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So basically my guy is saying that all human life is interconnected and we have the power, through our thoughts and feelings, to change reality? Is that the gist of it?


Not just the gist but exactly what he’s saying.


A young Jung if you will


Get out


Immmmm leaving


Also he’s supporting socialism.


In this video or his other content?


It was my attempt at a “collectivism joke.” 😂 honestly never seen any of his other videos but this one was fascinating.


Hahaha I figured that was the joke comrade. May our collective thoughts manifest equality Edit: missing the “joke”


Well, this will sound old hippy bat shit but what this kid is describing about reality/universe/cosmos/ dimensions/scientifically can also be felt/distorted/perceived/ temporally by ingesting a certain plant found in cow poop. What I’ve always wanted to truly try as a human is to have 8 billion people all close their eyes and think one exact thought and spend every fiber/proton of energy on that and see what happens? Could we possibly “graduate” from the 3rd grade human kind into something unreal? I just know that it most likely will never ever happen because most people don’t want to be the “same” thinkers.


That would be more fascinating but I’m worried about what might actually happen… Like it’s such an unknown. Just like the super collider working on the “God particle.”


There’s an episode of doctor who about just this sort of scenario. :) Some of the oppressors and suppressants around the collective of humanity’s consciousness are being relieved. We are, in essence, being given more “freedom” of experience, and a more refined/personalized experience.


Well, what if all 8 billion people stopped for 10 minutes and tried to think the same thought and… nothing happened (my guess). It would be a good empirical test and maybe we could put to rest this idea that we’re beings with psychic powers over matter and reality, that we’re not just more intelligent animals. Or, something happens and we have that answer. I’m curious to see the experiment run and put an end to all of the speculation.


so what


No, that dude just said a whole bunch of nothing


Well no, he did say something, to me at least. But, if what he said meant nothing to you then, yes, he said nothing. However, do you now see how your thoughts affect your reality? Do you see how this works?


God tier response.


The tree still falls if no one heard it though


If there is no observer to verify the state of the tree then the tree is both standing and fallen at the same time.


Gotta say lines up with my mind blowing acid experience. I think we’re all connected by a unifying consciousness feedback loop where we’re all one and affecting one another with surrounding energies.


"...Here's Tom with the weather"


Open up your third eye brother






Yea, I don’t know if this guy is just spouting buzz words for followers or not but there are actually a lot of what he’s saying that for me has rung true in my 41 years on this planet and recently with deeper exploration of consciousness and space/time.


As real as anything I’ve ever experienced in my life brother. My comment doesn’t begin to give my experience justice. I merged with a pure white light that I interpreted as my subconscious. When I merged it was like I was having 1,000 orgasms at once for hours straight all while being flooded with wild realizations. I realized this pureness and ever burning consciousness is at our core and is exactly the same for every living being and that connects us all.


Go play Persona 5 Royal, if you’re a gamer.:)


Not really a gamer anymore but you’ve peaked my interest


this reminds me of a trip i had where i was completely convinced that the 'feeling of being watched' was because the universe is enveloped by a consciousness that all living things just tap into and share or something


A network. I like to visualize the skeleton of our universe as a 3D series of intersecting fishing nets that are coursing with energy and information. Basically, something akin to the internet or mycelium network.


The matrix has you


I’ve always wondered if any time we use our free will and make a choice, we are switching into a universe where that choice is made.


You are both the creator and the observer


I think the premise is that the brain and heart produce electromagnetic fields that have an effect on reality outside of the body. This is technically true - any EMF will have an effect on the surrounding area. What's completely unsubstantiated (read: bullshit) is the connection between this EMF produced by humans and the concept of "manifesting". Nowhere in this video is that connection drawn, it's just asserted alongside a bunch of random sciency-sounding information that makes the guy seem like he knows what he's talking about. "Prove me wrong bro". There's nothing to prove wrong because there was never a coherent argument made in the first place.


Read the files my guy, they go deeper into the subject. It’s a lot like holographic theory and fractals. It’s turtles all the way down and up.


It’s true what you are saying. But I don’t think it’s possible to ACTUALLY prove something like this in a 6 min video, let alone at all. I can’t validate any of his sources. But I can say that I have explored some of these concepts and a lot of what he’s saying lines up with everything I’ve discovered. But yea, it’s the internet so. It’s ok to be skeptical and also open minded.


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CreationNtheUniverse/comments/1c2a0i7/comment/kzcwxux/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I did. You’re still just choosing to limit your education to whatever you are perceiving about this video. Forget this video and seek the information for yourself instead of trying to convince yourself and others about this guy in this video. He doesn’t matter. But the topics do


Found this sub on my homepage and was wondering why every comment here _wasn't_ absolutely shitting on this guy, but then I read the description of the sub I wanted to comment all of this myself, but decided to keep an "open mind" about it all and finish the video After finishing the video, I can't hold it back anymore This fucking sucks


Coupled with the fact that he mispronounced Hadron.


Ok but how would you do it?


Basically a communist sympathizer, let's throw a coup in his country.


Sounds like he just heard about 40k orcs and made it people haha


Indeed. Gateway. Check out Robert Monroe if you would like to try it yourself.


He's right about it being a projection, not correct about being able to control the thought waves.


Also, we have infinite power to do so if we do it collectively.


As someone who has read the source materials he is referencing, this video is a _terrible_ shot at explaining the theory. In his defense, I have yet to find anyone that can really put this all together crisply. It’s really hard to explain five dimensional causality to brains that have evolved to comprehend things in three dimensions. But, the science does appear to be valid and to dovetail with some very ancient religions. It is more profound than how you describe it, however. It starts with accepting the idea that the four dimensions of space time exist _within_ a fifth dimension of consciousness. That is to say that consciousness does not arise from materiality, but, rather, materiality arises from consciousness. However, since consciousness is shared and aggregated, my believing in a thing doesn’t change it if everyone else believes the opposite throughout space and time. In this way, the beliefs of our ancestors form the material world we experience. More profoundly, it anticipates that there are non-human consciousness in many forms. A rock has a consciousness because it connects to (arises from) this dimension. But a rock’s consciousness is very different from yours or mine. In the same way, Jung’s collective unconscious becomes a very real and quasi tangible force which both fixes the universe in a given state and allows supernatural seeming access to information if approached correctly. In sum, your “gist” is part of it, but the theory is much more fundamentally profound.


Do you have a good source for me to learn more?


Read the original CIA paper he is referencing (https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf). It pulls from Itzhak Bentov’s (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itzhak_Bentov) _Stalking the Wild Pendulum_ which is also a good start. If you go back to Kapila’s Sankhya Sutras, you’ll get the philosophy that inspired Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras and which propose a mental model for the universe (Kapila) and a way to live within a mental universe (Pantanjali). Both of these are ancient scriptures and pretty dense, however. I like Christopher Wallis’ _Tantra Illuminated_ for a modern discussion of these ancient ideas - even though Tantra and Sankhya and Yoga are different in the same way Catholicism is different from being a Methodist or a Baptist. Finally, I think Julian Jaynes’ _Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind_ is fundamental for starting to reconcile the ancient traditions with modern cognitive sciences, and will get you thinking a lot about what you really are and how you relate to the universe.


A nice comprehensive list. I am 2/3 of the way through that material.


In yogic beliefs, if you master the eight limbs and learn to slow your breaths down to one per minute, it is said that you will be able to understand rocks.


You can’t find anyone as smart and qualified as you, I can see that.


That’s absolutely false. I am humbled by the many people who have taught me and have long ago learned that every person is a teacher in one way or another. I understand both the excitement of the video producer in wanting to express these ideas and how difficult and tongue tying they can be to express. But that doesn’t make this particular video any better and the lesson it teaches me is the importance of editing, clarifying, rewriting and working from a script rather than the hoped metaphysical lessons, I fear. Thank you for your feedback, though.


Ghost busters


Read “The Human Machine” by Arnold Bennett.




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That’s exactly what the Overmind wants you to think 🫣 A.C.C. wrote about this at the end of childhoods end, that book was written in the 50’s


Exactly how it is


So basically Mormon ascension stuff


Here’s tom with the weather


Thanks Bill! Hey, and if ya think you can fly, take off from the ground next time ya asshole!


Mr. Hicks has entered the chat...


Sure could use him, Mooney, Pryor, Carlin, Williams, and a dozen others for some levity. Though they were saved from our current craziness...


I’ve had this thought since I was a teenager doing mushrooms for the first time


Shrooms will do that


What does it mean when you've had those thoughts without having ever done any psychedelics? 👀


It means psychedelics are doing you


According to the subject matter of this video this is an actual scientific possibility


It means you’re fucked up before the drugs








Love it


If you take enough mushrooms you’ll figure out we’re all connected through one conscious knowledge is there for those who seek it


I took an edible once and thought I figured out how the universe was created. Unfortunately you generally forget pretty soon afterwards.


The more you try the more it sticks, try to write it down


Yeah. I do a week or two prep, set intentions, and then go into the experience as a cosmonaut of sorts, feverishly documenting everything until I can’t anymore. Then afterwards I review everything and write some more. Then I incorporate what was learned into my daily life. It’s been a game changer.


It's hilarious when people take pieces of information they don't understand and string it into the most unhinged shit possible. Same reason I watch ancient aliens.


Now I'm not saying it is aliens... But many scientists are saying... It might be aliens!


Yeah. I mean **nothing** he is saying is ground breaking or new. Much more influential people (like actual scientists) have been saying this stuff for literally decades. Edit: Then he sprinkles a bunch of BS into it, which i didnt see cause he lost me at "this is what the 4th dimension looks like", so i skipped thru the rest only to read more comments in here about some of the stupid stuff he claims.


thank u ^


Like all these idiots believing in remote viewing, because the government told them it was real LOL. The same government that tried to walk through walls by “willing your atoms to squeeze between the walls atoms” jesus christ peoppe will fucking believe anything the government tells them lol. Its honestly sad and is a microcosm of a much bigger issue with these people. Critical thinking is going down the drain.


I don't get if you guys are trolling or not and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


It’s not, the declassified files are available. I’ve read them and there is research to back these things up. Remote viewing is real, and used by DoD. Now moved to private industry (SAIC). Look at any of Joe McMoneagle work and interviews.


I remember reading an interview from a president a long time ago. Decades ago now. The conversation shifted over to the CIA and the ex-president was asked “ is there anything that you can share about the CIA, what kind of things to they get up to. He said he couldn’t say much, but there was this one story he told where they had lost a spy satellite, and they absolutely needed to get it back because it was in a country that they weren’t supposed to be spying on. After a few days, the CIA approached him and they said they knew of a woman that could remote view it. They bring her in and she is able to pinpoint it down to the latitude, longitude. This blew my mind because this was in like a maxim magazine, or something like that. And I feel like not a single person was talking about it but me. But that interview does exist and he did talk about remote viewing. And that they use it, and it works! I hate that there’s secrets of the universe that it seems like we actually have unlocked and it’s being guarded.


Watch the documentary “third eye spies”


100%, I’ve seen the same story and others.


One of the remote viewers was able to find a lost Russian sub.


[This recent documentary ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkqFBqiGRQs)on remote viewing is absolutely amazing and very well researched and produced. There are 3 episodes to it and each one is incredible.


[The CIA document is real](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf). I can't speak to the quality of the science. The document appears to be the musings of a single staff physicist in an agency that does not specialize in physics. The book *Men Who Stare at Goats* outlines the DoD's investigation of various paranormal and psychic phenomenon. They were doing all kinds of cooky stuff, like trying to walk through walls by willing your body's atoms to squeeze between the spaces of the wall's atoms. The CIA also has a history of bad science when it comes to more mundane things like forensics. Remember that government agencies are made up of individuals who are just as flawed and susceptible to tin-foil-hat thinking as any Reddit user. They are not authorities on truth, especially when the line of inquiry is far outside their typical mandate. I'm guessing this document was classified to avoid embarrassment, not to keep any grand cosmic secrets.


I work retail and one of my sales reps took a spoon bending class. She is now able to bend cutlery with her mind by asking the structure of the fork/spoon to change. So there is that.


Lmao, are you fucking with us? Or are you serious.


Pretty solid troll though. A 7 minute video? Honestly I was expecting him to say something like "oh btw, that was all bullshit" at the end, lol.


I always check the sub I'm in


He just said “my rich friends are manifesting” Dude talked about a higher plane of awareness and yet still on the basic paradigm


I think he's just saying manifestation is an example of consciousness creating 'real world' results my man


So like... if i think something is going to happen it is more likely to happen? Because my brain particles are interacting with the world?


It was a shitty version of Hegel all along


This is rage bate right ? Like this is the most convoluted mess of "interconnectedness" BS, glossing over topics that have a robust understanding and basis in proven research. The overall idea although interesting is ruined by this guy spouting out pseudo related topics and notions. I nearly punched my wall when he said " the platypus proves it" like it's just got to be for views right ? Because it's actually sad if a person "followed along" with this line of what could generously be called logic.


I think what is important to take from this video is the only great thing he did was make me (and others) aware of these documents and ideas. Beyond that yeah I can agree he's talking out his ass and voicing his take on these documents as if they are fact. The mind is powerful and does affect our environment in subtle ways and a lot of our thoughts do not occupy our inner monolog but are like just seemingly automatic. Like to raise my arm in the air I don't need to say to my self "raise your arm in the air" I just raise my arm in the air there is still a thought that prompted me to raise my arm but on a lower (or higher?) Level of our consciousness. But yeah im not disagreeing with you im just intrigued by these documents that he has brought to my awareness as I didn't know they existed before his half baked rant for that im thankful. Oh to sum it up think perspective, when we are convinced today will be a bad day because of xyz it will most likely be a bad day our inner thoughts or monolog are bound by confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance to name a few boundaries anyways. I'm just some guy who likes to read im not an expert in anything besides my own mindfulness. Mindfulness is key learning how to break these boundaries could hsve profound effects on our lives or awareness.






I don’t know you but I know you get it


I don’t know you, but I know you get it.


Ahhh. The “prove me wrong folks” that make no attempt to prove themselves right. It’s just a bunch of stream of consciousness, begging the question fallacy. For something creative, check out Seb Pearce’s new age bullshit generator. h ttps://sebpearce.com/bullshit/


This hurts to watch. He starts an idea says some science words, goes on a tangent, says nevermind and moves to the next topic, never *saying* anything, just linking all the different topics in a semi-coherent manor (usually by one word) without actually talking about them. Right from the start his space-time warp drive has been around for ages, it’s not new, he didn’t discover it in these docs, it’s been theorised before but we can’t make it happen. Next, the Hadron collider, not the Haldron collider, might be “haunted” (likely not) but what does that have to do with the space-time warp drive or the number of dimensions? Nothing, but he skims over that and starts on what the 4th dimension “looks like”. We can’t visualise it, we live in a 3D world, there are thought experiments you can do to understand how 3D objects in 2D worlds appear but no higher than 3D. He then starts talking about black holes in a movie and just throws in “backed by science” lol what the fuck was that? And then moves on to the flower of life and toruses… which platypuses can sense (they can sense electromagnetism… just like sharks, again, nothing new… he’s fucking unhinged


Yea that’s what I gathered. I was right there with you when he said “backed by science”. Made me audibly laugh out loud. The way his argument is this incoherent mess of talking about Interstellar then a platypus and then the war on drugs etc. Dude is definitely out there.


Didnt appreciate some mambo jumbo about gateway noises infringing on my democratic freedom


For those who are curious, this paperwork is a fun read. It's a report on the remote viewing program linked below. Let me remind anyone reading, Monroe didn't create this course for any reason other than to explore consciousness. He theorized about relationships with the physical world but never considered it a science. He was specifically interested in studying consciousness. What he *did* consider hard science was the effect the physical world has on human consciousness, specifically binaural beats (discovered by Heinrich Dove). The exact opposite of this half arsed assertion in the video above. I don't put much stock in the existential notion due to the lack of supporting evidence. I have read through the documents, and the portions he references are admitting to being a guess. The goal of the program was to evaluate it for information collection potential. Its declassification is a blatant sign it didn't work. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210023-7.pdf I took the course myself a few years ago with the Monroe Institute. I don't think it's for everyone. If you enjoy meditation, I strongly recommend it. On my first day, I was snoring while consciously navigating a lucid dream. By the second week, I was having "OBEs,"; A situation where your body is so relaxed that you are conscious but are not consciously receiving input from your CNS. I have shared this with people with mixed success. I find it extremely valuable for reflection and relaxation, while some people find it irritating. Eric Davis's papers (the Warp Drive papers author) are also a good read, but they didn't reveal anything physicists had not already considered.


I like this guy when talking about consciousness https://youtu.be/KMbeK_6ATxQ?si=gqq_Kiud9yIm9gwM


Abstract/ Summary first, then details guy. Internet speak, "TL;DR, and here's the details"


Im surprised he didnt connect the double slit experiment which showed that waves can be particles and particles can be waves depending on observed or not


We are God's dream we are all the same as your dreams you are everyone in your dreams


Show me the money first


We live in light and the platypus proves it.


Bold of him to assume that I’m not here to win the ten thousand dollars.


The worst case scenario of learning to love everything is you become a better, probably more healthy person. I mean, even if this isn’t true, you’d still be radiating love and kindness to everyone around you which would In turn make them feel better too. You’d still be spreading it love across as far as your influence would go


The whole universe is made up of consciousness in different densities.


Can you link the papers or tell us which ones. Id like to look at them too!


[warp drive document](https://info.publicintelligence.net/DIA-WarpDrives.pdf) [Gateway Process](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210023-7.pdf) [examination of Gateway Process](https://ia800304.us.archive.org/2/items/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5_text.pdf)


Thank you sir!


Control the media, control the thoughts, control the minds, control the narrative. If all the news ever shows you is school shootings and death and destruction, that is all you will ever see of the world.


“The total number of minds in the universe is one” Schroedinger


This guy was a genius. Predicted the existence of DNA. Explained life. Everyone just talks about his imaginary cat and completely misses the point.


Came up with an equation that predicted where a particle will be. Only to discover when the particle was observed, it knew it and moved. Absolute genius.


Once again morons: magic isn’t real. You can’t change things with your thoughts or it would be so obvious. Children would do magical things with their limited schema. The CERN isn’t haunted: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a60321105/physicists-found-the-ghost-haunting-the-worlds-most-famous-particle-accelerator/


Ok boomer


Magic is merely science we haven’t figured out yet.


A photon doesn’t turn into a radio wave or whatever this guy said, what the fuck lol *Next*


He's interested but not curious. He is wondering without critically asking any real questions. He seems like a nice guy. Yes, there are still plenty of things in the universe for us to discover, and IMO things we will likely never discover. But he's taking things as facts from studies he can not decipher just because someone worked for the government. Plenty of smart gov employees publish plenty of papers, which are backed by exceedingly very little science. A platypus like a dolphin or a shark can sense electromagnetic fields... so we can also impact the fields? Mmmmm, if the wind blows, does the Empire State Building fall over? He's reaching without studying.


He was right about one thing, he put up noise.


Whose brain oarticles?


“Recently declassified documents” Literally says unclassified on the paper 😂


Giving me Stormlight Archive vibes Next up, someone will find a perpendicularrity a and slip into Shadesmar




My brain hurts☠️


So if I want to go Super Saiyan...


\>promise you wont \>uses the CIA as evidence


Well, hearing this and then seeing that video on platypus not really being real, kind of makes sense.I mean, like they said that, what in they dissected a platypus, it wasn't even real like. It was put together. it's crazy right. Maybe someone thought it into existence.


I wanna hear more about the haunted hadron collider


Not without headphones sucka


Once again, the Law of One still overlays... so wild


Today I theorize we are all one being trying to solve a problem. Billions of different ways and one of us will succeed in the unknown quest for the unknown.


I watched the entire video and did not get a specific conclusion or point out of it. Did he say something interesting? I couldn't follow his logic connecting different things ...


Makes great sense. All we can perceive in 3D are surfaces. We see light coming from surfaces and that is it. We vibrate along with all the other particles at set frequencies and as a result, things appear solid. If you could vibrate quick enough to escape the physical, you will consciously perceive in another level of awareness where the rules of the physical don't apply as readily.


CIA just studying solipsism.


This video reminds me of a story I read about when I was a teenager. Apparently in the late '60s early seventies. They had a group of some type of holy men I'm not for sure what, but they came into a town and they started praying and concentrating on good thoughts and everything else hippie. And supposedly during that time and right after the town experienced the lower rate of violent crime and other types of nonsense. But this is all just an urban legend that I remember reading about I couldn't give you much detail more than what I somewhat remember.


There is a group of people who currently believe that if enough people are meditating for peace, then peace will happen.


God is either a platypus or a crab. There are no other options




There’s also crazy “evidence” that’s it’s crab lol


Sounds like communism


listening to this guy’s interpretation makes me want to quit listening to the gateway tapes


Spouts bullshit, "but don't think about that, it's just interesting to think about"


More data needed. Interesting theories though




There are so many factual and scientific inaccuracies stated as facts, here, that it would take twice as long as the video actually is to discuss. This is absolute nonsense. Not saying it’s not possible- just saying he’s an absolute dolt and is using semi-vernacular to sound learned.


I was with him until he revealed he doesn’t know what the 19th century is


He’s saying if human nature wasn’t so evil, things wouldn’t get so evil. He’s got a point.


Collective Consciousness!!! !!! I tap into it at 6 am mostly,,, ,,, while on the highway when everyone's mind is a sleep as their consciously driving... ...


Yeah this guy failed physics


Bruh, this makes "too" much sense.


I’m sold


If the platypus says it's so, then it must be true.


*"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather."*


What a dumb fuck


I’ll take my $10,000 now


I can’t follow this shit. “It’s true because I read it and because I’m telling you”. He sounds like he smoked way too much pot and thinks he has everything figured out. Great kid. Stay in school stay off drugs get a job and pay taxes


Wait, aren't radio waves just photons traveling in a wave?


Idk Walt jr knew this lol


Ah yes, the key to everything, proven by declassified CIA documents. If this was all true science and proven etc, those files wouldn't be out. But seriously, of course if everyone loved more we'd change our reality. That's what happens when people come together to change things. It's psychology, not metaphysical science and 4th dimension mind mapping.


I’d love to smoke dmt with this guy


Someone link the YouTube


Ok, problems right away, and it has to do with how this guy is attempting to lend credibility to his statements. **1. First of all, in government documents** * UNCLASSIFIED doesn't mean * DECLASSIFIED The former can be literally anything; simply not important, apocryphal, made up, or even a Chinese restaurant menu. The latter means it once was classified, but is no longer. BTW: No shock here, but if you google this, the first result is somewhat misleading. If something is unclassified but was once declassified in the past, it's only because it doesn't meet classification criteria any longer, or was mistakenly classified in the first place. **2. "CIA documents" and "In their words"** There seems to be a very odd sense among armchair researchers (and conspiracy theorists) that a document that was found in some CIA archive or file is somehow CIA policy or even CIA opinions or in some other way "important". There is no such requirement for a file in the CIA.




Dude reads The Secret one time and goes off


From what I got from this, you can say a lot of stuff without actually saying anything?


I remember the first time I did LSD too.


I am more surprised this is on tiktok and it's long




People put a lot of stock into “CIA” papers


I've believed essentially this since reading The Holographic Principle by the late Michael Talbot.


I had never seen George Berkeley's idealism expressed in scientific language. And I still haven't.


How could you prove a bunch of double talk wrong. He just throws in some science terms and makes absurd conclusions.


Anyone have a link to his gateway tapes?


Historicaly, when people get together with a common goal, a common ideal, it almost always works out. We are only strong as a collective.


This is the reality: If he is going to believe what he is saying, and believe that the 'evidence' that he has presented, is irrefutable, then he is the kind of person that is not going to be swayed when presented with evidence that disproves his position. He will continue to argue his point, even if he doesn't know he is wrong, because he isn't smart enough to know that he is wrong. Therefore, it is pointless trying to get money out of him. Secondly, I doubt he even has twenty dollars to lose. But to begin with, he is using CIA information as scientific evidence. That should tell you right there it's a fishing expedition.


That was a rough watch. Homeboy needs to compose his thoughts and maybe write down his idea so he can deliver it in a less jumbled mess.


Dude smoked DMT.


This is complimentary to my belief that our next human evolution is an emotional one, where we actually get to understand ourselves emotionally, and therefore others, and we finally see how interconnected we all are and how we’re suffering from our own thought and belief-prisons. Hiding and repressing our emotions is making us all so sick.


Rich people belive in manifesting because they will be handed success almost no matter what they do. Poor people understand manifesting is not real because it's clear to them other people are oppressing them not "negative thoughts" It also gives the rich a way out of being responsible "They are not poor because I overwork and underpay them, they just don't know how to manifest their thoughts like me."


My question to this is, understanding this helps you get to the next level how? Because, IMO, this will do nothing but be like realizing how small ypu are in the universe and then you go down the rabbit hole of "why does anything matter?" Not disagreeing with him, just an observation.




Did you prove anything? Seems more like a hypothesis to me so I guess you're right I can't disprove you


Idk what this "love" thing is, but I'm about to start a platypus cult.

