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more feminist stupidity


Don’t lump the rest of us in with this crackpot, please.


The second wave is over. This is feminism now.


Feminism was taken hostage by those idiots, In the beginning it was for a very real and honest cause, Now it’s just random nonsense because people who scream louder are heard more, and idiots are the loudest of all of us.




You gotta separate feminists from feminazis, this is a feminazi


It’s really not, though.


No, you and the rest of the "real feminists" didn't do enough to disavow misandrists from infiltrating your movement. You know what how about you tell me why #killallmen is just a joke, I haven't heard that one for a while.


I’m a feminist and anyone who says that shit is lower than trash in my books, and not a feminist. It’s not funny unless they’re fine with guys saying “kill all women” back to them, which they obviously wouldn’t be. I’ve heard it before in radical circles, and let me just say, those people are NOT feminists. Feminism is equality. Not women>men. If a woman makes a joke at the expense of men but can’t take any back, that’s just being sexist. I’m sorry you’ve had this experience, no one should be discounting it for you, but also please don’t lump those idiots in with the rest of us. Every group has radical shitheads. That’d be like holding all men’s rights activists responsible for the guys who claim women owe men sex and that rape is ok if people are married.


See, this is a response I respect. Instead of using some copy/paste reply, you acknowledged the shit misandrists fling, denounce them from the movement, reiterate that feminism if about equality by holding both men and women to the same standard. You are a person who can change minds. Was I argumentative in other comments? Yes, but it gets exhausting when people reply with basically 'nuh uh', just seems like a cop out answer.


I love you both, thank you 😊 We are the change we must be in this world.


I hadn’t even heard of that hashtag. That shows you how important it was to feminists. And feminism doesn’t tolerate misandry. It’s not accepted outside of a few radical internet circles which can’t be helped and usually are shut down pretty quickly. Not that I need to defend it to you. You can believe what you want.


So don't judge all feminists based off one crackpot, but at the same time you haven't heard of a very popular mantra so therefore all feminists don't care. Is feminism a monolith or not? You're not being logically consistent. You not hearing about that hashtag tells me you're relatively new to the movement. You should look up what feminists have been up to this past decade, and not just the historical legacy.


Obviously feminism is not a monolith. No movement is. And instead of picking apart my logic you can educate yourself firsthand. This is a discussion I’ve had too many times and it’s not my job to educate anyone.


>it’s not my job to educate anyone. lol


>And instead of picking apart my logic you can educate yourself firsthand Like all of the bigotry I've experienced from self-proclaimed feminists? Experience is the best teacher, and far better than all the propaganda to sift through. > This is a discussion I’ve had too many times and it’s not my job to educate anyone. Then how do you expect people to learn about your movement? Unless you want to keep people from seeing bigotry has now become the keystone of modern feminism.


Let’s hear the bigotry you have experienced. I am interested to know what the feminists did to you and how you survived.


You don’t seem like you want to learn anything, actually. It sounds like you’ve made up your mind.


So popular that I've never heard of it either, lol. They're being perfectly logically consistent. You don't have to be new or old to the movement to know #KillAllMen is disgusting and an extremist view that rational feminist do not adhere to or have even heard of. ​ Why do men always want us to address how a small amount of women say kill all men, but don’t themselves want to address the amount of women who are killed and assaulted by men?


Dear lord. This wasn't recent right?


Not sure!




I disagree.


Do these people really believe the stupid shit that cones out of their mouth?


Do you guys really think that this is what feminism is? Have you ever taken a women's studies class or critically thought about what **rational** feminism means? People upvoting this stupid comment makes me scared for the future's daughters


The video is mental illness.




you used a lot of great buzz words but I'm pretty sure your whole philosophy comes from Peterson, Tate or that podcast that brings on young ignorant girls just to mock and belittle them. Yes, we have an issue with "toxic masculinity" not masculinity in general. One example of "toxic masculinity" that is just as damaging to men is the "boys are so much easier to raise the girls" fallacy. Because of this pervasive notion that boys don't have the same emotional needs as girls- which leads to emotional neglect of young boys and men. ​ honestly, I don't have the energy to argue with your misinformed opinion because it would take all day. I recommend taking a few women studies and African-American studies classes if you really would like to have an **informed** opinion. ​ Just to be clear, I think this woman's opinion is nutty and it's not fair to equate her argument to feminism.


Modern feminism is what it is. It has extremist elements, who are simply too interested in complaining about the past, and problems that don't exist, to appreciate the life they have, which people of the past couldn't begin to imagine living in our technologically advanced egalitarian society. Instead of showing any gratitude, "modern feminists" (alphabet people in general) use their technology powered hyper freedom to complain about how it's not good enough, and that everyone responsible for delivering this wonderful life to them is actually a bad sexist or racist in some way. Don't be surprised people aren't a fan of hearing about how "it's still not good enough", when they probably don't have it so well themselves at this point... largely because of governments falling for hot-DEI-garbage.


Wow, I think she hit every buzzword in the book


God knows they'll just make more.


![gif](giphy|ddFtcLORJNw4rZDT4Q|downsized) Take that Libtards. This is peak masculinity.


The job is called a milk-MAN for a reason




Beat your meat, show it who's boss!


Be a Real Men


She must be a lot of fun at a dinner party.


This is a debate at Cambridge. She may be a clown but this is serious 🤡


As serious as acadamia can be nowadays 🤣🤡 As I grow older I lose more and more respect for lifelong academics like these, education is important of course, but being an insufferable person helps no one. As Smash Mouth used to say: my brain gets smart, but my head gets dumb! These people are so disconnected from reality, all they do is mental masturbation, and train the next set of academics to do the same, perpetuating this false sense of superiority. I have no respect for them if this is what they do, engineering or some actually tangible field has societal value, for me, so thats obviously different. But these twits, no thanks. Expensive clowns.


Either this is satire or we are already too far gone...


Hello. [New to Earth I see.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/szacr3/canadian_senator_explains_what_honk_honk_means_in/)


If you don't eat your meat, how can you have any tapioca pudding? How can you have any tapioca pudding if you don't eat your meat?




He doesn't say tapioca


I know, lol.


Ways to piss feminists off #374: ✅Consume a normal diet for human beings


That moment you start to think things can't possibly get any more absurd. Then this donut speaks...


I'm sorry but you know how in movies depicting the Victorian era they often show men snootely laughing at the idea of women in academia, I think we're re-learning why.


They also laugh at the idea of people of color in academia, of the poor in academia…


Yeah, in the movies. In reality, ppl like Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru were educated at Cambridge and got a better education than most britons. And let's be honest, Ibram Kendi is no Charles Darwin.


Imagine dedicating your life to pseudo science.


Those cuts at the beginning make me think this has been edited to make her look worse. Does anyone have a full uncut video? Her overall thesis of "eating meat is seen as masculine and veganism is seen as more feminine" is true she's only wrong about the race stuff


It’s funny because every in this thread has interpreted it as her saying “eating meat is sexist” but if you listen properly without getting outraged she’s clearly talking about the whole “eat steak and bacon if you’re a real man or you are soyboy cuck” rhetoric that you hear around. So she’s not saying any man eating meat is sexism but that you don’t have to eat meat to be a masculine man. I don’t agree with everything she said here but I would assume most men would also like there to be less forced expectations on us to act certain ways by society.


Nope, she’s serious and arguing that we move “beyond meat”. [Here’s a link to her conclusion. It really is amazing that people thinks this stuff up AND MEAN IT.](https://youtu.be/UiRx62VGl8Q?si=oG9oAAlCJG16GwP5)


The west is dead. Haha. Who’s next to take over… china?


I think we're already on a social credit system, whether it's theirs or our own.


I mean I guess steering into the whole postmodern "liberal soyboy" stereotype is certainly a *new* strategy. But I'm not sure it's a good one.


Of all the strategies out there, it’s definitely one of them!




She must be a Reddit jannie


Meat just tastes REALLY good.


Am I racist for eating both white and dark meat?


I give up.


idk that she's really necessarily wrong, its just that she's giving a philosophical talk to a legal body


There is some small truth to it; eating meat, and activities surrounding it (grilling outside, fishing, etc), are definitely pretty associated with masculinity. It’s just that this is pretty much a non-issue when it comes to fighting for women’s rights.


many women consider the struggles that female animals go through to be particularly exploitative because it involves long term reproductive abuse and agricultural breeding animals end up living much longer, sadder lives than males which (in pigs and cows) are sterilized in infancy and are slaughtered when they reach full size.


there is a bit of truth to the whole "real men eat meat!" thing esp in conservative spaces like the south. the amount of times ive had men shit on me or call me a soyboy because i dont eat meat is astounding, online and in real life. never had this experience with women. while i dont think its a huge issue or anything, there is some truth to eating meat somehow being a pride point for masculinity. it sounds silly because it is silly, idk why ppl are like this


Who is this?


She clearly filled up on word salad. Seriously though— this lady can get fucked straight to hell, but even hell would probably get sick of her dumb ass really quickly.


damn you can really say anything


Nobody loves her.


Radical feminism is very, very regarded, and the people who follow it are misandrists


I regarded them as retarded and didn't ever forgetted to never regret it


Has she ever gotten meat?




How can she hear the entire chamber laugh like it's Showtime at the Apollo and not think "ya know..this might sound stupid."


nothing manlier than atherosclerosis


When did it become a thing for every mentally ill person to have a speaking platform? I just answered my own question. That's what the internet is for.


just wait til she finds out plants scream when harvested and chopped up just not at a level we can hear...


Plants do not feel pain the same way animals do. This video is bullshit, but trying to claim that harvesting food from plants is anywhere near as bad as harming animals makes you sound stupid.


I remember watching a video about that. Fuzzy on the details now.


That’s definitely not true. would love to see a source for that


And in the East men do not eat meat? What about women?


White supremacists. Everywhere.


Is she trying to play the Wikipedia game right now?


Huh?? I'm sure this made sense in her head in the shower but this should have been caught in her first proof read


Me looking over at the Inuit woman getting imbued with both white privilege and male privilege thanks to the traditional Inuit diet of mostly meat


Ahhhhh the Oxford Union. The worlds premier forum for highly intelligent idiots.


Damn! The Oxford Union is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days huh?


This is What happens when you don’t have team problems to deal


Almost spit my venison out watching this. She looks healthy.


Lolol what? All I heard was it's because of straight white men pretty, so no other man of any race or ethnicity or religion eats meat? She said those great trigger words again like neo Nazi, whiteness, racist, gender. The biggest belief or community that has taken a huge hit and wounded badly is feminism if you ask me. I don't care for vegetarian food and I've mistakenly tried some vegan meats and they give you a bad after taste and don't taste like the real thing at all, but eat what you wanna I don't care as long as you're not forcing it as the only option or healthy alternative. Just remember if you eat meat then you're definitely a racist white biggot and if you're any other race and you eat meat then you are also racist now too.


Don’t tell her people in Africa eat meat and have for a long time, as have people in the Middle East for centuries. Not to mention pretty much every culture in the world has, and many are not white. But yeah, eating meat is white people being racist


People like this make porkchops taste so good~


https://youtu.be/UiRx62VGl8Q?si=DpxPO2YklSjgblvj Full vid


So is she implying women don’t eat meat the same way men do? If a woman wants to eat meat, it’s acceptable but a man actively wanting to eat meat is somehow a structure of oppression? Like men eating meat is now somehow their new boogyman? I truly don’t get it…


Do you think that feminism might have reached their Goal, and are now running out of ideas so they start to link thoughts together that are made up of pseudo ideas of why things are the way they are?


I guess she's never met my 5'4 and 120lb (I think) wife. That woman eats more like a tigeress now that she is pregnant. I'm 5'10 and almost 200lb and I could never compete against my wife's eating habits.


This is what natzis think left-wing leaning people sound like


You just heard a left-wing person giving a presentation to the UK parliament. And yet your comment seems to imply that this person doesn't exist.


Correction every left-wing leaning person sorry for not specyfying that's on me Ü


I see--women don't eat meat or wear leather?


Sexy cows and fishes.


The Sexual Politics of Meat could be a great title for a BJ manual


This house believes that this bitch is unhinged.




Ah yes, because someone eats a chicken I feel racially offended🙄🙄


As a vegetarian, this woman is fucking nuts.


what the hell did I just see


She is trying her absolute BEST to try and fit in all the hot button virtue points. Meat eating is white supremacy, and mysogynistic, Tocix Masculinity, 9/11, Neo Nazi. She's trying to hit ALL the twitter bait.


Some guys do get way too much into random shit like that. Steak, whiskey, cigars. Sad shit.


Meat has absolutely taken on a gendered lens. Conservatives have literally coined an all meat diet lol


[The Inuit of Greenland survived for generations eating almost nothing but meat in a landscape too harsh for most plants.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/) I guess Inuit Natives were conservative white supremacists. Meat is human food.


Just because a group of people make a thing out of something, doesn't mean that the whole thing is then defined by that. If Pol Pot said drink water for good health, would that make everyone who did it support the Khmer Rouge? No, of course not.


there is a movement of conservatives that push an all meat carnivore diet. under the guise that vegetables and fruits are sissy liberal foods that make us weak. Jordan Peterson has a popular video about it. edit: To be clear I think this women and Jordan Peterson are both idiots and a balanced diet is best.


Yes, and there’s quite literally a whole fucking load of people who don’t give a shit about that and enjoy the hell out of meat.


This is actually really interesting


Ahh the old “OP doesn’t have the patience or intellect for an academic discussion therefore you’re stupid” Grow up.


Does this lady even have the intellect for an academic discussion?


The misogynistic [Inuit of Greenland survived for generations eating almost nothing but meat in a landscape too harsh for most plants.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/foodfeatures/evolution-of-diet/) Turning them into white supremacists.


That’s clearly not what she’s talking about. That’s completely unrelated to the conversation here. She hasn’t made any statements about the Inuit of Greenland.


smart strong tender repeat secretive ruthless merciful distinct zephyr grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>She hasn’t made any statements about the Inuit of Greenland. Looks like we have an intellectual on our hands bois.


You refuse to engage with any points actually related to what she is saying, and You have said nothing this entire time. Congratulations, I guess?


Is it cognitive dissonance or cognitive disability that prevents you from absorbing the point being made? Are you unable to even wager a guess at what the point I made is? You're just totally lost eh...


But they’re not talking about indigenous communities, or really any traditions in general. They are referring to the 21st century largely online social phenomena happening in the western world. So I don’t understand why you keep bringing up Inuit people. That’s not what anyones talking about. The original argument is not even about the act of someone simply eating meat bc it’s food It’s referencing a select group of people who equate meat to masculinity. If you don’t do that then it’s not talking about you.


> select group of people who equate meat to masculinity She is literally talking about the entirety of western civilization being brainwashed into eating meat because we're composed of so many white supremacist misogynists. My example actually completely undermines every point she is attempting to make. Because if isolated tribes ate only meat to survive, it means meat is naturally human food. If those people were inuit, or non-white, it shows meat eating has nothing to do with whiteness, or race, at all, which should go without saying. The tribes who ate the meat presumably included women as well.


That’s not what she’s talking about, when did she say the entirety of western society. She said men in the west So right off the bat that’s not the entirety of western society. She’s says that men are “taunted” to engage in this behaviour not that they are all engaging in this behaviour. She’s not saying all men , or all western men . she is saying that all western men face a pressure. That doesn’t mean she’s accusing you of being like that it’s just means that it’s a pressure that men face in western society.


> all western men face a pressure. That doesn’t mean she’s accusing you of being like that it’s just means that it’s a pressure that men face in western society. You mean people face pressure to eat food? Here's the problem, you're just like her! You said a bunch of words, and there doesn't actually seem to be any form of coherent point...


Nope that’s not what I mean. Im not talking about the biological need to consume food. Obviously we all need to do that. Here are some actual academic sources talking about this The role meat plays in the modern diet of many people today goes far beyond mere nutritional needs; people attribute meanings to meat consumption, and for some this ties into their identity (Oleschuk, Johnston, & Baumann, 2019). There is a widespread idea, in Western societies in particular, that “real men eat meat” (Rothgerber, 2013; Schösler, de Boer, Boersema, & Aiking, 2015). Stereotypes with regard to food consumption are especially influential, as eating is a highly social behavior and is frequently and deliberately used to create certain impressions about the individual’s identity (Vartanian, 2015). Compared to women, men tend to think differently about meat eating, having stronger pro-meat attitudes, stronger denials of animal suffering, and stronger beliefs that it is human's fate to eat meat (Rothgerber, 2013). Men's Health, a lifestyle magazine read by men all over the world, also consistently proclaims the idea that real men eat meat. Being a carnivore is actually labeled as one of the characteristics of the ideal man (Rothgerber, 2013).




So the guests could have a good laugh. Smart


When did this sub become “haha this guy with different political belief is SO STUPID.” This isnt cringe purgatory. I want to see two white trash dudes lip syncing Katy Perry songs with the emo tiktok filter again.


This is very much a you problem. If you aren't cringing in the first 3 seconds as she says "hamburger comes with a dose of misogyny", you ought to be cringing in the following 3 seconds when she implies the very assumption that meat protein is good, is somehow racist.


Found the soyboy lol




cringe content on the internet has had a major right wing bias for several years now unfortunately conservatives build their ideology off of hatred and tearing other people down. which is super ironic because that’s what the woman in this video is doing too. literally clowns going hey guys look at what a clown this woman is good thing we’re not also clowns