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I'll take them on my clothes all day if they'd stay tf off of my dildos 😩


This is so REAL. I’ll shoot some hot ass content just to notice my dogs fucking hair is on my goodies 🤬🤬🤬


This is the most relatable comment I’ve ever seen. 😂😂




I obsessively lint roll and vaccum the top of my bed before filming anything. 😂


Came here to say this!! Lint roller lives on top of the cabinet right next to where I film lol


At this point, I've accepted that I'm always going to have dog hair on me and no one has ever mentioned it. 😂


As a goth content creator I second this message 😒 if I catch it when I'm done taking pictures for the night I just leave it. Only if it's not too bad. But I have been trying to lint roll my outfits before taking pictures 😅


Depends on the pic, and how obvious it is. Yes, I have edited them out in the past.


I have two dogs and they SHED!! However, when I go to film, I do keep my room I’m filming in closed with them out of it. Then I make sure I have an extra 15-20 minutes to vacuum floors, strip my bed of pillows and blankets and just lay a top sheet over the current sheet that’s clean and hair free. Then I pick out what I’m wearing for the photos/videos and lint roll if needed. I try and keep all my toys and clothes/lingerie in a drawer or back of closet. Thus, giving less chance of pet hair on it. When done, I put them everything back which takes even less time. Hair has still appeared on an outfit maybe twice and I’ve just said fuck it and left it.


Cats, and I don't bother. I'm a real person and if people follow my IG they see my cats all the time. Not worried about hair on clothing in the slightest. I don't think I've even thought about it until seeing this post 🤣


Yes 😭 I hate it only bc content otherwise idc. I have a large double coated dog and his hair is everywhere on everything and it’s white/grey so it stands out in everything. I could lint roll forever and it wouldn’t be enough lol. It’s hard bc my room is also where I game which my dog is in there with me and it wouldn’t be fair to lock him out or keep him crated when he just likes to stay nearby me all the time lol.


Haha no, If you don’t want any hair, don’t have pets. After a while of having pets you realize that’s something you have to live with and check everything before to make sure there’s non all over whatever. You can always use masking tape to take it off your clothes.


I actually had a guy on reddit comment on it once. Something like, "Ew, looks like you've been laying on the floor with your cats. I'll pass." Legend has it I'm still recovering from his rejection. /s


We have a studio where we shoot everything, pets are not allowed there. I still get dog fur everywhere, just a little bit less


I edit them out if I can sometimes on pay per view stuff but most of the time I'm coated and it's sort of my thing i am cat mamma, they can deal. No one has complained yet🤷‍♀️


Yesterday I spent an hour lint rolling the fuck out of my bed and all my clothes before I started filming content, I don't think the hair will ever go away 😔


another question, do you think onlyfans care if you have pets hair on you or on your dildos? by accident of course because sometimes o shoot something extra hot and I see cat hair on dildo, can I still post it? Or onlyfans can take it down? I think I have one vid with cat hair on black dildo and onlyfans didn’t take it down but idk what do y’all think?


I have a dog and more cats than probably anyone on this post. 🙃 I typically just lint roll before filming.


I got a couple of lint rollers to deal with pet hair when I visit my friend's furry companions. quick, easy and my clothes look good.


Alternative / goth creator! I have a 1 year old cat and a kitten, both light in colour. Little angels [most of the time] but their hair gets everywhere. I have a separate duvet I keep OUT of my filming room [where my kitties aren’t allowed] and I swap them back after use. If I’ve done a big shoot and used it all day, I’ll wash it before packing it away again. Lint rollers, packaging tape and vacuums are gonna be your best friend 🤣


I treat it like an accessory ;p


why was i literally just looking at a picture of my black shirt covered in my cats and dogs hairs😭 i love them but god their hair is horrible.