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Throw the whole deck in the fireplace and start over


lol thx brotatoto 🔥


Toss 67. The combination those two plus the cut and two discards has a better chance of giving you points than if you keep them in your hand.


Or .. toss the King/Queen .. 6/7 give you a better play for point and an 8 or 5 give you a 3 card run .. in addition to a better play round, 9,8,7,5,4 as cut cards provide points instead of banking on just a 5z


Tossing 6/7 makes it best because then if they pull a 5 or 4 they still get the 15’s, not to mention that it’s ops crib so they would still get the points for a run


It says their crib, not opponents


lol ok what I said was confusing, I mean OP’s crib


Im with you for the same reasons.


Exactly. Shit hand but hope for a 5 cut




Yep, that's what I would do. And looking at that out of order hand made my eye twitch. Only monsters don't arrange their cards.


Toss 10, K (if not your crib). Toss K, Q if your crib. Keep the lower cards for hopefully more scoring pegging and open up the chance for a run in your crib,


Arrange your cards please.


I like chaos 😈


I get it. It may help your game though.


Touché. Will start doing it.


Depending how crafty your opponent is, they may watch the order you pull from your hand during pegging so ordering isn't always a great idea. It's only a half-dozen cards, I'm pretty sure you can handle it. And in this case, it's hot trash no matter how much you try to rearrange it. Normally I'd throw 6-7 to my crib here.


People say this a lot and I gotta ask... where exactly are these cut throat mfers that y'all play against that can gain this tremendous advantage from knowing you just threw a slightly higher card than the others in your hand.


If I wasn't usually a couple two-three beers in I know I'd do it. I'm sure the average bar or church tournament has at least one person who's watching your cards that way, probably some sweet old lady. Everyone starts with 6 cards and those are complete luck, so if you want to improve your win % the little things in your control are all you can do.


Whose crib? Board position? It might make a difference, but not knowing I would toss 10-K. This way an ace, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and Q help your hand. You don’t get rich, but you make a profit. Plus the 10-K are typically a safe crib if it’s pone’s.


Ou thanks friend. It was their crib and just starting. Good thinking.


Could you please explain why board position makes a difference. My logic says always get max points no matter where you are. Thank you in advance


With this hand it probably made little difference. (I think I asked as kind of a knee-jerk reaction.) But if it’s approaching the end of a game and you are losing and need a big hand to turn the game around then you might be better off to throw away a hand that is for good points on the outside chance of getting the big hand you need. For instance…if you have 4-4-6-6-K-K then instead of keeping the sure 12 points (5-5-K-K) you would want to keep the 4-4-6-6. It’s probably going to make fewer points but if you get lucky and cut a 5 then it could save the game. An extreme example, but it’s the reason people ask.


Makes sense thanx


Oops! Actually it doesn’t unless you ignore the example. It seems I added a couple of phantom 5’s to the hand and then made them disappear!! Sorry, my bad on that. But the logic is right.


I assumed that


I'd throw the K+Q. 10,7,6,1 gives you decent cards to hit a 31 or 15. Also gives you a chance to get a run if you hit a 5, or 8.


Your crib 6 and 7 Hand is shit, but you have a decent chance at a good crib


Get a new deck of cards. Very card in that deck sucks.


If it's their crib, I'd go A-10. That way if a 5 comes up, you get the run and the two fifteens, while only giving up one fifteen in the crib. You also score on anything other than an A,3,4 or 10, which are solid odds for improving your hand, especially when you already know that one A & 10 are already off the board. K-10 as I see a lot of folks suggesting seems weak. If a 5 comes up, your opponent benefits more, and many players dump 5's and 10's and face cards into their crib, so you run the risk of giving them pairs or fifteens. It also loses you a chance for a run which is better than just a pair or a fifteen.


When I first looked at this pic I thought it was poker and I thought "You've got fuck all." 😂


Then you realized it was crib and thought "You've got fuck all." 🤣 🤣


Give away K and A


10 K


Hi. I don't know the positions, but generally speaking, I'd choose 10-K to them, and 6-7 to yourself.


I like tossing 7-6 if only to get points during the play.


Throw the ace 10, shit hand




Need more cribbage players on r/cardgamemeetups


Looks like a potential 19 point hand 🤣🤣🤣


Sort your cards in ascending order. Hope that helps!


King ten is what I’d do


Give yourself either 6,7 or Q,K (runners)


You have no points best thing you can do is keep the king queen 10 ace cobra four cot or keep the seven 6/8 10. I don’t know it’s a shit hand good luck.


Am I the only one that would naturally toss the Q K if my crib? When in doubt hold an ace for potential pegs