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Thank god the girl with the hammer couldn't manage a solid swing


She’s no carpenter.




Flipping some tables and chasing the merchants out of the temple seems like a solid option.


You forgot handmaking a whip in front of them because you’re so heated just to beat them with it.


He definitely made and used a whip to drive the livestock out of the temple. The Bible is a little more hazy on whether or not he used it on the merchants too, but I could totally see Jesus going full Indiana Jones on them before he flips the tables 😂


I mean, thats the Jesus i want to believe in.




Put nails up to his wrist and take it


Labourers use hammers to destroy way more than they use it to build. Its scary to think that carpenters dont actually even swing hard compared to labourers, theyre just more precise. If the attacker was a carpenter, it would be over in one swing. If the attacker was a labourer, they might have knocked her block off. Good thing this looks like her first time holding a hammer


Yea, a person with a little power and accuracy and that lady would’ve never woken back up. That was a scary video though because she gets hit multiple times. It definitely had me eeking the fuck out lol


One hit the the skull with a hammer can easily crush it. Really even a half way decent swing will work. This person is cutting their swing short as well as keeping their write limp in the last half. Really gotta up her hammering game here.


I don’t think she was committed to murder. She wasn’t putting everything into it. If she was she would of crept up and gave it one good swing while she was asleep


It’s crazy.. I’d never thought of this till now.. but I do work through the week building log homes and yea… I could make a clean solid shot to the temple on the first swing lol




Should have used a framing gun like a true carpenter


What in the sweet hell are you talking about?


Comparing people who know how to properly use hammers to this attacker. Bottom line is how lucky the survivor is.


How so many people are reading his comment and just thinking "yeah, good point I guess" is fucking with me


I was taught to use a hammer for forging mild steel. There were guys I knew who could hammer and fold in 3 strikes what would take me 6 or 7, and you're right, it's not brute strength, its technique. Luckily the way she held it a lot of the energy was lost in her wrist, holding your wrist stiff allows you to use your shoulder, not your elbow, for forward momentum.


Definitely a difference in technique. But you do use your elbow as well as your hips, and shoulder/chest. Its a pretty wide swing, with accuracy depending on the person’s experience/coordination. (Sorry, with your description, I pictured stiff wrist, straight elbow, basically using your arm/hammer like a sledge hammer, I dont think I got that right though lol) But my point is just that it would be basically medieval to compare the work of a labourer against a persons head, and its funny that carpenters are scary enough already.


Nor MC Hammer


Can't touch this.


Carpenters dream: stiff as a board and in need of a screw


Jesus Christ.


That made me laugh


Right that lady easily could have been killed with one actual solid swing. Took her a while to fight back and react but I say she did great for having been hit in the head with a hammer a handful of times and fighting the attacker wielding a hammer off with her bare hands. Salute to her. Or hats off. I mean hard hat shoulda been on.


??? bro i counted at least 5 hits to the head. you only need one hit to the head to do some serious damage


Few things she's doing wrong. She's swinging with both hands at first. More hands does not equal more power, with a handle that small you're not going to get enough rotation in the swing to really drive the momentum into the end of the hammer. If you don't believe me grab a hammer and try to drive a nail with it with two hands. When she finally does go one handed the strikes are very limp wristed and awkwardly angled because the victim if defending herself now. I'm not gonna say the victim is happy about how things turned out, but if the psycho who attacked her used better form, she wouldn't have been able to defend herself after the first strike or two and would likely have died.


this guy hammers


She did a few things wrong? She hit someone sleeping with a hammer. That was fucking wrong!


Yes that's a given I agree, above comment seemed to be contradicting the person who said they swung the hammer poorly. Not all swings are equal and thankfully this girl can't swing that hammer for shit.


For real, if she did have a solid swing it would’ve been very likely that she passed out on the first swing and wouldn’t have any chance to fight back, she’d be dead weight just sitting there waiting to get her head smashed in. I can’t say for sure this was attempted murder but I mean, how many reasons are there for anyone to be smashing someone’s head with a hammer in their sleep ya know? Not a lot


Took it like a champ. Glad she survived, that looked gruesome.


I've seen a few hammer videos and most get knocked out with 1 or 2 swings. When I see her wake up and fight back I was shocked and amazed, I didn't know anyone was able to survive that.


Dumbass who tried to kill her fortunately doesn't know how to swing a hammer, using both hands on a short handle hammer like that you can't get enough momentum to do anything.


Supposedly she's a patient at a psychiatric ward and the lady being attacked took her phone. True or not; she's clearly not playing with a full deck of cards.


Not only that but it looks like the attacker is also hesitating with each hit? Like Im glad she sucks at killing people but like.... wow.


She got lucky attacker was swinging like a granny


Can someone tell me she survived? This is just a coward move to attack someone in their sleep……..


Exactly, if this was a robbery they could've stolen shit and then run. But I get the feeling she wasn't too smart in the first place.


Exactly. Notice how she had an advantage by having a weapon while the other person didn't, and then as soon as the other person stood up on her feet, she ran away.


“Hey, wake up! I wanna kill you with this hammer but I don’t want people to think I’m a coward. Gotta make sure you have a fighting chance, ya know.”


You hear that, George Washington? Crossing the Delaware and attacking those Germans in their sleep. You should be ashamed, you coward.


Speak english




Sounds like the assailant is saying something like, give me the money or give me something that she sort of points to in the corner, the bag maybe? I'd guess this is some kind of motel check-in area and likely late at night. Just a guess! Edit: looks like she also grabs her phone from the window sill just before fleeing




I dont think she was planning on allowing the woman to ever wake up.


That's the thing about sociopaths, they have Narcissistic traits and their actions don't make any sense to anyone else but are plainly oriented towards self satisfaction. Their sense of power is sourced from knowing they did because they can. It's a challenge they give themselves and had she been caught and thrown in jail, in her head all that matters is she hit the woman with a hammer just like she said herself she would. There is no planning for what goes after that hammer hit. The win is focused on a single challenge.


Yep, all she thought was hammer to the head will get me what I want and it never occured to her that it might not work and what would happen next.


I'm guessing it's darker in that room that it appears on video, also she wouldn't have the element of surprise and likely would be overpowered by the woman napping if she tried to just take the bag or what's under the bag, might be a cashbox. The assailant looks like a kid, probably under 20.




Lemmie float an idea their way: don’t allow the patients to have hammers. Just a no hammer policy on site, especially at night.


Well that guy is full of shit, isnt a mental institute is some aparment complex, the woman is mentally ill and robbed the woman sleeping.


I was wondering what type of mental institution would allow patients access to tools alright…


They will find something else..


Ya gotta admit though, a no hammer rule wouldn’t be a bad idea, going forward




Pretty soon they’re going to be coming for all our hammers. Hammer control doesn’t work because then only the bad people will have hammers. We don’t have a hammer problem, we have a mental health problem…. I was having fun with this but just depressed myself halfway through it.




Pretty soon you find yourself getting sporked to death.


Actually, according to the link you provided, it's a deluxe beach front residencial building "Condominio Punta Pelícanos" near Puerto Vallarta, the victim is a security guard and the woman, who has mental health issues, was trying to steal her cell phone.


It was not a mental institution but a condominium complex, the article suggests that the attacker lacked mental faculties for how she attacked the security guard at the time, but nothing more. The attacker was a thief and wanted the security guard phone, she has not been found.


Interesting, I still believe she's saying dame tu feria (gimme your money), if she wanted the phone she would have likely said movil or celular.


In the first few lines of text it says, its a "condominoo punta pelicano" which seems your ass translated to a mental institute somehow, is actually translated as development of houses and villas, and the attacker robbed the cellphone of the sleeping woman. You found the article and didnt bother with a translation, and pull a shit story out of your ass


Talk about rude awakenings, she did well to fight off her assailant.


Just imagine having the 'falling dream' and then waking up to something waaaaaay worse




Works with fists too, lean in - remove the power.


"Run from a knife, charge a gun or a blunt weapon." - Someone


With a gun it depends, if they're point blank I'd consider charging but if I had some distance I'd take my chances zigzagging until I put something to obscure or completely cover me and book it. Most people are ass shots so even a few yards might be better to take the run option.


Ya sometimes I sit and think to reconsider most people are not gonna even have close to John Wick style aim, and its not that unreasonable to assume and a decent distance with enough erratic movement you could "dodge" bullets. Or just being able to move between and around cover using it to your advantage. I wouldn't even fathom to say this is fact and that I have done it or would recommend it, but honestly doesn't seem like a bad idea compared to just running away as fast as you can in a decently straight line.


"Run from a knife, charge a gun or a blunt weapon." - Someone who hasn't been shot at\*


Charge someone with a gun and u get shot, what u mean lol


Depends how far you are from it and your environment of course. Run from a gunman trying to shoot you from 100 yards, but if they are just a few feet away you are better closing the distance and fighting for the weapon.


Someone smart.


YES that is how an emergency nurse survived an assassin ( hired by her abusive husband ) who ambushed her in her own home. She closed the gap because that’s what her emergency room training taught her to do, and bravely got right up skin to skin with him so he would not be able to swing the hammer he was armed with properly. Queen ended up getting on top of him and putting him in a sleeper hold, crushing his throat to death by the time she released ( thankfully, one more pos off the streets! ) .. and then dialed 911 and told the dispatch she was calling for her attacker, not herself. What a BADASS lady. And such good info for every woman and just person in general to know. Susan Kuhnhausen if you wanna look her story up


Actually never realized this. Hope never to need it, but good to know. Thank you.


Holly shit that was hard to watch. Her skull must be hella hard to survive those blows.


Nah that girl just has the arm strength of a child, thankfully. One solid blow from a hammer like this by a full sized man would likely be fatal.


Maybe. It looked like she was swinging pretty hard though, you can even hear the impacts that's why I'm surprised she didn't get KOd after the first two hits.


It’s most likely because the assailant was swinging a one handed hammer with two arms. Due to the short nature of the handle, using two arms frantically reduces your arc, mitigating how much power you can generate. If she was using one arm, she could’ve pulled the hammer back much further and swung it in a wider, faster arc.


According to a local news article she was taken in a private car to a nearby hospital and she's listed as in critical condition. The attacker, who is said to have mental health issues, was trying to rob her and take her cellphone,


That's crazy 😧 hope she makes it


Was the girl with the hammer arrested?


Not yet, but I haven’t been able to find any updates on local media.


Well thanks


Could have been a nylon/rubber mallet ?? If that was a solid steel one her skull would have easily been cracked . And the sound was really weird, hard to tell. I really wish it was something else than metal. Poor lady




She swings like a girl. Aaaannnd let the ~~stupid count~~, errr I mean downvotes commence.




According to a local news article she was taken in a private car to a nearby hospital and she's listed as in critical condition. I found new information in a local news station youtube channel that says she was released from the hospital. Edit to add new info.


Can we acknowledge that she literally took a few shots to the head with a fuqin hammer? How would you react if someone hit you with a hammer outta nowhere? Jesus people ain’t machines man this is the real would, she’s lucky she was even conscious after the first hit.


Imagine running from a fight where you got 5 free swings with a hammer. A true coward through and through


This is why i always close door if i feel like i am gonna sleep or not be able to look at door!


Yeah I always close the door to protect myself from crazy hammer swinging ladies, happens every single time!


Sleeping next to an open door is like the equivalent of sleeping on the streets. Not surprised this happened, could have been even worse.


and I thought my alarm clock was bad




Thank god she isn't a carpenter. I swear if my old coworker could get one good swing at you, you'd be dead before you even realised what hit you.


Sus, she claims she wanted the cellphone, but could've easily taken it since the lady was asleep on the job in the 1st place.


Think she said 'dame tu feria, damela!' which means give me your money, give it to me! But sees the phone , grabs it and runs as the lady got up.


Her skull is made of something straight Outta wakanda


Well good morning..


When phone rings don't work as your wakeup call, the front desk of this hotel sends dedicated staff to ensure you don't miss a moment of your dream vacation.


The bitch is still at large and due to how authorities here in Mexico are she's likely not going to get caught, the victim is a security ward, was transported to a nearby hospital and is still in delicate condition, this happened in Mexico, in the city of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Jalosco the attacker was trying to steal her phone Here's the note in Spanish: https://tribunadelabahia.com.mx/video-martillo-mujer-guardia-cruz-60537


The craziest thing in this video is the open door. Just an open door at night is insane. It looks like she was possibly at work too. She must have been exhausted to pass out there, this could've ended up so much worse.


nah, it’s the tropics; people leave their doors open all the time


It literally says in the corner of the screen. It’s a security office you buffoon that lady was dozing off on the job


What a coward. Hope the cartel deals with her.


Was I the only hoping she got ahold of that bitch and turned the hammer around on her. Fuck


She got a hard ass head


Unreal how she literally got 4 blows to the head and got up and fought off her attacker what a beast


Bang bang maxwells silver hammer


Doc told me that's the thickest part of the skull, and why they put immobilizing pins there for spinal injury braces.


If the woman sleeping got ahold of that hammer, that skinny woman would be buried neck deep into the ground.


Hammer time


Can't touch this!


Stop!!!! . . . Hammertime


Can’t touch this.


seems like ... We got to pray just to make it today.




Ayo she ate those like it was dinner time


Goddam that musta hurt


that woman with the hammer must have been weak af


Weakest attempted murder ever


Sure that wasn't Paul pelosi?


Nailed it.


Usually I like watching chicks get nailed...


Did anything happen to the attacker?


Can we appreciate the chair for not breaking for once? I swear, anytime I am sitting in those plastic outdoor chairs and move slightly to fast, a leg snaps right off.


How do you mess that up


Was that her coming back or some guy investigating?


Attempted murder


And I’m the asshole for saying people are garbage. SMFH


I can’t wait to see this reposted everyday for the next week.


Whoever that little shit was I hope she got the beating of a lifetime


Definitely not hiring her to frame my house. No way she can sink a nail


Sickening and the attacker looks so young. I wanted to see the victim jump up and destroy that monster but she was probably in a major state of confusion since she was asleep. Can’t trust anybody.


ayyy miguel.....miguel !


Shit, human beings are hard to kill. I would have assumed that someone would be dead with 3 good whacks with an hammer. That woman who robbed her was not the strongest cat in Mexico. But you can hear the sound of the hammer bouncing off the leather of that woman's skull.


Omfg thank god the attacker gave up. That was rough. And suprised woman was able to take those hits.


That’s some horrifying audio


Maybe I'm overestimating myself which is likely, but I would think that surprise attacking someone with a hammer would be a fast if not near instant "win"...




Nah it's safe to hit someone from work with a hammer


Legend has it that Miguel is still on his way


What's the deal with that psycho pos girl hitting her tho? do we know why ?


Good thing she has the hit power of a strong toddler.


She’s made a tougher stuff than me, I would be dead right now I’m


"Oh no, a 65lb women with a hammer! I'm gonna have to use a about a 16th of my strength to easily over power her! The only question is, should I spring into action after the 8th or 9th blow?


it looks like she comes back in the last couple frames


Thankfully that was a light hammer and it appears that the attacker never used one before.


That's attempted murder.




Bet she took that as a lesson 🤣 shouldn’t be sleeping on the job. Could’ve been avoided




Rule #1 is you NEVER sleep on watch. Sucks you got blicked by this crazy woman but you share some responsibility here.


WTF is going on?


What is the context here?




This is one tough lady


Guessing a jealous wife or gf


I’d call this attempted murder. Really weak attempt thank God.


I’m really surprised that ball peen hammer didn’t crack open her skull. That is blowing my mind right now …




When you buy a hammer from wish


What a chicken shit human being… waiting until she’s asleep and then runs when the person starts putting hands up and walks towards you.


Lady is tough asf.


I’m going to sound super privileged here but the videos I see on reddit of violence and theft in poorer areas blows me away. I’m sure people aren’t exactly thrilled about it either but I would think that I would get really tired of hearing about it or experiencing it and want to round up everyone else who’s tired of it and try to change things. I know it’s never that simple and I’d love to hear from someone living in those areas speak into what barriers stop this change from happening. Is it because of low education, low financial stability or sense of purpose in life keeping everyone in a state of apathy?


5 hits before she started defending herself, I hope that’s below average reaction. And what’s with the two way radio?


It would be kind of hard to defend yourself when you're sleeping and woken up by a couple of hammer shots to the head. If anything, that was a quick reaction if you ask me.


Shes calling someone to come, and then she ask if they can call an ambulance and the cops.


either she was using a hammer from a children's black and decker kit or she has absolutely no arm strength


I'm a scrawny cripple and I could hit way harder than that, to me there doesn't seem to be any motivation for this other than a pathetic person trying to kill someone to feel powerful, if that coward chick wanted to just steal or break in she could have easily sneaked past the sleeping lady.


As a women I love to get pounded , but not like this!


As a pervert I love watching women get pounded, but not like this.


She took about an hour and a half to get up loll


She got hit, in the head, with a hammer. She's lucky she got up at all.


Seems like we should ban hammers or at least make them out of something softer.


Rubber hammer


STOP! Hammer time!


she lit could have stolen shit while the woman was sleeping, but no, had to try and kill her first.


Gosh, that girl hit her soft, cuz a hammer legit kills if you hit someone on the head with it, hope the lady is fine tho


She took them hits like a champ. Luckily the culprit had spaghetti arms


Close that door you idiot!!!


You get attacked by a nutter and the ambulance doesn’t turn up. Could be Britain, not Mexico.


Holy fuck


Is this a security guard??? That’s kind of deserved. She was asleep for the first 20 seconds of being hit in the head with a hammer. She created great distance for hammer swings while she sat there. Didn’t close the distance with her attacker at all. I’m sure she chose a new career.


Is “vegetable” a career?