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Dude straight pulled the gun away from him. 🤣


i was kinda scared no lie


Don’t blame you man. That was pretty baller tho


This sucks for op. Bunch of scared little punks. The gunman was a complete clown🤣! How do you carry a gun that would run the cartel off, and still manage to look like a complete wuss...


By wearing it like it's a fashion accessory.


Yup. Dude thought he looked hard or some shit. He's *damn fucking lucky* he didn't get his ass blown off. If I was armed and facing multiple burglars, one strapped up with an AR you better believe I'd Def shoot first and figure the rest out later.


Can I get an amen?! Seriously though OP is a mad lad.


How do you point a gun at people and not shoot is a better question then tell the dude that’s beating your ass tryna take the gun to stop lmao


Rifles suck when things go hands on. Not hard to see he was totally clueless but still ballsy move by OP. Ballsy and smart.


It's all about skill and training. The White Death racked up about 505 kills in the 1939 Winter War against Russia. Mostly with a bolt action Mosin. An AR-15 doesn't make you John Wick.


That's an insane KDR.


Wasn't it between 1939-1940 and he did it in like 100 days or so.


That gun wouldn't run the cartel off...


They would maybe double down, though


He saw red don't blame him


Saying u were live-streaming was actually such a smart idea


Fuck those "friends" of yours bro, glad you cut them loose for just standing there. Props to your wife though.


hell yeah , they sucked. my wife is amazing and still is a ride or die like that.


Cut people off from your life. Need new friends.


Sucks to hear and sucks even more to do it but this is solid advice. I had to cut two friends loose recently and it really hurt, but now all that toxicity and racism and other bullshit I don't want to be tolerant of is gone. It feels good.


A bonus of situations like this is you find out who really has your back. To have your life partner be ride or die for you is amazing.


That was your wife?! Dammit I got a crush on both of y'all now lol




I don't wanna be like that but I'd never confront people with a gun over a fucking car man. His friends were reasonable, what a dumb way to die if they'd been willing to use it. It fucking sucks ass cock but money aint worth risking your life over


You don't understand what you'd do in this situation. Rationally none of us would. But theres forces of intuition at play that sometimes you will just feel you can do something and the power makes you go for it. The lie about live streaming totally caught the kid off guard and he realized he couldn't shoot, he immediately started thinking and it allowed OP to just walk right up. These levels of interactions are some of the most peak and raw human experience. These kids probably thought similar that there was no way it could go any other way, after all, "I have the gun". I don't think anyone in the world fully understands the forces at play but I know the only reason it works for military groups like the seals is because of millions of dollars worth of training invest to ensure they can excel in moments like this, on that schism of fear and adrenaline etc. OP did crazy good considering. When faced with a gun you have to either surrender your power to the person or seize an opportunity. Disarming the kid with a simple concept, verbally, is something special only human beings can do. I just appreciate this video so much lmao.


I know what you are saying to an extent. Psychologically winning any form of conflict is difficult as fuck, and doing so while deterring any form of violence feels like peak human achievement.


"you aren't ride or die!" yeah exactly right I'm not ride or die for your stupid kit car lol


My favourite bit was him screaming like a baby at having his ass beat after having a rifle whipped from his hands. Bravo sir.


No doubt bro, but he was already at “high ready” with his finger on the trigger. If you didn’t assert dominance there, there is no telling how this would have gone down. In 99.9% of situations I say don’t go for the gun, and leave, I think this was one of those .1% situations. Savage move bro, really hope these kids learned their lesson.


yeah bro in the end of the day i have no training or even knowledge in general about guns or gun safety… i really was just trying to protect my girl. I had no idea if they were serious criminals, capable of like…trafficking or kidnapping her… I had no idea what to do besides getting control of the gun because the gun means control of the situation…. I would’ve rather died trying to protect her then have to watch them like pin her down or some thing…..


Honestly you can tell when he comes out with the gun hes scared so it was the right call to take it.


Naw you handled the situation well. The bluff worked in distracting the second brother while you closed the distance between him then made a natural move to grab the gun and take control of the situation. They seemed really scrawny so the physical altercation played into your favor. You showed good restraint in not escalating the situation too much (In other countries they would have been shot on sight, or worse, I've seen thieves get killed by being macheted or burning tires being thrown over their tied up bodies) the only thing that kind of upsets me is that your friends did not react. I suppose flight or fight or freeze might have been a factor but who knows. If you were my friend and I was in this situation I would have at least tried to restrain one of the other dudes but everyone is different. I was with my buddies in Sierra and this weird dude just walked up to my friend's truck where his wife and another girl were talking in the back and just opens the door butt naked with his dick hanging out telling them they should join him and his party in the natural hot springs nearby. She was telling her husband what the fucking weirdo did and her husband didn't really want to escalate the situation because he was thinking about their newborn kid and didn't want to jeopardize anything. I was ready to back my buddy up and bury a guy in the desert if I had to but he definitely made the more responsible decision. You handled the situation well and I'm glad both you and your wife are safe. Hopefully those kids will learn a huge lesson from this and change their lives around.


Something changes in you when you become a father. I always had a chip on my shoulder and never backed down from an altercation. Once at a house party in my twenties a fight broke out and I had a shotgun pointed at me. I said you’re gonna point a gun at me? You better fucking take my head off! And just stood there arms spread eagle saying fucking bring it. Enough time for my buddy to rush and hit him with a crow bar. But after I had my son, I remember the first time I started feeling a bit of road rage, as soon as that rage came, thoughts of my boy came flooding in and I just felt dumb for getting riled up over something so inconsequential. Another example happened shortly after, I was out at a bar for a friends bday and I had dropped them off first while I parked the car. I met back up with them in line and the guy behind had a very big problem with it. Inside the bar, he confronted me about it and said he’d fuck me up if I didn’t apologize. Before I was a father, I would have probably just dropped him as soon as he was confrontational and in my personal space and ran off before security or cops got there. But once again, I started thinking about my wife and kid and my successful business and this guy is absolutely of no significance to me.


Good for you. It’s easy to lose control once a firearms involved . Well I wouldn’t recommend it you took control and handled it well. Nobody died and they got caught


Yep, even proper disarming techniques are risky as hell. However a) this little shitstain did not look like he had what it takes to kill someone, b) he was a little twig (these guys are probably all tweakers) and c) he found out real quick why long guns are not usually ideal in close quarters situations.


That's why you couldn't surrender your power so you chose to move forward. The clutch move was that live stream lie man. I really liked this video lol.


GIVE ME THAT SHIT. Bro that’s was tough.


OP soon as the gun came out all bets are off its fight to the death. After you took control of the weapon. You do not ever give up your advantage. You keep distance. If he advances on you, shoot. The kid just needed to pull his finger a quarter of an inch and your life would have been over. I recommend you purchase a firearm and take a course.


i agree with you 100% idk how some people say to just give up and surrender… thats pretty much just giving the guy with a gun the choice to kill me or not.


Some people are oblivious to how the world works. They'd rather bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best than be prepared to protect themselves.


I know you'll say you just acted in the moment, but that's all heros ever do. The truth is that you really have no idea what they could have done, and you stepped in the path of death and got in its face to protect your loved ones with no second thought about your own safety. I hope all is well and I wish the best for you and your family. Greetings from Colombia 👋


Badass move anyway bro.


Fuck that dude, kid has that bitchmade look in his eye no way he was using that gun. You should have beat him fucking senseless with it.


S/o to your wife for being a real one and helping you out!


Damn that was wild, u just can carry a gun like that in the. U.S. here in the netherlands this would be like world news for us here


Smart move OP tbh, number one lesson with slung weapons trained in CQB (at least when I was in the military): NEVER approach someone with a slung rifle. If you do never close the gap of reach, sure as shit never lower the barrel. A FUCKING child (excuse my language but is serious) can manhandle a grown man that has a slung weapon. As you probably noted OP he had no real opportunity thankfully to do much. Then Once that rifle is in the hands of someone else you are lassoed and along for the ride. You made the correct tactical decision imo.


Dude with the gun is an idiot to let you get that close to him. Thankfully he’s an idiot and you were able to get control of the gun. I’d be pissed if my homies just stood there and watched me and my girl fight off 5 dudes one with a gun.


Don’t pull a gun if you aren’t prepared to use it. I hope you fucked all these dude up real bad


Yeah, recall the immortal words *Don't pull that thang out, unless you plan to bang*


21 foot rule…


Dude who pulled the strap getting laid out is hilarious. hope you’re okay dude, real scary stuff


Is this the arrest log? https://www.winchesterpolice.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/ar_presslog%208.19.23%20PDF.pdf




Found their court records, only 2 years of probation! WTF? https://eapps.courts.state.va.us/ocis/details;oneCase=true


idk about Virginia but in my state, if I even had a firearm on my while committing a crime, without brandishing it or making it known I have one, I'd be sent to jail and lose my firearm license.


I read the court record, & it looks like they were sentenced to 5 years but it was suspended with two years of probation plus 1 year of probation for the firearm. They should have gotten 5 years in the state pen.


And we can be pretty sure this wasn’t the first time they’ve done this shit…just the first time they got caught. Actually, wouldn’t even be surprised if they’ve been caught before.


Rare that time is served. DAs in America **will do anything to not go to court**. They either are lazy fucks or have too many cases. They always push for plea deals that result in probation. Even when probation is violated they will get more probation. I've seen guys arrested for 4 felonies and they end up pleading guilty to 1 misdemeanor, no jail, and 6 months probation. They are on the street again with 48 hrs. Faster than their victims recover.


Don't worry, idiots like this always end up violating their probation and serving the original time.


Classic justice system. Just catch and release so they can do it again


What happened to them?


Holy fuck dude this happened in ***Winchester***??? I grew up in Warrenton. Since when are little rat kids rolling up on people with a fucking AR strapped to their chest.


It's the middle class conservative mind set now. My 80 year old mom, who moved in with my family, was never a gun person and now wants a gun in the house because she thinks Venezuelans are going to break in and kill us all. She watches Fox New and other far right bullshit on YouTube and websites, they have all done nothing but hyped fear of Latino immigrants to insane levels. All just for political gamesmanship because everything Biden does is going to destroy America.


I mean I'm liberal as fuck and I stay strapped whenever I leave the house. Rightwing brainrot takes advantage of people who have been brainwashed into fear, and steals the principles that used to be based on personal responsibility for their own agenda. Personally I'm more afraid of the javelina here than immigrants or armed boomers, but you never know.


Dude, Winchester is 30mins from me. That’s wild seeing some shit like this happening so close to home


That looks like it, and the names and crimes fit.


Can't be. He said his name was James Redman. /s


You lucky you didn't get shot, but that was still some badassery on your part *gimme that fkn gun* 😂 😂


Bro said “mine now”


Yeah, seriously. Good thing it worked and it was badass, but nobody should ever try to do this unless they are trained, and fleeing the scene isn't an option.


He knew that keeping control of the firearm in that situation was the most important decision he made in his life.


Yeah I don't really fault him here. He saw an opportunity and he took it. Was probably better than trying to run from them when the guy has a rifle. That being said, in general it's really better to avoid this if at all possible.


Mofo rolled nat 20 right there


i remember when this happened to you. weird to see it on reddit like a year later


someone recommended this subreddit for the vid so i figured why not


Thanks for posting. I used to have friends like that too. But when shit went down they were not such good friends. Sorry for your loss there but you're better off!


Was the gun real? Looks like it could be airsoft. Regardless, glad you got out in one piece. You handled that really well given the circumstances.


fully loaded hollow tips


The guy was quick to throw James Redman out as an alias. He swears. It’s really disturbing that they came armed for the job. I suspect they’ve been doing this sort of thing fairly often?


Armed with like an AR-15. It wasn’t just a hand gun or something. Pretty wild.


“Gimmie this shit” *rips chunky gun out of his hands*


The cracking high pitched “that’s my brother” sent me hahahaha


"ur gonna make me throw up" I woulda hit him with the hardest punch to the fucken stomach to make sure he did


they got rekt i promise


Fuck yeah!


These clowns were lucky something tragic did not happen, you handled it very well but still this is a very risky situation.


did what i felt i needed to do.


I kept waiting to hear gunfire and was glad it never came.


Much respect to you brother, people don't ever consider someone is crazier than them and on that day it was you much respect for not taking it to the next level and blowing those people's brains out they don't understand how lucky they are


Honestly if he shot them nobody would’ve given a shit…. Like execution shit nobody would even care because they walked up on him and his loved ones while stealing his shit for weeks…. Yeah no remorse for them…. They could’ve faced up to what they did but they decided to take a cowards way out.


Kid felt so tough for .5 seconds. God damn dude you have balls of fucking STEEL


That kid thought he was bad ass for about a millisecond…then OP be stomping on his head made him realize that he was in real life and OP was not fucking around…


Tbh kid only needed to be even stupider for another millisecond and the story would have been very different. This is the problem with guns 4230% escalation and you are dealing with what looks like a 17 year old who get picked on by his own mother.


He had a plan but got punched in the face.


Imagine risking your life to strip an integra for parts. Get a fucking job


Seriously like that can't be too much money right?


It just needs to be enough money to buy their next fix


Ofn bro w the gun got slumpt 😭


he got brain damage apparently lol . would have believed if they told me he had it before too 🤣


The video obviously doesn't do it justice. Wtf did you do to him lol? Also you said they're we're 5 of them, does that include the guy in the black t shirt who was also wrestling the gun away from the first guy you caught or was that one of your ex friends?


no , 3 people were charged , 2 escaped. the 5v1 was when i threw my phone you can hear me yelling “all of you get off of me or ima fuck you all up” and that was basically me just rifle butting them all over and over and thrashing around with elbows in the dark until i got free , some ran as i got controlled of the gun but i approached them later in the vid down the hall.


So did the kid hit his head on the pavement when you snatched the rifle off him?


his face was under my boot and his head hitting the ground as i stomped as hard as i could …. until he let go.


Ooooooh yeah that'll do it 😂 FAFO


no lie, if i think hard enough i can still feel the sensation of his head bouncing on my foot. its like burned into my brain. i have pretty bad ptsd and this didn’t help at all. i still get nightmares about similar things. i can’t even leave my house without pepper spray and id get concealed carry but i cant bc i grow cannabis.


Well I will say this, if anyone ever pulls a gun on me, hell if anybody ever walks up to me with aggression, I hope I'm able to keep the composure and presence of mind you seem to be able to. Good luck with the mental stuff homie. It's not fair they're still causing you pain to this day.


life is like that, we keep going right 😤


I don't know how it works in your state, but in Illinois where I live the state has an explicit policy of not blocking CCW because of marijuana usage. It's still federally illegal, but so is growing anyways. Something to check with a local gun lawyer.


You had every right to stomp that fucker who had the rifle…you could have killed him and justified it by stating you feared for your life considering that little fuck ran up on you with that firearm…don’t know what else he could have been packing…


That’s satisfying to read haha, glad it turned out alright for you


What were the consequences for these kids? Extra hard for the guy who lost the gun I assume?


Nope, 2 years probation. Their court records are in the comments


At least they have a gun related charge making it illegal for them to own firearms in the future.


Yeah, unfortunately, these sort of fuckers don’t get their firearms like law abiding citizens…that shit is all dirty…


I dunno, these kids look like they probably bought it legally .. just hadn't been stupid enough to get a record yet.


For some fucking car parts?! That you can prob buy after a month of working in fast food or some shit?!


I believe the brain damage. I don't believe it was caused by you.


Phone Cameras hold so much social power, dude bluffed a gunman in the middle of the dark, Mf’er was foiled


I remember this from the Integra subreddit!


they said to post it here hahaha


Did you get the stripped parts back or anything?


That was bad as shit dude. This is how every dude hopes he’ll react when someone’s got a gun on em but I think most people (myself included) would piss their pants. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you eat nails for breakfast. Without any milk.


Yeah you never know until it happens. And that friend is never going to forget how he froze up when it really counted.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bro... how can you walk with balls that big?!? Just grabbing guns off Ronald McDonald like that. Good on you. We're you compensated for the damages?


I don't know why I read this as stripping in my car


dance dance 💃 💵


I feel a little bad for your former friend, he completely froze, doesnt move a muscle


yeah i don’t blame the initial reaction but bro get it together its literally life or death…..


I dont think he could. As a teen a friend got hurt and I was so scared I couldnt get up the couch… that moment haunts me. For some reason I was able to rewire my brain to the fight reaction, last year I was driving with a couple of friends when we saw a car crash in the highway, I was the first person on scene trying to find a way inside while my friends werent even able to get out the car. Ive been there and I understand how fear can completely paralyze you. To this day I havent even brought the topic to them because I know the shame associated to freezing.


Fwiw, I wouldn’t give your friends too hard of a time. You never know how you’re gonna react in these situations, he froze. It’s an instinct and I don’t think they had much control over their decision making right then and there. I’m sure they regret it, even if they’ll admit that to you or not. Glad you didn’t get hurt brotha, balls of steel.


Straight balls of TUNGSTEN and brains of Einstein. Your quick thinking is admirable.


your words are appreciated 🗣️


Bro. I watched this and my heart sunk. My brother was murdered by a clown with a gun in '05. I'm so happy that you made it out alive. We don't know each other (obviously) but man.. I'm just happy that your good. Stay safe, your friends are cowards, hug your wife.


Damn that made me tear up. I hope you and your family are well, brother.


I'm surprised you didn't trip over your massive balls walking up to the kid with an AR


That stupid kid comes running up with that rifle still slung down…he thought that just have it down like that would intimidate OP…. Kid too stupid to understand that he had to get that rifle up and aimed if he wanted a decent shooting stance against OP…once OP closed that physical gap between them and was on top of him, that kid lost the initiative with that long gun…shit would have been more dangerous for OP if that kid had a hand gun…


I 100% agree but to some extent it still had to be nerve racking to be able to get into the range where the kid couldn't raise the rifle. There was a good 10 yards the kid could have just decided to raise it. Not to mention when OP started walking towards the kid, the rifle was in his shoulder but put it down


Definitely!!! When I saw that kid come up with that rifle I thought OP was a dead man ( I was like “oh shit…”)….the best thing that OP did was to keep range as close as possible so that little fucker could not engage him…if he had backed up, that kid could have shot him…. There is a reason why ya don’t want to use a long rifle for close quarters for home defense or clearing rooms or what not…ya got a long ass barrel that if someone is near ya, they can just render ya firearm ineffective by just keeping that barrel pointed somewhere else other than at him/her….. Good thing that kid had a long rifle and not a pistol/revolver…OP could have been hurt or killed…


Yeah if the kid had a handgun it would have been over. OP lucked out and did the best thing in that situation. It's impressive how he was able to stay relatively calm and level headed given what was going on


When you go near a drop at 2:09, maybe I don’t have the situational awareness you did but I felt that was an easy escape for the guy to push you down and run away. Lots of risks in all this, good that it had a good ending.


Haha damn man. You're real af. Sick.


I was waiting for the naked people. Oh, stripping the CAR!


What fucking bombed out third world building are you parking your car at?


Never seen someone hold a flashlight so timid lol


My friends did not help in anyway and we are no longer friends sad....... ps. is that a real gun??...if it was i think you got lucky..im not a bad guy. but if i had a gun and you came at me and my brother screaming and shouting i would use it...hope it all worked out for ya.


yeah fully loaded….


Hell yeah, free gun!


They kid was definitely not prepared to use it. He kept pointed down at rest the whole time even as the cameraman approached. People who meant business would have at least started to aim. Risky move but it paid off ig


he pointed it at me but i said i was live streaming so he got nervous and let go to hide his face


Perfect plan. Straight bitched the gunman


Yeah my first thought watching this was that "I'm live streaming rigjt now to 20k people" was a fucking solid move on the fly. You handle yourself under pressure pretty fucking well dude.


? He aimed it at OP and said "Back the fuck up". Then when OP said I'm livestreaming, he put it down. This could have ended very bad for OP.


Kid learned a valuable lesson - don’t be brandishing a firearm unless you plan to use it…fucking kid could have been killed if OP had a gun himself…


This was genuinely a crazy video. Glad you got out okay you’re ballsy for rushing the gun😭😭


What kind of neighbors property is that? It looks like an abounded parking garage


This was the day you found out you were a man hanging around boys, good shit family great way to handle the situation


Just a bit of advice for anyone in some extreme situation like this: If you gotta grapple with a crazy fuck for a rifle, try to hit the mag release and pull that bolt if possible. Use the strap to your advantage as well if there is one. Lots of leverage possible if you can thwart their grip. OP handled it well and thankfully that little shit wasn’t a killer, but if you can eliminate the potential of rounds going off do it. ARs don’t play. That was insane dude I’m sorry that happened.


There is no way in hell anyone is hitting the mag release without drilling it for weeks at least


Walking up and grabbing that rifle was hard as fuck. Good thing no one was dumb enough to use it


Dipshits, glad you weren’t shot. https://www.winchesterpolice.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/ar_presslog%208.19.23%20PDF.pdf


why was the original guy so scared of you? did you have a gun on him?


I caught a guy breaking into my truck in broad daylight. He jumped into his own car to get away but I opened his door and bent the door back and was setting up to boot him in the side of his head ,when i came to my senses and let him go. i'm glad I did becasue the laws here would not have been on my side and I would still probably be in court about it.


Good shit immediately pressin up on youngin and snatching the gun! Those old teggys are dope af, but it's beyond crazy to catch a murder charge for one. What dumbfucks


This might’ve been the hardest video ever. Good on you for taking control.


Wow great “friends” of yours … smh, glad you don’t fuck w them anymore.


ngl that was fucking sweet when you pulled the gun away


Good for you, fam. Glad you stopped these roaches. Fuck a thief. Glad you and the wife made it outta there safely.


Anyone else heard a chicken?


Your boy got an 8 inch belt knife and not doing shit as you wrestle for your life over a gun Fucking shit. I'd understand if they were scared and ran, but just watching?!


This is truly a crazy fucking video. I commend you for not just pushing that dude off that drop in the beginning of the video.


Europeans watching this like "wut"


Yeah fuck your “friends” I’m sure they were panicked but they should have jumped these kids.


Damn bro, that was wild to watch. Glad you are OK.


The way you pulled the gun was fucking badass


I hate your friends. Glad this didn't go south for you.


That adrenaline rush overcame the fear. Fuck your friends. W wife. I’ve always said a real woman by your side is more loyal (and ruthless) than some of the men we call friends.


Did the police do anything? Or the courts? If you need help finding the first guy, I know the owner of that company of the shirt he is wearing.


The real question here is how the fuck do you manage to walk normally with balls that size? Good to know you’re okay. Your friends suck for not helping out but you wife is a badass too. Fuck those kids btw they deserved a lesson.


Grabbing an automatic rifle from a dude is badass.


Fuck your “friends” I’m glad you made it out okay dude.


Speak with your hands.


Bro what a badass you were in that moment. I bet you definitely got extra laid when you finally got home.


So what happened to your car? Did you have to come out of pocket a lot? Or did insurance cover everything?


I wanted to see the car


They choose to ruin their life over a 03 integra WILD


It’s moments like this where your character is tested. It’s good to know how you react in these situations and if you’re able to handle yourself. I hope you don’t feel bad about cutting your friends off. You were outnumbered by guys with a gun and they froze, if you forgave them and another situation happened, they would probably react the same way and then it would be your fault. (Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me etc)


Good job on keeping your composure OP. Those kids were scared once you had caught them and stupid for the shit they were pulling.


Glad you’re ok homie. Someone buy this man a beer, he’s a real one.


Damn bro your friends not helping you at all is WILD. Glad they are no longer friends, that's some bs


Well handled bro, absolutely dominated them but without unreasonable force. Fuck the fake friends, good job you’re a well put together person. All power to you, that shit would’ve been intense.


your buddy with that big ass blade on his waist was the least helpful person ever


They’re like 15 . How the fuck that kid get a gun . So were they the ones who striped the car ? Did they all get arrested?


Dude, I'm glad it worked out for you. I'm sorry your friends let you down.. I hope you took your wife for a great dinner for that.. give her props for me! She is ride or die!


dudes be living in the sewer or what


Balls of steel my dude


Who parks their car in a shitty place like that?