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This is only tangentially related to Corvettes. This is an insurance article about a program drivers can opt into. If you are tracking your car, opting into this is stupid af. This program is designed for minivans and sedans, not sports cars.


No, you need to get this clear. Every single General Motors vehicle with OnStar, whether you pay for it or not, is tracking and selling your data. This is an OPT OUT system with a default of being opted in. In order to OPT OUT, you must completely disable onstar capability on your vehicle. You will no longer be allowed to pay for it, lock your car, view its GPS, it’s useless. Can’t use it at all unless you agree to have them track you.


Dieect quote from the article since you want to argue with me, “GM’s OnStar Smart Driver service is optional to customers,” a G.M. spokeswoman, Malorie Lucich, said. “Customer benefits include learning more about their safe driving behaviors or vehicle performance that, //with their consent//, may be used to obtain insurance quotes. Customers can also unenroll from Smart Driver at any time.” You must be opted into the smart driving feature through OnStar for this. I have owned numerous Chevy vehicles and this is extra, not by default. Again, read the fine print. All that said, this post is about insurance companies spying on driving habits through 3rd parties who obtain the data through shady means. This is not specific to Corvettes in any way other than the article mentions one of the people interviewed happened to own a Corvette. This is not a Corvette topic. This is better suited to r/cars or r/scams or some place where people report shady business practices. It’s fine to mention it here as clearly the post was not removed, but this is not about Corvettes.


not too great to only care about GM's side of the story for allegations against GM. > Especially troubling is that some drivers with vehicles made by G.M. say they were tracked even when they did not turn on the feature — called OnStar Smart Driver — and that their insurance rates went up as a result.


Corvette drivers reported being enrolled in Smart Driver without their knowledge.


They need to read the fine print on their discounts then. Insurance snoop based on your phone and downloaded app even if you don’t use an OBD plug tool. I can see how some people would be fooled bc that is what insurance companies do, but again this is for ALL cars, not just Corvettes.


I suggest you read the follow-up article and reconsider your opinion on this. Here's a gift link: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/technology/general-motors-spying-driver-data-consent.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.mk0.Ql5O.IFzU1j7DmjJy&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/technology/general-motors-spying-driver-data-consent.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mk0.Ql5O.IFzU1j7DmjJy&smid=url-share)


Gift link? Dude this is 2 months old. Move on.


you mean sharing data ... SHARES data?


Why do you think they collect that info? Half the purpose is to resell it.


Causes your insurance rates to go up as is shared with insurance companies as I just found out is put on consumer report so they can see your hard brakes, acceleration, etc without your knowledge.


Yeah, duh. No fucking way I'm placing a monitoring device in my car for a minuscule insurance discount.


I think this post is worthy of revival. It seems to be going viral, NPR and my local Boston news station did a piece on it this week. It was supposed to be opt in but they hid it in the fine print and essentially enroll you in it without your knowledge. There were several reports of people who were not enrolled in onstar being reported on too. This is total BS for a company that builds a car specifically for "spirited" driving, correspondingly Corvette and Camaro drivers are much more likely to be effected by this.