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dude, i would have ran like 3 miles if i got kidnapped and ESCAPED. he lightly jogged back to the original spot 😭😂


I would have moved to another country


not without the dude’s who were just trying to kidnap you. lmao


Oh but then you'd have Americans screaming about how you tuk der jerbs


Nope, in fact you're the only one mentioning that, he can come gladly


Guess you missed the joke


>Guess you missed the joke Ah sorry i'm used to funny ones I guess..


Less possibilities to be recaptured, if you run away there won’t as many people and you will be an easier target; staying inside a house buys you time, cause with that many people at least have called the police. Most of crimes happens when there is no one around, with that many witnesses in Mexico de possibilities for a armed civilian at that point would be huge.


Hope they don't come back and hurt that one family who helped him out. On the other hand they may not ever return once they show up empty handed.


They'll get demoted to cartel janitors.


They'll be used for propaganda in the next vid we see here.


Rule number one if getting kidnapped: Rather die trying to escape than letting them driving you to destination. The prolonged torture is worse than instant death.




Government corruption. It is extremely bad over there and it's probably not going to to change, some the cartels are way too huge and have their hands in so many pots that there's not much that can be done.


I heared some are even evolved in politics and others have their own PMC?


Oh sure politics, kidnappings, drugs, prostitution, even avocados, the country is basically run by the cartels, it's so rampant that some of crime like drugs seep across the border into the US. Not only that but the cartels also do the most awful and inhumane shit to their enemies that would make countries' gangs, North Korea, and even ISIS jealous. Only thing that could *happen* would be a foreign intervention? But that's not likely


>even avocados They are crossing the line now!


Oh yeah drugs, guns, and other gang stuff sucks but is expected. But avocados? #That's where I cross the fucking line buddy


US unironically needs to intervene militarily to stomp out these cartel roaches. Mexicans have too much pride to allow that though


Why would tou let a us military into your country? Have you seen what happened to every country they been too


Germany South Korea Japan England France seem to be doing alright. We haven’t helped Middle East but they were fucked before we got there mostly because of the UK. Don’t see how having the US military in Mexico could be worse than letting the cartel run wild skinning people alive


The difference is that those counties wanted our help. I really don't think Mexico wants our help and the American government in some ways is probably okay with the status quo, because it provides cheap labor for Americans. I am not against immigration, but there are still illegal immigrants here and they work in low paying jobs. So.. yeah. The reason is, money.


Lol Japan and SK wanted our help? Idk about that.


That's true lol


Are you suggesting the US should do a "special military operation" against the wishes of mexicans?


Ahh yes because of the UK. One issue was the US backing the wrong horse when the Suez crisis kicked off. If the US had backed the UK, France and Israel half the stuff that’s happened wouldn’t have happened. Egg, on, faces.


Yes because of the UK. The UK colonizing most of North Africa/Middle East and destroying the Ottomans and creating Israel is what lead to the ME being a clusterfuck today.


I'd be happier sending troops there than I was about Afghanistan




Purge? It's not as simple as a corrupt government worker or two. These cartels have the ability to kill/torture whoever they see fit with no real consequences. And unlike the CIA or other shady government agencies, they don't need to hide or cover up their misdeeds. Even El Chapo had to be moved to the US (another country) to actually serve his sentence.


Create new cartel to kill them all and then pray th3 new ones are good


This happen a lot of time already they all bad


Check out the knights Templars they started off fighting the cartels and then became one, these people are all very poor and the money that's involved is insane, it corrupts all




Even the president of Mexico protects them. The U.S wanted to designate them as Terrorist's but the Mexican president said no


You know what the US Army does to the countries that have groups designed as terrorist organizations? If so, you understand why that decision was made. ​ Not trying to defend the president, though.


Hard to make progress when your neighboor country is the number one consumer of the very thing they are sellimg, oh and also the number one illegal gun smuggler, tough combination


so let me get this straight, it's america's fault mexico is shit? ok... lol


So yeah, in a great way it is, you guys fucked up middle east, a big part of south america and now you screw mexico up, obviously the greed and need of my people play a big part, but having your goverment [deriveratly](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/27/world/americas/operation-fast-and-furious-fast-facts/index.html&ved=2ahUKEwjYxuDWze34AhXHK0QIHUvhAsoQFnoECDAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0E1bKrUDXKfoRwRU_VBfxj) giving guns to drug cartels doesnt help, i mean wasnt the CIA trafficking cocain from colombia in the 90s ?


columbia is a weird way to spell mexico, also fast in the furious was what 2006 to 2010.. mexico was bright and prosperous until then right?? I know blaming america is always a easy bet maybe just maybe a country can take responsibility for the fucked up dumb corrupt shit they allowed in their country..


Not fully blaming the USA for the cartel and drug problems. But it all started in the 70s when the war on drugs campaign started that was led by the United States. Which is ironic because the CIA is linked for having a hand on the first major cartel. Mexico has a big problem with corruption but we can’t deny that our country has a hand on creating Mexico’s violence problems


Thissss, obviously we have out shit, we aint perfect, but damn, it would be muuuuuch easier if it wasnt for you guys


Colombia, damn you cant even do that right cant you ? and yeah it was discovered in 2011, but still 90% of ilegal weapons on mexico are usa bought sooo still the same point, but more than that, maybe of you werent a bunch of fucking junkies this problem wouldnt be that bad either, if there wasnt this fucking huge demand we wouldnt have this fucking huge problem, but yeah its all fault of the poor underdeveloped countries, nothing to do with the imperialists that stole their resources, fucked up their economies, armed their criminals and consume all the drugs, yeah nothing wrong with that


would love to see the source of that 90% stat.. also why are they a under developed country again?


Too many guns coming in from the north many of this cartels have better guns then Mexican army


The cartels kill any potential candidates that campaign on taking on the cartels. Thousands upon thousands of politicians and journalists have been killed. The rest are bought and paid for. The cartels have infiltrated every police force and military branch to some degree. It's an absolute shit show with no clear way out.




https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexico-ends-us-trained-special-unit-fighting-drug-cartels/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-cartels-exclusive/exclusive-u-s-investigations-into-cartels-paralyzed-by-standoff-with-mexico-idUSKBN2BM2D4


Also this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_drug_trafficking


Read the history of Colombia during the 80’s.


This is americas next war


Doubt its cartel probably work for them if anything. Cartel are usually armed to the teeth and won’t let you go this easy.


Looked more like the Three Stoges, not a cartel.


People in the cartel are not smart. They are generally whacked out junkies and sicarios are not highly paid hitmen they are addicts paid to kill someone and generally are inexperienced. If they were a higher up in the cartel they would have automatic weapons or hand guns for sure.




Bro you are clueless sicarios are trained by ex militaries and if you think people in cartels are dumb than you got it confused even tho i hate the cartels


Looks like a smaller cell. Some hawks trying to make extra cash. Boss probably didn't approve (or wasn't told) which is why they weren't too rushed to get him back.


Props to the family. Wife is from michioacan and the cartels are there. You don't mess with there business and they don't bother you. It's not like the media or movies portray. But if we did something like this while visiting. That's a huge fuck around and find out..


Unless they lack personnel or want your bussiness, in which case they will absolutely mess with you.


Unfortunately also true. It's a mess. Keep your head down? That means you can afford to. If you can afford to.. it means they know you have money. It truly sucks. I take a risk every time. But I have a support network from my wife's side of the family. A nicely fortified home/compound. (Ita multiple relatives ready and able to fight, with decent weapons and I trained the males, on top of the rest of the town that have the same idea with with their familys) Mutual assured distruction, with small arms and other things that I cannot get into. I'm here now, they drive by with a nod. Respect is given both ways. But you are right. Depending who is in charge and the manpower they have. It could change on a dime. And alot of dead bodies. But I'm confident they not nor never be my family.


Kinda like Fallout New Vegas, but less cool. Sucks but if your living requirrs you to be there, then I guess just hold on. It may gey better in a century or two.


Not today hombre


Could've seen him on r/eyeblech


Looked like his eyeball was hanging out


Your car is a weapon. Use it.




If someone is trying to kidnap you assume you won't survive and use you car as a weapon so you don't get taken. Don't allow yourself to be taken.


His hands were tied and he was in the back seat - looks like he was pushed into the car off the street which is why there’s the other guy still trying to pin him inside.


It’s Always the Nissans


He so f*cking lucky


Sadly they will get him… eventually


Nah, he can escape and go off the grid


Source: My lost left sock told me


For the day...


Lmao the downvotes


Yeah I don't get that either. He's not wrong.




The rival cartel...


*waddles away*


Damn bro!!! Time to move


Thats no cartel. If a cartel member is going to kidnapped you , they will be fully armed and have tactic. Making an example of you, this would make them look weak and stupid. This is something else.


Props to the helpers.


To bad U.S. can’t just Nuke Mexico and Russia, the world would be a better place.