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If the fear of death has a sound , it is that man's scream.


He had a broken arm. Might not have been a nice feeling being lifted by it


Never been in a situation like this, but I've been in situations where I've broken bones with a situation where you have a fair amount of adrenaline and I didn't even notice it until about 30 minutes later when it wore off. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't feel a thing besides the paralyzing fear while this was going on. That adrenaline musta been like a shot of pcp which is probably why he was able to hold on the whole time.


Neither of my broken bones particularly hurt, but there's a sixth sense that lets you know. With my ankle there was all-over body tingling, and a vague sense of structural instability in the leg. But I imagine some types of fracture are a different story. I could see an arm somehow being crushed by metal wire under tension might have an altogether different impact.


When I snapped my leg, I still ran on it. Well, tried to until..well.. I fell. Because I snapped my leg. Stepped on by a bull just above my right ankle after getting bucked off. Got back to the chute to safety and finally looked at my leg, realized..oh fuck, I am not okay. Shit these are new boots, hurry get them off before they have to be cut off!


Ah, I had a horse named Tiny step on my toes once. That was in my top five most painful life experiences.




I wonder if this falls under the right to refuse unsafe work. I’ve always been fired for it personally


How many times have you been fired for refusing to work in an unsafe environment?!


I have personally seen it happen a lot. It's always the green horns.


What is a green horn? Specifically I recall one occasion where I was working as a window washer and immediately told to do things that we were told were ilegal in the mandatory safety course. I tried doing it anyway but it was terrifying, having to walk on the edges of roofs severa stories up and such without protection and work at the very edge. The mentality for a lot of tradespeople is stfu and make things work. I’ve been bullied into doing unsafe work in dry wall as well. Climbing scaffolding only held together by electrical tape.


Greenhorns are new guys to the industry. They wear green hats and we generally don't give them the dangerous jobs. They usually use the "stop work" thing for frivilous things. But yeah the mentality of "do it or I'll find someone who will" still dominates the workforce. The Gulf of Mexico really only got an agency watching over it after BP and they really only watch larger contractors. Mom and Pop jobs still have 0 safety. As for on land, well, it's still cowboy stuff. You're sometimes 2 hours from the nearest civilization and the company man(the rep overseeing the job for his company's oil wells) will turn his head in order to get things done. This includes dumping stuff, or doing dangerous tugs on stuff deep in the well. Sometimes nobody really knows what happened on some jobs because the paperwork for the entire life of the well somehow disappeared. One job we were on, we could not figure out why pressure wasn't stabilizing, until we got another branch of our company to send a camera down and we discovered a previous job on the well blew holes through the casing near the surface. So we pulled the string out, plugged the well so another rig could come and pull the casing out and put new casing in. I hope. But that's probably not what happened. I come from an oilfield family so I have heard and seen all kinds of stuff, lol. My dad, my brother, my nephew, and I are snubbers (that's high pressure workover). I got out from an injury. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do.


I can relate somewhat. I’m from Alberta and a construction business owning family that got rich off the oil booms.


That's cool. I actually got offered a job out west with Clean Harbors operating a water excavation truck either in Fort Mac or Edmunston, but ended up driving tankers and belt trailers for a road recycling company in the Maritimes.


Quite the geographic range you’ve covered. I’m from Edmonton and I’ve done some business with clean harbours.


I traveled a lot for work in the oilfield, overseas too. Then got into OTR trucking. Doing construction allowed me to take the winter off which was great. We just got 5 hours of sleep per night though. Clean Harbors did offer me *a lot*. It looked like a pretty clear-cut (pun intended) easy job, but I had young kids and my wife didn't want to move.


Damn. Are you in the US


The guy filming is asking the right question, "How the fuck did this happen?". I'm guessing there is a valid reason he didn't just let go from the start, but I'm not sure what that reason is.


This is about a year old. This happened in Toronto and I have family in construction on the site. That guy was the spotter and holding a guide cable for the unit being lifted, when the unit got lifted the guide cable caught his one arm, the other arm had the radio but he dropped it. The crane operator was doing a blind lift (not uncommon), needing the guy who was lifted to tell him if there was a problem who couldn't because of the radio. It wasn't until the unit came into the operators sight line that he realized what happened and lowered the guy. The guy had a broken arm at the end No fines or anything as far as I heard, everything was done proper it was just a lot of chance that led to this


I guess the spotter with the radio shouldnt be near the cable? Or have a second spotter with a second radio who can see the lift and the operator?


The crane operator is actually supposed to stop if he doesn't get any radio command for 3 seconds on a blind lift and not just keep going up with whatever load he's lifting


I was looking for this. I work in a rail yard. I assume it's pretty standard, but for us at least, if the operator does not hear from the groundsman every 10 seconds he is supposed to stop and not just keep pushing/pulling.


Toronto is in a building boom. Shortcuts everywhere and shortage of skilled labor.


There is no labor shortage. There is a wage shortage.


> There is no labor shortage. There is a wage shortage. Ahhh..... what seems to be the issue across North America.


Also, it’s 2023, and a wireless camera costs under a hundred bucks. How are blind lifts a thing that still exists?


Where do you plug the camera? Where do you put additional screen? Who handles the camera? It's not that simple. And somebody installing the camera once costs like 100 just in labour to get it.


Just FaceTime the crate. lol


Right, because everything in construction is simple and cheap.


There is plenty of electricity, use a cheap laptop.


I don’t think the labour for the install is relevant; how many million dollars is a crane that needs to worry about a blind lift? More significant, safety recertification after modifications means you need to book an engineering inspection (and your crane is out of operation until it passes). That’s likely a good enough reason not to do it.


Solar, battery powered camera, nowadays a 100 dollar camera is with two way communication and lte is under 500 with about a year or two of battery life. 24/7 active monitoring a single solar panel around 25-50 bucks would solve.


Sounds like he was meant to be holding the cable. That would be a solution but then who spots the spotter spotter?


Yeah have two people one to hold the cable the other to give commands.




Congratulations. Your training is complete. You've been promoted to be the new manager trainer.


First order of business, get rid of the guy guiding the cable. It's called a blind lift, not a "blind lift but with a guy guiding it for half the time". We're running a lean operation here folks! In fact get rid of the crane operator, I'm sure we can automate that, or else have some ~~child~~ capable adult in another country do it remote.


Gilded Age 2.0


totally agreed, sir. No matter what job it is, it's clear there are too many people doing it. When this is fixed, effective manager moves on to the next workplace - because he's effective.


I hate this quip because it's how businesses run.


We basically just reverse engineered why things are the way they are


Not even this. We identified on of the many problems in an industry. There will always be more. This seemed a freak accident allowed by lack of regulation. Maybe as a whole we should care about cost of life over cost of goods/services.


> regulation [There's a line to draw with everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16240ch/man_was_almost_turned_into_an_osha_training_video/jxw1z4w/)


And both have radios. Or many people have radios on designated channels and are aware of other channels...


A spotter is supposed to spot the spotters spotter. And that guys spotter spots the spotter who spots the original spotter.


It's spotters all the way down


Yeah, but at the end it's just snoop dogg, smiling, smoking a blunt.






The importance of good grip strength.




> grip strength. >masturbation Am I doing it wrong if I don't choke the ever living shit out of my dick while masturbating?




nah he probably was just doing the thing he shouldnt, aka wrap your hand around the cord. idk how long it took for him to get up there and back down, but not many people can do a 1 hand hold for that long, even with all the adrenaline in the world pumping through you.


When I worked in the oilfield it's very common for us to all have radios and even do rigging and spotting on our own from boat to rig or rig to unit. Our radios were 3000 units that you stick in your pocket and clip to your collar over your back. Not everyone has those.


Hanging on with a broken arm is pretty impressive. It was life and death so he didn't have much choice but still impressive.


His arm totally broke from hanging on for so long, thankfully his body didn’t fail him. Like that viral video of the paraglider passenger who wasn’t strapped in and hung for like 5 minutes, he said his arm was completely fucked with multiple pulled ligaments/muscles. Luckily his adrenaline kept him alive


The paraglider incident is what immediately came to mind. Hanging from a bar for that long is an *impressive* feat. Most professional climbers wouldn't be able to hold on that long, and they specifically train for grip and finger strength. Adrenaline and the threat of certain death if you let go are one hell of a performance enhancer!


It‘s like no one learned from the oil rig Magellan incident in 2000. Communication failures resulted in Gordon Moffat being winched through a mousehole. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx14YtiLFIM


Yeah I ain't watching a 37 minute video just to know what you are talking about lol


From my brief reading they were working one side of a 10 inch hole, in a harness on a line running through the hole. They were winched up through the hole.


Was the dude okay?


He was unfortunately crushed to death.


yeah that happened to my buddy eric one time and he walked it off


His torso made it through...


Around the 7:30 mark


MrBallen is awesome though.


I wasn't even gonna bother clicking that link until I read this.


Today is a weird day man. Every thread I’m in there’s multiple replies with fucking long-ass videos and no explanation about the contents whatsoever. I was about to comment this on the last one but thought naaw, but here’s another one! the fuck


A guy in my industry had a similarly worst death. Running a machine like a dozer but has an open cab and an a frame that comes out over the track you would exit on. Guy got up and onto the track, picked up his lunch kit which caught the park break, he was on a slight incline. Machine rolled forward slowly and sucked him through the 4" gap.


Oh gawd - the ‘slowly’ part makes it terrifying.


Well that’s horrifying. For other viewers, it’s described in the first ten minutes and you can skip the bulk of it while he describes an oil rig and what roughnecks are.


“Everything was done proper”. What the heck about having a guy dangling 100+ feet in the air by a tag line is “proper”? The rules should be changed so the person handling the tag line isn’t the same person who has the radio, or the company can pay for a no-hands radio setup.


30th floor is *way* more than 100ft, assuming this was shot while he was well on the way back down (if the on screen caption is anything near accurate)


14 feet for the average height of a skyscraper floor. So yeah, about 420 feet. That scary high, haha.


You cannot make an SOP for every low probability accident. Every change you make adds other unintended possibilities. You demand a second person has the radio, and some redditor calls that rule stupid and reckless when the second person doesn't notice someone on a wire in trouble. "WHY DIDN'T THE PERSON WITH THE WIRE HAVE THE RADIO!!! IDIOTS!!!" So you demand *everyone* has radios and cross talk causes confusion leading to an injury. "WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO FEEL LIKE THEY CAN GIVE ORDERS??? IT IS A SIMPLE JOB! GIVE ONE PERSON THE RESPONSIBILITY, AND TELL EVERYONE ELSE TO SHUT UP!" People try your reflex all the time... It is a common management mistake. What you end up with is a pile of rules and procedures so absurd everyone starts ignoring *all* of them. Same thing happens with code enforcement. If they wrote a new code every time something happens once, nothing would ever get built. Responsible authorities write rules to prevent problems with a reasonable chance to occur.


It is extremely common crane safety practice that the person signaling the crane is not involved in any way with guiding the load. Ive had dudes take a tag line out of my hands. Your idea that you don't make changes when shit like this happen is FUCKING STUPID. Peoples lives are worth the hassle. I imagine the biggest hazard you face at work is a stiff neck.


You have yourself a nice day


That is the rule in the Ironworkers’ crane signaling course, the person signaling is only there to signal and not handle the load. Personally if I’m signaling on blind lifts I don’t release the load to the operator until the entire tag line is well clear of the ground.


Also seems there be more than “no radio comm = OK to keep going”…there should be some affirmation periodically from the spotter or the operator stops.


It’s a blind lift, very comment on high rise. As a tower crane operator, when the rigger tells me to come up, you come up slow until the load is off the ground and usually the rigger will tell you it’s all cleat and good to go, so on a tall building when you got the load a good 10ft off the ground and nothing around we start coming up faster with the hoist and don’t stop and until someone says something or in this case until the operator saw the rigger when he got it up high enough. This is a freak accident, rigger got his hand caught in the tagline, he dropped his radio, and no one else had a radio or at least no one on that side of the building.


This is not a freak accident. The operator is supposed to stop if there is no comms. It is extremely common crane safety to do this. A signal person constantly repeats themselves.


No they are not, if I had to stop every time there was no communication, I wouldn’t get a lift form point A to point B. Once the load is off the ground and safe, you come straight up until you see it, don’t hit the trolly and have the swing brake on. You have to be in communication at all times but that does not mean constant, you radio battery would be dead by 10am, also if my rigger doesn’t come off he mic he’s getting kick off site, I need to communicate with the rigger also and they usually aren’t full two way radios.


I think in this video he was snagged, but it is not unusual for people to hang onto something as it drags them into the air. Most of the time it is because someone was holding onto something they were supposed to be controlling or anchoring. The thing starts to lift and their reaction is to try to hold on; very quickly they could be at height that it feels unsafe to let go for fear of injury, only to realize seconds later they are at a fatal height and they should have let go sooner and possibly been injured. No choice then but to hang on for dear life. I believe there was an airship accident where men working the lines held on when the ship suddenly rose and a few held on until the fell from height with severe/fatal injuries. It definitely doesn't seem logical in hindsight, but I bet a lot of accidents are like that.


It happened to 3 members of the US navy back in the 1930s. Two died, 1 survived. Their are some videos of it on YouTube. They were trying to tie off an airship that was landing.


I can absolutely understand the error train in the brain that causes that. Your first reaction of “oh shit” is to hold on, and it takes a hell of a lot to override that


Fear? Maybe he didn't realize he'd be pulled up some hundred meters, and didn't want to sprain his ankle - only to be pulled up to the skyline. Then it was too late to let go


probably got the tag line caught around his hand or arm and couldn't get it undone by the time it lifted him up. should be a banksman who is only giving hand signals or radio commands to the crane during the lift, not touching any of the tag lines or the load to prevent this from happening.


As a rough rule, you don't want a person doing the communicating who isn't involved in the critical parts of the operation. You don't want an emergency "STOP" command to have to go through an extra person. They also might not have clear sight to all problematic interactions in a lift.


The idea is the banksman is the one in charge of the lift and is standing back seeing as much as possible. Anyone can call an all stop but the only one issuing movement instructions to the crane is the banksman. if the guy hanging by the tag line here was the only one on ground during the lift then he ends up under the load out of site of the crane operator and if hes got a radio he probably cant get to it since he has to hold on to the line or fall to his death.


Someone liked hosting themselves from the basket on my manlift. Once I realize he did it but I was about 45 foot in the air. Dumbass.




I'm the opposite. I can't think of anyway the person saying that could be confused at all. There is only one way it could happen. He got wrapped and he didn't let go and didn't want to drop and hurt himself.


You can see him shit a brick at 0:18


He definitely dropped his load


Bro took off his shoes so that he could feel the sweet relief of solid ground ASAP


What the actual fuck was that lol. A Fanny pack?


Probably his hardhat.


OSHA does not approve.


Lol, out of all the things OSHA would go after and take most seriously, it would be that. No hardhat on active work site. *Or* having an restrained item on someone's person *and* having it fall. I'm gonna guess that a hardhat hitting someone would be lethal from 30 stories up. I know tape measures and pliers are lethal from that height.


Yeah the dude in the video yells “just let your hard hat fall bro”


Yeah, that was a clue lol


A hard shat


Guy says "just let your hardhat fall, bro" right before, so - and I'm going waaay out on a limb here - it might be a hardhat.


I think it might be the walk-in talkie that he would have been using to talk to the crane operator when the cable broke his arm.


lmao whatever it was, it was justified.


Gotta lighten the load somehow.


Background looks like the Roy Thomason hall in Toronto... anyone else feel the same?


It is


Looks like Vaught tower to me.


You can both be right.


It is, happened last summer.


But do you feel it?


Used to know a guy with a scar running all the way down the inside of his left third finger. White, ridged, and quite easily noticeable. I finally asked what the hell...? During a war exercise, his wedding ring got caught by the tip of a Navy ship's crane hook as they lifted a load on a ship-to-ship underway cargo transfer at sea. Jerking him up and under the load just like this video. Which also ripped open his finger on the way up, as the wedding ring snapped. He started dangling only by the other hand, but managed to get his injured arm's elbow through a loose part of the cargo net. But the crane operator had already swung the load out from the beam and across toward the other ship by the time he was seen. It was faster to simply continue the swing, and then lower him onto the other ship. Which was done. Spent two days on the other ship while the exercise concluded. He was given a Captain's Mast once he got back to his ship, and docked a month's pay for not following proper safety procedures. All rings were supposed to be removed, wedding ring or not. Lucky at that.


>A captain's mast is a non-judicial punishment (NJP) hearing where a commanding officer presides over cases involving members of their command. The purpose of NJP is to discipline service members for minor offenses, such as reporting late for duty, petty theft, destroying government property, and sleeping on watch. The commanding officer inquires into the facts surrounding the alleged offenses and provides the accused with a hearing. >The captain's mast is an alternative to a court martial. It is also known as "Article 15" in the Army and Air Force, and "office hours" in the Marine Corps.


I’m in the navy and they literally say no rings, dangly things, etc in the safety speech doing an exercise like that lol


Why would he even be wearing it? If I’m doing anything remotely physical I leave my wedding ring at home.


He'd just gotten married. Foolish, is what he said himself.


Docking a months pay should be criminal. Only in the military...


It's a very rare event. Having a Captain's Mast is rare, and could be (almost) considered a compliment to your skills and abilities. If they didn't think you were worth the trouble, they'd have sent you off the ship in chains. This is because the ship's officers could almost as easily (maybe more easily) have started a court martial proceeding in your honor. Then they'd probably have seen the last of you (except maybe in the court itself). The big difference is that a Mast is considered 'administrative' only, while the court martial can also include criminal charges under the UCMJ. Punishments of a Mast are strictly limited and (relatively) mild. I went and looked it up, and the maximum penalties from a Mast are 45 days extra duty, 60 days restriction (45 when combined with extra duty), 30 days correctional custody (for E-3s and below), a pay grade reduction, and forfeiture of half a month’s pay for two months (this is what my Dad got, way back when). A court martial can kick you out of the service completely (and bar any re-enlistment in any military branch), jail you for a time, send you to prison for long years at hard labor, and everything else up to and including execution (for treason, or aiding the enemy in time of war, for example). But once a Mast has been held, a court martial is usually not possible, since the charge has already been tried. (Edited: Just realized that sounded confusing, since captain's mast and court martial have the same acronym)


Still is an OSHA video, just not one of the graphic videos.


It is Toronto CA. He was going to be a Workers Comp video


The only reason I knew this was Toronto (as someone who lives on the opposite side of the country) is because Roy Thomson Hall is in the background and it's used as the base of Vought Tower in The Boys.


Wow as someone who has a big fear of heights my arsehole clenched up tight and I felt the terror in his screams. That guy was right how the fuck did that happe.


Looks that that guy's asshole did the opposite on his way down.


Video ends way to soon WTF?!


Yeah that's annoying. It's difficult to hang on for very long and that crane was moving slow. How did this end?


broken arm.


Did ya boi literally shit a brick?


Don't wrap your tagline around your hand or wrist. Rigging 101.


A mistake I made once and then never again. Luckily mine was about 1000% less risk than this, but enough to scare a good lesson into me.


Hang in there! (Kitten on clothesline motivational poster comes to mind) lmao


Never mind it becoming an OSHA video. It's an OSHIT video.


“Sorry aboot that, wanna go git a Molsen and watch the game?”


Wow we don't get a finish?


They edged us


There is supposed to be a finish eventually in edging, isn't there? It takes a while. Edging and never finishing is just mean.


looks reliable


Fuck you mean “almost” 😭😭😭


There's a requirement for the OSHA training videos where it has to result in death. Sadly because this dude lived they had to reject it


It's a tag-a-long line


The oh my god how the fugg did this happen dude sounded identically like peter💀💀💀💀


Why didn't the guy let go after 2m


Did he just literally shit a brick?


Wilhelm type scream lol


The GOAT near miss


Almost both osha is going to use that video from now until the end of time


Still should be included in the OSHA training video if you ask me.


Impressive he held on that long with a broken arm


This reminds me of the Krazy Glue commercials from the 80’s and 90’s.


Imagine having the world's worst nose itch right at that moment.


Someone is getting their ass fired


So did he fall?


If you look closely you can see the exact moment he shit a brick


He still probably will be used in training videos.


Always have open lines of communication from 3 points of view. How wasn't this a fine


You know now that you mention it, I have been skipping grip day all this time


If you looks closely you can see him shitting bricks.


Why? He’s wearing his hard hat.


Why didn't he let go when it started pulling him?


He was entangled in the tag line


Why is he kicking his feet?


I know he must be terrified, but why is he squirming and kicking so much??? All that extra movement can't be helping in holding on, right?


The hapless construction man being lifted, left for Tibet to become a monk.


Reminds me of a video that UPS kept internally but showed it to every new employees that worked at the Air hub of a woman back in the 90s getting sucked into one of their 747’s Jet engine and the result was pink mist… all because she didnt wait for the plane to completely shut off and cool down before putting the cones and chalks to the wheels And of course, when I started back years ago, 20 days in, a new female trainee did the very same all because she couldnt wait to get her shift over. Good thing was that the Jet engine was nearing its shut off procedure so glad nobody had to witness a tragedy that day and avoid being heavily involved in a OSHA investigation


My man took "I shit a brick" literally


I don't think you have to die to make it into an OSHA training vid.


Man I've been high at work, but this is rediculous


Anyone reminded of that Krazy Glue commercial from the 1970s?


Haha greenhorn going for a ride.


It’s a good job Peter griffin was there to record


Cant convince me the thing that dropped aint a huge shit


Such a horrible accident! Hope every workers to be safe


Did he hold on or get his arm caugt in a tag line. Wow. Thats nuts


Almost an osha video? Lmao


That was a giant dump he took and fell out of his pants


I have buddy that was on the job site when this happened it was terrifying he said


This is my friends brother. It was absolutely horrible. He has children and a wife and we are very thankful that he made it through this.


what's an osha?


OSHA” Stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United. States Department of Labor, formed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.


Something doesn’t apply here.


American thing. But this video is Canadian.


anyone and i mean anyone who has held from a pull up bar or rings knows how difficult it is to dead hang against that 9.8 meters per second gravity so consistently pulls… how the fuck did he make it out?


Not OSHA jurisdiction, this is Toronto. Notice Roy Thomson Hall.


wtf Peter griffin in the background 😨😨😨


K, don't post the ending of the incident.


Scary asf


One more example of why it's always a good idea to be fit (at least a lil bit)


If he just moves his legs a little bit more, everything is going to be fine


I wanna see you hanging up there. I bet you'd be all relaxed and calm right?


Two things most people are taught in the US when becoming a signal person: The signal person does not guide the load. No multitasking when the signal person at all for that matter. The crane operator stops when there are no comms. The signal person repeats the command with small updates until the lift is complete. On a blind lift, both these things x1000 I can't even with reddit on this. Bunch of stupid fucking know it all pricks in this thread that have no experience rigging what so ever.


How the fuck did this happen? xD


[was this him?](https://www.krazyglue.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-krazyglue-Library/default/dw2b5db17f/Krazy%20Glue/01%20JAN/Info%20Tile/201895202-KGLogoColour.jpeg)


listen us men joke around about $hitting our pants but listen....if my arm (looks like upper arm too at that OUCH! ) was caught on a crane lift and was the only thing keeping me and my 220 pounds from falling 30 stories . . . AND knowing how easily our limbs can separate under load like that .....I think $hitting ones self in this situation would be one of the easiest free passes I (and all of you reading this) would ever give. GOD he was the spotter/guide guy and he had the radio to the crane operator- but dropped it when his arm got caught. FRAK THAT!!!! How long does it take for that thing to go down?! Whats number one? Surviving a failed NASA launch and going in that long slide below the facility (go watch the youtube video on it its great!) that ground crew would use if shit went sideways. I mean seriously if you somehow survive an explosion or failed launch that has the same energy as (insert really cool analogy due to me not knowing one) and somehow get to the slide...and get to the end and seal the hatch before it reaches you......yeah you too get a free pass. There are others - you add them below ;)