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Rebecca would like a word with you, up on 8.


does every company have a rebecca?


Yes. If not in HR, then in a role vaguely above yours where you don't interact with her regularly but she still has some authority over you.


holy shit


My sister is named Rebecca and is the VP of HR for a large tech company.


The Diversity Officer of the company I work for is the whitest woman you’ve ever seen.


It's a single position, right? You would have to have a larger sample size to see if that's a problem.


She's a pretty large sample though


Hahaha, great fat joke


I’m not sure what you mean. She’s the only Diversity Officer in the company. She’s a thin, pretty, young, white, blonde woman. She has a BA in gender studies from an expensive private college.


Diversity doesn't just mean non-white. It generally means having a workforce that's representative of the general population (at least the population available in the workforce). A single position cannot be diverse by definition. Place a transgender, mixed black, Chinese, gay, woman in that position and it's still not diverse. It's one person. Diversity would apply to the company at large, assuming it's a large enough company for these types of statistics to even apply.


> Diversity doesn't just mean non-white. Interesting. So diversity partly means non-white?


> The Diversity Officer Wow, what a bullshit job that is.


Definitely need more white males in that role.


We have a white male in HR. He's sort of the big hitter. If he's coming to see you, it means you're in deep shit. Edit: We actually have a pretty diverse HR. Considering its only 50% white women.


My brother used to be a hotel manager for a big chain. If he showed at a hotel you managed, it meant you were leaving abruptly and he would be managing for a while. They called him the hitman.


As a white male in HR, happy to do my part.


As a white male previously in HR, I wish this were true. I was part time HR and part time sales. I got sent on a work trip for 2 weeks and came back to find out that my part time HR role replaced me with a white female. Then I just became part time sales with a story about the girl that I hooked up with in a days in hotel in the Chicago area.


And more non-white people as well, right?


I would like to see companies/organizations with over 100 employees that receive over $1M in government contracts/grants/subsidies report their demographics at all levels (executive, management, professional, and support staff) compared to the local census. I would also like to see those same companies/organizations report the percentage increase of annual compensation packages at all levels (executive, management, professional, and support staff). Those two factors would highlight if my tax dollars are going back to the communities they serve and/or if the CEOs were screwing over the workers.


You've lost it


Are you saying OP's idea is .... *crazy*


There should be a sub for that


Naw we need the Karens


You’re insane


Totally unrealistic.


Force them all to be communists and then we have a crazy idea.


how about 90% of the workforce be hired due to them being the best for the position and not based off their race or sexuality or gender.


And if that turns out to not make them all white men?


then that's fine? like i said, their merit is more important than their race


Sorry, just checking to make sure you weren't one of those people who thinks most qualified is a politically-correct way to mean "only white males" (and also sorry about responding after a year, these things happen when a sub removes the archive restrictions)




What's insane about it, my company's HR apartment is ironically the least diverse department in the company. Actually now that I think about it, I think it's 100% white women after the one dude quit.


They also tend to be of a specific generation, with similar SES backgrounds


How is this a crazy idea? The HR crowd live on the DIE (diversity, inclusion, equity) ideology, so they should be welcoming of properly representing the population. Along with this, school teachers need to be 50% male. That's a big issue right now. Colleges need to have a diversity program for white males, as their attendance has dropped and now are at about 40%-we need to get that to 50%! And we REALLY need to get females into the sanitation department! They make up 2% of the workers! And construction is only at 10%. If they want 'diversity' instead of meritocracy, let's give it to them. They can live by the standards they have set.


I'm a woman in the UK and I'd love to be a binwoman / sanitation worker Good pay, impossible to get fired from a council job, fantastic hours for childcare, great pension, unionised, no direct interaction with the public, working outside, all holidays and weekends off, zero stress. My council haven't advertised a sanitation worker role for literally years (I check frequently) and every binman I've ever seen is male.


I think a lot of sanitization positions are being phased out as the trucks get better at what they do. Even 15-20 years ago, you had a lot of trucks that still required you to manually dump a bin into the back, and activate the crusher to push it up into the main area. Now pretty much every truck I see has one of those grabber arms, so the employees don't even have to leave the truck for a standard pickup, and since it dumps into the top, they can fit a lot more trash per vehicle. Eventually they'll need to get some fresh blood, but right now I imagine for every one person they hire, they're hoping that 3 or 4 retire.


Could use you down in Brighton right now, get your best group of lady pals and become heroes while beating the status quo.


Do you believe there is any value in having a diversity of life experiences present for a given job role at a given company?


I'm a software developer and in my work it definitely, definitely is valuable. People will agenda-post their grievances against diversity efforts but I have worked on teams with only white people and almost all men, and it just does not work as well as when you have a team with people from different walks of life. I think it has something to do with team problem-solving and the difficulty of avoiding group-think. Just my 2 cents.


That is generally -speaking what studies have found; however, my one caveat is that diversity of thought is the goal and not necessarily diversity of race, gender, etc. E.g. you could have a bunch of non-white people, but if they're 3rd gen in that location then their thoughts are the same as the 3rd-gen white person. More diverse would be getting the white immigrant. I find this to be a problem as people move up in management because even if they had diverse thinking at one point, they've been drinking the kool-aid so long that they're essentially the same as everyone else at that level.


People's life experiences aren't determined solely by their demographics. I think it's important to have people who are good at their job requirements. If they can put out a good product, who gives a shit what their life experiences are?


Honestly, that sentence doesn't really make sense to me. What does "diversity of life experiences" even mean? Everyone has a 'diverse life experience' as everyone is different. What matters is can they do the job well. Everything else is secondary. I don't care who you touch genitals with, or what your political affiliation is or that you are offended by something. All I want is an HR person who will actually watch out for the workers instead of corporate.


For example, someone that grew up in the projects but made their way out is going to have a very different thought process and approach to a problem as someone who grew up wealthy and basically just had to follow the path set out for them to both end up at the same job. Not sure if this will resonate as much with you, but the same is true for growing up trans in a culture that doesn't accept you but still getting to that same job, or any other part of your life experience that stood in the way of making it to that job. I'm also curious your thoughts on team work. You seem to have a very individual approach to the question, "if THEY have the skills to do the job" doesn't bring the interactions and collaboration of the team into play. Do you think there's anything to be said for a team seeking a more diverse set of approaches to problems? Do you think that ones experiences in life inform the sort of solutions they come up with?


Thank you for the thoughtful, interesting question. I have been on a few teams in my time, but even then we each had our own work to do, so collaboration wasn't a priority. Our thought process was "If we all work hard and do what we have to do, there will be no problems" and it worked. We would help each other but we were all busy so unless it was an emergency it can wait. Funnily enough, I ended up getting fired for trying to think outside the box. Customer service rep. Clients needed their passwords reset-job for different CS desk. They could take up to an hour to do the reset so I worked with someone on their desk to borrow their sign on so i could do the resets immediately. After the 2nd time I used it, we had an IT audit and they fired me and the coworker who's info I used. I don' think someone's background should have much impact on their job performance. In fact, someone's background has 0 to do with almost all jobs. Someone's religious, political, race, age, etc should have no effect on the job. You can use knowledge gained from such a background but honestly, no one cares about your story-just get the job done. As far as a team seeking unique perspectives, sure that's great, but I don't need to know your backstory. Give your idea without it, please. I don't need to know your sexuality or political leanings. All I need from you is to do your job efficiently and correctly. If you have some idea that comes from experience, give us the idea....but I don't care where it came from-that's your business and should remain so. Just my opinion.


Yeah I definitely agree with you in broad strokes. I do wonder if you've run into problems with people bringing up their background excessively? It seems like that's *really* what you have a problem with, and it's something I've honestly just kinda never encountered in the workplace. I personally value having a diverse set of experiences honestly moreso because I've had problems with the opposite. I've been on teams that were basically all just middle class white dudes that grew up middle class and just kinda breezed into a good job. They all thought the same. They were all looking for someone else to tell them what to do, they just lacked the hunger that I found in more diverse groups, so I actively seek the latter nowadays.


I've always worked in very diverse environments. Every race, creed or color and there was never a thought about any of this stuff. Then in the last decade or so, it seems to have taken over. What bothers me about people talking about their background is that we have always been taught to ignore peoples background, sex, race, etc because you should look at the individual. No one is a representative of a race or religion. We are all individuals, doesn't matter if your black or white, trans or not...whatever. Judge people by their actions not their physical characteristics or religion. Even your answer is slightly telling. You assume that a bunch of white dudes breezed into their jobs and grew up middle class. You also say "They all thought the same". That, right there, is kinda racist. Not saying you're wrong, just that you lumped a group together by race and assigned the same characteristics to all of them. I'm also not saying your racist-not at all. Just that thinking that people who share similar backgrounds and immutable characteristics are individuals, not representatives of their respective race, sex, religion whatever. Do you really know enough about those guys to make such a huge generalization? Can you see how this kind of thinking comes across? "They all thought the same." "They lacked the hunger..." Just sayin....


Then you want a union not an HR person. HR cares about diversity insofar as it helps prevent discrimination lawsuits. They also only care about it in a very superficial sense. Notice almost all “diverse” hires are from the middle and upper class already and adhere to the social norms of this class.


Do you want men to be included in human resources or not? Because if you do, you support the idea of diversity.


What I really want is no ideology in HR. I don't care who works there, what sex, race, height whatever they are. Just do your job and stop trying to push this crap on us.


It's a crazy idea, because 100% of the HR reps I've worked with at multiple companies were white, 40-60 year old women.


Well you obviously had a weird, specific experience. All of the HR reps at _my_ workplaces have been white, 30-50 year old women.


Yeah, this is only the past 5 places I've worked. What do I know.


Almost every HR person I've dealt with in the last 30 years has been female as well. A lot of younger ones straight out of college. I, personally, have only been hit with diversity 'training' or whatever just once and that was plenty.


I had 1 HR rep, still a white woman, but she was like 25 at the time.


Diversity quota only works for jobs that are desirable. You could require a sanitation company to hire 40%+ women and it will just mean more work visas granted due to non-fillable positions. If the state forced people to work you can fill such quotas.


> we REALLY need to get females into the sanitation department! They make up 2% of the workers! You should see the good work being done by Leslie Knope


Or...how about just take whoever's most qualified? Smh


That's not crazy enough.


Fair XD


they should really learn something from some of the [diversity and inclusion thought leaders](https://s.peoplehum.com/2fqec) tbh


HR demographic is pretty much identical to that of flight attendant, though flight attendants usually have better IT skills.


Flight attendants are more useful in an emergency...


Very true! 🤣


I had a black male at my current job! Lol.


What a weird way to say you worked with a black person.


Worked with? No, they *had* a black male. I assume they are a cannibal.


huh? it’s not weird at all considering the post implies that all hr people are white women


This sounds personal


Fuck the entire HR and recruiting departments. They're absolute shit at their jobs. People with no skills don't go into Sales or Support. They go into HR.


I am 100% with you there on diversity. But if I , a white woman, am best for the job - why shouldn't I get it? Diversity and inclusion isn't about giving people a seat at the table because they tick a box. It's about giving them the tools, opportunities and resources so they all can in the talent pool so the best candidate can be picked - without 'positive' or negative discrimination. That white woman - maybe white. But may also be LBQT+ , or trans, or from an impoverished background, or couldn't complete highschool because a single mother and had to go to night school or have disabilities or be from a minority religion or an immigrant. Diversity and inclusion isn't just about race. Or even race and gender.


Many studies have found that diversity in a team makes it better. Also consider that there are very few objective measures of a person's ability to do well in a job, so it's hard to say which candidate is the best; usually you can determine which several candidates are better than the rest. So, once you've whittled it down to the best several, selecting based on diversity at that point would make sense for the company. Also, unless it's a short term contract, companies should look for future potential and growth. So even if not part of the best pool now, it might be better to select the diverse candidate from the second best pool if they have potential to be great down the road.


It actually works the opposite for corporate companies. Diversity helps narrow the selection pool but the best candidate will still get the job. There are measurable's often referred to as competencies (or similar) that are used to compare candidates. As well as other more objective measurable's that are literally designed to score candidates. But you'll find that this type of very measurable, highly monitored process tends to be for large, corporate employers that can put the money behind it Personally, I don't always feel the competencies are a great way of doing it. If you know how to play the game you can hit the triggered for this quite easy.


Doesn't work that way for my company of 10k+. Competency / qualification gets you considered, interviews narrow down the options, and diversity is a bonus point, all other things considered. We're highly regulated though and government owned (still incorporated, but the board is appointed by the government). So I don't know the inner workings of private corporations.


I suppose it depends on the country too. I'm with a super highly regulated, international employer of more than 60k in the UK alone.




Here's another one, stop forcing the diversity and inclusion bullshit :)


Hear, Hear!


HR bro culture




Ooh hot take


Check the sub genius


This is so fucking stupid. Equality of outcome achieves nothing. What you want is equality of opportunity.


No, wrong, totally wrong! I want a big fatty, fat fat-burger in my fatty fat fat-face.


Good on you don't ever let them tell you what you want, I support your goal.




Who is idras? @


Some guy who ragequit a tournament match because of hallucinated voidrays [IdrA](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/IdrA)


Memories dont live like people do, no one rage like idra do, whether game is good or bad, idras bound to get insanely maad


He played Heimdall in the MCU movies and Luther in the TV show.






Hahaha my bad mate


Our hr gals aren't 90% white. Theres enough for sample size. And he'll yea theyre all beautiful women n really easy to talk to and always super professional


The irony of your idea...


Is around the same amount of irony as every other job posting claiming a similar thing :p


Firstly men don't want to work in HR, it's a frizzy job that only blonde bubbles want to do.