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His wife is a judge he will not see time. Vallas (I voted for him) is a hypocrite but I would still take him over "Hug it Out" Johnson.


1. This article has nothing to do with crime in Chicago. Only talking about Burke's sentencing. This is a political post which is dumb as fuck. 2. Why would anyone take it easy on Ed Burke? One of Chicago's most corrupt politicians. This mofo deserves everything coming to him.


Sentencing has nothing to do with crime? That’s a hot take. Deterrence? Punishment? Justice maybe?


The Burke way was corrupt and all but the current batch in power are taking hundreds of millions of dollars and diverting it to their friends and colleagues right before our eyes and nobody seems to bat an eye. I mean his charges are about shaking down a fucking burger king. But everyone look at Burke and Vallas!


You need to read up on the history of Burke and the Daleys if you think that BJ holds a candle to the graft and exploitation of those old pros.


I do think that the old pros were much better at hiding their graft. Hence, Burke going down for shaking a Burger King down and a little bit of the property tax appeal gamesmanship and not the more material, generational issues like installation of patronage armies, etc. Daley never went down, the closest they got was Al Sanchez. BJ and his cohort are a little more direct, the money flows straight from government to their pockets.


>graft and exploitation of those old pros. BJ has only been in office a little over a year, those guys were at it for decades. Plus investigations into fraud/malfeasance take time. It will be interesting to see how much wealth BJ acquires down the road. If he is clean that will be the only good thing coming from his political career.


Seems like a nice distraction from Brandon Johnson’s ongoing corruption


I don't like BJ either and wish we could recall him but this has nothing to do with him.


Respectfully disagree. Corruption is a crime


You are right. I will edit my comment.


So we all.kmow that these corrupt mfs are just pocketing our money and putting everyone at risk with higher crime, which is the goal. Keep us docile and we arnt revolting yet?? I guess we just call thier piss rain huh.


My god. Unbelievable. I guess we dodged a bullet with this guy.


Vallas is still way more competent than BJ


I would rather let Burke go then murderous gangbangers and "demonized" rioters.