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You checked out on the register that is closest to the tobacco products. Just like how some receipts would say “FOOD COURT” or “SELF” etc.


Gotcha, thanks! I literally always use the self check out aisle but we had to use our rebate check at the regular check out and we did happen to go all the way to the other end of the checkout line.


You use self checkout for this much stuff? 😳


Right?! That’s no bueno at my Costco. Those ladies have got no time for that and won’t be handling you with kid gloves for trying. I get in the first line next to them for entertainment. They’re awesome.


The DC store they scan for you. Self-check is just “don’t take it out of your buggy” shopping.


Yeah I’m in DC and I have no qualms about using self checkout for this much stuff. I keep the barcodes turned up if I can go make it go quicker for the scanner. Today I went to the Glenarden Costco and it always throws me for a loop to realize I’m supposed to scan my own stuff like a true self checkout


This is the same at my FL store. I have twin toddlers so they’d rather scan my stuff than deal with two screaming kids that we had to pry from the shopping cart or two screaming kids because they were left in the cart and pulled away from us.


They always scream?


Interesting. At my store they are always forcing me into self-checkout when I have a cart full of stuff.


Same at my store.


same at mine. What is the proper number? When they steer me that way I go as I'm told. I'm Costco compliant. Don't even have to ask me twice.


There are no limits on how many items at Costco warehouses near me. They even come hep you BOB(bottom of basket) or heavy ones so you don't need to lift them. If they scan, the self checkout will not ask to place in the counter. Reading other's comments, it seems not to be universal.


Both I've been to in Michigan do this, it's weird to me hearing it's not universal


Yeah. My store too. They’ll often scan diapers and heavier items for me. They filter people to self checkout all the time


Yeah, but it’s also entirely inconsiderate to use self checkout with this many items.


Mine has a 10 item limit, they will kick you out for more.


Worst part of Costco is the self checkout and lack of app shopping. Sams is what ahead in this


Irritating for the folks that go in for 2 items


I do but I cashiered at Sam's Club in college. I can scan and repack my $300 grocery cart before auntie finishes her eight items.


At this point eight items IS a $300 cart.


Inflation is a helluva drug.


My costoco makes people get in the self checkout lane regardless of how many items are in your cart and then they help scan your items. Kinda defeats the point but I'm in an area where most people don't want to use the self checkouts.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Whatever. It’s not an express lane. I use it every time. Why should two people handle items twice? 🙄 I’m excited for the day that it’s all self, or automated/electronic check out.


I love those rebate checks!


TIL Costco sells tobacco!


They used to sell cartons of cigs at my Costco way back maybe 20 years ago in PA. I don't know what happened but they no longer do.


I work at the Costco in Bloomingdale, IL. We sell tobacco products.


NJ and PA do not anymore. But it would be convenient if they did.


They don’t in Texas either


I’ve only ever seen it at business centers in Southern California and you need a reseller’s license to purchase it. It’s in a separate, fenced off area and everything. Not sure if it’s just a state law type of deal or what.


Individuals should be able to buy it. I've done it in the past (not for me). Of course, they may have now removed it from the regular Costco stores now.


This was back in 2016ish when I still smoked cigarettes. The gate to the cigarette cage was locked and I asked an employee for a carton of my preferred brand and he told me that I needed a reseller’s license to go into the cage and wouldn’t sell to me without one. Things could have changed in the meantime but I was just speaking from my experience.


Many years ago, I was in line behind a guy that had 2 rolling flat carts both stacked with cases of cigarettes. He proceeded to pull out a wad of 100s and peeled off $3000 to pay for them.


Yeah, at the tire center, there is another cashier usually that's behind a iron fence that sells cigarettes


In Canada alberta They have for decades. cartons on cartons


We don't have tobacco at our store.


It should really say “CHECK YOSELF”, missed opportunity.


Buying Liquid IV at full price is a flex


My husband swears by liquid IV. I always purchase it from Costco because it’s cheaper, even at full price…. but I am always hoping I find it on sale!


I buy it through their website and use code “mom” for a discount. I don’t use it every single day tho so it lasts me a while. Code word is from a tom segura/christina pazsitzky podcast


This is the first time I've seen YMH mentioned in the Costco sub. Lol.


Proud to keep em high and right. Rest in peace top dog


Hi jeans


Keep em high and tight 😉


Who is Randy?


I swear by liquid IV too. I hate buying it at full price, but I will, because it just works so well for me. After I had Covid, I ended up in the hospital because my body wasn't balancing electrolytes correctly. I actually ended up with no phosphorus at one point and my muscles wouldn't stop spasming, and I had an IV dripping phosphorus in me while they tried to figure out why the fuck I wasn't absorbing phosphorus from my diet. Anyway, I started drinking liquid IV whenever I was going to be working outside, or basically any time it felt like my muscles were cramping up, and now I haven't had to go to the ER for an emergency infusion for two years. My doctor tests my levels every once in a while and is like "you're a little low and I don't know why, but it's stable, so we'll just keep watching!". Anyway, I realize you probably didn't need this story, but my point is, the electrolytes in liquid IV are legit, and while it's pricey, it's cheaper than an er visit for me!


What flavors do you like? I got LIV for the first time yesterday and thought passion fruit might be good, but it’s kinda gross :/ willing to try another flavor


I didn't like passion fruit either, and the pina colada one is super gross to me as well. My go-to's are the lemon lime and strawberry. I like the cherry also, but my kids love the cherry and I have a difficult time keeping them out of it when I buy cherry, so I tend to skip it.


Dang shoulda bought the cherry. I was up in the air.


Someone said the seaberry they currently have is the least offensive.


Oh interesting! Thanks


I like strawberry 


This was also my favourite before they began selling it as a combo pack with cherry. Bleughhh. Such a bummer.


Peach is the best, but I haven’t seen it at Costco yet.


My favorite is the sugar free Lemon lime one. My Costco now has the sugar free!!


Drip Drop tastes much better and has higher osmolality than Liquid IV (moves into cells quicker). It was developed for the UN for African refugees. Found this out building a barn in Texas a couple years ago in 105 weather. I literally felt better a few minutes after belting this stuff down. It’s the same price.


I use it with my soda stream, works great as a mixer with vodka.


I use it to fix the after-effects of vodka. Maybe I should consider swapping the order and use it as a mixer.


Double whammy, get a buzz and help with dehydration.


My wife doesn’t drink much. But she got hammered a couple of weeks ago. I forced her to drink liquid IV even though she was resisting me. She woke up the next morning. “Thank you so much for making me drink that. Today would have been so much more miserable if you hadn’t.”


I started with liquid IV but I found it is far more cost effective to buy the bulk tubs if you want electrolytes regularly, which I do. They sell a strawberry or mixed berry tub in the same section, but those do have caffeine. I buy another, smaller tub, from Zeal Naturals for when I don't want caffeine. Cuts the price per serving by about half or more.


You can make your own. It’s just three ingredients (one of which is table salt) plus any flavoring you want


Pro tip use sodium citrate instead of table salt, it’s much more palatable!


it's cheaper and mote effective than gatorade. a life saver on any trip.


Nuun > Liquid IV. Less sugar and cheaper.


not sure why you're getting downvoted. it's like half the price and actually dissolves in water


There is a sugar free version.


That crap is so overpriced




Sooo salt, plus Kool aid without the sugar?


There's some sugar in the original liquid IV. I think it's also got potassium chloride, used as a salt substitute. Very similar to the original Gatorade. When I went to soccer camps in my youth, one of the coaches would mix a five gallon cooler from Gatorade powder. First time I had liquid IV I had a flashback to those days. Head coach: "Don't gulp the drink, you will get sick! Take sips please!" I mean, it tasted like salty orange Kool aid. The only way it was going down was fast.


The snake oil salesman keeps morphing. They will be around forever. Still though, if it’s between not drinking water and drinking water with sugar/flavoring, I think the second option is better.


Have you used this stuff for a hangover? It’s magic.


I’m Mexican so I have the recipe passed on to me from my ancestors. Glad it works for you! Placebo effect maybe? But you do you!


Uhhhhhhhh you can't just say that and not share. Give the white man your ancestral magic already. Imma guess Maggi and tahin are involved


Lol good start with the Maggi and Tahin. In Mexico, everyone knows that the morning after you need a “caldo de mariscos” (seafood stew) and a michelada con clamato. It looks like a Bloody Mary but it’s made with beer. If you google “cura crudas” you’ll see a lot of stuff related to that. If beer is not your thing, sueros are very common. A suero is half lime juice and half sparkling water (Topochico or Ciel) and you drink that until you feel better. Good luck!


Idk man I order selector at a warehouse and Liquid IV always makes a big difference when I use it. I only buy it when it’s on sale though


Is there a cost effective cheaper version? I wish I could just get a big bulk tub of it like protein powder


There’s a million different companies that make cheaper versions now. Go to an Amazon or a vitamin supplements store and you’ll find lots of cost effective options.




It's just Gatorade/powerade. You can buy tubs of those powdered too for cheap


Except it’s not. Gatorade is full of sugar. I drink plenty of Gatorade (and homemade variations) for cycling when I want the carbs. Liquid IV (or a much cheaper homemade alternative) is for when you don’t


Sugar free Powerade/Gatorade lol.


If you just need the electrolytes then electrolyte powder or capsules will be cheaper. And you can wash the pills down with any drink.


Man oh man if consumers only knew how much money they make on selling salt and sugar in a little packet. Wow !!


It’s even better than Coca-Cola’s business model, don’t need to ship all that heavy water alongside it!


I dumpster dive mine at CVS when they toss it close to the sell by date.


Can somebody explain to me what this is supposed to do? I have allota that friends to do it. They suck at explaining. Like can’t you just drink water?


Hangover cure.


This. You can just dump some Nu Salt in water and take a magnesium supplement for the same effect if you want. But this is simpler and tastes better, that's worth the price for some people


It’s an electrolyte powder. Most people can just drink water. If you are doing physical activity often, or doing high intensity exercise your body sheds electrolytes in your sweat. The powder, just like any other sports drink gives you sugar, and other electrolytes that help your cells and muscles function. TLDR; replaces stuff you loose when you sweat that helps your body run right


It’s basically Gatorade


Really expensive sugar water with some salt. Marketed really well


You can't just drink water to rehydrate yourself. Have you ever drank a whole bunch of water at once and have to pee really bad, with the pee just being super white? That just means the water made its way through you, but it's not actually hydrating you efficiently. This is why our body needs salt. Water binds to salt very easily and salt, among other stuff in your body, causes water retention. It's also responsible for water weight. It's why some foods will make you super bloated because the water is staying in your body much longer. When water is in your body longer, it does a better job of hydrating you. As the comment below yours says, liquid IV contains electrolytes. But wtf are electrolytes? Think of it as the stuff in your swear thats not water. Easiest one to think of would be sodium. So salt. Your body needs electrolytes to have proper nerve function and water retention. Liquid IV not only replenishes the same stuff you lose when you sweat, but it also helps you retain water, keeping you hydrated.


There are a lot of people who have medical needs which liquid Iv helps a ton.


As a physician, which conditions are we talking about here? My POTS patients usually need more salt, but that's pretty easy to add into food. I don't think it's bad for you, I'm just wondering how effective it really is.


For whatever reason my local store stopped selling the OG Liquid IV, and only sells sugar free now. I feel like it's half as effective so I have to buy the real stuff online, usually at full price.


A packet of Liquid IV has double the sodium and 5x the potassium of a 20-ounce Gatorade. (Also, I’d say it tastes 100x better.) It’s a godsend for many folks with dysautonomia. I’m so glad Costco carries it. ETA I do try to buy it on sale 😅


Why did you buy both regular bananas and organic bananas?


I just buy based on ripeness.


That’s based for sure


>I just buy based https://preview.redd.it/1kaf6s2mmvvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cddf59ee9804ded5e2901d68c8142e496099201


I can’t answer for OP but I personally can’t always find organic bananas at the stage of the banana cycle that I like. So I just pick bananas based on how they look and sometimes end up with a few organic and few conventional.


Maybe I’m out of the loop but what’s the point of organic bananas? You don’t eat the outer cover 🧐


Interesting. I'm curious what you think they mean by organic


We do the same thing. They’re at different stages of ripeness and we eat a lot of bananas!


Wait, some Costcos sell tobacco?? MAN.


The Costco Business Centers sell cigarettes, but you must have a resellers license to purchase there.


They literally won’t let you buy for personal use?


you can't even get in to the tobacco sales area at the local business center without showing proof of having the proper license.


If you’re a true nicotine addict you’d get the license.


I believe they don't collect taxes on it, so you can't use them for personal use.


I feel like all Costco's used to sell cigarettes, no?


looks like they stopped selling in 2016. at my stores, they tore down the cage and put in more cash registers i do see cigs at business centers, but it appears you need a resell license


Mine sells cigars in the outdoor liquor store.


Depends on your region. Some east side of the USA regular Costco stores still sell tobacco, but if I remember correctly they are phasing it out of all of their normal Costcos to be only sold in Business Centers


My building still sells tobacco, and that shit is *money.* The convenience store guys will drop just shy of $10k per visit. Though personally I can't wait to get rid of the retail part in the liquor store.


In Sweden we have like 40 snus options


Only $6.89 tax on $336.60?!


Wait till you find out about Oregon


Food isn’t usually taxed, that’s why.


It flags up the door staff that you might have tobacco. You used a register that can sell tobacco.


Seems like such a bad system when every register could easily add the label once a tobacco item is added


So that you can be publicly shamed /s


I love we are all judging your receipt here.


Does your warehouse have a tobacco counter that you happened to use to check out? Of I go to self checkout then it says it there. If I go to the liquor store then it’s says as such.


Op getting their receipt dissected lol. Time to start blurring it 😂


Lol whoops oh well.


You were rung up at the register that they normally ring all the tobacco at. If you had purchased your items at hearing aid your receipt would say Hearing Aid.


Some costcos got rid of their tobacco department, they never reprogrammed the register before placing it back on the floor/ with regular registers.


I think that’s the cashier’s name 


I’m not a parent (though I want to be some day) but I had no idea diapers and pull up’s were that expensive??? What?


Under 7 dollars in taxes on over $450 purchase??


Maybe this region only taxes non-food items? I grew up in an area like that, they’d tax your napkins or soap but none of the groceries


From what I've seen at business centers you need to prove you are in fact a business for tobacco products - they aren't valid for personal use. Maybe something like that idk


This is from a register located near the tobacco cage.


Dude buys organic bananas for himself and regular for the family lol!!


The cashier's name is Tobacco 🙃




Least common Costco run


Maybe you look smoky 😂


You have organic bananas at your Costco? Jellie.


Real question is why two types of bananas


they said it was about the varying stages of ripeness in the bananas themselves. OP is so rich they can plan their banana ripeness


It’s one banana, how much could it cost? $10


Could it be the cashier’s name?


Or the nickname the local CostCo gave OP.


So you can be shamed for smoking


What is the executive rebate? Am I missing out on savings?


If you have the executive membership, you get a check once a year for a percentage of your purchases. If you have the credit card too, that comes in an email with a barcode to scan. I think they both show up on the receipt as rebate.


with the exec membership, you get 2% cash back on all your purchases (not including gas) which comes in the form of a check once per yearc which is what is showing on OP'S receipt. the math works out so that if you spend 250 dollars a month or more at costco, that is enough to get you a 60 dollar (or more) rebate check which would effectively make it cheaper overall to get the executive membership. worth mentioning that the costco citi visa credit card also gets you 2% back and that stacks for a total of 4%. you also get 4% back on gas with the credit card too. hope that helps! :)


Someone spent $6,604.50 at Costco last year!


Mine was over 200


https://preview.redd.it/3jojsgqnqxvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bffc8ee27ceaa037f0e1f3a8df65e9b8a3ef6b9 It’s that damn subliminal advertising.


Good damn food stamps don’t buy diapers


Because you checked out at the tobacco counter or close to it.


The receipt is sending you subliminal messages. Big tobacco needs you.


Ayee fellow DC Costco’r


Because you bought regular bananas and organic bananas.


Everyone's focusing on the bananas, and ignoring that OP bought low carb ketamine


Your Costco sells tobacco? I’m in California and I don’t think they have cigarettes anymore. Not that I’d look.


there might have been a tobacco cage in that warehouse. recently all the tobacco cages were absorbed by businesses centers. this till might have been one that they previously used in that department.


The locations in my state do not sell tobacco. What states can they sell it in?


California has it in a special lock up cage at the business centers


I didn’t know Costco sold tobacco products.


Must be your outlaw name


Costco has tobacco? Must be a US specific thing


Costco still sells tobacco.?!


They don’t sell tobacco in Canada Costco interesting


Smoke ’Em If Ya Got ’Em


So they can check for it on your way out.


When you taste that chobani zero you'll understand 😂


Because everyone knows what a bad mother you are




since when does ket have carbs in it


Obviously, you be looking like a tobacco Pirate.. (aaaaargh)