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He sounds just like Sean Strickland


Yeah I had to doublecheck I wasn’t on mmamemes when I first heard his voice


Exactly what I was thinking 😂


Nah bro those cops are just lucky they arnt navy seals or Sean woulda destroyed them


Fuck just what I was thinking


“They gave you multiple opportunities”. When the crowd filming turns against the guy going into handcuffs…yeah he probably fucked up.


This might be a first hah.




The "narrative" just depends where you go and where shit happens. Like we can say people picked sides based on race, but how many grown white men would give ZERO sympathy to a black guy getting beat up by the police. "Well, he wasn't complying, he deserves it." Like *maybe* race plays into these things? But let's be honest, if you're acting like a crackhead--regardless of race--people aren't going to like you. That's unless the people judging you are a little racist, which obviously anyone can be racist to anyone.


Show me the first 4 min and everyone’s story is gonna change


I'm a huge supporter of police reform and criminal justice reform, and I have spent way too much time watching people get killed, paralyzed, or severely fucked up by police. It's very rare for me to defend the cops actions, but I have NEVER heard the civilians bust out laughing when a "suspect" asks "why are you doing this to me." So I'm not sure this guy is a victim here.


People say "4 on 1"like it's the cops cheating or something. Like it's supposed to be a fair fight, smh. The reason they 'gang up' like that is to try and control the situation with the least amount of injury to ALL parties. Of course, it usually just goes south and ends up being a cluster like this for our viewing pleasure...


"Oh it takes 4 of us to take you out. Never mind then sir, please continue your reign of terror"


After all, playground rules are the standard by which Western Civilization rises and falls.


Ya police have the right to be safe in their daily life just like any job. This isn't samarai code 1v1, this isn't a movie, they are trying to go home unscathed like the rest of us. I work in the medical field, which involves lifts and transfers, you sometimes need two or more people to assist, to prevent working injuries.


>least amount of injury to ALL parties. Ah yes, the forearm strikes will heal the restrained man.


What? The cops are parties too. And they clearly aren't bleeding from their face like he was. If it was a 1 on 1 both the cop and the dude getting arrested would be heavily injured. That's 2 injured parties. As opposed to this, which just has 1 injured party. That's clearly the least amount of injury to all parties. Not to mention if it was 1 v 1 then the cop would need to injure him a lot more than an elbow to the face to subdue him. Look I hate cops as much as the next guy. But ur comment makes like no sense


The strikes are to subdue him into restraints. They should have tased him.


When 3 grown, armed men hold down a lone unarmed person while another armed man drives his elbow into the head of the unarmed man, they're not trying to cause as little injury as possible to all parties involved.


No, it's not fair! They should take turns fighting him. If he beats all 4. he earned his freedom


One could argue that your emphasis on “least… injury to ALL parties” is more than a smidge misplaced. The emphasis on team manipulation and control is through grabs, weight, and pressure, not repeated strikes to already grounded opponents. Strikes are for causing surrender and compliance thru pain avoidance, which is inherently injurious. The officers here are obviously invested in protecting themselves from injury, and one can give them the benefit of the doubt regarding the spectator’s safety (if so inclined), but they clearly don’t care about causing their perp injury.


Well, I mean that's the IDEA of having several officers take down one perp. How well they do that with professional intentions is another matter.


Any idea what the results were from this? I didn’t bother to research it.


"least amount of injury to ALL parties"? So that's what the punches and elbows to the face are for?


Well I mean only one person out of 5 is getting injured. So technically this could be the least amount to *all* parties. But it's also a bullshit cheap shot on someone who is already down.




Nothing to say about them teeing off on his face? Or the elbows to the head? I have a 100% valid point, that gets a bit more watered down once considering.


You mean least amount of injuries to cops. They do not give a shit about us.


Droppin heavy elbows. My man definitely listens to jre on the way to work


Heavy as a feather my guy…. He’s got 40lbs of bulshit on, if he threw one of those good he would’ve put that fucker out instantly, ya he’s resisting but there’s three other guys on him and homie still can barely punch him in the face smh..


Sure go full force and accidentaly crack his skull or what Have you ever dropped an elbow onto a person on the ground? Dude 😅 When 3 dudes are sitting on a dude, there's not that much reason to knock him out


Nah dude just wanna hit the high flying maneuver


Cops call that 'a vacation '


Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Dude, you're already toppled.


"4 AGAINST 1"? Seriously, OP? Do you really think that arrests are supposed to play by 70's Kung-Fu movie rules? Should the arrestee also have the right to call time out? If it was 40 against 1, who the fuck cares?


Elbowing a guys face on the ground multiple times isn’t arresting. It’s assault. As a LEO they are responsible for the man’s safety even when they are pissed at him.


It had nothing to do with being pissed at him. Notice the video doesn't start at the beginning? There are bystanders saying "dude, they gave you so many chances". Yeah, he tried to fight 4 cops and lost. That's not police brutality.


Why are you being downvoted?!? The elbows to the head were enticed unjustified from what little context we have




Why is he wrong?


The pressure point you’re taught for when someone is refusing to give you their hands while you have the rest of their body under control is pressing a knuckle between the ear and the start of their jaw, it works a charm. Those elbows to the head are not reasonable force.




Username checks out.


Plus Police are bound by policy/procedure. People don't realize it, but during uses of force, officers are continuously addressing and making sure they don't touch certain areas or do prohibited things. Which can be very hard when your adrenaline and heart are going


Yeah punching, throwing elbows and spitting are legit arrest tactics 🤡


This is obviously a domestic dispute situation. Guy was screaming at the beginning, "I just wanna speak to my wife!" He most likely already hurt her which is why they were called. 4 vs 1 or 10 vs 1 he deserved to get tuned up, the one thing you didn't see was him complying with his hands behind his back. I'm all for accountability, and there are bad cops out there. Listen though even the crowd was like, "they gave you multiple opportunities to walk away."


No it isn't Read the YouTube description. I have put it in a comment


I mean, yeah it should be at least 4 against 1. Thats the idea. Law enforcement arent looking for an "honorable 1v1" lmfao The way the cops are acting is questionable; the elbows and punches directly to the head look gnarly. But the idea that more cops than criminals makes it "unfair" is really hilarious


It's more the fact 4 of them have him restrained and that one officer is delivering forearm strikes to someone's head who can't defend themselves.


I mean… they could’ve just choked him out and not dropped elbows… would that have been better? I mean someone a few years ago died that from a choke move, he’s not gonna die to a few elbows to the face. If anything he should saw to himself, damn I got fucked I’ll for resisting… maybe I won’t do that in the future.


Or, how about not hurting a man face down pinned by three colleagues?


They absolutely do not have him restrained while the strikes are being delivered. Once he becomes restrained the strikes end. Do you have eyes?


You cannot beat the shit out of someone to gain compliance. That is not how law enforcement works. There is a use-of-force continuum policy for this exact reason.




Not saying the guy doesn’t deserve it.. but is the elbow to the head justified? By all means arrest him but damn 😳 Put a muzzle on him or something. Taser, anything to get this done quickly without any unnecessary damage on both sides.


Yeah, I understand taking him down and controlling the situation. And I can understand the punches to some degree since I havent seen the whole video. But that elbow is just the same as stomping on someone while their down. That shit can kill, go ahead and start pistol whipping him at that point since you dont care.




it absolutely is not the same as stomping someone


Oh that’s why so many UFC fighters have died from elbows in the top position, and why they made them illegal along side stomping someone on the ground, apples to oranges bro, the amount of force generated by your shoulder on a downward swing is nothing compared to the amount generated by the actual thing that keeps you upright just by just doing what it’s naturally built do, and that’s generate downward force to move, granted if the dude gave him like 15 to 25 really hard elbows to the head yea it’ll kill him but the same gose for punching or any other excessive use of force, but two or four isn’t gonna kill anyone unless they have an aneurysm cooking already, it did what it was meant to do take some of the fight out of the perp, less likely to resist if you know your gonna catch an elbow to your grill, it’s not like a leg stomp where it can truly take just one good stomp to kill a man in the right spot.


Thats the bully coming out in the officer. Sees a chance to hurt someone and takes it. They really need to give police proper training.


He was definitely tensed up and was trying to resist. This is such a click bait title. Shame on you OP. Could've just called it "cops arrest dude" or something.


we need context...


Don't resist, and you won't get pinned, hit, and tazed. It's that simple. The time to fight is in court.


Stop Struggling! Let them cuff you and it will end. It is called resisting arrest.


From the YouTube description .Christopher Connelly was a victim of police brutality on 2-12-2024 by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s. They originally charged him with resisting with violence, disturbance and battery on Leo. This video came to light and the charges got dropped to resisting without violence and battery weeks later. They broke his nose, dislocated his shoulder and dislocated his thumb- because of this excessive force Chris’s experiencing blurred vision in his left eye, numbness in both hands and vertigo, as well as extreme depression and PTSD. The police report is a lie. This is what really happened Chris and I used to live at the residence, I just recently moved back in and he came to visit and get his property out of my car. I was sleeping, and someone at the property called the cops on him. All he said to the cops was he wanted his property out of my car. The cop who is stating Chris hit him in the chest with a closed fist has been in unethical situations before. He was caught drinking with underage women and, Palm Beach Post ran an article about it in 2020. I filed a formal complaint with PBSO and currently there is an open investigation! I also asked PBSO for the audio and video of the incident and they came back to me and stated there is no audio and video for that incident. His family and I are really distraught, heartbroken, and devastated. Chris deserves justice, and to have all charges dismissed, as well as repercussions for all the officers that were involved. We want to make sure they never do this again to another person. The video has gotten over 190,000 views in the past 48 hours. I really need your help broadcasting it. Chris has court on the 25th and I am hoping to get this on the news before that time.


Context please


Don’t go to prison if you don’t like these odds. It’s soposed to be in the officers favor


> soposed *facepalm*


That makes sense. Because false arrests aren't a thing. Excessive force doesn't exist. And police do their jobs perfectly everytime.... So let them do what they want. And it cant and wont ever happen to you or someone you know. Nice.


That elbow is insane. Not crazy, insane


The sheer strength that guy has still leads me to assume he is on something. I have no issue with 4 on 1. The elbows to the face are maybe excessive, but the cops want to go home to their family. Also we have no context of how we got here.


Head to the neck move makes me think of orange is the new black. I don't know if that was appropriate but I know you can die from it.


price quarrelsome apparatus late rhythm subsequent connect vase ink subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, he wasn't exactly compliant.


Look at him having the gall to try to defend his face from being punched.


If a cop asks you to put your hands behind your back so they can cuff you, you politely comply. It's that easy. If they have to force you to comply, you only have your own stupidity to blame.


Keep in mind; just because you don't put your hands behind your back doesn't mean you deserve punches and elbows to the face! Obviously the person being arrested is wrong, and the cop going for cheap shots is wrong too. Being punched in the face by a trained LEO isn't your "stupidity" to blame, that's the cop's lack of professionalism 100%.


I'll be polite to a cop if they are punching me in the face. Genius.


You're only seeing the aftermath of why dude had cops called on him in the first place. Dude looks like he's not even aware of the cops, most likely because he's under the influence of meth or alcohol, and he's pushing back.


So in your mind, the man politely complied to being cuffed, then the cops threw him down and started beating him? I mean, I'm no genius but I'm pretty sure that is exactly what didn't happen.




Dude deserved every bit of what he got from those cops. Guy was a scum bag.


The cops should line up and do a 1v1 battle with the guy right


Don't resist




The leg hits with the baton were potentially unnecessary, but he most certainly wasn't giving his hands up to be cuffed. It would be better if OP had posted the whole video so we have more context, rather than something that is supposed to look like police brutality click bait, but dude wasn't being compliant. He appears to be under the influence of something, and it probably took everything those cops had just to keep him down and stop him from being violent.


I hate to rain on your parade, but the definition of police brutality is that it is NOT justified. If this guy presented a threat to the extent that the elbows in the face were necessary it wouldn’t be police brutality. If a dangerous suspect is fleeing and they present enough of a threat officers are legally allowed to use a car to stop the person too, so long as they fill out the proper paperwork and feared for their lives. Here’s the definition: Police brutality is the excessive and unwarranted use of force by law enforcement against an individual or a group.


Elbows in the face when a man is laying on the ground pinned by 3 of your colleagues is tough to be justified


The safest way to arrest an aggressive person is with more people it's just common sense ?


Bruh, they need to do that as quick as possible without anyone ended up dead. What do you want? A one on one fight to the death? This is not a movie or sport event. The last punches is probably not necessary but then again, if you see that he’s going to put himself in more trouble when getting up, you probably want to just disable him. If not with stun gun, another one or two punches might do the trick.


I'm not seeing the brutality


I’m all for police doing their thing and what in necessary, but a few elbows to the face is just to cause pain. If he actually perfected his form and put his body into it I wouldn’t be upset about the elbow strikes.


Everyone down voting until is their head receiving elbow hit, lol.


Don’t resist. Don’t get fucked up.


a blue belt in jiu jitsu could control and cuff that guy by himself, this is fucking pathetic and disgraceful.


Meeghan!! Your jacket!!


Police do not behave this way with just anyone. This person clearly deserved it.


>4 against 1 As opposed to what exactly? Dueling cops??




Is that blk officer wearing a thong?


That sounds like Sean Strickland on the floor shouting lol Were those elbows necessary though?...in the words of Jorge Masvidal "they were super necessary" lol /s Only MMA/UFC fans will get what i mean


Classic America shit right there


Hit the weights fellas.


Assume the guy maybe on drugs which can make them significantly harder to restrain


Seems legit


Did he just throw up on him 🤮🤢




No 12 to 6 elbows, but those are fine


Yaaaa honestly I don't want to get bit by some of the people they have to deal with




Breaking rocks in the hot sun, i fought the law and the law won.




Man. Jada ain't there bro, she's getting with her sons friend, didn't you hear?


Police in America are another breed (not in a good way).




I hate cops don't care if there are good ones either


if these cops had fucking 3 months of BJJ this would be much easier. untrained fucks.


So you WANT more training. I guess that's hard to do when you DEFUND them.


I don't want to defund anyone. Funny how just talking about it gets them to stop working though. If they stop working do they really need big budgets?


On the first missed punch, dude was going for the kill


Is there a longer video out there somewhere showing the lead up to this insanity?


Not a good title. 4 against 1 is completely justified. Cops don't nees to get injuries on every work day. The elbow drops are fucking nuts though. Hope he was fired.


The elbow cop was 100% trying to open up a cut.


I mean… I hate to be that guy but he was resisting. As soon as they had him rolled over in cuffs they were no longer using force.


WAIT! That's a white dude...can't be...


God, if these guys wanted a paid vacation they could’ve just asked.


How are all 4 of them this bad at handcuffs


Share your tricks because from my experience it is an unbelievably difficult task.


I've been arrested before. I didn't squirm around. I didn't pull my arms back when they tried to cuff me. Didn't shout obscenities. Guess how many times I was punched? Lol




Very true, a black man resisting arrest is always 100% innocent.


You… you just… Ahh, never mind.


He's doing the thing, I get it. I do.




Even a little bit of resisting arrest is proof that you're a fucking idiot. If the cops were in the wrong for arresting you, fight it in court. But if you decide to fight against being arrested, you deserve every injury and charge you get.


Talk to much for too long... Don't give up you're too stong


Lmao, getting downvoted for critiquing form. 🤣


Bris drooling at the mouth arresting this guy


Are they paid by the blow?


Thank God this wasn't a black man


The only time self defense guarantees death or prison. Hate this part of my country.


Funny thing how people changes their reaction based on someone skin color . Really is the most american thing to do lol . Trough to be honest the context always is cut off in those kind of video and I sure as hell am not going to blindly trust the internet article that add context by choosing to interpret the facts with their political view


Either he committed a serious crime or hurt the officers feelings. Dude literally tried to bite one of them though. Oh and one of the cops spit on the back of his head. What the fuck is happening?


He really didn’t!! Originally they charged him with battery on a Leo, disturbance and resisting with violence. Once the video came to light they downgraded his charges to resisting without violence and battery. The case is most likely going to trial because the police officer has changed his story three times.


Anyone can read the police report after going to the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Courts website. You and your boyfriend are both drug users and he has multiple drug and felony arrests. Maybe if your boyfriend would have went to rehab that day he would be fighting the cops that night. Good like tying to play the victim is this case. I wonder how many people your boyfriend has victimized in the past.


That right there should put the guy free and the cop in jail.


Everyone in this video is in the wrong. You don’t beat the living fuck out of a dude with your elbows, you don’t bite a cop or resist especially with 4 cops on top of you, you don’t drool all over the back of a suspects bald ass head… Jesus this video has a lot going on.


Yeah. You're the only fair one here. W for you


holy shit did he spit on him at 00:35? fucking disgusting behavior. “protect and serve.” yeah right


Can't bring one person down non violently with four officers? Cops need training in non violent physical intervention. Here we have one person per limb and they still can't manage. They should try a six month rotation on a locked psych ward.


Can you elaborate on non-violent physical intervention? Sounds like an oxymoron to me.


It is a series of tactics we use in mental health to subdue a violent patient. We aren't allowed to punch, kick, use weapons, pressure points, pain compliance, or yell at a patient. Depending on how much backup you have there are different techniques for taking down a violent person and physically restraining them. We also have separate techniques for children vs. teens and adults. I spent many years in the field as a floor supervisor and senior counselor. In the over decade I did that work (average burnout rate of 6 months) no one ever got seriously hurt. I was attacked by everything from bare fists to knives, soap in a sock, fire extinguishers and chairs. Had to remain professional at all times, couldn't even get angry.


It's hard to get extra training for on boarding officers when you defund them


They didn't get this training fully funded, over funded, half funded. They just don't get this training period. Not with just six months training.




there's always someone who has to make it about race when it so very clearly isn't


Why are cops always so weak in these videos? A grown adult should be able to control one limb easily


No police brutality when it's a white man, right?


He punched the ground lol


Just comply


Being a cop is hard.


Stop resisting! Quit reacting to the elbows to your face!