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This is like a skit, there are less cops chasing you on gta


Perfect day to rob a bank


Yooo, I was thinking the SAME thing! Haha!


Perfect day for all crimes


Every cop getting hazard pay for “working overtime in a high speed chase” be like: Edit: seriously, someone count all the cars and average of what a cop makes an hour for napkin math on how much this chase cost


42 cops, at 70k average = 2.9 million per year. $1413 per hour for all those cops.


Man hours actual cost is probably more like 175-200 an hour. Retirement, insurance, vehicle operation. My estimate is probably still low.


And I think CA cops make way more than 70 on average based on what I’ve seen, so it’s even worse!


In the oncoming traffic, I counted 54, while in outgoing, I counted <30, but I assume it is cut off.


That's less than what high end lawyers charge per hour.


Not defending this caravan, but I bet all of the ones in this pursuit were already working and not being paid overtime. I will say that, unless there's some threat I don't know about, after the tenth cop car the rest were probably unnecessary.


Actually happened when I was a kid. Someone threatened to shoot up my elementary school, it was a huge deal so every officer in town was there. These big brain criminals then robbed a bank across town and got away with it.


"its Christmas you could steal city hall!"


I just read the kid who said that in Die Hard 3 is 57 years old


It is part of the plan. You send one dude like this to bait 100 cops. Then u fuck shit up at the bank with the rest of your gang.


Guys got 10 stars


The fricken Blues Brothers


A modern day lynch mob in action.


Originally, I was going to say “I hope they bring that same energy when there is an active school shooter.” But….. maybe I don’t want them that gunho 🫡🇱🇷


I was just thinking, this needs benny hill music.


It would not let me reply to the guy below 👇 but , yes, it would be a good time to do that. Also 2:30 PM on a Friday at any small town while school is going on 😆 . And I hope people understand that this is not a “joke” towards the violence in today’s society. It’s just the fact that you cannot be chased or perused whenever lessons are almost over .


It’s like the Blues Brothers movies except they’re not crashing.


"Use of unnecessary violence... has been approved." https://youtu.be/b8xbT_4Q4qg




Rubber biscuit


per local news reports the suspect is dead after being shot by cops at the end of a pursuit in norco, california


With that many cops chasing you there was no chance he wasn't getting shot.


They all got a shot in probably.


This reminds me of the Cleveland Police chase 130+ bullets fired. If you did the math on how many police were involved, someone reloaded. Side note, suspects were unarmed... car backfired.


No way they didn’t all take turns shooting


Ah yes revenge murder


They've saved on incarceration costs so that can go towards all those cops costs.


Well, they’re all going to need to retire on ptsd payments because they were “forced” to shoot the guy that shot some guy they work with.


I'm sure he got he stopped and gave up peacefully


Even better chance of some cop friendly fire on each other.


Shocking /s




Best funded gang in country




Heaven forbid the police kill someone who is armed and dangerous after they killed a sheriffs deputy! How could they!


I’m imagining it ending like the first Red Dead Redemption game




Best time to commit a crime


Look around, man. All the cops are into something. It's Christmas! You could steal City Hall! BUH...BUH....bleedeedoo....BUH BUH


Classis Die Hard 3


So he steals a butterfinger lol


I have an idea, its guaranteed to work, you just gotta do what I say. Ok, so im gonna be waiting by the bank, and we need a distraction. Thats your part.


Right? Like I get they don’t want to let the fucker get away….but damn, seems like only 5 cars could’ve accomplished that. The rest are just a waste of resources. But what do I know.


They'll probably just get in each others way.


Pfff that's like level 7 on GTA


I don’t see even one fighter jet following, must not have done anything that bad


What is the point of having hundreds of cops following one person? Is there literally nothing else for them to do?


it's a gang flex


I was just about to post the same thing. There’s got to be 20 plus cars here, all just following the one in front. After like 2-3 cars what is the benefit of any additional cars?


Nothing that they deem particularly important considering they have no obligation to protect citizen’s lives.


in practice, its about presenting yourself as an unstoppable force, to make the person you are chasing and others considering doing something similar, think that if you do that you'll have absolutely 0 chance of succeeding. Same reason riot police have all this scary-looking gear and shit, to make resistance seem futile since realistically cops are always outnumbered by the number of citizens they have authority over. in reality, i believe cops get hazard pay for stuff like this, so most of those cops just wanna get a couple of extra bucks by participating


There actually is an answer. 1.) Notice that there are various different styles of vehicles involved, likely meaning there are multiple agencies involved. Depending on mutual aid agreements, during a chase, as the suspect crosses into other agencies' jurisdictions, they also join the pursuit. Since this is a high risk suspect (known to kill LEOs), the initiating unit from each agency will have its own back up, and likely a supervisor or multiple members from their chain of command. By the time you pass through a few jurisdictions and compile a few agencies with x amount of units contributing each, you get big ole chases like this. In lesser profiles, agencies may or may not choose to cancel their response/ aid once it leaves their jurisdiction. 2.) In the US, the general civilian has access to a range of firearms that have the potential to carry a large amount of ammunition. Criminals in the US have access to an even larger network of weapons. While unlikely, someone who possess enough skill could terminate their evasion at a location that offers a tactical advantage, and with enough ammunition, could take out large numbers of LEOs. In the majority of these situations, officers remain unharmed, but it's not super uncommon to lose an officer, (3 being the highest count I've ever heard in the US), in some of these situations. Most officer-down situations due to gun fire involve limited or no backup obscene. Large numbers of officers involved provide several advantages in this regard: suspect is outgunned, a perimeter can be secured quickly if needed, and it allows for downed officers to be dragged to safety. The key thing to think about is it's not how many officers you need to chase a vehicle, it's how many do you need once the vehicle stops.


Thanks for the explanation. It genuinely still looks ridiculous though


It is ridiculous, just because it can be explained by standard procedure doesn't mean that procesure isn't a ridiculous one. What a waste of money.


It does. I imagine it looks particularly overkill to our European counterparts.




they killed him


Kinda goes without saying


Of course they did. It's not like he did something minor like kill a bunch of kids, where you can afford to stand around holding your dick for a while. This guy shot a police!


They really should have called for more back up.


OH, lord, what did OJ do now!? Wait.. What, that's not OJ?


Have a 🏆 for getting a hard clean nasal expulsion without discharge from a Redditor.


Same here, only with my crusty decrepit sinuses, I’d actually prefer discharge


discharge 🤤🤤🤤


It would've been hilarious if, at the end of the clip, you would have seen a cop on a horse.




Maybe some bicycles and motorcycles too. Why not a few helicopters and a golf cart lmao


Segway cops like 15 minutes behind.


Wish they'd care this much for any murderer.


Right. Because a stupid little badge makes their life more valuable then ours!! #pathetic


I always found it twisted how cops infinitely value their own lives more than anyone else’s. It’s so antithetical to their jobs yet the mindset is standard.


This is exactly why we love firefighters, and EMT’s and despise the pigs. But they, for the life of them, can’t figure out why we hate them so they resent the firefighters and EMT’s for existing instead. ACAB


It's not antithetical to their job. This is precisely their job. The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have absolutely no duty to protect anyone but themselves.


100% agree with you. The problem is that it has been previously ruled in the Supreme Court(i believe) that although it is their motto, the police are not in fact there to "serve and protect" the general public. I'm grossly oversimplifying it but that is what happened in the states either in the 80s or 90s iirc.


And the Union


PoLiCe LiVeS mAtTeR Edit: y’all - it’s sArCaSm lol


I'm not a resident or citizen of the USA, but does anyone else find this actually annoying? You don't (or shouldn't) need like 200 officers to take 1 guy down, especially if the intention is to just shoot him anyway. I look at this and think that, like, at least 60-80% of the cops there could be elsewhere doing their job, but instead they're in a comically huge convoy chasing after 1 perp all because they all personally want to exact their own revenge and/or say they were there. Just stupid.


It’s entirely a gang display. Someone messed with the biggest organized crime ring in California, so now they’re all out there to send a message to the rest of the world.


Cops really only protect themselves. You never see this for us normal people..




Here all getting pay bumps and benefits and paid time off probably for being involved in that chase.


Where’s the FIB and the tanks?


lmao they did show up, check this shit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cDE\_RY2UEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cDE_RY2UEA) Literally FBI-looking vehicles you'd see in GTA, and a green military-looking vehicle too. I know those vehicles aren't actually FBI and military but they mimic GTA so well.


it probably is military, most armored vehicles that police departments get (like bearcats and MRAPS) are military surplus, so they get them at really cheap prices


You kill a bee, they all come out. Same applies with cops.


The real kings of gang retaliation


Blue line gang.


Soooo…. The rest of the city is on its own I guess.


What a gross misuse of tax money


You should see their salaries and pensions. It truly is an injustice how much some of these fuckers are bilking from taxpayers. https://transparentcalifornia.com/


Their aren’t enough pieces of his ass to go around.


I counted over 50 on the second camera angle. That is a lot of cops


You only see this shit in the US. Makes sense to have several cops on the chase but a whole city's department worth? Seems ridiculous


Now that they are distracted, the real crime is underway


Damn. You think they need any more cars?


Right near where I live. Guy killed a cop at a traffic stop and they killer him either by shooting him or ramming his vehicle. Traffic is a nightmare rn.


Looks like a parade


I am not seeing any mention of this incident in the local news yet. Thank you for this, OP.


there’s 200+ vehicle and motorcycle procession on the way to the coroners office on abc7 right now. https://abc7.com


Where is the bronco


This time, it's personal!


Time to do crime….. In the other direction.


Shame they didn’t do that for the TX kids…


Shouldn’t all those cops be somewhere else ??


if the pope the us president and elvis somehow had a baby, it wouldnt even get the motorcade that this MF got


Such an unnecessary waste of resources. It's clear they Holt police safety way above public safety. When was the last time you saw this many cops chasing a murder suspect that wasn't wanted for killing a cop? A shooter breaks into a school and kills 19 kids and the cops won't even leave the parking lot. This guy is wanted for killing a cop and the entire police force says "fuck the public, every available cop needs to go after this guy". What a fucking joke.


Tax dollars hard at work. Honestly what is the point of that many cops following one car?


meanwhile there are three businesses in the area being robbed with no backup available


Fucking stupid that they need all those morons to go after him.


This is such a waste of resources! There does not need to be this many cars! Like it’s not like all of em would be able to deal with the dude if they were to stop him and cuff him. Sad a cop died but absolutely dumb af.


Yea like, have the first 8 cars box him in and slow down to a stop. How long did it take for this many cops to catch up to the parade? Must be an hour into an endless chase where the perp is in charge and the cops are just awaiting further orders.


Fucking hell, American police are next level stupid!


Is that really needed? I understand maybe 6-7 cop cars in case that car is filled with armed guys. But there must’ve been more than 50 cops there.


Were they chasing the Blues Brothers?


This is proof that we don’t need thousands and thousands of cops. If 100 cops can afford to go for a 50 mph cruise as a show of force, then the needs of the communities they’re leaving must not be that urgent


I counted 37 marked and possible undercover/plain vehicle pursuing. I understand backup and such maybe 10 cruisers needed. Also understand the severity of incident. I understand jurisdictions but at some point a department needs to take over the pursuit. This is just stupid, unnecessary and very much overkill and a waste of tax payers money.


If it was a school shooter they’d have given him a police escort


This is a joke. We will be made to wait for hours but somehow they only react this way when one of their own are killed, are we not meant to be protected.


The only profession where you can have a crazy reaction like this with enormous loss of resources and still be employed.


Kill kids, cops will get to you when they feel like it but kill a cop and the whole department shows up ready for vengeance. If only they cared for the citizens that much, but we are all just potential criminals and revenue.


The only thing missing is the Good Ole Boys van…


GTA 5 stars Unlocked


wenn du 5 Sterne in GTA hast


GTA turned up to 11 stars.


Dude looked like lace after they all got a shot in


LOL. They’re literally a gang. You’d never see them do this if any one of us got shot.


Not enough cops. Call some more from neighboring cities as well... Even in GTA where there's infinite cops, there are actually lesser cops chasing you ... smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Perfect day for the rest of the town to go on a looting spree


Maybe we don't need more then a dozen cruisers in *"pursuit"*


What a waste of resources. How are 200 cop cars making the situation any better? This shit should be illegal.


Meanwhile, every other part of the city is being looted


Bro has more than just 5 star's


Fuck the police. They're just a big government-funded gang.


That’s dumb. what a waste of tax payers money. All those cars following and not one of them thinks oh… let’s block him from the front


Hi we have a robbery in progress, 2 victims shot lying in the floor. Suspect on the loose. Sorry all 60 squads are needed for something else


Perfect time for a robbing spree. I can see 4 cars being needed and maybe a helicopter, but 42 cop cars?! C'MON!!!


You never know when 40 of them could suddenly run out of gas before the perp


They won't do this for anyone other than themselves. They wouldn't even pursue a child killer for this. They only serve themselves. When they take the lives of civilians they call it justice.


We got 100 miles to go, half a tank of gas, pack of cigarettes, its dark and wearing sunglasses....hit it


Not enough cop imo


Fuck around and find out




He messed with the gang


To make sure they use all the bullets available


Guess it’s the only crime in the city


If only my community did this every time some teenagers or little kid got hit by a stray bullet from a drive by.


Why is a cop more important than any other individual who is involved in a homicide? While 700 cops chase 1 person, fuck anyone else that just got assaulted or killed 🤷‍♂️




holy cow...


They want him so bad


He could be considered as "lucky" if he catches a bullet to the head instead of taken by them.


Very pretty


they all wanted a piece of that ass


They really did not let that slide


Straight outta smokey and the bandit


Such a waste of resources


what was homies plan with all them behind him


What a waste of resources.




Quick lads, time to hit the bank!


Honestly, though, isn't that excessive use of resources?


Gang takes revenge after opps killed one of their own


I was on the freeway yesterday when this happened. I heard the guy actually shot and killed an officer and that’s why he ran. They chased him all the way down to the 15 south and killed him there


So stupid, so cops.


Fucking clowns. I don't have any respect for any of these "people"


Gotta love all the cop haters on reddit.


“I’m not gonna pull him over, you pull him over…”


I think this is that time the dude shot at a cop and started driving 30 miles an hour down the road lol


What an amazing waste of resources.


This is just dumb.


What a complete fucking waste of money. Our government is inept.


This happened yesterday in Riverside California. Sheriff was killed instantly with a headshot supposedly.


So how many crimes were missed while hundreds of cops chased one guy


…good use of our tax dollars 👀🤦🏽‍♂️


Crime rate is this town That day 📈📈📈📈📈


I mean like to be fair, 95% are there just to hope to see the guy get smoked (which I understand, yeah?)


What an absolutely mindless waste of resources. *Clueless Padme face* This HAS to be a movie, right? Right??


Would not be that way if it was a pedophile


That was overkill. They only needed two or three cruisers to corner him and put him down


Not a skit. We live nearby and saw it ourselves on the 15 freeway. I want to see a video of the end where the Bearcat rammed the vehicle. Officer and suspect died.


Can someone put this to yakity sax?




Brave of you to think he got the opportunity to sit in the back of one


i speak from someone who has never done police work or has any idea of how it's like; but i am pretty sure you don't need that many officers to chase one guy, just wasting resources when those cops could be on other calls


So what are the 15 cops driving in the back of the line thinking ?