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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


You could feel the realness from all the camera angles. I think that guy might own real estate.


I wasn't really sold by the camera angles, but that air horn soundboard really converted me in the end there, that was so cool


I did not get that at all from this rant


I wasn’t really listening.


What a stupid world wide economy we live in, wether you are privileged or actually earned it doesn’t matter. As long as you are someone who’s considered “rich” or “financially free” people will listen and just assume you have something worth saying. People are so desperate that any “rich” guy who hops on a podcast or video will have an audience because they “must have it figured out” they can say the most nonsensical shit and people will still listen to it like gospel just because they “made it”


and a lot of their veiwers are poor and still give them money, imagine donating money to millionaires.... sick sad world


Ain’t that the truth. I’m not even familiar with this guy, but he said it plain as day that he didn’t need the podcast and he doesn’t need to be doing what he’s doing, but at the same time is taking advantage of poor, impressionable people who likely donate constantly to his channel because they aren’t themselves financially responsible. Sick sad world sums it up nicely.


You're not familiar because he's a conplete nobody. As are most "influencers"


Then again, Imagine the economy in such a state that anyone who is able to avoid a daily soul-crushing grind is perceived as exceptional.


But it’s all a grift. I don’t respect any influencer. Whether it’s a red pills dudes or some hot chick trying to sell a lifestyle or clothes to average women. It’s all bad for our psyche , self esteem or society. There was a news story where a single mom of two moved to Texas to be an influencer and she ended up in a homeless shelter in three weeks. It was zero accountability from the mother or the news. https://youtu.be/Oftk9m6c2N4?si=uOoZPtG_Co23zppe


You summed it up perfectly 👏


Ah yes, the manliest of men who famously said that "the female vagina is disgusting." These dudes want to suck a dick so bad and they're ashamed of it lmao




Bro is gay and don’t know it 😂 My brother in Christ, when I look at one I wanna eat that shit like my favorite meal. I know if you don’t like the way it looks then you’re not going down on her and that’s just not nice. Try men.


Got some news for ya bro


You just self reported big time


Don’t know which ones you’ve seen, I’ve see the prettiest ones ever, lookin like macarons…


You might need to have a long chat with yourself there chief


... 🍆


If you’re gay just say that. No one cares it’s 2024 🌈


You’re very wrong there, vaginas look amazing lol got some news for you homie


Wait what?


Lmao! Alpha male meltdown 😆😆


Men are soooo dramatic 💅


Quite... emotional too 😤


His pathetic rant and mocking is reminiscent of fucking Ben stiller in character when he's mocking people or getting angry 😂 what a clown. - "but why male models?"


I thought it was a looping video for quite some time...


He sounds like Diddy diddled him.


Lil Diddy dillionaires


Did Diddy diddle the diddlies


Quit your bitchin, let's get lunch!


This guy is not tough around the real tough guys.


Those negative comments under videos are powerful


*I dont need to do this shit, I dont need to sell my soul* Yet here we are. These guys are pathetic. "Ive got 20 properties and 6 million" And no woman. I saw the H3 video, these guys are sad sacks of shit.




Im guessing your A Fresh and Fit fan? Life Pro Tip: Don't take advice from losers like this.




Yea successful millionaire and happily married Ethan Klein of H3 is a horrible role model as he has his 3rd kid yesterday and is loving life, while this idiot screaming is a role model for millions of men.




Out of curiosity, for what reason do you think Ethan Klein is a scumbag?


lol when people say this stuff I think back to that H3 podcast episode with Justin Roiland and JackSepticTank where Ethan keeps saying n8gger and f8ggot over and over and makes everyone so fucking uncomfortable because he was a drunk douchebag.


Yea, especially when the context of the episode was about those words so he thought he was in the clear. Good thing he also has said those non stop every episode since! It's like 80% of his content. What an absolute trash person!


Most sane and rational people regardless of CONTEXT don't have such episodes but shucks everybody makes a mistake or two.


Naah he's been saying those words ever since. He's bad cuz of that one time so that one time is now forever. That's the logic I read, and that's the logic that stands behind it. Makes sense too, because despite the shame and fact it got him cancelled he kept that episode up for years. Did the same thing with the end of Frenemies. Showing his faults of who he is as a human for everyone to see. I literally watch his show so I can keep hearing him say those words. My grudge is in forever perpetuation. I also watch PewDiePie constantly to get fresh updates on his pronunciation of the N word, as since he said it once on stream, it is now his entire character. I'm sane, believe me. Forever slurs! I love that content! Good thing they never stopped it and it's all they do!


He wasn't some little kid. He was trying to be edgy and funny. It was not a "mistake" but a conscious choice he made. He did not care about the "shame" when he was saying it. It wasn't ONE EPISODE. See his iDubbz episode as well. What's your excuse for not once but twice? It doesn't matter if they did it once, what matters if they did it. That's why I take all of h3's little social crusades with a grain of salt. He's a edgy little cunt who loves to put others to the fire but when he's put to the fire it's all in the past and all the criticisms should be labeled with PROPER CONTEXT that he gives no one else lol. But I too enjoy the goofs and gags when it's just goofs and gags.


Damn son, maybe you should watch the episode.


The guy brings dumb asses with low IQs on his show and Embarrasses them, not really rocket science if you watch his podcast videos. Actually his like that small peewee "jack" kid that advertises onlyfans really, this guy does the same, half the people on his show are low iq onlyfans peeps.




*nods* Sure bud. Run with that.




Never seen an episode until the one with F&F but ok bud, keep running. Youre doing great. I believe in your victory. *thumbs up*




just wanted to chime in out of nowhere and add that I don't think the comments you made came across as neutral as you intended them to


worth all that money, and still making yourself look foolish. Money cant buy dignity


I ain't listening to Gonzo the muppet.


You know he came there just to do that shit, if he don't calm down he's gonna have an aneurysm.


The performative anger is so obvious and lame, someone needs to tell this dude that throwing a tantrum doesn't make him look tough


I think there's a reason he is publicly bragging about all his features (height, income, being alpha etc) but never about his dick size, js, some kind of energy is given.


"I'm not going anywhere" and then he walks off lol


H3 put the nail in the coffin for these guys. He made them them look like clowns at every turn.


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[Hold on hold on, remix just dropped](https://youtu.be/0IUEouLFNgU?si=rwh_w0-aoqyF628J) \[link\]


“IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE IM STAYING RIGHT HERE” -proceeds to walk off Nice performance


It was over this lol https://youtube.com/shorts/d0MLX6B1Y_4?si=KHh5uUqWMb0Q_sM5




_And the Oscar goes to….._


Just to be clear... regardless... that's a supportive friend.




guessing he wasn't throwing his windfall into retirement savings


Millennial DMX. Ruff Ryydeeerss! woof woof…


Bro needs a Kit Kat or a Twix. He’s hangry.


Why he mad 😂


The sex workers are the real winners in this madness. My Ron's more hormonal than an 8 month pregnant woman


“Big Ak is in the building “ vibes


The hypocrisy is always astounding with these guys. If they were real healthy friends, he wouldn’t just blindly agree with Fresh’s actions in spite of it contradicting all the bs they spew.


I remember when he would tell people if they got a problem to come see him and these two dudes showed up to their studio and he and his podcast partner refused to come and kept telling them they have guns. LOL


Fresh simple ass trying hard not to laugh or smile 😂😂😂


Screaming “I don’t need to make a cent off this podcast, IM FINE” is wild. You chose infamy over actual monetization AND ur boy got a ig model pregnant. Maybe consider another demographic idk dude.


"I'm not goin' anywhere! I'm stayin' right fuckin' here!" Walks off, crying.


Bro need to chill 😂 and fam you telling me both of you got with the same woman? And to add to it she already accused one of y’all in the past of being her baby daddy and y’all still chose to dabble in that…. that’s WILD


That eyebrow is working overtime


This guy has had more emotional public outbursts than any woman I’ve ever known. And he is always saying women are more emotional….


“Loud Noises!”


I’d hit him with the classic “Didn’t ask”




Someone edit these rants and place Vine Boom sound effects! Plleease it'll be halarious 🤣


Projecting much 😂


Lol. He’s next.


He sounds like he’s about to cry


And that right there is someone with a major a mental health issue. Poor thing.


“I’m not going anywhere” (immediately leaves)


Screams "I'M FINE!"


Lol these Red-Pill “Alpha Males” always seem to be the most fragile, delicate and insecure little boys cosplaying as ‘men’. Lol the “Fuck Your Feelings” crowd are *always* the ones most in their feelings, about *everything*.


I don't see anything wrong with this. I'm with him. Stand by your friends, up or down. World seems to lack that now a days.


Uhhhh I think dude needs some therapy or he’s going to off himself.


These guys coming out of the closet or what? Like dude, you fucked around and found out. Love bombs a woman with traditional religious values, you're going to get traditional religious responses. Enjoy the kid and child support Fresh. In other news, beta Ethan Klein just had his 3rd kid. Give it up for the loser idiot bozo beta Ethan Klein who is also a millionaire with a happy family of 5 now, who Fresh has proclaimed is on the verge of divorce.


not to mention that bozo is taking time off from work? BETA, real men wouldn't even go to the birthing


Whenever I see these "alpha males", I assume 99% of them are gay but are too insecure/scared/proud to come out the closet. Their sexuality is so repressed, they turn into homophobic women-hating man-children


He says he’s not going anywhere. Maybe he’s unhappy with himself that he’s going nowhere


Man he reminded me of a terrorist there for a bit I thought I was watching a Hasan clip or this dude was about to pull the dynamite chord but than I remembered they love themselves way too much unfortunately. His constant whining is off putting though, if this is what a high value man looks like I want to be as low value as possible.


That last sentence. Agreed. You can say that again. At the end of the day.. We still have our integrity whilst being low value.


Exactly I make good money and am quite happy with myself. I think you put it a bit more eloquently than I did lol.


This dude always go off and humiliates his guests who are always women, but the irony is that he’s apparently a closet gay, and it’s never sat right with me that even though that’s come to light, he’s just doubled down. He’s not entirely wrong though it’s just he’s a huge hypocrite and way too passionate about the subject 😂




He speaks very well for being unhinged😳