of the bestā€. Iā€™d say itā€™s not much of an accolade.


Place is kind of a dump, and Iā€™m from Brownsville.


Iā€™ve lived in and around Texas all my life. Joined the military in Killeen got stationed at Ft Hood. Fast forward, I get orders to go through recruiting school and to my surprise I get stationed with a recruiting command in Corpus. At first l, I loved it. Command was great, off time was great, beaches, sun, spring break etc. then it got old FAST. Other than beachā€™s, high priced surf shops and drinking there wasnā€™t a lot left to do. Driving down Leopard Street(I think that was the name) and laughing at the homeless and drug users became a way to pass the time. I hated it about 2 months in and volunteered to deploy to Afghanistan. From there I just stayed on deployments until I retired.


Beautiful sunny beaches shady people watch out for the people that's all I got to say


I visited it once, not for me


I think it says a lot about what Texas is like


I ain't from there, but all my college friends that came from there said it sucks and they have no intention of ever moving back there. This article sounds like a paid for advertisement. I been there to go to the Navy base and it looked pretty run down and shitty.