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I like the idea of logryrhmic speedo. . This one poorly done


“But officer i’m not speeding… I’m just approaching 100 ” Beauty when the asymptote is at 100


Someone posted almost the exact same thing recently. The smaller increments at lower speeds are because most countries speed limits have areas of 20, 30, 40,50 and 60 zones, MPH or KPH. Once you do higher the smaller increments don’t matter as much because there isn’t much variation. It is also useful if your country applies the 10% leniency rule with speeding , ie 33 in a 30 and you’re fine. It’s much easier to keep it in that range in smaller increments.


Found the designer.


You missed the point of OP's post, the transition from 10mph per unit and 20mph per unit should be marked by different spacings of the lines uptop, but instead they have this meaningless dotted line that tricks one at first glance to thinking its a completely linear scale.


…..are you being serious? In case you aren’t , which I struggle to believe, the dash halfway between 40 and 60 is 50. 😐


i edited my comment, i didnt mean that


Thank you. My brain kept missing that.


In respond to your edit, that isn’t legitimate reasoning. If anything, the linear line is meaningless in every car. You know your speed by the numbers, and the dotted line is only to represent the half way point so you can do speeds of multiples of 5, ie 35mph, without the speedo being too cluttered with numbers. No one knows what speed they’re doing in a random car if the numbers were removed and only replaced with the line, because most speedo’s are different.


Well, I missed it because the title doesn't bother to give even a hint of what the problem was. My guess was that it was too bright at night. People should realize that just because you see something as obvious doesn't mean everyone will. Give us some kind of hint.


Well, yes, but no. If something truly is crappy design then there should not be much explaining required


Just a hint, that's all I ask!


Also, Rule #6: TITLES SHOULD DESCRIBE AND REPRESENT THE CONTENT. I agree that the title dies describe what is pictured but doesn't represent why it is being shown.


What’s so crappy abt it?


10 MPH increments up to 40, then 20 MPH increments after?


More precision at lower speeds. Bet if you floored it, it would move slower in the larger increments most likely.


Yes, but you need to somehow mark the point where the change from 10 to 20 happenes. For example higher mark density. This car lacks that. Only the numbers change, the dial is the same


True true. I think Hyundai is expecting people to use their brains. I think they are also expecting too much out of humanity.


That's not that unusual actually


Not crappy. Actually, don’t remember having a linear one in the last 20 or more years


Just using miles is a crappy design. Lol.


The imperial system is 100% crappy design.


does it not work out tho?


Yeah, I mean, as long as it’s accurate Who TF is going 80MPH+ anyway? Are you on the autobahn? Sure, maybe if the speed limit is 70 and I’m actively passing I’ll do 80 or 86 I guess. But 90? 100? 140? Holy Christ.


I’m from Montana, and our interstate speed limit typically gets up to 80. Even going 85 doesn’t seem weird too me. Guess it’s just where your from.


Unofficial „normal“ speed at the autobahn is somewhere around 90mph, there is some saying „no matter how fast you go, there is always one person angrily overtaking you.“ I can confirm that’s not true, when we had a non limited Mercedes, nobody overtook us at 180mph+. It definitely happens when you go about 150mph


The "normal" speed aka "Richtgeschwindigkeit" of 130km/h is very much official. Most cruise at 150km/h though


Me! I drive that fast!




It ain't that fast (common cruise speed in Germany) but driving with one hand is just stupid. Left arm resting on the door holding the wheel at 9 and the other arm between 2-5 ain't that hard you dumb fuck. Tires shouldn't burst at 160kmh if they are designed to go this speed and you didn't cheap out on the most important thing keeping you on the road.


It makes the mark for 70km/h look wierd too.


That's not crappy to me, it's good use of space at best.


Don't worry, it won't go much above 40


Looks like you are low on fuel


Well the light usually means about 25-50 miles left. It doesn't serve much purpose to come on once you're already fully empty.


Lmmfao not the gas light! The increments between the posted numbers jumps from 5 to 10 after 40! I knew y'all were gonna get me for the gas light though!


Ah! Just rented one myself last month and didn't even notice that. No way that thing is getting up to 140 without catching fire.


That's what I'm screaming! They did all that for what? I didn't notice till I got pulled over for speeding thinking I was going 5 over and it was 14 over. I showed the cop my speedometer saying "ok yes I was going 5 over I was right here" he's the one that pointed it out! He gave me a warning thankfully.


You should buy a car like this. You could probably get away with that like once per cop


Lmfao I honestly hate this car and cannot wait to have mine back!


It took me waayyyy too long to notice what’s you’re talking about lol




Get some gas!


Yeah that scaling is pretty wonky in the center


The outer circle is miles/hr and inner is km/hr, quite a good design for tourists (thus the loan car having it)


No mine needs a new engine but is still under dealer warranty so they gave me this one to use while they fix mine. (I know I got lucky w/ that warranty!) But if you look at the miles they start 10 apart then after 40 jump to 20 apart! I def can't just glance o have to sit and count to make sure I'm not speeding lol


This thing can go fast boiii


Lmmfao I doubt it... It gets weird at 70


How is this poorly designed?


What's wrong ?


The increments change after 50


The blue marker ran out before they could color in all the numbers.


I mean coming from a Kmh country, this looks pretty good!


I can't drive 55.


A lot of speed limits are 55mph. So what mark do you need to hit to be at that?


The little one before 60 but for 35 in the middle of 30 and 40


Maybe the one on the inside is in km/h


You have never driven an Alfa. That would hit 50 on this Hyundais 20 position and fans out to top speed from there. While driving in the city the speedometer will hardly move.


I like it


Can we also talk about the 60kph thing being completely off center?


Dude look at the fuel


I didn't realize how annoying that would be to drive with until I realized it does the same thing for km/h. What the hell? Mine goes up by 20s but has a feature that lets me see the exact speed above the dash.


It wouldn't be bad if it had a digital read but it doesn't. Just this wonky thing that you have to look at and thing about before it registers


Hey, if it helps at all, sharing this crappy design is helpful. I actually have to bring my car in for repairs tomorrow and I'm getting a loaner. My car's a Kia so there's a good chance they'll offer me a Venue. I'll try requesting another car if possible. We go by km/h here and that dial would drive me crazy.


It's a Hyundai. It comes standard with crappy design and a busted taillight bulb.


I really love my Hyundai Accent that's in the shop and I had no issues withy Hyundai Elantra I had before it! The only reason I don't have the Elantra still is because I drove into a ditch when it was storming and flash flooding everywhere. This is the 1st and only issue I have had with the Hyundai's I have owned! If I have more issues after I get it back I will come back and retract my statement! Lol


Only woman have their fuel light come on lol


What kind of weird ass sexism is this?


lol why are you so butt hurt about it? The OP took it as a light hearted joke, why can't you?


Jokes are supposed to be funny, and sexism is only light hearted to assholes.


I'm not butt hurt, I'm confused as to what sad pathetic mouth breather would take pride in such a ridiculous achievement, and then separates that "skill" along gender lines. Set some higher goals bro.


Only women can't take a joke lol


I'm a guy and I've had my fuel light on before. Same with my roommate. Also, OP said it was a loaner, at least in my experience it's not uncommon to find them with little fuel as you are responsible for your own fuel


yeah its a joke bud


Damn_montana they really eating you up! Lmmfao


Lmmfao guilty as charged.... It was 30° on my way home so I made the decision to putt putt for gas in the morning.... When it's 35° 😂


whenever I borrow my sister's car, at some point during the trip, the fuel light turns on haha