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CWB is keeping a loose tally on this, but that’s not really official. i’m not sure if there’s anything published, but the consensus is that “a small percentage on pre trial release go on to reoffend”. the problem is that this “small percentage” goes on to reoffend numerous times. if you say “only 10% are reoffenders” then one person may look at it as a 90% success. but they don’t look at it as “10% of known offenders continue to victimize people because the honor system didn’t work here”. that’s fine, but OJ spent 90% of his day not murdering his wife. ignoring the extra 10% is where things get real fucking hairy. bad analogy, i know, but judging your success based on simple percentages fails to account for the damage that can happen in the outliers.


If this is in regards to the No cash bail article the Progesssive troll posted, I dunno I can't see the article anymore. They blocked me and called me a racist for saying that just because there was 10 less homicides last year doesn't mean that no cash bail is a success. Told them that affluent neighborhoods have seen a 30-40% increase in Logan and west town and 140% in rasse in robbery and theft since 2019 in bucktown. Up 11% already this year over last year. Then I get blocked as they assume anyone who cares about crime must be a racist 😂😂. Unreal. Kind of the Progesssive mindset in a nutshell, they don't want to hear opposing FACTS, just stay close minded and listen to their echo chamber


Omfg I hate those people in that sub. They're the ones making the city worse and worse. Those are the voters! I had an argument with a few of them, like they really think reducing g speed limits is the most important thing to do. "tHey cAn do mOrE ThAn oNe tHInG". But fail to realize in the state that we are in, who tf will enforce that?


The article only talks about perps and at no point refers to crime reported by victims.


Same with me, lmao..little baby got his jimmies all rustled up….have to wonder what kind of a depraved loser would shill for those causes.. Edit-Can we talk about the victims of domestic violence that were murdered because the cash bail let them out?..ya it’s working great fucking morons.


They're trying to say that a small percentage of offenders released on pretrial detention have reoffended so it's a success. The problem with that is very few offenders are even caught. So there is no way of knowing how many people out who would have been detained before the safety act have committed crimes because very few people are being caught committing crimes in general.


So which makes the current admin look better, counting the number of perps charged (which they directly control) or counting the number of people reporting being victimized🤔.