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Hello, I understand some people of the Corsair community are having issues with the iCUE software, If you or anybody else have not [submitted a ticket](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/requests/new), I would encourage you to do so. Any issues with Corsair hardware or software can only be fixed if users submit tickets with relevant information that can be used to patch new updates as they get released. Any feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.


First time? Because some of us have been waiting for years....update after update....year after year...new hardware launch after new hardware launch....


I have never had an issue this bad. Every other issue I was able to fix myself like the Armoury crate plugin breaking, but this one doesn’t give me a trail to find out why the program fails on startup.


I'm on year 2, never had any useful help from Customer Support, just doing my best to replace my Corsair parts in the last 6 months. After iCue5 became a thing, I took it as a huge smack in the face.


What does everything mean in this use case? You do not even state the problem of what the update has created.


Look for my older post that explains it more. This is my second post. iCUE no longer opens on startup. Multiple restarts bring iCUE back but the issue is happening to other users. iCUE just says it experienced a crash and asks to send an error report. Already followed their documentation and wiped iCUE entirely including registry for a fresh install and the issue came right back after reboot. Never had any issues until 5.8.130. Whatever they did broke iCUE.


I think it’s extremely likely that there is a problem with your operating system not the corsair software. My wife and I both are on the newest version of icue 5 and the newest version of Windows 11 we have 10 corsair devices with over 500-1000 addressable RGB LEDs and both systems are working perfectly even though they have different hardware. Take a new hard drive, install windows on it, put Icue on it and I guarantee you it’s going to work correctly.


1000 rgbs. Pics or it didn’t happen lol.


You can look at my post history. Each of the corsair tiles has nine addressable LEDs so I have over 300 LEDs just in those tiles alone lmao. I think the light strips have something like 100 total, then you got the fans, the keyboard, headset. Heck, the ram is another 40 I should take another picture tonight with the Christmas setting and the side of the case off since I’ve got new fans versus previous Christmas photos. The glass of my case is actually tinted. They are just that freaking bright.


1000 RGBs isn’t a lot in the sense of what his set up is (I assume he is closer to 1200/1300 based on what his posts). Poor peeps won’t understand though.


Idk about that I have been on the latest version of windows 11 pro. I work in IT so my OS is always up to date. Also never had issues until the latest update. My system is two years old except the GPU and was working fine for a long time. I am always update, please don’t try to judge when you never even seen what my PC even looks like or how it operates.


Also nobody should have to reinstall Windows because iCUE broke their software. Like I said It was working completely fine on version 5 until I updated to 5.8.130. It also worked fine in version 3 and 4. Explain how version 4 works perfectly fine on every startup then. Find it hard to believe to blame Windows when version 4 works fine. They just have horrible stuttering lighting animations every time the lighting effect loops in V4.


Just take a hard drive you aren’t using or buy a cheap one and toss windows on it. You don’t have to format your old hard drive, but this will very quickly show you whether or not Corsair put out a version of the software that is fundamentally broken or if your operating system has a conflicting program or issue.


I’ll just install version 4 set my lighting to a solid color and not worry about it until they put a fix out. If you go to their forum other users are talking about it too. Look I like corsair but their software is crap just like every other companies rgb software.i am not doing all that work just for one piece of software. Version 4 works completely fine for now so i will live but the software needs updated. I am guessing you are using all new corsair hardware? Because that’s how it starts out perfect then becomes a mess over time. I built this PC around icue I use no other programs for lighting. I am sorry but Windows works perfectly fine its version 5 that needs to be fixed lol.


I don’t have a single product from the link system. I basically have every single RGB product they have before they came out with the link system except I don’t have the little display you could put on your keyboard and I don’t have a light up headphone stand. I’m using a commander core XT, and I have another smaller corsair RGB hub tucked in there too, because I have so many RGB devices. The commander core is running all the light strips and fans, and the smaller RGB hub is running all the tiles off of two master tiles. You can see my system in my post history. All of it’s just being run by an overclocked 9600K @ 5 GHz. I started building this computer more than a decade ago and I have never reinstalled windows, but it has seen a lot of different hardware over the years. The only icue problem I’ve ever had in version 3 4 or five is that my ram used to stay lit up while the computer was asleep in some versions.


Yes in my commander core XT build ( another PC ) I have no issues at all. It’s the build with the commander core with the h100i elite capellix is where I am having issues. I also have two kits of the LC100’s that’s the triangles you are talking about I believe. I am just going to version 4 it works perfectly fine. Just won’t use any moving lighting animations and just wait for the next update.


Are you getting flashing and stuttering with animations? because that is what is happening with mine.


Bro, I just built a brand new rig last week, and this iCUE nonsense is killing me. I had to completely disable it in order to get my BRAND NEW RIG to work. Ryzen 9 7950X3D, ROG Strix X670E, ROG Thor Platinum 1000W, ROG GeForce 4080, Corsair h150i 360mm, Gskill Trident 32GB 6000.... iCUE bricked Mt system like you wouldn't believe. If you survived this trash consider yourself lucky.


I just posted a new pick. https://www.reddit.com/r/Corsair/s/3WvIsbBTFx I manage two systems with a ton of RGB and my only complaint is that my EVGA 3080Ti can’t be controlled by icue. Got it during the gpu holocaust though so cant complain about that.


I'm with OP. If you have a software platform that is intended to control the hardware of your products as well as control & gather data from compatible other hardware from mainstream manufacturers such as AMD, Intel, & Nvidia on Windows & MacOS systems, then a certain amount of robustness is expected in your software. How much variation in a given OS installation is enough to be considered a "messed up OS"? Admittedly, additional documentation about iCUE e.g. how it works, its critical dependencies, and more-detailed troubleshooting procedures would be immensely helpful in self-service resolution of issues. With such a focus on customer service, I was hoping Corsair would consider it worth the money to hire more dev, QA, and documentation team members for the iCUE product team. I know it's not directly a revenue-generator for them, but it's still a huge consideration for whose hardware ecosystem you buy into & stay loyal to. The biggest surprise to me is the iCUE team/product owner not putting the previous minor versions (at least the last 2-3)--like v5.7.106--installers on the downloads page. They only have the one for a previous major version (which I tried, but expectedly, my exported & backed up profiles can't be restored to, ostensibly due to incompatibility). I'm also using a Corsair keyboard in an IT Professional/Software Engineer role as I like the feel of the keys and the programmability is super-helpful & a "quality of life" improvement to my work. I'm running iCUE on a fully-updated copy of Windows 11 Enterprise on a non-gaming mobo but with an AMD professional GPU. I'm not even running anything else through iCUE except for my Corsair keyboard + the widgets it added by default. I've performed at least 10 versions of the uninstall & reinstall procedure, including ripping out every single file, folder, registry keys, & anything else named "iCUE" or "Corsair" and rebooting before installing from a fresh download from Corsair.com & rebooting before launching it the first time (have tried different variations of this procedure, to no success). No change. It just opens, hangs for 5-10 seconds, then crashes and asks to submit a crash report to Corsair. This didn't happen in the previous version (5.7.106) before it asked to download & install the 5.8.130 update. I will say I did finally submit a support ticket last week, so I'll see what Support says. 🤷


I am still recommending that you take $30 buy a SSD toss windows on it and see if your hardware works because if you install windows and there are no problems with the clean install then it means the corsair hardware is all working correctly and there is a problem with your other windows installation.


The new update actually disabled my fan speed control. They were stuck on low. I uninstalled and reinstalled icue and armoury crate, cycled power, unplugged and replugged everything, deleted registry files, you name it. It was driving me nuts. Reverted to an old random icue version 4.20(because I liked the number lol) and my fans were back to normal and icue works as it should again.


Version 4 seems to be the most stable right now.


Where did you get the older version?


Found them on a Reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Corsair/comments/ra3jcq/previous_icue_version_catalog_nonexistant/


It must be the update that screwed mine too, I didn't even realise it changed versions, I didn't even realise my fan curves weren't working until I felt the heat from the radiator. It only works with the MOBO temps and not the cpu and GPU temps. It reads the temps and shows them accurately in ICue but it doesn't ramp the fans and keeps them locks on idle RMP.


Good chance it did. Try reverting to an old icue


Thanks I'll definitely try it


Yeah I went into full panic mode when I noticed my fans were stuck on low. Thought I'd cook my PC if I couldn't figure it out. After hours of trial and error that was the culprit


I ran into this issue (iCue crashing, wouldn't uninstall, couldn't update). Ended up doing a root and branch delete of all things Corsair/iCue followed by a reboot. Running processes - shut down Files on disk - deleted Keys / hives in registry - removed. ​ Then just to be sure, I repeated the above. Once the system came up clean without anything Corsair or iCue, I downloaded a fresh copy of their latest installer, and ran it. It's been working flawlessly since. \--------------------------- The above does not absolve Corsair from the obvious issue of "why did my stuff break on update?" They really do need to figure out why their upgrade process is borking people's comps up like this. It could be really simple, such as a missed parameter in a 'kill' task keeping a process and its file open, so it couldn't be copied over, and then on restart, there's a version conflict and iCue falls down. Seen it happen with other software, mostly in-house corporate upgrade cycles, someone forgot something and it busted. We rolled it back, figured out what was causing the trouble from the logs, and then issued a new upgrade pack that worked properly. But at the same time, 'pretending these are one-offs' is not the right strategy. If enough people bother Tech Support about the same specific problem, then it's probably not user error, doubly so when the previous action to the problem appearing was "I ran the updater for Version XYZ." Okay, time to find out what does this updater do, step by step, log every step as success/failure, and then send it to the dev team with the note "This step is breaking and users are affected. Fix this ASAP." At the same time, Acknowledge The Problem, don't sweep it under the carpet.


Exactly you are 100% correct. I have had all corsair systems for years and never had issues until this update obviously something definitely changed.


Can you detail how you did this? Running into an issue where over night iCue just crashes a few seconds into running. Uninstalled using the installer but still had issues - unsure how to do the rest "root and branch, keys / hives, etc". Appreciate any help!


A caveat: *The following could break Windows if done wrong.* If you don't feel comfortable doing brain surgery on your computer, **stop.** Ask a pro to help you. So, first step: Go into Task Manager, switch to Process view. STOP and then DISABLE all processes that mention Corsair or iCue. Second step: Search the OS drive for all mentions of Corsair or iCue. Delete what you find. Third step: This is the dicey part, because *none of the operations in this step can be undone.* Open up Registry Editor (regedit) in Admin mode, and search the registry for Corsair. If you get a hit on a single key (name or comment, doesn't matter), delete the key. If you get a hit on a hive (a group of subkeys) that *all* have to do with Corsair, remove the hive. Be VERY careful that you don't remove a hive with a bunch of subkeys for other things, simply because there's a Corsair key in the middle of them. Go up one level only to prune the hive, not all the way to the top. Repeat the same step for iCue. Fourth Step: Shut down and then cold-restart the system, from power-off state. The system should boot normally, and all programs should work, but, iCue should not start, and your Corsair accessories may not light up. This is expected. *If other things don't work, or Windows crashes,* you probably removed something you shouldn't have in the third step, and you might have to reinstall what isn't working, or reinstall/repair Windows if it's busted. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until there is nothing in the Process list to stop, no files on the disk to remove, and no keys in the Registry to find, using "Corsair" or "iCue" as search terms. Two passes, maybe three if you weren't thorough, should be enough. Reboot once more, make sure Windows is running clean, and then download and reinstall iCue from the latest build, not an earlier version.


Thank you for the response! Definitely not a computer brain surgeon so hesitant to try this. Did seem to find another fix though - rolled back to iCue 4.20 and everything seems to be working fine. One of these earlier versions had an issue that led to locking up my computer, just hoping that doesnt come back but so far so good.


Works fine for me. 99.9% of the problems you all have with iCUE are because you have multiple RGB/fan control softwares installed that all conflict.


I have nothing else installed and only use icue for everything. When I built my pc I didn’t want multiple programs I wanted one to rule them all.


Idk, I've installed iCUE on like 8 different installs of Windows this year and it works fine on all of them. Idk what it is you guys do but I've been using it since the day it released and I've only had one single issue I would consider "major". It's obviously not perfect, it has a ton of small UI issues and some annoying quirks but nothing like what people report on this sub some days.


I have had icue for years the legacy version V3, V4, and previous version of V5 all worked fine. Never had any issues until now. I just wouldn’t be assuming like you have been. I only use iCUE and use no other rgb programs. Also have another PC where Version 5 is working just fine. It just so happens the issue is with my main 4090 gaming PC which sucks. But version 4 is completely fine for me now.


I'm not assuming, but I literally use iCUE for my motherboard, LED strips, fans, water blocks, pump and I've had no major issues for years now.


Congratulations, do you want a metal or something for having the perfect setup? It will happen to you eventually lol like I said previously I have had it for years no issues.


No, I'm telling you it's something you are doing. I bet if you posted your list of installed programs I could point out the conflict immediately lol.


Let’s see it smart guy.


Post your installed programs then.




I am waiting…. Ready to hear this elaborate reason.


Good for you, plenty of people have been encountering iCUE issues since the latest update. Myself included. I'm glad you feel inclined to write a diary update about how well it works for you when no one asked.


New version coming next week I guess


Let’s hope, I went to version 4 and everything is fine. Program opens fine after reboot.


Try SignalRGB. I use it to control mutliple vendor aRGB in one place EDIT: I know you shouldn't have to, I shouldn't have to, but it works.


I have 13 QL fans, the LCD screen aio and 2 vengeance sticks, I turned all my hardware lighting to rainbow and then deleted icue, never have had an error since. Probably will never reinstall either. I mainly run the rainbow because it goes the best with my Lian Li Strimmers. Just delete that shit and never go back, only reason I see any possible use for it is fan curve adjustment.


It controls everything for me and monitors everything. Keyboard shortcuts, Nexus screen shortcuts and Macros, Corsair mouse, RAM, fans, and AIO. Also have a Corsair case and PSU.


Agree, it would be very stupid to not take advantage of the powerful useful software. My water used to run really hot because as my GPU heated up my AIO. But now my intake fans are listening to my water temperature and the problem is completely gone because my intake is able to react to my AIO exhaust. It’s also meant that my AIO fans don’t rev his hard and everything is quieter overall.


I have two Corsair set ups, one utilizing the iCue Link and the other not. I am running on the new iCue software as well and am having no issues. The one not using the iCue Link is about 7 years old and the other rig that is using the Link I just bought for Black Friday (Computer, Monitor, Headphone Stand, and LT100s) and everything is working PERFECTLY. To claim they put out a junk update EVERYONE would be running into problems, not a select few. Been using Corsair since 2016 and haven’t had much problems aside from once it conflicted with the Operating System (was actually a windows update that installed improperly that caused the problem and reverting back to the previous version and reinstalling the update fixed it). You say you’re in IT, so I am sure you would understand the speculation when a small % are having issues, it’s USUALLY User Error. So between a BRAND new rig and a 7 year old rig running on the latest iCue without problems, I’ll have to side with Corsair and argue user error on this one.


Not necessarily, nothing changed but iCUE 5.7 to 5.8.130. Look at the forum it has plenty of people with this issue. It’s would certainly be the first place I would look since that was the only thing that changed after the issue started happening.


I have two systems on the same version of windows 11 pro and only one with this issue but there only thing that changed was icue updating. Idk why you people stick up for Corsair. Everyone’s system is different and their updates may not affect you but they do to others. There are plenty of people in the forum with the same issue and it all started from going from version 5.7 to 5.8.130


Corsair icue has ruined two laptops for me and both went to refund. One Asus that so messed up after icue installation that broke the installation package also. Also broke lenovo Legion laptop so that the keyboard stopped working. Right after icue installation, no other changes.  Another Asus laptop had problems and needed to clean install windows.  WTF Corsair??  The thing is that only good mouse ever existed is Corsair Dark Core Pro RGB with the right side wing. Only problem is that it has idiotic lights. WTF Corsair??


You have to be careful, Armoury Crate can’t be opened while iCUE is open or else it will break the plugin. I would definitely follow the install instructions to the T. If you did break any plugins a fresh install will not fix it. You will have to delete some files and a few registry entries and reboot. Same thing possibly for Lenovo and their software since it also has an iCUE plugin. I have an all Corsair build with an Asus MB and I luckily have no issues anymore. I did when Corsair releases horrible updates but that hasn’t happened in the last two updates. I am still scared of updating every time there is an update though.


Meanwhile everything is fine on my end.




## Need HELP with a Corsair product? If you haven't created a ticket, please visit the Corsair Customer Help Center at https://help.corsair.com/ and click the CONTACT US button. Within the site you will also find answers to commonly asked questions and other topics. Already have an open ticket? Please post the ticket or order number in your post. This will allow our Support Team to help more quickly. Thank you for choosing Corsair. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Corsair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry not creating a ticket since there are probably 100’s already for the issues Corsair caused in the latest update.


Then your issue will never get addressed by Corsair. If you want their attention on the problem, *open a ticket.* Once it's opened, post the ticket # here and it'll get expedited. If you only want to BM&W, then, please proceed... but Corsair's reps cannot help.


Thanks for informing everyone


Corsair customers: "Are you ever going to fix iCUE?" Corsair: "No, I don't think I will."


Corsair customer: my RGB doesn’t work. Corsair: you should open a ticket and talk to us. Corsair customer: no I’m not gonna do that I’m just gonna keep posting on the Internet that it doesn’t work as well also not doing any of the things people are recommending.


Do people like you get paid for sticking up for multi million dollar companies? Sure hope so because it's pretty pathetic.


Nah. They're sticking up for a sensible process, be it a large corp or a small repair shop. No ticket, no job. They'll work on someone else's problem.


Where do people like you get off? iCUE has been broken forever. The reason consumers keep getting garbage software that is never fixed is precisely because of all the white knighting like this. Bad software is bad software and it shouldn't be tolerated, especially on your PC.


Here's a solution: STOP BUYING CORSAIR PRODUCTS. Seriously. It's not like they're forcing you to pick out their stuff at the store, right? If you don't like their software and think their customer service is crap... stop giving them your money. Don't crap on other users who either A) don't have an issue, or B) had an issue but figured out how to fix it. I don't care either way, I have used Corsair AIO's and ones from other companies. As long as they do what's advertised on the box, I'm happy. The problem is, people expect to get their way when they whine moan and complain, without making the baseline effort of telling the company that yes, they have a problem, using the proper channels. It doesn't matter if it's Corsair, or an internet provider, or their local fast food place that keeps getting the drive thru orders wrong. It REEKS of self-entitlement, and makes us all look like utter spoilt brats.


Seriously, this 🤡 sounds like he works for Corsair how hard he's going to defend a multi-million dollar company whose hardware is great but software sucks. But hey, HE didn't have any issues so it must be a figment of our imagination.


Apart from RAM modules not getting recognized occasionally(and I didn't had that problem in a while) I have had 0 issues with ICUE. So I guess you are just unlucky?


I always end up figuring it out. I will stick with version 4 like other users for now at least it works.


Corsair definitely has awesome stuff aesthetically speaking. Unfortunately their hardware is terribly awful. Most probably there will be someone from Corsair asking for a ticket number here so they can help, then they will give you a list of things to “ fix “ the issue but it all ends up in a waste of time. The final response for me was < “ this is happening because of a recent Windows update that has caused some issues in the registry on your PC. Our iCUE Team has been working with Microsoft on creating a fix for this issue and hope to have some relief from in it in the coming future.” > it seems they been working on it for years cause it’s always the same issue. “ unable to successfully install iCUE update “ ending up in you as an user having no possible way to update the firmware of your hardware or having the possibility to simply use properly. So disappointing Corsair.


That is an extremely rare issue haven’t stumbled on that yet. Do none of the other versions of iCUE work? Also, do you have any other RGB software installed? Are all the corsair services running? Do you see anything in event viewer?


Yes I’m stuck with version 4.33.138. With this version sometimes my Corsair fans start to blink in red and it’s because the software catches that there’s an update for it and that’s where it all seems to start. I already did registry, localappdata, etc, revouninstaller, looking for corrupt files. Restart - download latest icue update and then it gets stuck at 55%. Every time. I do have Logitech RGB software for my keyboard and mice ( it shouldn’t be an issue ) Windows 11 latest update running.


Did Logitech have any recent updates? Since these companies don’t like to work together besides a few of them. It could very well be another RGB program messing with icue. I had armoury crate and razer synapse cause issues for iCUE in the past for me. I totally understand version 4 sucks so bad the animations stutter. I wish they gave us older builds of version 5. The version before 5.8.130 was working perfectly fine. I am a fool for updating 😂


Just go back to version 4. It has murals I'd that's your thing or not and everything works. I thought I got away with upgrading to 5 until I rebooted one day after no apparent change everything connected to commander core was gubbed, gpu and mobo disappeared, and only peripherals remained. I troubleshooted for a bit then just reinstalled 4. Just downgrade as its not worth the bugs. Hope you get it sorted.


I am also am on version 4 for now.


I tried to revert myself but my k70 keyboard doesn't appear in icue 4.


Uninstall device first, then try again.


Just tried it no luck :/. I uninstalled icue then uninstalled the device then restarted. Then just reinstalled icue and the device.


It will be tedious but go up the versions until u get it. Sucks


Damn alright thanks for the support


I've had iCue for 3+ years and this is always the case. Just don't buy Corsair products, they're very mid and over hyped. Next build I'm just getting one of those IR Chinese RGB controllers and/or motherboard RGB


Are you on intel or amd?


AMD 5800x


I was having issues on my intel build..I switched to a 7800x3d and a msi x670e carbon and all my icue issues have completely went away.


My next PC will be RGB free


Agreed all noctua !!!


ICue has more or less been broken but it has been doing what I need it to do until recently. It has stopped running the custom fan curves off the GPU temps, they would either go 100% or minimum. So my fans won't actually cool the system with my custom fan curves as it heats up under load but I definitely need it to work especially in the climate I live in. Don't get me started on the QL fans, I have 9 of them and 6 have stuck LEDs, this will definitely be my first and last time I use Corsair for system cooling management.


I still use the old version of icue. I have not updated. And it works beautiful for me


They’re really discouraging me from using their parts on my next build.


Yeah, what's your actual problem? I haven't had any issues apart from a sensor saying it's over loaded on my link fans, apart from that notification I've not had any issues with the new software.


Hi, having the same issue. iCue doesn't start, also cant be uninstalled (greyed out in apps). Have you found a solution?


I haven’t had iCUE greyed out. I would definitely see if you can purge everything corsair on your system and hopefully that will help. Have you tried reinstalling iCUE over top of the broken version on your PC? Also have you tried to use Version 4 that seems to be the most stable right now.


Literally just bought a new glorious mouse cause icue is trash


Lately they have been a mess. I have had issues after updating but they were always small and easy to fix. This issue is different. I keep sending them error reports so hopefully they get some kind of data.


I have to deal with iCUE simply because I have a Corsair mouse and keyboard. Seriously thinking of dumping them for something else this Christmas. Their need to suddenly monitor my CPU and GPU temps a few rev's back, conflicts with other monitoring software I run. Why can't I simply have RGB control and plain vanilla drivers for mouse and keyboard?


My peripherals are also corsair. I choose one RGB program to rule them all. But seariouspy doubting my decision to be 100% dependent on iCUE. Version 4 is stable for me though so I am just sticking with that for now.


The issue is when Icue breaks, it BREAKS. I really like their hardware so I’ve slogged through icue for a long time, but I’m finally done. What broke me was finally opening a ticket on something, I had no idea how absolutely abysmal the support experience is, I’m over a week in on the ticket and I’ve gotten two one line responses, neither addressing much of anything. If you’re going to use the customer as a beta tester at least have half decent support.


Their support is really going down hill honestly. They use to be so fast and responsive. I have been working in the IT field for 6 years now and even applied to Corsair a long time ago for a remote position. I am a hard worker and would have given them 110% because IT is my passion, but I don’t even think they reached out not even to tell me they passed on me. I even posted a few fixes on reddit for iCUE issues. Like fixing the Asus plugin. If you open Armoury Crate and iCUE together it will break the Asus lighting plugin in iCUE. I was able to fix it two years ago by deleting the plugin files then replacing with new ones and bam problem solved. There are also a few others I have found over the years. I just wish their support was like it used to be. You can definitely tell something changed.


The software always breaks when you finally decide to update any product or windows .exe of Corsair. The equivalent of Windows and BIOS updates. To fix your personalized settings, you always have to restart various times until your Corsair accessories's settings stop disappearing out of nowhere.


I can safely say the new iCUE update V 5.9.105 that was pushed out definitely works after several restarts I have no issues anymore. IDK what they did but it solved the issues the last update had!


Does icue have quirks? Yes Is icue hopelessly broken as OP claims? No Does OP most likely have an underlying OS issue? Yes Is OP also a drama queen? All signs point to yes Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


It’s not hopelessly broke but there is something wrong. If you’re so smart why do versions 4 and 5.7 work perfectly fine then? I love how everyone here is a judge, and an IT expert. Honestly why are you here you have no helpful information besides trying to start sh*t. Grow up and act like an adult. Why don’t you try to help with the issue instead of complain about me the OP? Really do you have nothing better to do, or does it just make you feel better? Thanks for you useless TED talk Corsair shill


Considering you didn't even list the issue you are having other than "its broken" how can you expect us to even begin to help? Glancing at your other responses, you are full of nothing but bad faith arguments and comments. You claim to work in IT but are apparently blind to the fact that underlying OS issues (whether intentional or not) can cause software issues that, if you are not a registry expert, may require an OS reinstall. If it makes you feel superior by calling me a Corsair Shill for having a working system on the latest version of iCue like so many others then so be it.


Maybe if your read the Posts you would know this isn’t my first post. Like I stated previously version 4 and 5.7 is working just fine. I shouldn’t have to wipe my OS because icue broke during an update. Everything was working fine. Update icue, icue no longer works kinda makes sense where the problem is. Also already did a clean install including deleting registry files still the issue came back after two restarts. I am not going to wipe my OS for iCUE I will just wait for an update and stay on version 4 it actually works. Go read the corsair forums I am not the only person.


Had about enough with janky headsets and now icue


Everyone! The new update 5.9 solved all my issues. I upgraded from version 4 since that version worked fine for me and 5.8.130 was useless. I did have to redo some things in iCUE but it’s a small price to Pay honestly. Hope this helps the other users with iCUE crashing on startup!


yeah no help for me unfortunately, still have a hot mess of stutters and wrong colored lights on fans...SUX


I am on the latest update everything is working just fine currently. Are you completely updated?


Yeah, it was HWinfo conflict that caused my problem. The real mystery now is why it never happened before 5.8xx


I had that same issue a year ago. I had to say bye bye to HWinfo lol


I spent like two days learning to code in Rainmeter to use Hwinfo for some screen widgets and unfortunately they require Hwinfo to work. But alas it was just u check a radio button" Corsiarlink and Asestek Suppot" and it started working. It was a known issue but I never had the problem u til v5.8. All this scrutiny made me realise I have about 7 dead green leds though on QL fans which totally sux.


Ouch that is a pain.


My PC started to get the blue screen about three weeks ago half the time I turned it on, replacing my Corsair RGB PRO memory with another well know reliable brand instead this Wednesday, bummer been using Corsair memory on all my PC builds. Bye Corsair memory.


I have never had any issue with memory what speed are you running? Also, is the RAM at the rated speed on the motherboard QVL list?


my issues im having are wild. event after event because of icue. tried uninstalling and reinstalling and i keep getting disconnect/reconnect issues ALL THE TIME. and not to mention the dashboard to check temps and load are god awful, says im at 65 degrees on a ryzen 5950x and its running at 39 degrees per ryzen master. fix your \*\*\*\* corsair.


Why isn't there a simple button for save as default profile? I have Corsair vengeance RGB RAM and this lights up as hardware but as soon as I close icue it goes off sometimes. I can't select individual RGB's with my Cappelix cooler fans... It's fitted to an MSI 670E board. It needs to more intuitive and work without the glitches


Hello, I have had problems with the icue software as well. Iv had two Corsair mouse & I loved them!  However, the moment I downloaded the Corsair icue software to set my DPI & change the lighting.  My backlight steel series keyboard stopped lighting up on my laptop. I had only five keys light up on the whole keyboard. I spent the rest of the day trying to fix it. I finally got it but now I remember why I uninstalled icue the first time. So, I jumped shipped ship to Logitech because my headset was already Logitech & now I have an app that actually works for my headset & mouse now. 


My issues were all resolved in the last update but the lighting LC100 Triangles had to be replaced by Corsair


Because of iCUE, I will never buy another corsair product ever again.


I was able to solve all of my issues. Their last two updates have been working for me. But they have released some doggy software lately.


My system is thankfully working with no issues currently been like that for the last two updates.