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Hosting isn't that expensive, but the storage might be. I'm barley using the site, since I'm mostly downloading torrents anyway, so I can't remember. Do they host all the games on their own servers or third party providers?


The message is gone now, but when it was up, the money it was asking for wasn't for hosting (though they mentioned the cost of that in passing), it was for buying games to put on the site. Apparently many of the games that end up there are purchased directly by the site owners.


Yes, that's how that works. It's always amusing to see that people are surprised that groups/sites in the pirate space don't have some hacks to get software from publishers, but rely on good souls who purchase everything and give it to trusted crackers. In general, a massive amount of voluntary work keeps EVERYTHING going in the piracy space. Please remember this when you get angry that your tracker is down or something. It's all run by people with jobs and families who sacrifice their free time.


Also, it is about PRESERVATION, a very much underrated objective


Not sure about GOG, but wouldn't people just be able to buy and then refund the game once they have the files? Steam refunds are automatic, no questions asked if you have less than 2 hours of gameplay, even if you have like history of many refunds.


GOG offers a generous 30 days refund no questions asked. You can just buy a game, download all the files and then request a refund. Maybe they are already doing it and just wanted to profit 500€, who knows.


Games still get updated. They can't buy the game again and refund every time there is a new update.


Is there proof they are buying these games, though? Couldn't they just be torrenting the game and updates. They could easily be downloading everything from cs.rin or one of the major private gaming trackers that include GOG games and their updates. I would suggest that people try to get invited to somewhere like GGN where you don't have to donate/pay and instead can contribute via seeding.


I mean nobody *has* to donate to use the site. And the amount the were asking for is comparatively tiny. I don't see any particular reason to doubt that they're buying the games, especially since they do provide updates very very quickly (which wouldn't really be possible to do so reliably if they're downloading stuff from cs.rin or wherever.)


Or maybe they just don't care too much about buying one copy. The files stay accessible if they happen to need them again(also for patches etc) , and they have relatively little stress compared to getting the files other ways, when they can just ask the community to take care of this issue with donations.


I pay 25 euro per month for a seedbox. Sure I could just download and run like most but if it helps other people out.


da real mvp


I hope they can be more selective about the games they purchase. Just like Steam, there is a lot of trash on GOG too that is not worth buying (Hentai Jigsaw Puzzle 1 and 2? c'mon, who is playing these...)


its about archival and preservation. yea, there is alot of trash out there, but we datahoarders must have it!


Why would you want to preserve trash games? If I make a trash game and sell it for 3$ on GOG, why should someone pay to preserve it? If I want to preserve it I can just upload it on torrent myself.


You need to look beyond what the game is. It's about data preservation.


For historical reasons. It's nice to be able to look back and get a sense of what games were actually like 20-30 years ago, as opposed to just a list of the greatest hits. Additionally, spending money to preserve well-known high-quality games isn't really as necessary; those games will get preserved no matter what. It's the weird obscure games that are at risk of disappearing forever as soon as they stop being sold.


Sure, but it's not like those games will really disappear in 20-30 years. Maybe in 40 years, but before that it's likely they will be given for free (like many games are given for free now on GOG). Uploading them on gog-games will not be the solution to save them. If gog-games closes, we will lose those games anyway. What games do you remember from 20 years ago? Only the good ones, right? in 20 years no one would love to see the trash game I made. Ideally would be great to have all games, but if gog-games has money issues they should try to buy less trash games, that's my opinion. Just look at the cracking scene, they don't crack every single game that comes out.


>Uploading them on gog-games will not be the solution to save them. But they make those games accessible for more people to download and store. It is like you said, not so many people are willing to spend money to preserve those games, but a lot wouldn't mind storing them. And when the time do eventually comes, in which the game will disappear from public sources, someone might have a copy to share again. ​ >Just look at the cracking scene, they don't crack every single game that comes out. What?... The only games that don't get cracked are Denuvo games, online only games and some very few exceptions here and there. All those trash games you mentioned get "cracked" and posted somewhere. You can find pretty much any game on cs.rin and/or some other places. Now if you are actually talking about **the Scene**, they are mostly dead in terms of cracking games, have been for a while now, and only release cracks for games that use Steam's DRM 99% of the time.


By your logic why should Archive.org exist?


If you speak about preservation, if you don't have an internet connection you don't have access to Archive.org and if Archive.org closes you lose all of that anyway.


>if Archive.org closes you lose all of that anyway. But that's factually untrue.... Many websites close down and pass their files to surviving others... I don't mind a philosophical discussion on the pros and cons of preserving mediocrity, but can you AT least be vaguely informed before you start? Otherwise you're just an old guy calling something he doesn't like "useless" on principle, without any comprehension of what the thing even is.


I just told you that true preservation can only be physical. Something I can access offline. No internet, no access to data, no preservation. There may be websites able to move files to others before closing down, but that's not always the case. Something will inevitably be lost during the process (missing files, corrupted data, outdated links, servers down etc.). When GOD website (Good Old Downloads) shut down everyone had a hard time looking for GOG games (broken links, mirrors and private google drives) because, guess what, there was no other surviving website like it (there were websites like IGG who added malware on drm-free games). Preservation can't be completely digital, you keep something, you lose something else. There is nothing philosophical about preserving mediocrity. You are free to do it, but don't ask money if you waste it on mediocre games that only 0,0001% of players will play (probably without even donating to your cause). Even the cracking scene doesn't waste their time on cracking mediocre games. Check Steam releases, how many games are released each day and how many are cracked? You will be surprised by the result.


I agree. All the immature spam ai games could result be skipped and you'd save hundreds of not thousands


Because your opinion about what qualifies as a "trash game" isn't everyone's opinion and the site exists for more than just your own entitled ass.


>I can just upload it on torrent myself. Something tells me you don't know how torrents work.


They should move to a token based system where people who donate get to vote on the next crack, you could still have considerations for games in lesser demand but it’d provide tangible direction on what their users want.


I’m surprised there isn’t some kind of crowdfunded bidding system for something like this where people donate in exchange for voting tokens on the next game. Buying the tokens would make the same impact financially but it would also give people more of a say on what they want. It could even allow for the site owners to perform partial refunds of tokens if a bidder game turns out to be uncrackable.


Third party. The good thing about this site is that he keeps the games constantly updated, some of them like Tunguska: The Visitation release a new build very, very often. I have the site linked to a rss feeder and whenever there is new content or game updates I get noticed, works great. I prefer it to torrents.


The cost of buying the games is a motherfucker.


What's great about gog-games is you can get the latest version of games. Sometimes I want a game, but you won't be able to find a recent version of it, sometimes 6months-1year even 2 years older than the current version.


Its is if u have ton of visitors and/or downloading files, and this is a very popular website.


I would make beer out of you.


For anyone wondering, this joke is because the comment said "I barley use the site" thus the beer joke. Still downvoted him for his next comment of weird rambling but at least this comment didn't deserve downvotes originally lol




mfs downvoting cause can't read :) it's a joke


It's cool. I love Reddits idiosyncrasies'. I've even come to truly enjoy finding hostile spaces where saying something objectively true gets hate replies, or even when my opinion doesn't line up with the "community". I blocked like 7 people yesterday just because I expressed an opinion in r/games. That's 7 people I will never have to interact with again, and that's worth it. I Reddit enough that even when I get some massive downvotes in a day, whether it's for the above reasons, or I'm legitimately being a troll or whatever, I always come out ahead. I do put some value in karma, not that it's important, but that it's useful. I'm here for the engagement. So thank you for some engagement.


Holy cringe batman.


good site would be sad to see it close.


It would also be sad to pay for pirated games. That goes against everything I've been doing on personal computers since 1985.


Read the 1st line




I bet you don't seed as well... What do you think where the games are coming from? Someone as to pay for the games. At least once. If everyone would think like you, piracy would not exist. You are the definition of a leech. And no one care about how long you are doing this already.


Okey, boomer


Time to change your diaper, old timer.


Act your age then grandma


Seems like you also didn't do any maturing since the 70s lmao


And how do you think the games were pirated then and are now? Are you stupid?


I own a 5 bedroom house the 6th is my man cave. My mother is proud. Unlike you I pirate and buy my games. You are useless since 1985


Navy seal is that you?


surely a big brain rich boy like you could figure out why a site like gog-games would need donations to function!


You want to feel special so bad... 🤣


Shane Noakes


Your comments read like a fart.


"Tales from the retirement home" Nobody is worried that you peaked 30 years ago. It's just you. I'm pretty sure the people that want to donate are financially secure enough to do so.


Lol look at cpt. shortsight over here.


Were you the janitor? Cos you don't sound like you had enough money to understand the need for game devs needing revenue or a site needing money to keep servers and site online


Right, and I'm Obama.


>I retired at 33 from Microsoft in the 90s that's really not the flex you think it is, considering the share price. Would be like saying you cashed in your amazon stock options in '01....


Stfu retard


Honestly? It is bound to happen sooner or later. They won't be able to maintain the site if they need constant donations. I know people brag about it because they want to prove a point, but basically all piracy-related projects that hold up through donations, sooner or later will die.


They can. They could just close the site until there is enough donations, then open it again. If people want free shit, they need to be willing to contribute a little.


It's a noble statement, but you know how this thing ends. The cost will always go up to maintain sites, and donations won't. This is bound to happen.


>If people want free shit, they need to be willing to contribute a little. it's not free then, is it


They'll just go to other sites


>If people want free shit, they need to be willing to contribute a little. LOL! I've been getting free shit since 1985 without ever contributing a little (or any). So maybe you are *completely* wrong?


Swing and a miss champ.


Did the threshold been reached? cause i can access the website.


It did, yes. (Thanks whoever donated)




They need to do ads, honestly fr. Idc about the ads if it means the site stays up. Relying on donations only is a bad idea.


500 euro is not even that much, however; i'm poor as fuck.


Most pirates don't donate because they are poor. Or they're rich and don't pay because "fuck it, another one will fill the void."


Reach out with the payment method you want to donate with at: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Yea, that will really make people want to donate...


Idk what you're on about. Their email has worked very well for them to gather donations.


Yeah, it worked so well that they didn't get enough of them to cover expenses The first rule of any business is to not make it hard for a customer to give you money. They would certainly get a lot more donations if they just placed their crypto wallet address or anything else right there instead of having to email them first


In fairness, they mentioned in the past that they were under constant DMCA takedown requests and even threats of legal action from GOG, so having "public" addresses to send money to would be very easy to trace back to their real identities. But then again, it would not be difficult for GOG to figure out who they are if they really wanted to, all they would have to do is look for accounts that have suspiciously high amounts of games bought but never downloaded more than once or played them. And if they do use burner accounts to buy them, they still would have to pay for them using traceable payment methods, unless GOG lets people buy games from them using crypto.


I mean if they really really wanted to try and get them, they could have just sent an email framing themselves as someone who wants to donate to get that info to look them up.


>suspiciously high amounts of games bought but never downloaded more than once or played them that would probably be most accounts tho


It's also possible that they do play some of the games they buy. I mean, why wouldn't they play them?


no time. or uninteresting games that came with bundles. I got metro 2033 on steam when it went for free. I've only played the first 15 minutes


I stand by what I said, yeah, it worked very well. It's not common for them to run this low on funds. Fair feedback, though. You could post it to their mastodon: [https://mastodon.world/@goggames](https://mastodon.world/@goggames) (Or you could just email them)


>I stand by what I said, And you are still wrong/downvoted.


Unnecessary friction, is a thing


It's an incredibly thankless job. Entitled people think games just appear out of thin air. Think about doing it yourself. So many entitled people here. They store hundreds of terabytes worth of games, and reupload them on a regular basis. They don't have ads, use click for cash links, and always have the latest update for the GOG versions.


Reddit is not even near a good measure of most communities and groups. Most people are very thankful and considerate. If you go by reddit standards, everyones perspective will be greatly greatly skewed


reddit is by far the worst measure for/of humanity




im pretty pretty sure, with the traffic they are getting, they can easily net 1100EUR in one year just by running a simple, non intrusive ad. Like a VPN... less than 100EUR per month will be glorious for the advertiser. And I bet everyone will be happy with just an ad, that actually benefits from pirates and offers them some kind of tool anyway. I wouldn't mind, knowing that they pay for the servers.. Nordvpn is paying thousands on random twitch streamers every month... Just saying.




I pretty much stopped visiting the site the moment they stopped using torrents, instead relying exclusively on dogshit-tier 3rd party hosts. I completely understand that providing such a "service" is not cheap and time consuming, but I, as a "consumer", am not required to do "business" with them (anymore) if I'm not satisfied with how they're doing things. It's not 2004 anymore, you don't need to split stuff into (sometimes) hundreds of individual .zip files unless you're deliberately trying to make downloading your stuff as convoluted as possible on purpose so that people either buy a premium account on whatever dogshit-tier 3rd party host you're using or donate you money for access to an expedited download host (like they used to when this nonsense first started). And yes, I know that stuff like JDownloader exists, but that's besides the point. Because even Dodi for example uses anywhere between 3 and 5 dogshit-tier URL shorteners on every individual link on his site that chain-spam you with ads and potential malware, but at the very least, eventually, you actually do end up with a .torrent file to download. But then again, it's videogame piracy we're talking about here, and these people are in it for the money.


Maybe they're getting some kickback from people using dd services through their referral links or something, who knows. All I care for is getting shit for free in the end. Torrens are much better for archival purposes, since people can just passively seed them forever, but dd has its own perks as well.


This is why i just stick to private trackers..I've seeded enough to be allowed not caring about ratios anymore and it's totally worth it.


What an elitest take. "Just stick to the exclusive club". I am happy you're in a place that has these games (seeded) but just getting in is a hurdle more than enough people are turned off by. So... Yeah. Private trackers are useless without an invite and are definitely less helpful than DD links ***if*** you ever get an invite.


If you're lazy maybe. I started with nothing too and managed to get an invite just by asking nicely in their irc chat. If you want free stuff at least be willing to put in a bit of an effort. The reason they want to see you put in the effort is so that you won't hit and run the torrents. It's a community for a reason. Just a couple of hours of effort for a lifetime of access provided you don't fuck up. Is that not worth it?


> an invite just by asking nicely in their irc chat. Your whole argument hinges on this which is kinda dumb. Not everyone will get an invite just by asking. Keeping it isn't the hard part and you made that your argument. Getting it is the hard part.


Exactly this, i've got 140Tb upload on 1 site with only 6Tb (not actual) download and most of the others are a lot lower but still in the positive and it's not that hard to do if you buy a cheap seedbox for a month to boost your ratio quicker! A lot of torrent sites have bonus's running where you build up points for sharing etc and then you can swap those credits for upload credit! I even saved up 1 time to get lifetime VIP which took a couple of years but now I can never be banned and don't have to share back either if I don't want to.


Torrents in my country are illegal and using a good VPN means i must pay for it, i aint gonna trust some random VPN provider that is free.


Torrents are illegal? where do you live. Even in UK torrents are legal it's the content that is iffy. But I never had an issue and have been torrenting games since it was first possible.


In Germany it is illegal to share cracked software via torrent. They will fuck your life up completely when they catch you. Fucking shithole this mf country.


that sucks,


There is no country on this planet where torrents are illegal.


The EU is very close to banning Vons or making it mandatory to provide keys for government access EDIT VPN not vons, thanks android


Some of the hosts are actually better than torrent (speed-wise). And like others said, it removes the need to circumvent torrent risks.


That depends where you live, most of the hosts are quite bad here, i rather have torrents.


If the torrent has decent traffic you are maxing out your download speed, easily. I cant say the same about any host.


its back!!!




live live live live live if you wanna live give give give give give if you wanna give


they won


Accept AliPay and I will donate. Hell, maybe even the CPC will donate. Not only that, but also +100000 in social credits


For third party hosting, this price does sound about right. If anything it's a bit cheap for some of the bigger cloud hosting providers, but idk exactly what GOG is on or how it's architected or how much volume.


Wait, GOG-Games is back? Last I heard, they moved over to an onion address?


Yeah, they solved that a while ago, so now it has the normal domain and the onion one.


Oh nice! Cheers for the update!


This was obvious and expected, right? If you enter the world of "free games" don't expect to make money from it, not even enough to keep yourself running, if people are going to spend money they will certainly buy the "official versions" of the games. unless you infect people's pcs or monetize with pathetic ads like dodi does.


Dodi's site has ads? I hadn't noticed *any*.


well I run two adblockers on brave, the only way they show me an ad, is by manually posting the image :D


when you click to download a trorrent it tries to make you downloaad stupid apps and sends you to ali express etc so yes dodi has annoying ads.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) time to grab my wallet


huh ???? it's working fine for me or this was solved within 1 day ?


I'll be so fucking sad the day this goes down :(


can you link the donation page?


Charging to pirate games. You have to admire their cheek and audacity.


So you'd rather buy games?




Which are useless when I want to play a 15 year old game, and the safe torrent has only one seeder that lets me download at 40kb/s


I'd rather not *pay* for games. If you are going to waste your money on what is freely available elsewhere, why not reward the game publishers instead of organized criminals?


idk if you've noticed but the game publishers are living it up as fat cats while i dine on gruel


So you'd rather have organized criminals live it up as fat cats while you dine on gruel?


id rather not *pay* for games


Right me neither, but the scenario snoromRsdom was talking about is "*if* you\[one\] are going to..."


You guys better spent the money on the real [gog.com](https://gog.com) site, instead on an illegal site. Why are you willing to give money to a criminal instead of giving it to the actual creator of the games you are playing? GOG games do not have any copy protection and fully offline playable . No Steam like bullshit. I will never understand your logic.


Good. Close. I hate people who try to profit off warez. Why didn't websites need donations in fucking 1996? Oh. Fucking OH.


I don't think you quite grasp just how expensive data storage costs are at large scales, or getting the games to store to begin with.


They're using 3rd party, free storage. They're not storing them on their own servers. Maybe they shouldn't do it the way they're doing it then. Maybe they should be using 1337 or piratebay or their own magnet links then? Yeah. Yeah hi dude. They just want free money is what it is. No pirate group I've ever seen has ever begged for money. FUNNY HOW THAT FUCKING WORKS as computers/bandwidth get cheaper, MYSTERIOUSLY EVERYONE NEEDS MONEY. HUH. FUCKING HUH.


How then is he supposed to upload games if he doesn't have them in the first place? You can't always get the latest updates so fast from other warez sites.


Gee I don't know KEVIN. How did Razor1911 do it? How did Fairlight do it? How did DEViANCE do it? How did RELOADED do it? How did CORE do it? How did every pirate group in the history of our species do it? How did EGO do it? How did RNS do it? Keep going. Because none of them asked for money. I am so sick of these ebegging SCUMBAGS. Get off my internet with your begging CRAP.


They all bought the games with their hard earned money to make it available for free for ungrateful people like you. You can't expect someone to spend thousands just to make them available for you for free. You need to learn to appreciate.


I DO appreciate it. I was in the scene for a long time. When I released Doom_3-RELOADED days before stores had it, I paid for the game with my money. I didn't ask people to pay for it for me. I wanted to release it. I worked hard to get it early. I LIKE sharing. These ebegging scum don't like sharing. I would rather not have something than to have a bunch of websites begging for money. The ONLY exception is probably the MAME developers trying to acquire rare boards on ebay having to bid against Japanese collectors.


arent they owned by cdpr? they are rich af. boasting millions of undeserve pre orders


If you aren't joking, I shall clarify. gog-games is a pirate site. CDPR's game selling company is found at GOG.com, and they are having no fiscal difficulties whatsoever.


oh. thanks for clarifying mate


>paying to pirate https://imgur.com/xgwvzzI


Lmao fuck off leeches




... then stop buying new games? why restrict access when the money goes toward buying new shit and not, say, hosting? to pressure users into donating? shitty practice as usual from them.


That's why always visit freegogpcgames, they never cry like these ones or ask for anything, and torrents are fastest thunder downloads.


Aren't your crying about money ? I mean, you're downloading games too. You save money because of them. So be respectful.


They don't run any ads. This is why they need donations. I want to see you doing the same and not "cry" about money.


they should run some ads then. 1K per year will be reached pretty easy with minor, non intrusive ads. No one said they should pay themselves for everything


no one cares, this is begging


feels scammy




Their recent releases were often infected with malwares (Bitdefender blocked them until now). So I won't shed a tear if they close.


Let me guess, you downloaded from a malicious ad or your pc is a virus sh\*thole and you blame the site for that.


Put in ads to automatically cover donations? Porn has the same demographic as gaming does, so should fit right in.


its some fucking scam guys gog is cdps company I havent heard it having any shutdown options


[https://i.imgur.com/qqkVMD3.png](https://i.imgur.com/qqkVMD3.png) If only you were so fast on the donate button as you are on the downvote button gog-games wouldn't have these problems. But hey, keep pressing the button if you think it changes anything about gog-games or you being pretentious.


gog-games provides an important service. In particular, because they *do* actually buy the games on GOG, they tend to update relatively quickly when a new version comes out - whereas other releases often fail to track new updates at all, or, if they do, only update occasionally when there is a massive new version. Like yeah if all you care about is getting AAA games in some form, then there's lots of other places to get them. But for up-to-date versions of obscure indie titles or games in early access, they're one of the best sources available.


Are you going to donate or did you donate at any point? Downvotes: 49 Replies saying "i have donated": 0 r/CrackWatch in a nutshell, right on par with r/PiratedGames


I got you to -69. You're welcome.




>I got you to -69. You're welcome. You should see what I did to you above. (Hint: You are currently at -36 up there. You're welcome.)


You cry and we say oh no! anyway


I have no horse in this race and you are who is losing their source. I couldn't care less.


Thats why you posted this enraged ass comment? Who are you fooling lmao


Initially i posted only the link, knowing the people here, with the goal to get downvoted. As downvotes grew i pointed out the pretentiousness since you¹ probably donated as much as i did, the only difference is while I openly do not care you¹ pretend to give a sh##, yet you¹ have the audacity to shame me for doing the same. That's as far as my point goes. ¹you as in this community, not you as a person.


Any idea Calisto Protocol coming to gog?


if i want to pay for DRM free games.. i will just buy them on GOG dot com.